
The scenery is breathtaking but the peace slowly breaking, her past slowly hunting her she wants to forget but it ghosting her.


A new morning where set and a new opportunity come this day timberner company will going to open a new branch of the company in the other part of the country. Dwight have a busy day so I will be going in the office this day and mom will going to watch Jeon. I wore my black cardigan with white soft material sando under neat and my black pencil skirt. As soon as I left the house as always my body guards is following my car while entering the company all of the employees bow on my direction I just smile and nod at them. There is a pile of works in the table and I started to do it for almost an hour I stretch my limbs as I make a call on mom to ask if my baby is ok. They tell me that Jeon is now fall asleep since he was tired playing with his grandmother and aunt.

I finish all of my works early as I look at my watch its only 4:30 in the afternoon I decided to buy some foods that I will going to bring home. As soon as I buy everything I want in the fast food chain I feel that someone is following me aside from my body guards. My body guard charles and itachi goes in the bathroom and I only left alone. Gun shot echoed in the whole place that makes me feel alert. I hide on the wall I look around worried that my body guards maybe brought in danger since they still not showing up.

I release a heavy breath when my body guards Charles and itachi come to the view they also look so worried they ask me if I am ok. I just replied that I am perfectly fine I also ask them if they where ok and they just nod. As I look on their body finding if they really telling the truth my heart beat increases in its normal beat. Shock where written on my face even if they tried to hide it, I see that there is a wet liquid in their black suit. I tried to look at it but they where trying to hide it away from me. I quickly touch the liquid and I see that it is really a blood panic quickly envelope on me. I beg to them to please let me see their wound but they just tell me that we need to go out of the place since there is a lot of man who is well armed in this place. I question them how they got the shot when I know that no one can make it since they where too good at fighting. I already see them fight and I am well impressed that they where excellent. They replied that they didn’t know that the man who where going to enter the bathroom will going to shoot them. The gun was hiding in the mans bag and they didn’t notice that the man will going to shoot them with the gun under the bag.

They refuse to show me their wound and I am so worried because they have a lot of blood on their suits. Because I am stubborn I refuse to go out of the place without them showing me their wounds. The look on their face makes me smile in victory they remove their suit and they are now with their white long sleeve polo. I look at them with shock telling them why did they need to hide it away from me and act like they were fine. They didn’t even think that they might die because of this I curse them without carrying if I look like a kid throwing tantrums. I am so worried one of them got a wound behind his chest and one of them got a gun shot on his stomach and they both have on their arms. They where with me the moment I’ve been involved in Dwight life and they where close to me. I just cant stand looking at them right now their face started to become pale. You two must be treated right now lets go to the hospital I said but they keep refusing they just said that I must sent home first to ensure that I am perfectly fine and safe since the security at home is very tight. I keep on shaking my head telling them that I will sent them first to the hospital and I walk pass them. As I was about to go inside my car they don’t let me in telling me that it is more safer if we will only used one car. I don’t argue with them because I am so worried that they lost more blood.


Upon the way gun shot still be heard, as I look at the side mirror there is someone who’s following us my phone ring and I quickly answer it I completely recognize this voice. His voice is full of worried he tell me to stay safe he will coming as quickly as he can but it still earned a lot of hour to be back even if he was riding with our private plane. He tell me to go home safe but then I refuse to listen I tell him that my body guards need to be treated first in the hospital. But he tell me that its better to go home my guards will be treated at home since there is a doctor and nurse waiting at home. They also tell me that there will be some back up coming towards us. He keeps on telling me to stay safe I just answer him that I will and he never need to worry about. I end the call telling him to not worry too much and I will be going to call him later. I look at my body guards they where holding their own guns and they look pale. I am the one who’s driving and they were on the backseat I am thankful that they agree on the thoughts that I am the one who will drive this car. I quickly bow my head and hide the moment my guards at the back shouted hide.

I look at the side mirror and I see that there is some car and van that following us they where shooting on our way my body guards was also shooting them back I tell them to be careful I can’t endure to see them earned another shot. As I look back the van and the car where speeding and it looks like one of it where going in our left side and the other is going to our right side. This wasn’t good Charles uttered gritting his teeth he tell me to go in the back seat and he will be the one going to drive this car. No your wounded its difficult to drive knowing that you have a bullet in your arms and chest I said while unnecessary scenarios are running on my mind.

Just follow what I have said xenia it is more safer for you don’t worry about us we can handle ourselves he said while his shooting the one who’s following us. They were a sharp shooter since I see on the side mirror that some of them are wounded. I speed up it is more dangerous if their plan works I need to be ahead from them I quickly pulled my gun on the garter behind my legs and look at the side mirror. Hoping that this plan of mine will works I once a sharp shooter but I didn’t know if I still make it when I don’t even used a gun for so long. While looking at the side mirror I release a sarcastic smile thinking that the angle I see is open and if I show my arms to shut my target it is very impossible to earn a shot. They were focusing on my body guards and all of their guns are aiming to them. I quickly stop over speeding to make the appropriate distance . As soon as I got a chance I quickly shot numerous bullet on them earning a lot of sarcastic smile on me.


Charles look at me with disbelief asking me what I have done while I replied to them that I was just teaching them a lesson. The car and van stops since I shoot both of its tire in front well the bullet is piercing on it now freeing the air it have. I also shoot their driver I look at itachi and Dwight asking them what is the next plan either we where finish all of them or leave them behind. Charles just replied that we need to go home by now since Dwight was already here as I look in front I see a lot of cars. I receive a call and my husbands name appear on the screen. He said that I need to go home he will show up at home when he sort out things.

I am so worried since Dwight and itachi look really pale and any moment they will passed out. Before Dwight finally reach the living room he passed out I tried to wake him up telling him not to close his eyes. But it all fail doctors and nurses hurriedly cured the two. I just wish that they will safe that they will survive they where too kind on me. They always been with me doing their best to protect me and I always feel that they care for me. Mom and kate looks worried with those two and they also keep on asking me if I’m fine if I am ok I just smile at them telling them that I’m fine and everything will be alright. I go to jeon room his fast asleep I kiss him on his forehead making promises that no matter what happen I will protect him even if it cost my life.

Now I understand my mom sacrificing everything for our life in the last hours, minutes and seconds of her life she never fails to make us feel her eternal love. Despite all of her agony she still thinks of us. Now I also feel what she feel right now I love jeon so much more than my life. I heard that our room open I left my sons bed and go into the door. As soon as I see Dwight I hug him freeing all my worries away he hug me back while combing my hair. He look at my face while smiling, you did a great job I wonder how you learn those skills of yours. You go home safe and you made my work finish since when my man’s go in there they don’t need to fight a lot he said.

Where they are? I ask him he just answer that they were under his possession and they did a lot of mistake making much trouble. I get a lot of information from them, those bastards are afraid to die so they don’t have any choice but to voice out. Do you know that their head who gave them orders is after you they wanted to get you dead or alive. But they told me that if they get you alive they receive a lot of rewards from their boss. Do you know Alexander Santos personally he ask me. I just replied how do you know him he also answer me that from his connections he got those information.

I know there is a lot of things that you haven’t tell me yet I will not going to force you to open up I just want you to know that no matter what happen I will always be by your side. And I will not let anything happen to you I will going to protect you even if it cost my life. You and jeon will always be my life without both of you I am nothing.

I once forget to believe that life is wonderful that life is such worth living for, ever since my dad died in a car accident the same day I come to know that my ex girlfriend was cheating for almost a month. I’ve done a lot of horrible things to you because I’m evil and this evil will going to protect you at any cost he said sincerely. I know that his worried I also know that he already know the past that hunts me.

As soon as I release a heavy breath I open everything to Dwight the past that hunts me. The past that keeps on replaying in my mind no matter how far I tried to burry it all. As I look at Dwight I saw range on his eyes I know his mad I quickly hold his hands that is now on a fist I smile at him sincerely. Telling him that he don’t need to be worried that he must freed his heart from negative feelings and he must choose to be happy.

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