《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 26



A voice calls out to me from nearby but I refuse to listen, too tired to do anything. My arm hurts and my head is pounding...


The voice continues to pester me so I finally give in, opening my eyes slowly to reality.

"Oh thank god!" Finley's head pops into my field of vision and I see the evident relief on his face. "You're okay!"

"Yeah," I saw groaning, looking at my left arm that is surrounded by a cast, "what happened?"

"You've been unconscious for a bit. Something must have happened before because your arm was also broken," Finley says while frowning.

He stares at my arm a few seconds longer before turning back towards me, "Calfur wants to talk with you."

I sigh, "Not now Finley." The last thing I want to do is try to describe what happened to some stuck-up old guy.

"Sorry Eden, but he's already here," Finley says, gesturing toward the door just as Calfur strolls in.

I groan and close my eyes, wishing I was anywhere but here. Maybe he'll think I passed out again.

"Eden, let's talk."

"Can we do this later?" I ask, still keeping my eyes closed.

"Unfortunately no, I need to hear what happened while it's still fresh," Calfur states, while Finley helps me sit up in the infirmary bed I'm in.

"I'm assuming you had another mind-flood?" Calfur asks, grabbing a little notebook from his pocket.

I look over at Finley who's sitting nearby. He has a questioning look on his face but stays silent, only watching.

"Yeah, Baylor just threatened to find me again," I say.

"Okay, and what else?"

"Nothing," I lie, "that was it."

Calfur silently stops writing and gives me an intense look, "That was it?"


"Uh yeah. I mean, he broke his arm to get to me, but that was it."

"Are you certain?" Calfur says, a doubtful look on his face.

"Yep," I say, hoping I sound confident.

Calfur waits a second before standing up, "Alright then, I'll let you rest."

I watch him leave the infirmary and wait until the door is completely shut before turning to Finley.

"I need you."

"What's wrong?" Finley asks, immediately rushing to my side, thinking something's hurt.

I hold up my good hand, "nothing's hurting, I just need help getting up."

Finley shrugs and supports me in getting out of bed. My left arm weighs a ton because of how thick the cast is around it. I cradle it gently but it feels numb and tingly.

"They gave you numbing medicine," Finley says, watching me examine my arm, "to help with the pain."

I nod once and put my right hand into Finley's.

"I need you. I'll explain later, but I need to tell you something"

Finley looks at our intertwined hands and back at my face. He tries to hide his confusion as he nods once, following me out the infirmary.

Immediately I begin jogging, needing to get us to my room. It doesn't take long and eventually, we're both inside.

"What is it?" Finley asks.

I bite my lip, "I didn't tell Calfur the truth. That wasn't the only thing that happened while I was unconscious."

"You lied to Calfur?"

I nod once, sitting at the edge of my bed, "Baylor originally contacted me through mind-flood but eventually I talked with Clarissa."

"Wait, who...how?"

"Clarissa, the original female werewolf. I'm not sure how, but it was just like a mind-flood. We talked and she told me to be ready for my future, to be ready to lead."


Finley sits next to me on the bed, "I'm sure there's an explanation for it."

"I don't think so. It was so real and then there was the pendant..." I stop, feeling my neck. I quickly go and pull out the large silver pendant out of my jumpsuit.

"No way," Finley says, "how did you get that? Is that from her? From your mind-flood?"

I nod, still staring intently and the gift in my hand. Its round surface is covered in lines that all flow together to make a werewolf face.

"Is there something inside?" Finlay asks.

I open it slowly, not realizing it was also a locket. Inside there is a tiny inscription:

Eden, do not take this power lightly.

"Okay, I think I believe you," Finley says, laughing cautiously. We both stare at the small message, wondering it's deeper meaning.

Eventually, Finley closes the pendant and pulls my hand away from it.

"Look at me, Eden"

I turn to him, seeing his sandy hair and blue eyes as if for the first time. In his eyes I see the concern and worry, all of it directed at me.

As if by a silent agreement we both move our heads closer together until our noses are almost touching. I think back to all the time we've spent together, all the days running of your lives and all the little moments in between.



I lean in, closing the distance even more before finally taking the initiative to push my lips against his.

Immediately he surrounds me by wrapping his arms around me and pulling me even closer against him. His heartbeat flutters rapidly against my chest and suddenly we're both one.

The kiss only lasts a few seconds but eventually, we're both staring once again into each other's eyes.

We both smile and Finley chuckles lightly.

"I didn't think you felt that way about me."

"I'm glad we're on the same page," I laugh.

Finley wraps his arms around me, "what about Baylor?"

"What about him?"

"He's your mate, Eden."

"So?" I say turning to face Finley, "I care more about you than I ever could about him."

I lean back into Finley's arms and we stay that way until eventually, I fall fast asleep.

Goodnight, Finley.


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