《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 23


"You're our weapon Eden, you're going to help us end this."

I look up at Calfur, tears blurring my vision, "What?"

Isaiah takes a step towards me as if to comfort me, "Eden, we can end this. No more Baylor, no more evil werewolves. Everyone who killed your family will be dead."

I suck in a breathe, clutching my stomach. I can end this?

My stomach swirls at the thought of more war. But it must end. There must be no more suffering. 

I take a deep breath before turning to Calfur, "How?"

Calfur smiles, "You're unique, Eden. You're strong and stubborn, independent. Your connections to Baylor provide us with an ideal opportunity to lead our people."

"You want me to lead?" I ask, finally realizing what he's hinting at.

Calfur nods, "Rogue needs someone to rally the people. What better than have someone who is a...."

"A female werewolf," I cut him off, "and the mate of a powerful alpha."

"We need you, Eden," Finley comes to me from the side, "we brought you here, for this reason, to lead us."

I look between the three men, all of them seeming desperate. My options are to lead or I guess be found by Baylor.

"Alright," I say, gathering up my courage, "I'll do it, but under certain terms."

"Yes, of course," Calfur says, beaming, "what are your terms?"

I look at the guys, "I want to know everything going on. No secrets."

"That's understandable," Calfur says, jotting down notes, "anything else?"

"Yes, I want human survivors to have the option to join, even if they don't have werewolf connections"

Calfur hesitates, "I'm sorry but..."

"No," I say aggressively, "you will accept everyone or I will not stay here. You will make every effort to support the human survivors. No ifs, ands, or buts."


"That's reasonable," Isaiah says to Calfur, "I'm sure you could make some exceptions to the rules?"

Calfur looks at Isaiah then to me, "I will do my best."

I nod, "Good, that's it then."

Calfur smiles, "You are going to do amazing, Eden, and we will be with you every step of the way. I know it's short notice, but if you're going to be leading our troops, you need to learn how to fight."

"I do know how to..."

"He means with the werewolves," Finley says, interrupting. "You are amazing at fighting humans, but now you need to learn how to fight like a werewolf"


"Eden," Isaiah says, "most of the fighting will be wolf to wolf so you have to learn how to think, run and attack like one."

"Okay, so...when do I start?"

"Now." Calfur says, "Finley is going to werewolf training right now, he can show you where to go. I have already sent a request for a training suit, so there should be one ready for you."

Finley turns to leave and I get up quickly, not wanting to be left behind. 

"Oh, and Finley?," Calfur says, "Be sure to introduce her to Sam and Alice."

"Who?" I ask, confused.

"You'll see," Finely says smiling.


After wiping my tear-stained cheeks and using the bathroom, Finley leads me down a long steel hallway.

"Who's Sam and Alice?" I ask, curiously.

"You'll meet them soon"

"Please Finely, you can tell me!"

"But then that would ruin the surprise," he says, winking.

We approach the end of the hall with two large doors. There are no windows leaving me completely oblivious to what lies ahead.


"You ready?" Finley asks, seeing me begin to fidget with nerves.

"Yeah, let's do this."

The first thing I see after the doors are swung open is the grand size of the room. If I thought the cafeteria was large, that is nothing in comparison. The floor is lined with squishy black mats while white lines separate the room into four quadrants.

In one section, dozens of platforms and walls create obstacles where I see people climbing, jumping and swinging. Another quadrant has regular workout equipment like treadmills, weights, and bikes. The third and fourth quadrants are free of equipment, the only difference is that in one quadrant there are at least a dozen people.


I assumed werewolf training meant we would be training in our wolf forms. I guess I was wrong. People fight against each other on hands and knees but in their human bodies.

"Finley?" I question.

He realizes what I mean, "as part of the training we are given a suit and mask that creates the sensation that we are in wolf form, even if we aren't. That way no one can get severely injured."

I nod, understanding. "Is that Zeke and James?"

I see the twins fighting against each other, rolling around and striking. It looks like an even match till Zeke swings around, landing on top of James.

"Good match guys!" Finley yells. Zeke stands up, taking off his mask and comes over to us.

"Eden! Did you accept?" He turns to Finley, "is she joining Rogue?"

"Yeah, I am," I say. Before I can even finish what I was going to say, I am swept off my feet by Zeke who picks me up and swings me around.

"Yay! I'm so happy for you, you are going to do wonderfully." He says chuckling.

"Zeke," I say squirming in his grip, "put me down."

"Oh, sorry," he smiles. 

James jogs over and punches Zeke lightly in the arm, "That's for beating me in the match."

"Ha! I won fair and square brother!" Zeke says, showing off his muscles with a pose.

"Rematch?" James asks, shrugging.

"You're on!" Zeke says, putting on his mask once again and racing off towards the quadrant where everyone seems to be fighting.

"C'mon," Finley says, grabbing my arm, "It's time you meet Sam and Alice"

We walk over to the section with the walls and platforms. "Sam, Alice!" Finley calls, walking up to the white border.

"What's up?" A girl with brown hair lands next to us, after jumping from the 5 ft. platform above us. A small girl with blonde hair walks over from what looks like rope obstacles. She smiles cautiously at me.

"Eden, I want to introduce you to Sam and Alice," Finley says gesturing first to the girl with down hair, and next to the girl with blonde hair.

"Hi, I'm Eden," I say shaking their hands. They both smile at me and remove the black leather gloves they wear.

"Eden, Calfur wanted you to meet these two because all three of you are werewolves."

I pause a minute, trying to process what was just said. "Wait, you mean...?"

"You aren't the only female werewolf, Eden."


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