《The Mafia Don I dug from the grave!》Brunello


I keep on punching the tinted glass window, I don't care even if we are on the third floor. Jumping to my death is better than staying here. I punched the glass as hard as I could but nothing, not even a crack. I stared at the window but all I see is the shore. He grabbed my bleeding hands and slapped me.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you can't escape from me? I owned you! You're breathing and living just for me." He shouted and punched my stomach. I coughed and swallowed hard, not wanting to vomit again.

"I only have six days left to enjoy you." He dragged me to the bed and ripped my clothes off. He smiled while he was on top of me.

"Who is your God?" he asked and forced me to look at him.

"Y-you. You are my God." I answered

I felt someone hugging me from my side like a Koala and I panicked. Did Matteo successfully kidnap me? My mind was going hazy from agitation until I smelled Salvy's scent. I opened my eyes and waves of relief rushed over me when I saw the huge Koala hugging me is Salvy. I'm safe, it was just a dream, he's here with me.

My entire body hurts, especially my shoulder and face. I know that there is a danger in being introduced to his world, It never crossed my mind that the first attack I'll receive is from him. He vanished after the incident that almost killed me and I thought his promise to come back for me was just an empty threat.

I stared at Salvy's sleeping face, Will he still like me if he found out what happened to me? Or Will he be disgusted? I tightly held his arm that was wrapped around me.

"Morning." He huskily said and kissed my shoulder. He sat up and checked my face. "Why are you crying? Is your wound hurting? Are you okay? What happened" He worriedly asked.

"S-sorry. I did-didn't know that I w-was crying." I lowered my head.

He hugged me and gently stroked my back. "I'm sorry you got hurt. I will never let you leave my side again." he whispered and kissed the back of my ears.


I shivered and hugged him back. "Th-thank you for saving me."

"Do you want to have your breakfast here or do you want to go downstairs with them?" He kissed my forehead.

"I want it here just the two of us." I don't know how to face William.

"Go and take a shower. I'll use the bathroom in the next room. I will ask the maid to serve us food and we will eat after I clean your wound. Don't remove your bandage, it's waterproof" He kissed my temple and stood up.

I nod and run to the bathroom, I took a shower as fast as I could, not even bothering to dry my hair. I wore a tank top and yoga pants. I also grabbed a sweater that I can wear over my top after he cleans my wound. Salvy is sitting on the bed, wearing his usual white shirt and gray sweatpants. I sat next to him and he ran his fingers through my wet hair.

He grabbed the hair dryer and the comb. He sat down behind me and carefully combed my hair while blow drying it. My heart is melting from how sweet he is and how hot he looks when his hair is damp.

"Do you remember when we were on the lake I told you that I'll wait for you to tell me what happened?" He softly asked.

I clenched my fist, my nerves getting the best of me. "Y-yes." I whispered.

"I think it's time to share it with me. Please tell me what happened. I know that you are aware that I have my way of getting the information but I respect you and I don't want to use any underhanded method to get it." He stood up and put the hair dryer and comb on the nightstand.

He sat in the middle of the bed and pulled me with him. We are now facing each other, he cups my face and caresses my cheeks. "I will always be here for you, don't ever think that I will change just because of your past. I like and adore everything about you, I need to know what happened for me to be able to help and protect you my angioletto." Our eyes met, his blue eyes showed nothing but sincerity and affection towards me.


"I c-cant." I looked away, I shakily gripped on my sweater.

"Why? Don't you trust me?" he asked, looking hurt.

My breathing became heavy and my chest tightened. "I-I d-do b-but it's h-hard." I stuttered.

"Give me a reason why you can't say it." he said, sounding desperate.

"S-sorry." I lowered my head.

He took my hands and gently drew circles on it to calm me down. "Do you even like me Lily?" he sadly asked.

"N-no. No, I d-don't. I l-" he roughly pushed me away.

I looked up and I felt like something punctured my heart. Salvy's beautiful face expressing his anger, hurt and sadness towards me.

"Th-that's not what I meant." I sat up and tried to grab him but he moved away.

"Are you just leading me on? No, you're not that despicable right?" he shakily ran his fingers on his hair and looked at me straight in the eye. "Are you just following along on my selfishness?" his expression is now back to his usual poker face but his voice sounded so painful.

He stood up and turned his back from me. "Don't answer that, I don't think I can take any rejection from you. I'll arrange a different way to protect you, You and William will move into one of our safe houses."

He walked away and opened the door. "Sorry for dragging you to my life and not considering your real feelings." I shivered on how cold his voice is. He slammed the door hard and left me alone.

The shock from earlier faded away and I was left with emptiness and pain. Tears started to fall from my eyes. He is going to leave me. I covered my entire body under the duvet and lay down on a fetal position.

"I don't like you Salvy, I love you." I mumbled.

My entire body is shaking and I feel like I'm running out of breath, My stomach is churning and I have an overwhelming feeling of wanting to vomit. I cried harder and dug my nails to my knees.

I tried to remember the breathing exercise to ease down my attack but my mind is filled with Salvy. He doesn't want me anymore. I hurt him because I was stupid and coward. He will never love someone like me. Salvy's fed up with me. What will I do? I don't want anyone else but him.

I gasped for air. I feel like someone is suffocating me and the room is moving, making me dizzy.

"Oh God Lily!" Andrea shouted and the covers were removed from me. She hugged me tight and counted slowly.

"Cara breath or you'll pass out. 10 exhale, 9 inhale, 8 exhale. Focus on my voice, Everything will be fine." she whispered.

I followed the number and I was able to regulate my breathing. I tried to look at her face with my blurry vision. "Andrea, h-help me. S-Salvy is going t-to leave me." I choked.

"No he won't Cara, Just calm down for now and put this under your tongue." She opened my mouth and I was greeted with the familiar taste of the medicine prescribed to me a few weeks ago.

"Close your eyes and think of your happy place okay?" Andrea brushed my hair with her fingers and hummed.

I imagined my happy place. It's a garden filled with different flowers, the sweet and citrusy smell of the place. I'm sitting in the middle of it with Salvy, He's smiling at me while caressing my face.

I closed my eyes and let the medicine and the scent of Salvy in his pillows take over me. "Sleep for now, We will talk with him later. Everything is going to be okay." Andrea cooed and I hummed in response.


Author's note:

Please please please keep on reading my story. Don't forget to vote the chapter and leave a comment. Thank you so muuuuch!

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