《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 24



"You aren't the only female werewolf, Eden,"


"She's a werewolf too?" Sam asks to Finley, mouth agape.

"Wait," I ask looking between the two girls, "you guys are werewolves?"

They both nod and begin to smile.

"How can that be?" I look to Finley, "Baylor told me there hasn't been a female werewolf in ages."

Finley shrugs, "we found these two during the black war. Neither were part of a pack so they ended up joining us."

"Best decision I even made," Sam says chuckling. Before I can do anything, I am wrapped in a tight embrace, "welcome to Rogue, Eden."

I nod stepping back. Suddenly overwhelmed I lean closer to Finley. All of this happening at once is a bit much to take in.

As if reading my thoughts, Finley grabs my hand. "Well, Eden has to begin training but I am glad you guys finally got to meet."

I give a quick wave as I am ushered away by Finley back to the opposite wall.

"Here's the girl locker room. There should already be a suit in there for you with your name on it. Feel free to set your stuff wherever." Finley says leading me up to the door. I can tell he's worried about me with his constant stare, but he refuses to say anything about it.

"We'll start training as soon as your ready"

I nod and step inside the steel door. Surprisingly, the locker room looks familiar, like my old gym locker room before the war. I chuckle thinking about my old gym class. Those were the simple days.

Sitting on the bench by the door is a dark blue suit, much darker than the one I'm wearing. Geometric shapes and patterns wrap around the suit, making it seem like a maze or map of light.


It slides on easily and soon I am stretching my arms and legs, feeling how the fabric reacts to my skin. It's tight but doesn't stop my movements in any way. If anything, it heightens my small movements.

I feel like I am in my wolf form.

"Hurry up Eden!" My thoughts are interrupted by Finley's voice, echoing in from outside the door. I quickly grab the mask and jog out to him.

"How does it fit?" he asks, giving me a once over. He is dressed in a similar suit to my own, his mask situated on top of his forehead.

"Fits like a gem," I say, bending my arm. He hands me a pair of gloves and leads me over to where people are fighting in pairs.

"Alright, we'll take this slow. Remember Eden, if you ever feel unsafe, you can tap out. The mask will create the impression that you are in your true wolf form. You won't be able to injure me but remember to act as if I was your enemy."

Finley and I both put on our masks and then I get on all fours. "Show me what you got, Eden!"

At first I am in shock, unsure what to do. The mask gives me the same view I would have as a wolf and everything appears much clearer. I easily notice smaller movements and can predict what's going to happen.

I lunge first at Finley, knocking him off balance and sending slightly backwards.

"Good!" He smiles, righting himself. "Keep going!"

I lunge again to strike, but Finley is prepared this time and knocks me over.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine," I say, shaking it off.

We continue to go at it for almost an hour, with new moves and tricks every second. I notice as we fight other people begin to trickle out until it's just me and Finley.


"One more strike, Eden, then we'll call it quits."

I take a deep breath and just as I am about to strike, come up with an idea. Before even thinking it though properly, I am turning around and running towards the back wall.

"Where are you going?" Finley asks, running behind me.

Right into my trap.

I take a flying leap towards the wall, twisting my mid-section and landing promptly on the unsuspecting Finley.

"You know," I say, taking off my mask, "you could always tap out if you feel...unsafe."

Finley smiles and holds up his hands in surrender, "Alright you win!"

As he stands up and brushes himself off, I notice him a lot stiffer than before.

"How did you come up with that?"

"What?," I ask, confused.

"I mean," Finely looks around, "how did you know to use the wall is leverage?"

"I don't know," I say shrugging, "It just seemed right."

"Oh," he sounds disappointed, "well that was really impressive anyways. I only know of one other person who could've done that..." Finely trails off, starting to walk to the door.

"Who?" I ask, suddenly curious. Finley never acts like this.

"Uhhh, nobody. Let's just go to the cafeteria."


"We found tracks leading north, we think she had help escaping," Andrew says, breathless from just having run back to the pack house.

"What do you mean?" I say, my anger beginning to raise. It's been five days since I've seen my mate and I've been growing impatient. So has my wolf.

"I think she found Rogue," Andrew says quietly.


"Well," I say, trying to control my anger, "then I guess we had better find them. I will not wait any longer for my mate."

I turn and leave the room, furious of the current situation. My mate got away and just happened to find the only true threat to me.

"There's only one thing I can do," I say to myself, quickly going to call the doctor.

The mate bond is deep and even if she doesn't feel feelings for me, she can't help but feel the pain that I feel.

"Yes...Hi, It's Alpha Baylor," I say into the phone, "I need your help. I need you to break my arm."


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