《The Mafia Don I dug from the grave!》Deliana


I sat on the floor and hugged my knees. All the exits are sealed, He will not be able to get me out of here without Salvy finding out. I met him and I did not immediately have a panic attack. I will be fine.

I heard Matteo talking to someone and I put my ear on the door to eavesdrop. I need to make sure it's Salvy before making any noise.

A guy was speaking in Italian fluently, I might not be able to understand what he was saying but it was obvious in his tone that he was upset. It's not Salvy, thank God I did not shout.

"Can you speak in English? I don't understand half of what you said." Matteo stated, sounding irritated.

"I told you that today is not the right time to get that slut but you did not listen! Salvatorre just declared a war and all our allies will surely back down. What so good about that b!tch anyway?" I flinched on the guy's tone.

"I also told you that I only want her and that she can't be owned by anyone but me." My stomach churned and I swallowed a lump on my throat. No one owns me, I scream in my head.

"We can't bring her and that's final. She might have a tracker on her and we need to be ready before facing his Mafia. My men are already clearing an exit for us."

"I'll just bring her naked The tracker might just be on her dress."

"Stupido! It might be implanted on her. I don't mind skinning her alive but it will take too much time." My skin crawled, skin me alive?

I jumped when I heard a loud crash. "Fcking fine. Let me talk to her before leaving." Matteo said.

I crawled away from the door, I sat near the sink and clenched my fist. I'll be okay, they will not bring me. I can escape after they leave the room.

Matteo opened the door, his face red from anger. My heartbeat increased and my hands started to shake. "P-please don't" I plead.

"Don't what?" he smiled at me and caressed my face.

"D-dont hurt me. P-please, I will not s-say anything to Salvy." I lowered my head and stared at my knees, I refused to blink. I don't want to let my tears fall.


He grabbed my hair and harshly pulled it. "Stop saying his fcking name." he shouted and slapped me again, I felt dizzy and tasted more blood in my mouth. He lifted me by the hair and my tears started to fall.

"Fiorellino you deserve to be in pain." he laughs and tears the right strap of my gown. "You stuttering slut." he smirked and bit down on my shoulder.

"Ahhhh! please stop it h-hurts. P-please. I-it hurts so b-bad" I screamed and pushed him away but it only made him bite me harder, I can feel his teeth sinking down on me.

He let me go and my body slumped against the tiled floor. He spat the blood in my face and smiled widely at me, his entire mouth is red from my blood. "You tasted so fcking good. See you soon fiorellino." He kissed my forehead and left me. I tried to shout but my entire body is giving up on me.

"Salvy h-help me." I closed my eyes and let the pain consume me.

I tried to open the door but it was locked. I kicked it a few times and it finally opened. Where is she? I check the tracking device, she's supposed to be here.

I went to the bathroom and my heart dropped on what I saw. Lily is lifeless and lying on the floor, her face and right shoulder are covered in blood. I ran to her side and checked her pulse. Her breathing is stable. I lift her and quickly run to the waiting car. I gently laid her down on the back seat before sitting and putting her head on my thigh.

"Is she o-okay?" Enzo breathlessly asked on the front seat.

"I'm not sure." I said in a low voice.

"I'm sorry Salvy. I tried to protect her but there's too many of them. I'll take any punishment you'll give me." he lowered his head.

I sighed, I know he tried his best. He even waited for us even when he was terribly losing blood. "No need. I think getting shot thrice is enough, don't you think?"

He chuckled. "Fck! Laughing and talking hurts." he cursed and tightly held the cloth on his torso.


"Then shut up." I rolled my eyes. "Where are the rest?" I asked Anthon.

"Your Padre is talking to the guests and your Madre, Andrei, Andrea and William are already back in the house. Andrei is currently restraining the two in leaving the house." Anthon answered, his eyes not leaving the road.

"Enzo asked Leo to train Andrei, Andrea and William starting tomorrow. You can supervise them if your gunshot wounds are not too deep. They almost got killed earlier for trying to help us." I commanded and Enzo nodded.

The car stopped in front of the house, Anthon helped Enzo to walk inside the house. I carefully carried Lily and saw William and Andrea waiting for us.

"You can join us inside the room but if you interrupt the doctor or make any sound. You have to get out. Understood?" I sternly stated, They both nod their heads and follow us in our room.

I laid her down on the hospital bed beside our bed. The doctor immediately cleaned her face and shoulder. I clenched my fist when I saw the bruise on her face and the bite wound on shoulder. The motherfcking asshole bit her. I will kill him with my own hands, I fcking have a vague idea that he is the reason for her nightmares. If he can do this much damage for less than half an hour, that means he had done worse when they were dating.

"Don?" The doctor called out, interrupting my thoughts. I looked at him and nodded.

"The wound on her shoulder is quite deep for a human bite but it doesn't need stitches. Her face might be swollen for a few days. I wrote a prescription for her and specific instructions on how to clean her wound to avoid infection." The doctor handed two notes to me.

I nod my head and turn to Andrea. "Call three female maids, clean her up and put her in a comfortable dress. Text me as soon as you finish." I instructed.

"William, You want to check on Enzo?" I asked. He eagerly nodded and we left the room.

As much as I want to stay, I know Lily will not be comfortable if I stay while she is getting dressed and finds out about it.

We went to Enzo's room, a doctor is stitching up a wound on his thigh. William sat on the chair near his bed.

"Still alive?" I said after the doctor finished stitching him up..

"Yup. Just a few stitches here and there but I'll be fine. How about Lily?" He asked, his tone covered with shame.

"She is fine. The bite was not that deep, Andrea and some maids are dressing her up in our room." I went to his side and patted his wound on his torso.

"Fck Salvy that hurts." he winced.

"Stop giving me that shameful look. It's not your fault, it was that fcker who hurt her." I said and sat on the other chair near him.

"I-I never thought h-he is that k-kind of p-person. Oh God, what have I d-done." William stammered and covered his face with his hands.

I sighed, I know he doesn't have any idea on what happened to Lily and Matteo's relationship but I can help but have this urge to punch him for not even realizing what was happening to Lily back then.

I received a text from Andrea telling me that Lily is already moved to our bed. I left the room, knowing that Enzo will be consoling him.

Lily is peacefully sleeping on the bed, I kissed her forehead and brushed my fingers to her hair. She must have been scared earlier. I'll make sure that he will pay for this, I'll destroy their Mafia and torture him until he begs for me to kill him.

I sat beside her after changing my blood stained suit. I pulled out my phone and dialed a number. "I know that you've read my message. I'll pay extra for your quick service just make sure to make all of it undetected" I hung up the phone not bothering for his reply.

I properly covered Lily with the Duvet and softly caressed her face, she needs to talk whether she like it or not.

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