《The Mafia Don I dug from the grave!》Brushstroke



Hmm the smell of aftershave and citrus came to my senses as soon as I woke up, it's Salvy's scent. Oh God I got shot! I sat up from the bed and touched my shoulder, wait? It doesn't hurt. I peeked through the bandage, I just got a small wound. Salvy covered for me! Is he okay? I looked around the room. Wow this room is big, It's a very eeer sensual room. The bed is so big with white bedsheet and black duvet and pillows. The ceiling is white contrasting the black matte walls and the curtains on the big windows are dark red. There was also this huge chandelier in the middle of the room. I noticed a paper on the bedside table.

(Good Morning my angioletto,

I need to do some errands but I will be back as soon as possible. Your clothes and shoes are already on the walk in closet, It's on the left side. Your toiletries are also in the bathroom. The fridge near the sofa has all the snacks you like.)

Why are my things in his room? He is not hurt right? I walked around and saw the bathroom, The design of it is modern with different shades of gray and white. It's bigger than my room. On the left side is a big shower area, the right side has a 2 marble sink with a huge mirror and on the end of the room there is a bathtub that I think can fit two to three people.

Mafia people are rich. I removed my bandage and took a shower. I saw two bathrobes hanging near the sink, I wore the smaller one. I looked at myself in the mirror. I don't look like someone who just survived a sort of shootout, I just look like someone who overslept. I dried my hair and went to the closet. Salvy's smell is stronger here and my heart started to act up again. Relax Lily, it's just his smell. The right side of the closet is filled with several suits mostly black, there are also so many drawers. I opened the first 5 drawers, It's filled with ties, handkerchiefs and watches. An old looking set of chests and drawers caught my attention, My eyes and heart almost fell. It's filled with different kinds of guns, daggers and weapons I don't even know what for.

I sat on the carpeted floor and hugged my knees. Don't be naive Lily. He is from the Mafia, it's just normal that he has things like these. I should be scared but I actually feel relieved that he has all these weapons, what's wrong with me? I really like him a lot, I'm not even afraid of him even after what happened last night and seeing all these today. I stood up and went to the left side of the closet. Almost all of my clothes are here, even my underwear. I wore my usual yoga pants and an oversized t-shirt. I made sure that the sleeves is covering the wound.


Curiosity overpowered my laziness and I decided to explore the house. Where is everyone? Is William also staying in the house? I walked through the end of the hallway before I could turn to the left, I saw William and Enzo talking too close to each other, their faces a few centimeters away and William was blushing. Their sexual atmosphere is so thick, I tried to eavesdrop but I can't hear anything. Enzo grabbed William's right hand and put William's middle and index fingers on his mouth. William blushed a darker shade of red, So it's really possible to blush harder. Is sucking someone's fingers sensual? William pushed Enzo and walked away, oh no! He is walking towards my direction. I run as fast as I can back to Salvy's room and hide in the closet. Why am I hiding?

"Lily Fiore? Where are you?" I hear William calling me.

I composed myself and came out of the closet. "He-hey Morning!" I greeted.

"E-Enzo asked me to c-call you for breakfast, Saliva is almost fi-finish with his work." he stuttered.

I badly want to laugh, he is still blushing and looks so different from his usual self. "Okay. Let's go." I smiled. He held my wrist tightly and led me to the dining area.

Andrea pushed William and hugged me. "Are you okay?" she asked.

I nod my head and give her a smile. "What was that for Italian elf?" William scoffed.

"Hey you dumb blonde where were you last night? Where did you sleep? Andrei and I tried to find you last night" Andrea asked. Andrei just shrugged and kept his attention on his phone.

"There are so many rooms in this house, I slept somewhere in this big fcking house." William answered, his face so red from blushing.

"Everyone sit down." Valerius commanded, his face looks emotionless but scary. I didn't even notice them, Mariella gave me a warm smile that I gladly returned.

Enzo pointed to the seat beside him, William sat beside Enzo and I sat beside William. After several minutes of awkward silence, we all looked relieved when Salvy sat beside me.

"Start serving breakfast please." Mariella said to one of the maids.

"How's your arm? Did you put any medicine in your wound? Does it still hurt?" Salvy whispered.

"I'm fine. I did not do anything to it anymore since it does not hurt. How about you? Are you okay?" I asked.

"We will put medicine on it later okay?" he stated. I subtly nod and watch him put food in my plate, he also pour coffee in my cup. "Eat my angioletto."


I started eating and glanced at William, He was angrily whispering to Enzo while Enzo kept on adding food on his plate. I saw Andrea staring at William and Enzo, Our eyes met and she looked at me confusedly. I shrugged and focused on eating again.

"Lily, William, Andrea and Andrei all of you will stay in the house until further notice." Salvy sternly said. Andrea and Andrei obediently nod.

"Why?" William asked.

"I know that you are aware that we are from a Mafia family and what happened last night might happen again, I want to make sure that all of you will be protected at all times." Salvy answered, his monotone voice is giving me goosebumps. I'm not used to this side of Salvy.

"Can't we just hide away from all of you? Or moved to where our Dad is? You guys are the reason why Lily is being targeted, it will be safer if we dissociate ourselves from you" William anxiously said.

I don't mind staying here and I don't want to be separated from Salvy. "I-I'm okay with living here" I softly said.

"I know this is rude but Lily and I need to talk." William said and held my hand. Salvy tried to intervene but I gave him a reassuring smile and let William drag me away from the table.

"Seriously? You were hurt last night because of him and you still want to stay?" William angrily said.

"Y-yes. He protected me, he covered me with his body to make sure I would not get hurt."

"But you were in that situation because of him Lily, don't take this too lightly." he frustratingly argued.

"I know b-but I like him a lot, I don't want to go. Please William." I whispered and I started crying, I really want to stay but if he says anything to Dad. Dad will surely give us a one way ticket away from this town.

"Shh don't cry." He wipes my tears using the end of his shirt. "Fine we will stay. Just promise me you will be careful?" He hugs me.

"I promise, Thank you William James. You're the best." I hug back.

"Let's go back and stop crying, Saliva might kill me if he saw you crying." he smiled.

I nodded my head and we went back to the table, Everyone's eyes on us. We sat back down, Salvy checked my face and glared at William.

"H-hey. I already agree with us staying here. I did not bully her. Don't plot my murder." William raised his hands in surrender.

"I-Im okay, We will stay." I smiled and patted his thigh.

He grabbed my hand from his thigh and kissed the back of it. "Finish your food" He lets go of my hand and put some more food on my plate.

"Are we going to get our own rooms? Or Lily and I will stay in one room?" William asked while eating.

"Lily will stay in my room." Salvy smirked. "You can pick any unoccupied room." he added

"You can stay in mine. I also have a BIG room." Enzo smirks, he emphasized the word big and wiggled his eyebrows..

"Wow that's gross" Andrea coughed. Andrei and I laughed while Salvy just smiled.

"You did not like the taste Cara?" Mariella asked Andrea. "And Enzo Why does he need to stay in your room? All our rooms here are big?" she confusedly questioned.

"Because I own a specific BIG thing that William will surely like." Enzo explained, emphasizing the word big again and winked at William.

William almost choked on his food while everyone laughed louder. Valerius shook his head and looked at us amusedly while Mariella looked concerned. Enzo gave him a glass of water and whispered something to William, William blushed.

"Lorenzo enough or I will lock you up." Salvy warned. Enzo nodded and continued eating like nothing happened.

We all quietly eat our food, I'm almost done when I notice that all of them are finished eating but still sitting on the dining table, even William is just patiently sitting on his chair.

After finishing my food, Salvy checked my plate and asked. "Are you done my angioletto?"

I nod my head "Let's go to my office, I want to check your wound." he stood up and helped me stand up.

The moment we walked away from the table, everyone else stood up. What just happened? Is that normal? My Dad always works and rarely eats with us so I really don't know how a family eats together. Maybe I'll ask Salvy later.

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