《BLS #2 : Challenging The Billionare》Chapter 13 - Starting to get Possesive


Getting off the car and go to the Bulgari Hotel in London. I can't stop admiring the hotel as I got inside. I quickly check in the hotel and gave one of the key to Sky.

"We have to go to the exhibition in 3 hours" I announced at him and he just nodded briefly. We both take the lift and silence in the air.

"Are you tired?" I asked awkwardly

"Just need cold shower" He stated and I nodded. The lift opens and we walked to our own room

"I guess , I'll meet you downstairs in 3 hours?" I asked

"Yeah" He said as he put the card on the scanner and walked inside. I walked into my room and plopped myself to the bed.

I'm so excited being in London , I really want to explore the city more. Maybe I should take a walk now and get back in 1.5 hours. Walked out from my room and go down , taking my steps out and breath deeply the London air.

Looking around and saw so many cute store , I love it here. A flower shop , restaurants , vintage shops and etc. Taking out my phone and start taking pictures , It's so beautiful.

I can't believe this.. i'm in London

I can't believe that my feelings is really happy right now , it's just. I can't stop taking photos and just smiling when I walked along the streets.

Until I saw an ice cream store across the street , it makes my mouth watering immediately. I walked through the zebra cross and got inside. The soft blue and pink walls makes me smile like a kid.

Looking at the various ice creams and decided to get the vanila and greentea in a cone. So excited!!

"Janet?" I turned my head to see who's calling me , my eyes widen as I saw Daniel standing behind me.


"Hey" I smiled

"Fancy seeing you in London" He said and chuckled , I chuckled too

"Yeah I have work"

"Same" He agreed

"Here you go miss" I get the ice cream and Dan get some ice cream too. He ordered a chocolate ice cream cone. I sat down on the table near the window so I still can see outside. Not long after that Daniel plopped down across me.

"How are you?" He asked

"Good , you?"

"Busy as hell and need some refreshing time" He said as he looked outside following my gaze

"We all need that" I agreed

"Still have a pile of work to do though" He sighed

"It's life , it's hard"

"Are you free tomorrow night?" He asked suddenly and I looked at him

"Anything in mind?"

"I can show you around here. I mean I was born here and live for 7 years before I moved to New York" He smiled

"You don't have british accent" I said as I looked at him disbelief

"Yeah I lived in New York too long so my accent dissapear as the time goes by" He chuckled and I nodded

"So how's tomorrow night sounds?"

"Okay" I nodded and smiled , I looked at the clock that attached to the wall. My eyes widen

"I have to go" I said as I stood up and sling my back to my shoulder

"Oh okay"


"See you tomorrow , I'll text you" He said before I walked out from the door , I gestured a thumbs up and walked out. I walked really fast towards the hotel and thank God for giving me a really good memory.

As soon as I arrived at the hotel , I ran to the lift and press the up button. I lose track of time and it's 1 hour to that exhibition. Running to my hotel room and throw my back carelessly to the bed and I walked into the bathroom.


Showering really fast and walked out with a towel only , I dry my hair and quickly straight it. Pull my hair up into a pony tail and quickly do my makeup. I decided to go on a natural make up today , taking out my white short dress that has a long sleeve and lacey detailing out from my luggage.

*Freddy Brown as Janet Stanmore

I quickly wear them and take my nude highheels on the go. I looked at my phone to see what time is it now and it's 6 o'clock. I take my soft pink clutch and put my phone , cash , lipstick and powder there. I walked out from the hotel room and go down to the lobby before Sky gets his wrath to me.

As the lift door opens , I walked out from it and saw a tall figure wearing a dark grey armani suit. I walked to him and stand beside him.

"I'm done" I said announcing my prensence , he turned to me with a glaring eyes. His eyes widen as he looked at me from head to toe , he let out a deep sighed and I looked at him with a questioning eyes.

"Let's go" He sneaked his arms to my waist and completely dragging me out , we got inside a nice luxury car that I don't know what is it. The annoying thing is that his arms still attached to my waist when we're in a car.

I slowly pushed him but his grip tightens

"Mr. Locason I thi-"

"Listen to me well.. I don't want you to go out from my sight tonight. Do you understand?" He said in a really deep tone , it's clear to tell me not to say anything.


"Never talk to anyone except me" He added and It make me turned to him annoyed but I know in this condition his not in a good mood.

I wonder why..

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