《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 25


"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I need to."

"You know the mate bonds are complicated," the doctor tells me, "it's possible that the pain becomes even worse for her."

"I need her to know I'm coming for her"

After fully explaining my situation to the doctor he has grudgingly agreed to help me. Eden can try to ignore the mate bond but hopefully, the connection through pain will create another mind flood.

I need to find her.

"Just a simple break," I say as he grabs my left arm.

"Yes Alpha," he says, sighing.

"On three. One...Two...Three!"


"I'm so hungry," I say, the smells of greasy foods wafting from the cafeteria.

"Just wait till you try the enchiladas here," Finley chuckles.

"I hope they have dessert," I say, thinking about my favorite chocolate cake recipe I used to make.

Just then I stop, feeling sick. My stomach starts churning and a searing pain comes over my arm.


I look up to see a panicked look on his face as turns towards me.

"Are you okay? Eden? Eden!" He shouts, catching me just as I fall over.

Sweat starts forming on my face and a wave of heat washes over me. What's happening?

"Eden, Eden you're burning up." He says, lifting me into his arms.

"My arm" I screech out, panting from pain and exhaustion.

"Just hang on..."




I open my eyes and instead of Finley carrying me, I see Baylor.

"I knew I would find you"

"What do you mean, Baylor?" I say, my pain finally subsiding.

"I have you now. Come home with me." He says sweetly.

Suddenly it hits me. "It was you. You made me be in pain so you could contact me!" I yell accusingly, pushing myself out of his arms and landing on the white marble floor beneath us.


"I had to hurt myself in the process!" He shouts angrily, "that's how much I want you back!"

"Well, you can't have me. Go away!"

"No," he says lunging at me and grabbing the arm that had previously been hurting.

"AHHGG!" I scream, the searing pain boiling my arm down to nothingness. I do the only thing I can think of, knee him right where the sun don't shine.

As he groans loudly and falls to the floor, I stand up straighter, clutching my burning arm. "You will never, never find me."

"And that's where you're wrong," He mumbles out, standing up again.


"You'll see, but for now, enjoy the company you keep"

He backs up slowly, disappearing into the surrounding fog, "See you soon"

See you soon?

"What do you mean!?"

The scenery around me begins to shift and I find the white fog and white marble floor become darker and darker till suddenly I'm standing in a deep forest.

The soil beneath my now barefoot feet is rich and cakes around my small feet. Wind rustles the leaves above me sending them blowing and falling towards the ground. I am dressed in a floor-length red dress that makes me appear to be a woodland creature.

I gingerly reach up to touch my head to find it adjourned with fragile flowers and green leaves. My hair which has been a long tangled mess is now gently curled and healthy, flowing behind me.

A stream flows nearby and I follow the sound, stopping by moss-covered rocks.

I look breathtaking, I think as I look at my reflection in the stream's smooth surface. I stare at my reflection for a while till suddenly a second head appears alongside my own.

"Hello Eden"

I whip around to see the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She is dressed in all white with vines and leaves wrapped around the base of her flowing dress. She wears a single silver tiara which contrasts strongly with her dark eyes. Her waist long blonde hair falls like a waterfall and has tiny silver gems threaded into it.


"Who are you?" I ask, standing up to meet her extraordinary height.

"My name is Clarissa," she says, smiling, "It's pleasure to finally meet you, Eden."

"Clarissa?" I ask my brain searching for the reason I recognize the name, "You were the first female werewolf, weren't you?"

"Yes," she nods gently, "that is me."

I nod slowly, "Is there a reason I am here?"

Clarissa looks around, surveying the forest before turning to look back at me. "Where is your body currently, Eden?"

"You mean my actual body?" I ask


"Well I'm at Rogue," I say, thinking back to Finley running down the hall with me in his arms.

"Do you know what Rogue has in store for you?"

I suck in a deep breath, turning away, "Not exactly, why?"

"Eden, look at me."

I turn and look back at Clarissa, a calm smile teasing her face.

"You are scared. You are confused. I get it."

She steps closer to me and places a hand on my shoulder, "I am here to warn you, Eden, to prepare you."

"For what?"

"For the future," she reaches behind her and pulls out a silver pendant.

"This is for you," she says clasping it onto my neck, "for courage on your journey."

"Thank you," I say, observing it.

"You are ready to lead, Eden. I know you are scared, but people need you. When the time comes you will be making decisions that will affect the lives of others. Do not take this power lightly."

"But I don't want this!" I say, covering my face with my hands.

"You have been chosen, Eden. There is a reason Baylor can contact you through mind-floods, and even more as to why you have survived so long without knowing your true identity."

I stay quiet, continuing to stare at the necklace.

"I'm going to send you back now. Remember what I've said. You are so very special, Eden. Be prepared for what is to come."


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