《BLS #2 : Challenging The Billionare》Chapter 12 - His Behaviour


Checking the flight details once again and check in our luggage. I looked at the time and we still have 1 hour left before boarding.

Since our last kiss , my mind like completely blown. I don't know what happen to me but I'm not myself when I'm with Sky. I know it's really weird but I'm starting to get nervous when I gave a report to him , can't look at his eyes and everything is just weird.

As I checked in his luggage , I saw him talking to girls and maybe flirting. To be honest it annoys me but who am I daring to feel like that? After checking in , I decided to find something to eat.

What should I eat?

"Do you have this habit ignoring my presence?" I jumped a little as Sky walked beside me , I glared at him

"Your presence is not important" I blurted and I know deep down that's a really big lie

"Are you fuck-" I stopped walking and glared at him , he raised his eyebrows

"Stop cursing will you?"

"Or what? What will you do if I don't want to stop it?" He asked daring

"I sew your mouth"

"Sweetheart we both know you love to kiss this lips" My face heated up and I know my cheeks starting to blush

"In your dreams" I spatted and walked away from him. Mcdonalds caught my eyes , let's just eat burger

"Yeah me and you in your dreams nak-"

"Mr. Locason!"

"Yes?" He gave me an innocent face and I hissed , I left him standing there by walking towards Mcdonald. I looked at the menu and thinking what should I get.

"Double quarter pounder one" Sky stand beside me and ordered

"Make that two" I'm kinda interest , I took out my wallet but Sky already pay it. I looked at him and he gave me a smiled. I saw the cashier looked at him with so much adoration.


"Thankyou" I said and he nodded

"It's not free" He said and I turned to him. I took out my wallet but suddenly he stole a kiss from my lips and my eyes widen.

"Already payed" He smirked and I smacked his arm. I need to talk to him about this , people are looking at us and it annoys me getting this kind of attention.

He's a freaking billionare and here he is kissing me in front of public. Girls giving me an envy glare and boys land their eyes at me.

"Here you go" I took the bag of burgers and walked first. Sky suddenly sneak his arm to my waist and I gasped.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I looked up to him. We have a really close distance and even I can smell his perfume.

"Preventing the lions to take my meat" What the hell is he talking about?

"I'm starving , let's just sit here" I said as I plopped myself to one of the chairs , Sky sit across me. I take out the burgers and gave one to him.

"You know you can't kiss me whatever you want to! I'm not a doll" I said as I take my first bite

"You're enjoying it so?" He said and my eyes widen

"I never enjo-"

"Sweetheart , don't lie. I know you regret insulting me gay because I'm a good kisser"

"More like a manwhore" I blurted and he glared at me

"You are something you know that?" He said and I shrugged

"Will your friends be there?" I asked

"Why are you asking?"

"Just wondering" I take another bite

"Don't tell me you have a crush on one of them" He shot me a really scary stare and I laughed

"I might have a little crush on one of them" It was a joke but Sky did take it seriously which is hilarious to watch



"It's a secr-"

"Oh don't fucking kidding me" He bursted

"Stop cursing" I calmly said and take another bite again

"Alex? Ken?" He looked at me seriously and I looked at him weirdly

"None" I answered honestly so he stop asking. I keep eating when suddenly he throw his burger to the table and stood up. He walked away and I don't understand what is this man want.

One minute he's nice one minute later he act like a 4 years old boy

I shook my head and finish my burger , after finishing it I saw a small book store and make my way there. I think I need a novel to read.

Suddenly I heard an announcement about our boarding , I decided to just walk to the plane.

"Hey miss , you drop this" Someone poke me and I quickly turn around , I saw my keychain in his hand and I smiled

"Thankyou" I took the keychain

"Your welcome , you're going to England too?" He asked and I nodded

"Work?" He asked as we walked towards the gate

"Yeah , how about you?" I asked politely

"Same , work too. I'm Jason by the way" I shook his hand

"Janet , nice to meet you and thanks" I showed my keychain and he nodded

"Shall we?" He gestured

"Get lost" Sky said coldly and suddenly hold my hand , pulling me inside

"What's with you? He gave me back my keychain" I said but his back tells me that I should shut my mouth. I sighed and just followed him. I feel sorry towards Jason

Arriving at the plane and show our ticket , the airstewardess lead us to our seat. Damn first class seat is just.. wow

I wanted to sit but I can't since Sky's hand still holding mine. I poked him with my other hand , he turned to me raising his eyebrows. I pointed at our hand and he smirked

"Good thing you sit beside me sweetheart" He said and I nodded

"Did I told you that you always get on my nerves?" He asked and I just nodded

"I have my limits Janet so don't test me" I don't understand why did he say that , I really don't. What's the purpose of him saying that?

"I didn't do anything , why would I get into your nerves when I didn't do anything?" I asked as I put the seatbelt on

"Don't do things that makes my heart boils"

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