《The Mafia Don I dug from the grave!》Dizzy


-Lily's Dress


"I honestly thought Saliva would choose a revealing gown but he chose something that suits you so well." William said while eyeing me from head to toe.

"It looks like prom meets teenage awards but the dress really screams Lily. You look innocent and gorgeous on that." Andrea added.

"It's also comfortable, it's not tight and the fabric is not itchy." I said while staring at my gown, we are currently on our way to the party. I'm wearing a greyish blue gown with a spaghetti strap, sweetheart neckline, flower embroidery on the top and a ruffled skirt, It doesn't show too much skin and I can easily move on it.

"Remember Cara, you're not allowed to go anywhere without Enzo. Call us immediately if you're lost or alone." Andrea hugged me. "This is for your safety and Salvy's sanity." She softly said and released me..

"How about me? I'll just roam around on my own? You guys are heartless." William frowned.

"Stop being dramatic. She will be introduced as the Mafia Don's girlfriend. Salvy already rearranged the hierarchy of the organization, he will surely plan a mass killing if something happens to her." Andrea snarled and rolled her eyes.

"Hierarchy? Why am I in the hierarchy? Am I part of the Mafia now?" I asked.

"Technically you and William are already part of the Mafia because you're being directly protected by the Don. You're currently on the top of the hierarchy, meaning you need to be protected first above everyone else. Your safety is the priority of everyone in the organization." Andrei explained.

"It was a bold and careless move from Salvy. The top spot is usually for the heir or the Don but I guess he likes you so much that's why he put you there." Andrea elaborated.

My entire face blushed from what she said. He puts me above everything else and he likes me a lot. The car stops on a white building, the place has an extravagant design and there were a lot of people in suits carrying several weapons.


"The party is almost over, you will not be directly introduced. You'll just sit on his table for 10 minutes then we will go back to the car and wait for him." Enzo instructed while ushering me inside.

Everyone was staring at me when we entered the hall. All the people in the party looked like they were beyond the definition of wealthy. Most of the women are wearing jewelries with stones bigger than a saucer and some men have gems on their suits instead of buttons. I look so plain compared to them.

"Good evening my angioletto. You look elegant and adorable tonight." Salvy whispered to me, he took my hand and we sat on his table. He is wearing his usual black suit and he matches his tie to the color of my gown. He does not have any accessory except his watch but he looks better than anyone in this room.

I saw Andrea, Andei and William sitting on the desk where Mariella and Valerius were seated. Enzo is just standing near our table.

Salvy captured my lips for a sweet and short kiss. My internal organs decided to jump around inside me. I haven't seen him much after the day I was shot and my entire body forgotten how to get used to his touch.

He poured wine in my glass. "Drink some to calm you down a bit. I'm sorry, I know you're not used to this, Just a few more minutes and we will leave okay?" Salvy cooed and put his hand on my thigh.

I nodded and drank a little. I don't care anymore that there are people here because I'm getting too flustered at his touch and voice.

"This party is a bit weird? It's too quiet and it seems like they all hate each other." I asked.

Enzo and Salvy looked at me and laughed. I pouted and rolled my eyes, Salvy smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Everyone in this room are rivals. We are all from different Mafias and we might not be at war right now but we are still competing for the top." Salvy explained.


I can feel everyone's eyes on me, I lowered my head and fiddled with my hand.

"I've mentioned this before but you really are the most beautiful and captivating person I ever met, don't lower your head. I want everyone to see my girlfriend." Salvy took my hand and kissed it.

"Th-thank you Salvy." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Love birds, It's time for the lady to leave." Enzo announced.

Salvy kissed my lips and bit my lower lip. "See you later, I will take you on a date after this. Please wait for me in the car."

"O-okay. Take care, they all l-look s-scary." I stuttered.

"He will be fine. He is more dangerous than all of them combine." Enzo winked.

"Enzo, Don't let go of her and keep her safe or I'll cut off your two heads." Salvy warned and played with his steak knife.

Enzo swallowed hard and nodded. He guided me out of the hall and we bumped into someone.

Enzo's grip on my arm tightened, I looked up and saw my nightmare smiling at me.

"Hello fiorellino" Matteo greeted me. (little flower)

My entire body froze. No, No, No why is he here? Is he part of the Mafia? What if he hurts Salvy? I can hear the rapid pounding of my heart and feel the tightening of my chest. I can't have a panic attack right now. Please God, Don't let him get me.

Matteo noticed my incoming panic attack "You're still crazy?" He asked me in disgust, he reached out for my hand but Enzo pulled me away from him.

"Touch even just a strand of her hair and we will declare a war against you." Enzo warned with an evil smile on his face.

"I don't care if you have a fcking war as long as I get back what's mine." Matteo chuckled and snapped his fingers.

We are surrounded by men in suits. Enzo pressed something on his watch and a loud alarm echoed through the entire building.

"Lily I know you're afraid of him and of our current situation. I might get a few broken bones after this but they will never take you or harm you in any way." Enzo smiled and patted my head.

"Are you also fcking him Lily? What a sh!tty declaration?" Matteo laughed. "Didn't know that you've become such a slut but don't worry I can train you back to my ideals." He winked and pointed his gun at Enzo.

The flashback of his beating played through my head. I tried to control my breathing, I need to be strong. I can't let him win again.

The men in suits started to corner Enzo. Several men appeared and helped Enzo. Matteo grabbed me and dragged me away. I can hear Enzo and William shouting my name. I tried to remove his hand from me but he is too strong. Several shots were aimed at us.

"Dont fcking shoot them, you might hit Lily. Run after them." I heard Salvy shouted, Salvy's here. He will save me, I know he will.

We ran back to the house because Salvy's men sealed all the exit route of the building, he brought me in a room. I tried to shout on the top of my lungs and was met with a stinging sensation on my cheeks. The monster slapped me and I can taste blood from my mouth.

"Shut the fck up b!tch. I will deal with you later. Now be a good girl and stay still or I'll put a hole in your little ginger head." Matteo wickedly grinned and locked me inside the bathroom.

I silently pray that Salvy can find me. Please save me Salvy, I need you. Please.

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