《Die For You ( VegasPete )》four


I can't believe what I'm seeing right now, It's like I'm squinting at what I see now.

My knees felt weak and trembling, my feelings are mixed up right now, I'm ashamed and disgusted and it's like all the images of what happened last night are coming back to the time I saw Venice's smiling face and the usual blank face of that man, Vegas.

Later on I felt my weak knees lost it balance, I'm about to fall but then the four of them immediately approach me.

My heart felt tighten and my eyes started to be dizzy and the last thing I know before I close my eyes, Venice and that Vegas immediately ran towards me to catch me.


I slowly open my eyes, and the strong bright light met me.

I roamed my eyes around to see where I am right now. The moment I realized where I am I get up and lean my back against the headboard.

"You're awake, oi Pete you made us panic!" The voice of Khun No echoes around the room.

"Phi don't shout, Pete might get another headache" a soft voice came out beside me, I turned to look at him, it's Venice.

"I just hope you finally lost your voice one day" another voice came from the sofa, Porsche stand up and approach me.

Khun No turned to look at him grinning. I roamed my eyes to see if someone is here, thankfully that Vegas isn't here so I can feel relief.

"Are you feeling better now? What happened, you made me worry, us" Venice said then held my hand caressing it.

"I'm fine, I don't know why it happened..." I said looking at his hands.

"The doctor said, your stomach is empty... oi did you starve yourself huh?! A lot of food there, Pete you're allowed to eat!" Khun No said hysterically.

I don't know if he's concern or he is just ordering me right now.

"Can you shut your mouth for a minute, Khun?" Porsche asked annoyingly.

I turned my eyes to Venice's worried face.

"Do you want anything?" Venice softly asked still caressing my hands.

"Khun No, Porsche, can I talk to Khun Venice for a while... I have something to discuss with him" I asked the both of them, Porsche and Khun No looks at each other.

"Hmm you can just say you want to talk to your boyfriend! You brat do you think I'm that stupid not to know your relationship with—" while Khun No is still talking, Porsche quickly dragged him out of the room.

"Oi Porsche you brat get off!" Khun No whined.

"You two talk, let me handle this crazy" Porsche said before leaving the room with Khun No.

I don't have energy to argue and deny it to Khun No. I am still worried about the fact that I might slept with the wrong Venice.

"What do you want to talk about, love?" Venice's soft voice ask me.

"Why didn't you tell me you have a twin brother?" I asked directly.

Venice gulped down his saliva and then looked at our hands.

"Vegas begged us not to talk about him with other people."

"Am I just 'other' to you?" My heart felt tighten.

"No, Pete it's not like that... I didn't tell you about him because it will cost a lot of story to you to be able to understand." Venice said in normal tone but convincing.

"You know I can listen to you" I look away and withdrew my hand on him.


"Beside, Vegas is nothing to do with us..." Venice said trying to hold my hand again.

"Yes he has, what if I mistaken him as you, what if I just got to call him love, kiss him without knowing he isn't you!" I said firmly as my eyes begin to feel burning.

Cause it already happened! I thought you were him and did the thing that I shouldn't do!

"Please Pete, listen ok? I'll tell you everything now... Just listen" Venice pulled me a hug to calm me down.

I nodded and took a deep breath just to prevent tearing up.

"Vegas is my twin brother, five years ago... when we're just both a college student of business management, there's this unexpected incident happened that will ruin our family" — Venice started to explain while trying to remember everything — "That became a reason for Vegas to grow angry with Pa, Vegas blame Pa for it to happen... But he doesn't want to ruin our entire family including the main family that's why he decided to leave us" Venice added with the pain in his voice.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I can't really tell you Pete, I love you and I am always been so honest and loyal with you... it's just I can't disappoint my brother, I already promised him not to tell the whole story unless he will do it by himself to prevent misunderstanding" Venice looks at my eyes with a tear flows through his cheeks.

I pulled him into hug and caress his back. He buried his face in my shoulder and sobbed.

Venice pulled back and wiped his tears.

"I didn't got to see him for five straight years Pete, I really miss him, Macau has always been asking me where he is but I can't give him an answer because I, myself didn't know where or how my brother is..." Venice's eyes turns red because of crying.

"When did he came back?" I asked to make sure if he's really the one who I slept with.

"Yesterday, he came back yesterday when the time I left because Macau called me an urgent matter. But I got to see him just earlier when I came back here to see you, I'm sorry I didn't stay here yesterday" Venice's explanation just broke me into a guilt.

Now I clearly knew that the man I slept with last night wasn't Venice at all, it's Vegas, Venice's twin brother.

I want to go attack Vegas and curse him for taking advantage of me, but remembering last night. It was me who approach him, I was the one make a move.

"I'm not who you think I am" The voice of Vegas echoes in my head, the way he tried to tell me he isn't Venice but my stupid ass didn't listen.

This is all my fault, If I just didn't came back late maybe I can meet Vegas in a proper way. Maybe that thing will never happen if I just let him leave the room last night.

I am the cause the mess, I'm the one who gave myself a problem and I need to face the consequences I made.


Kinn is casually walking around their mansion looking for his boyfriend who left him in the bed earlier.

While walking around, he saw his long lost cousin who is finally here sitting at the dining table.

"Vegas" Kinn called him and then sat beside Vegas.

"Hmm?" Vegas replied with his usual lazy tone and raise an eyebrow.

"I thought you're going to leave eventually? But you're still here" Kinn commented and attempting to grabbed a cookie from Vegas' plate.


Vegas slapped Kinn's hand and look at him glaring.

"Why? Are you that excited to sho me away?" Vegas scuff bitterly.

"First of all ouch, that's hurt, but hey what the hell you talking about? I'm not shooing you away, but you told us yesterday that you're going to left in the morning" Kinn said leaning his back against the chair.

"Later, you see I'm eating my breakfast..." Vegas replied, but that isn't the true reason he is still here.

Since what happened last night, his plan for today seems to mess up. He wants to see again that guy he slept with last night, he wants to see the bright smile of him with his dimple.

"Aw, Kinn may I ask something?" Vegas caught Kinn's attention.

"You're already asking" Kinn sarcastically said that's why Vegas didn't hesitate to slap his hand again.

"Alaiwa! You're so violent!" Kinn whined while caressing his redish back palm where Vegas slapped.

"Be serious, I'm asking once in a blue moon" Vegas said pointing him a cookie and Kinn immediately grab a bite of it.

"Oi! Slapped me again and I will not going to answer your question" Kinn immediately said when he notice that Vegas was about to slap him again.

"Whatever, here what I want to ask... who's that bodyguard with a pale skin, narrow eyes then a long nose with a cute smile" Vegas explain remembering that man's face.

"Huh? Who you talking about? We have a lot of bodyguard here. Vegas and I don't memorize their physical appearance, except with my boyfriend Porsche" Kinn gave Vegas a smirk when he mentioned Porsche.

"Aw that man, he has violent behavior... wait he's your bodyguard?" Vegas frowned upon realizing it.

"He used to, long story... but wait is he the one who you looking for?" Kinn widened his eyes "What do you want with him?" Kinn narrow his eyes and stand up fiercely.

"Bastard, is your boyfriend have a narrow eyes, pale skin and most especially a cute smile? For God sake! He looks like a action star who always ready to fight anyone... manly than you" Vegas grin and shook his head.

"Are you insulting my boyfriend again?" Kinn narrow his eyes again and clenched his jaw.

"Can you calm your ass down? I'm not messing with your man, I don't care 'bout him..." Vegas rolled his eyes sipping his coffee.

"So who are you looking for" Kinn calm down and sat beside Vegas again.

"I already told you, the cute guy with a pale skin, narrow eyes and... he has a sexy waist" a rose smile formed in Vegas' edge of his lips.

"Are you looking for a man or a cute kitten? Bro be specific!" Kinn annoyingly whined.

"Ey I don't know his name that's why I'm asking you bastard! The one who has dimple in both of his cheeks!" Vegas yelled.

"Oh? Aw I think you're talking about Pete. Pete Pongsakorn Saengtam, he is Tankhun's head bodyguard" Kinn finally got to point the person who Vegas is asking.

"Pete? A cute name" Vegas whisper to himself while smiling.

"He is also your twin's boyfriend, although the two didn't announced yet, but still we knew it... too obvious" Kinn shrugged and sigh.

Vegas' smile fades away, he remembers how Pete called him in his brother's name. And for sure, Pete didn't see him as him but the man who Pete loves, it's Venice.

Pete just did it with him just because Pete thought that he was Venice, and Vegas hates it. He hated the fact that Pete didn't see him as Vegas.

He just hope he can go back to the time where he can stop what they did last night. Vegas hope he stopped himself from doing that to Pete, he hope he didn't let them both commit sin against Venice.

It was all my fault, I let it happen. Vegas thought himself.


When Venice fell asleep beside me, I think about what I should I do. I don't know how will I fix what I mess.

I have no guts to face with Vegas, what I did last night was shameful. What will he think of me? A drag guy who will have sex with anyone.

I also felt sorry for Venice because he didn't know anything about what I did, about my sin against him. Guilt is eating me up right now, I can't believe I did it to Venice.

This man didn't do anything but to make he feel happy and love me with all his heart, but here I am betraying him.

From now on I don't deserve Venice anymore, I don't want to live lying to him.

I took a deep breath before pressing my lips against his forehead. I stare at his innocent sleeping face, I caress it with my palm before leaving him.

I walk outside to find Vegas, I don't care what will happen or what will I feel the time I'll see his face. I need to talk to him and end up this, drawing a line from what happened.

I roam around the mansion not seeing anyone, Arm and Pol are probably with Khun No again, while Porsche is surely assisting Khun Kinn in their office, while Khun Kim is probably there waiting for Chay's dismissal in his uni.

I walk and walk until I reached the kitchen, there I saw a familiar man sitting at the dining table thinking deeply.

I inhale and exhale before taking my steps towards him.

When I reached his direction, Vegas might felt my presence so he tilt his head a bit to look at directly to my eyes.

His eyes widened and quickly stand up and even makes the chair fell off because of how he panic.

I stare at him observing every detail in him, now I know he isn't Venice. I can clearly see the difference between him and my boyfriend.

He is a few inch taller than Venice, unlike Venice's long hair that always in half ponytail, Vegas has a clean slick back haircut, regarding the details in his face, he has a siren eyes that makes him have that fierce aura, while Venice has his soft doe eyes that everyone loves to stare.

Vegas has also an ear piercing unlike Venice.

"Are you done memorizing every detail on me?" Vegas asked me with his blank face.

"Khun Vegas..." I called him with my low voice.

"I don't want to come up with a long story, I know you know that we're aware what happened last night...and I'm sorry about that, I really don't know that you aren't Venice. I'm sorry—" I bit my lower lip to stop myself from crying.

I remain my head bowed.

"What do you want me to do?" Vegas asked underneath his breath.

"Can you please not tell anyone what happened? I'm not asking for your forgiveness but I'm begging you to keep this a secret between us... can we just please forget about it let's just bury it in oblivion" I kneel down begging him.

Vegas immediately grabbed my arms to let me stand up.

"Stop doing that, you don't need to beg... I'm not going to go and brag anyone on what happened, especially I committed a sin to my brother" Vegas said taking a deep breath. "But you can't expect me to just forget about what happen, I can't bury the memory of that night, Pete" Vegas came closer to me to whisper.

I gulped down my saliva in confusion, I can't understand him.

"Stop worrying yourself, let's just pretend it didn't happen...but I'll never forget about it" Vegas said caressing my cheeks before walking away.

When he already left, I felt my knees lost it balance because of weakness so I sat down on the chair letting out a sigh of relief.


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