
Sometimes if someone is missing there is also some piece of our heart that is also missing because they are the one who complete us.


As soon as I open my eyes I look around and the lights are deemed right now. I realize that I am tied in a big chains I sit on the ground the smell is not good and the floor is not clean. I feel a movement behind me and when I look at it I see that my sister is lying on the same ground. Kate are you ok I ask her the pain on my voice is visible she look at me and replied that she's fine as long as I am ok.

I look at my watch finding a clue on how long me and my sister is staying in this place. As I look at my watch I realize that its evening and we were staying in this damn place for a whole night and a whole day. I feel right now that they are worried and they where searching for us. I look at my sister and tell her that we were going to scape this place.

I heard a clap of hand in front of us and when we look at the culprit I gritted my teeth. I suggest you must spare us dear evil I said to him with the venom in my voice. He just replied not yet we were going to have fun just you know life in jail is so sad and I want to laugh and make myself happy. You're the one who sent me there right Xenia Lee Dwight what a name do you even think that having a big name can save you away from me.

Lets play first he show us a leather belt and he look at it like a psychopath, my favorite number is nine who wants to receive the first gift coming from me he goes in front of my sister as he swing the belt to earned a lot of force I shout out of my lungs. No not my sister she had a lot of difficulties in your hands just let me receive it. You son of satan I hope he will go in here and get you I wanted to see how fire will burn you. He look at me and smile sarcastically, you never fail to anger me your what a big sister who will acts like a hero now I will give what you want.

Every beat that he leave where piercing a lot of pain in my skin I never show any pleading on him and I never cry. I don't want to slip any of tears because of him I only seeing my mom her pleading her cries. I need to survive for my son for Dwight and for mom she risk her life for us. As I look at my sister I see horror in her face slow tears are falling from her eyes. She keeps on shouting stop but the evil just laugh like a psycho.


He show us a knife and I feel like all of my blood where drain from my body he walks towards my sister while caressing his knife. He smile sarcastically, my knife is so thirsty right now while his eyes is bulging on his sockets he looks like his under the influence of drugs. The looks in his face sent horror in my whole body the same face that I always see in my nightmares. I keep on shouting to never do anything that can harm my sister but he looks like a deaf. He cant hear anything I wonder if he have a heart or he is already satan.

Pleading scape from my lips NO NOT MY SISTER SPARE HER, just let me receive every torture but not her. He create a wound in my sisters arms creating a slice on it. She whimpered from the sudden pain and agony is clearly visible on her face. Seeing her right now sent a lot of emotional pain on me.

I curse him hoping that I anger him a lot so he will come hurting me instead of my sister. My plan works he creates wound on me piercing the knife in my skin. As I look at my sister she looks exhausted and pale she's laying on the floor and looks lifeless I feel numb physically and emotionally silent tears falling from my eyes I am seeing the same scenery I see once I was a kid. But this feel bloody lifeless as soon as the evil leave us laughing so hard I did my best to break the chains but it is so thick it cant be melt faster by my laser. I keep on pulling the big chains and I see that there is a lock I smile in victory I pull a small knife in my garter and in a matter of minutes I remove the other chain. But then the other have no chain I curse a lot this is not better. I melt the other chain with the laser I keep on praying to succeed. As soon as I destroy the chains I cut the rope in my sister arms and free her up. I look for a possible way to go out from here. I become more alert when I heard a lot of gunshot maybe Dwight already found us.

Before I go out of the door his mans block our way my body feel so heavy while my sister is unconscious this is bad I thought to myself I keep on fighting with them protecting my teacher but then I heard a loud shot I look quickly at the culprit and he smile at me sarcastically I look back at my sisters and I see it clearly that blood is flowing from her. Sorrow and agony where eating me alive a cries scape my mouth when I try to wake her up but her eyes where still close.


This is all too much for her I again failed to protect them like my mom I let them die. I look at him throwing the knife I was holding it pierce through his chest but he just laugh while gritting his teeth. One of his man shoot my sister but before it pierce through her skin I shield my body. You all need to kill me first before you kill my sister I shout to them throwing blades that was hiding in my pockets. One of them try to kick me but I quickly jump on his back and kick the other. When someone try to punch me I quickly throw my daggers to him. I also throw a daggers to that evil santos that angers him a lot. He shoot me but I hide in one of his man resulting for his man to fall with a thud. When I was about to kick him he aim a gun on my sister and I quickly kick his gun but before I land on the surface someone just hit my head. Before dark clouding my vision I look at my sister knowing that she's still alive. But it pained me a lot seeing her face the same face when I look at my mom hot fresh tears fall from my eyes. I smile the moment I heard dwights voice and her mom's cries before dark consume me I feel that needles where piercing through my skin.


The moment I go home I find xenia but she's nowhere to be found mom looks worried telling me that kate still not going home. She also receive a call that his guards are dead I quickly run to jeons room but I still can't see my wife but instead I found a note with address written on it. I quickly call my man's as well as the police but we found out that there is some bullets and blood in that place.

All I can feel is anger I am mad because I'm not there when I say to her that I will always be by her side and I will always be there to protect her. I failed as a husband and if ever I lost her I will never forgive myself not anymore. we keep on tracing her finding clues on where she is. She's been away for a whole day and every hours that past I feel like every part of me where missing. I cant even sleep thinking that she was unsafe, thinking that she need me but I'm not there. I feel a little relief when I receive n email that they finally find them I quickly go in there over speeding.

The moment I see the place I feel completely worried seeing that this is also an isolated place I keep on finding her range is eating me alive. I run not minding if there is a lot of gunshot everywhere I feel the unsteady beat of my heart. Suddenly a woman figure got my attention I shout loudly calling my wife name when I see her slowly falling. The range in me intensified while my mom cries echoing in the place. We run to their direction the mans aiming their gun towards us but I shot them without showing any mercy as well as my mom she also fire a bullet.

As soon as I make them down I quickly punch the man who's choking kate I recognize this man the master mind of this bullshit. I beat him, punch him, stab him and he look like a psycho he was just laughing at me his pushing me to my limit I shot him across his forehead. Freeing all of my hatred.

I cant even look at Xenia and Kate it is more painful to see them like this mom cries continue to echoed in the place. Suddenly an injection caught my attention I check it out further and I made a conclusion that it is a hard drugs I quickly pulled it out. I carry Xenia while my trusted man carry kate we bring them as fast as we can in the hospital.

This is the second time of my life that I feel so scared, I cant even look at her she's been through a lot. I failed to protect her I made a promise to be always on her side doing everything to protect her. But now I see that there is a lot of life support for her to survive. She's a fighter but I hope she will fight as far as she can to be alive.

This chapter had been tough for me the feeling of loosing someone is not easy to be left alone is not easy.

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