《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 27


*We found her, Alpha!* Jared mind-links me anxiously.

*What do you mean*" I ask, groggily waking up from my nap. My Beta convinced me to sleep after having gone so long without resting.

*We found Rogue, we found where your mate is!*

I jump up and hurry out of my room, yelling for my pack. People stumble out of rooms, immediately transforming into their wolves as I commanded. Andrew and Carter approach anxiously and wait by my side.

*Send your location to the pack, they'll be on their way* I mind-link Jared.

My pack immediately begins howling as they hurry off to wherever Jared is located.

"What are you going to do, Alpha?" Carter asks, hesitantly.

"I'm going to take back my mate," I say, clenching my teeth.

"What about your arm?" Andrew asks.

"Already healed, doc gave me some extra medicine which fused my bones."

I start walking faster through the house, both Andrew and Carter following close on my heels.

"Are you sure this is the best way-" Carter starts before I cut him off.

"It's the only way," I say before turning into my wolf.

It's time we end Rogue once and for all


They're coming


They're coming now

I open my eyes and look around, only to see Finley laying next to me in bed. His arm is wrapped tightly around my waist while he sleeps soundly. I slowly get up, trying not to wake him.

Eden, listen to me. You must warn the others. You must lead.

The voice in my head is soft and familiar.

"Clarissa?" I whisper, as I quietly slip out of my room.

Yes Eden

"Who's coming? I'm not dreaming, am I? How are you speaking in my head?"

No time Eden. Baylor and his pack are coming. They are coming ready for blood, ready to take you back


"No!" I whisper to myself.

Eden, listen to me. Find Isaiah, tell him what's coming. Show him the locket, tell him to grab the thistle cube.

"The what?"

Then, warn the others. Prepare them for the fight of their lives.


Don't trust Calfur, Eden. Don't trust...I must go. I'm going to be cut off.


The voice leaves my head and I stand in the middle of the hallway. Speechless I look around and try to breathe.I hesitantly grab the pendant around my neck and snap it open.

Eden, do not take this power lightly

That's when I begin to run.

"Isaiah, Isaiah, Isaiah-" I chant over and over as I race down the long hallways before finally arriving at his door.

"WAKE UP ISAIAH!" I yell repeatedly, pounding on the steel frame. Within seconds, the door is thrown open.

"What is it, Eden?" He looks disheveled and confused.

Before responding I force my way inside and slam the door behind me.

"There's...there's no time," I say, panting from exhaustion.

"Slow down, what's going on?"

"Baylor's coming. He's coming to get me."

Isaiah starts to speak, but I cut him off, "you don't get it, Isaiah. He's bringing his pack. They know this is Rogue and we need to fight them."

I pull my locket off my head and place it in Isaiah's palm.

"Where did you get this?" Isaiah asks in a shocked whisper.

"Clarissa gave it to me."

Isaiah turns sharply to face me and whispers once again, "you've met Clarissa?"

I nod. Isaiah opens the locket reads the inscription and places it back over my head.

"Wait," I say suddenly, connecting the dots, "how do you know about Clarissa?"


Isaiah sighs, "that's for another time, I'm afraid. I need to know what else she told you."

"I need the thistle cube."

Isaiah shakes his head, "To get the thistle cube I would have to go through Calfur-"

"No Calfur," I shake my head vehemently, "we can't trust him!"

"I already know, Eden."

"You know?"

Isaiah nods, "something else for later. But yes, we cannot trust Calfur."

Isaiah stops and thinks, rubbing his temples.

"I will get the cube, but I need you to wake the others. I will need Finley, James and Zeke to help me, so go find them first. After that, wake as many people as you can and tell them to be ready to fight. All this must be done without Calfur knowing-"

"I understand, Isaiah."

Isaiah stands up and embraces me. "I'm so proud of you, of who you've become"

I cling to him before stepping back and running off to find the others.

I find Jame's and Zeke's room first and wake them, telling them to find Isaiah. Then, I run all the way back to Finley, explaining that he needs to hurry, that he needs to help Isaiah.

"But why?" Finley asks

"No time, you need to hurry!" My anxious voice is enough to send him hurrying to find Isaiah.

What's the best way to wake a ton of people? Time to go into wolf form!

I close my eyes, knowing that the pressure of the situation is enough to push me into my wolf form.

Soon enough, I am standing closer to the ground with more adrenaline than my body could ever need. I mind-link the first to people who come to mind, the other two female werewolves.

*SAM, ALICE!* I mentally scream at them

*Who is this? Is this Eden?* I hear Sam ask

*Listen to me. Baylor's pack is coming to attack Rogue, I need you guys to help me wake everyone up and prepare them for fighting*

*Why not just sound the emergency alarms?* I hear Alice ask.

*Calfur cannot know what is about to happen. I know I just met you guys but this is life or death situation and I need everyone's help*

*Of course, Eden. We'll help* I hear Sam say before the link breaks off.

Still in wolf form, I run door to door, howling quietly and mind-linking the people inside. Dozens upon dozens of people emerge and soon start shifting into their own wolf forms. Other humans grab knives and other weapons, standing powerfully next to all the wolves.

I race off and follow the scent of Isaiah, knowing fairly well that people will continue to gather.

"What is going on? What are you doing?!"

I stop dead in my tracks, turning around to come face to face with none other than...



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