
In every decisions you might loss and you might win but following what your heart want for the sake of our love one is making a huge sacrifices.


I am grateful that Dwight and itachi shows progress their wounds is not critical anymore. Dwight still busy managing our business and his empire is getting more bigger the security is more tight ever since the incident that happens. Jeon never fails to make us laugh he always find his father, so sometimes I call Dwight just for jeon to hear him when his throwing tantrums. Xenia and kate where staying here ensuring that everything is fine they also have their body guards when ever they where going outside.

Its been one week but this weeks feel better since we cant feel any threat aside from Dwight he always been attentive. He never let us go outside unarmed. He always makes a reminder to leave an update on him 3 times a day. He also said to tell him first if there is unnecessary messages or if there is some threats.

As I finish bringing jeon in his room because he fall asleep I decided to go on the library to read since I feel a little bored. I engrossed myself on reading books when my phone started to ring as I look at the caller id I realize that the call is unknown. As soon as I answer the call the I heard a manly voice, my dear Xenia how are you? Do you like my gift I think you like it since your not going out in your hiding place as well as your guards he said while laughing.

You crazy asshole I suggest you must go to hell satan miss you so much. Well I do like your gift I will also sent you some gift in return I said to him. But then he replied that he already receive my gift my husband keeps on tracing him. Dwight also destroy his plan, larger amount of his man’s was now in my husband hand. He also tell me that I did a lot of mistakes to anger him more I just laugh at him telling him to just surrender and return in jail where he scape. Now not only the police are looking for him but also my husband I earned a hard groaned from him and I know by now that anger is burning in him.

I finish half of the book I stretch my body and look around jeon where still asleep I want to play with him but his in a deep sleep. My phone buzz and I check it out as I look at the message I slipped the phone in my hand. Fears and shock where eating me alive seeing the photo in my phone she have her eyes close. Her face turning in a dark purple and red shade there is also a little cut in her lips. Her hair is turning into a mess. She was sitting on a chair with a rope in her hands and feet. She looks awful I am sitting in here while she’s sitting on that chair unsafe.

A call suddenly flash on my screen I quickly answer it and that damn bastard voice is the one I heard. He laugh at me like a psychopath. Do you like my surprise your sister is also a fighter huh she keeps on barking around its so noise so I cant help myself not to beat the shit out of her. She’s pretty like her mother like you well maybe its all in your blood. She even make my mans down for a small petite woman like her, she’s impressive. If I didn’t come on time she might scape my mans don’t worry my dear she was just sleeping you know she’s stubborn so I make her sleep for a while he said.


What do you really want shitty man? Why do you need to involve my sister in here? Spare her or I wont take any hesitations to kill you and hang your body bloody lifeless I tell him. But he just laugh at me, listen Xenia you must not make any threats on me it wasn’t working. I am the one who will make rules in this game, your time is ticking before the night comes I will sent you an address. You must go in there without anyone knowing and if you go there with someone I will not hesitate to kill your sister. You know me a lot when I say I will definitely going to do it if you come in the destined place late expect that you can see your sisters body on the cold ground lifeless.

Like what that evil said I received the email and I know this address too well. The same address where my mom died he is really crazy and his a psychopath. I decided to go on that place alone my sister needs me and I made a promise that I will going to protect her at any cost. I go in Jeon room a while ago seeing his smiles is enough to calm my mood. His my happy pill its already 6 o’clock in the afternoon he fall asleep early this day I wonder if he feels that his mom needs to go that’s why he sleep at this early hours. I kiss him in his forehead I wish he grows old to be a good man. I wrote a letter in his side telling that they must take care of him while I’m away. I also left the address because I know that evil will never spare us without killing one of us.

I don’t know what will going to happen next, that’s why I also left a letter below Jeons clothes I decided not to let anyone know since if they come to know about it, they will never going to agree to let me go in there. I know that I will never going out of this place without any armed man with me. I don’t want to risk my sisters life so instead of telling them I rather give a clue on them on where I am going I know that Dwight will going to find us he have a lot of connections.

I quickly jump on the three and succeeded on scaping the house, I run for a miles and get a cab the moment I am on the destined place. I am well alert since I know that this place wasn’t safe as soon as I saw them from the distance I ask them eagerly to show me my sister.

That man just laugh at me while clapping his hands, just wow I now see you personally xenia do you even know that I always look at you in pictures and in every videos. You really look like your mother and seeing you build a lot of pains in my chest. I kill her because of the two of you because she choose to focus on her child and always denied me. I just laugh at him, well I guess that wasn’t our fault that our mom is such a loving mom.


Where is my sister I ask him and he finally let my sister see me she still have a rope in her hands behind her back. I can clearly see that her feet that was having a rope a while ago create a wound. I gritted my teeth seeing her she been through a lot and I failed to protect her. I curse them non stop saying to let my sister free but they just laugh at me like they didn’t hear anything. It makes me more angry and I swear I will make them fall on the ground I started to walk towards them.

But I stop on my own track when he raise a gun pointing it on my sister, I close my eyes calming myself I don’t know what my heart really feel right now. My emotion is mixing to the highest point as soon as I look at my sister face she smile at me contently. Telling me that I am idiot to go in this place she even curse me for bringing myself in danger. She looks mad at me for going in this isolated place how dare she think of me instead of thinking her own life.

I just rolled my eyes on her telling her that she’s so stubborn while communicating to her on making a move. When she got a chance she kick the gun that was pointing on her I run as fast as I can while I get the gun in the garter behind my legs. I shoot them I quickly pulled my sister with me and we hide in the broken wall. I shield my body on her direction while I still shooting the other enemy. They where a lot of armed man and even if we where skilled at fighting it is more dangerous for us to attack them all. Some of them is skilled I also see that there is some sniper and they are sharp shooter. We find a more hidden place I am lucky that I am shooter make some of his shooters down. My sister is also helping me since I give him a gun and she also skilled in it. I open my bag and get some weapons and hide it in different parts of my body like my shoes it have a sharp kicker. My hair pin it have a laser that can melt things and etc. I also keep weapons on my sister she look at me worriedly saying that I must choose to stay at home and let her die.

I just look at her while smiling, you know I cant never do that I just can’t stand and watch you died without saving you. I can’t loose you like mom and I promise I will protect you at any cost I tell her. But she grab my hand and she look at me while tears are falling form her eyes. My sister you are the best sister slash mother for me but you don’t need to do this. You’ve done enough I will also do my best to protect you lets protect each other she said I quickly hug her burying all of my fears and turning it all to courage.

For almost half an hour we keep on fighting finding way to scape as soon as I find the way I smile at my sister and we started to run on that way. Upon the way we keep on running and shooting as my car comes into my view. I keep on praying that we surpass this harm. But then when we where near the car that evil comes to the view with his bulky big mans and they have a lot of guns as soon as I look at my right side to find scape there is also a man there. I look at left and at the back but we were on trap.

I curse myself silently for being so careless not thinking of the possibilities because I am so eager to scape I failed for not thinking rationally. As I look at my sister she hold my hand saying that we don’t have any choice but to fight. We used our skills on fighting and we make some man down but when I was about to shoot another man my sister voice stop me on tracks she was on the ground. One of them smack her on the ground and I can see that blood is cascading from her head. She’s wounded but she makes an effort to stand when another man try to hit her again, I quickly shoot him and I shield myself on my sister trying to protect her.

When someone tries to attack me I did my best to fight and protect my sister when someone tries to attack her. My breathing is not on its normal pace anymore I feel too tired and I also earned a lot of damage. But I never endure it all this is all nothing compare to my sisters state right now.

As soon as I look at my sister I’m afraid that she will past away I tried my best giving all of my strength to surpass all. But then I feel that someone stab me with sharp needle as I look at my sister I quickly pull the injection on her body. I feel worried while my vision slowly clouding and turning dark.

This chapter is dedicated to those people who can do everything for their loveones😊😘

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