《The Mafia Don I dug from the grave!》Canadense


Salvy led me to his messy office, there were boxes everywhere. In the middle, there are two black leather sofas facing each other. There is also a huge wooden desk with two chairs in front of it, for visitors I guess? The chair behind the desk looks like a seat fit for a president or a king, It looks so comfortable. Each side of the office is covered with bookshelves and drawers.

"Sorry for the mess my angioletto. I just moved here last night and no one is allowed to touch the files except me and Enzo." He said while moving some boxes.

"I can help in organizing the files? I swear! I won't snoop." I said and sat on the sofa.

"Do you still want to know more about my Mafia?"

"Y-yes. I promise I won't be scared. Oh wait I might get scared but ahmm I'm not afraid of you. Wait I'm not sure if I'm still making sense" I sigh and lower my head.

He sat beside me. "I get it. You might get scared about some things in the Mafia but you are not afraid of me and you trust me right?"

I nod my head and look up. He gently touches my face and sweetly kisses me. "Help me organize my files please. Enzo is not good at alphabetizing it but for now, Let's clean your wound." He softly said and opened a box filled with medical stuff.

Anger is evident on his face while cleaning the wound. "A-are you ma-mad at me?" I stuttered.

"No, I'm mad at myself for allowing you to get hurt." he sighs and covers the wound with a bandage. "All done" he said and kissed my arm.

T-that was sweet, My heart is going crazy. I suddenly remembered how William blushed when Enzo put William's fingers in his mouth. I took Salvy's left hand and put his forefinger and middle finger in my mouth. I gently suck on it, I like the taste of it.


I felt his entire body froze and his breathing was heavy. He looked at me, his eyes filled with lust. "Open your mouth" he huskily commanded.

I opened my mouth, he removed his fingers and replaced it with his tongue. His tongue tasted every part of my mouth while his hands explored my waist and thighs. I moaned his name when he gently nibbled and sucked my lower lip. Closer, I want to be closer. I moved and sat on his lap. I'm straddling him, my breath hitched when I felt his erection.

"Salvy? They're asking if Lily wants to join them in baking some cookies. Your Padre also asked us to organize everything today" Enzo said through an intercom.

"Fcking interruptions." Salvy groaned and gently lifted me from his lap. I stand up and almost fall, my knees are wobbly. He chuckled and helped me stand up.

"Do you want to bake with them? Enzo and I will handle the cleaning of the office" he asked.

I nod. He gave me a sweet kiss on the lips and held my hand. He opened the door and we saw Enzo and William waiting for us.

William glared at Salvy and Enzo. "Let's go Lily Fiore." he said and dragged me to the kitchen.

"Why the fck are you looking at me like that?" I throw a box at Enzo.

He caught the box. "You're wearing sweatpants, It's obvious. Lily is really testing your limit." he chuckled and pointed at my crotch, I'm still hard.

"This is not your first time seeing a d!ck print or d!ck in general. Stop making a fuss." I sighed and started organizing the files.

"Sorry. It's just funny how sexually frustrated you are right now. You haven't even touched any other woman after meeting Lily. How long can you endure it?"


"As long as she wants. I'm not going to ruin what we have for a simple fck. How about you? You've been chasing the poor boy for a while now but he is still walking straight."

"Every time I think I'm close to breaking him. He always slips away and runs but we are staying in the same house now and I will make sure he will sleep in my bed every night." He mischievously grinned.

"Just make sure he will not run away with Lily or I will tie you up and electrocute your d!ck." I warned.

"Sexually frustrated Salvy is scary." he shivered.

We were halfway done when someone spoke on the intercom.

"I need to speak to you Salvy." Papà said.

Enzo looked at me for permission, I nodded my head. He opened the door and Papà sat on the sofa.

"Lily needs to attend your party." He sternly said.

"No. I don't want to fully expose her to our world and It's too dangerous, the brothers are invited to the party." I answered.

"Once we announce that you are the new Mafia Don, everybody will hunt your weakness and it's obvious on how you acted yesterday that she is the most important person in your life right now. The more you hide her, the more they will try to harm her."

I clenched my jaw, he is right. The correct move is to introduce her.

"And If the brothers try to harm her after she is introduced, then you have all the reason now to go on an all out war with them. No more petty and underhanded useless fights." he added.

"Okay, Lily will attend the party but I want the twin and Enzo to be with her the entire time, if anything happens we will immediately stop the party." I stated.

"Good. Your Madre was able to adapt to our world, I know Lily can do it. Leave the rest of the planning to us. Focus on adjusting to your new role and in healing." Papà said and patted my back.

"I will make sure that the brothers will not even be near her. Let's finish organizing all these today. Your schedule is full for the next four days." Enzo excitedly stated.

I roll my eyes. Seducing Lily needs to wait, I need to put all my attention in the transition of the title and protecting her.

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