《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 22


"Eden, wake up."

I open my eyes to see Finley staring down, a steaming tray in hand.

"I brought you breakfast," he says, cracking a smile.

"What time is it?" I ask, sitting up to look around for a clock.

Finley shrugs, "Don't know, we're on the new time system."

"Oh that's right," I yawn loudly. "I feel like I could have slept forever."

Finley places that tray in my lap, the delicious smell of warm food filling my body. On it sits a bowl of what appears to be oatmeal and toast.

I take a bite to be sure, the amazing flavors melting on my tongue. Mmmmmm...

"Did you have to give this all up?" I ask, gesturing to the food, "I mean, when you guys went out on your mission?"

"I guess," Finley says, "but we knew we were working for the good of others. So it was worth it, as much as I missed sleeping in a bed or having electricity."

"I guess its just so hard for me, I haven't had electricity or good food since the war," I say while taking another spoonful of oatmeal.

"Finley, can I ask you something?" I say hesitantly.


"Why did you guys keep me with you? It wasn't like I was a werewolf or even someone important? And don't just say it was because I needed help. You guys were out there for two years, eventually, you would have to come back wouldn't you?"

"In all honesty, I don't know," Finley sits down next to me, "It's true we would eventually have to come back to Rogue and we wouldn't be able to bring you with us since you didn't have ties to werewolves. Isaiah saw something in you that day he found you that was enough to convince him. He did a dang good job at convincing the rest of us. You're special Eden, and I'm so glad you're with us."


I nod, relieved, and finish my food.

"We should probably go now, Calfur wants to speak to you."

I get up, thinking about getting dressed but then remembering that I'm still dressed in a navy jumpsuit. I look over and realize Finley's wearing one too.

"Werewolf, I guess it wasn't a dream."

"Not a dream," Finley says, leading me out.

We walk the same way we came, first passing the bustling cafeteria then maneuvering the people in the hallways.

There are a lot more people around, almost as much as when we first got here. Navy, Green, and Grey colors dart around the room, each color signifying a different group of people.

"Hurry up Eden, we need to meet with Clafur," Finley says, realizing I'm observing all the people.

We walk quickly and eventually end up back in Calfur's office.

"Hello again, Eden," Calfur says curtly, Isaiah standing stiffly beside him. There are dark circles under Isaiah's eyes and I realize he must not have slept.

"Hello," I say cautiously, unsure of what is going on.

"Calfur's going to tell you about our organization, so feel free to sit down," Isaiah says motioning towards the empty chair.

"I'll just be outside," Finley says, closing the door behind him.

I sit quietly, waiting to understand exactly what is going on.

"First off, let me tell you about our beginnings. Our organization was born from a group of rebellious werewolves who decided they would rather not be living under the pack system. So they left, earning the name of a rogue wolf. They decided to create a group to end the pack systems, living underground until they had enough strategic power to fight back."

"Over time our group has slowly begun to grow. All our members are specifically selected based on their connections to werewolves. While most are werewolves, we have also allowed their families to live in our secure compound."


"Only werewolves and their families can join?" I ask, realizing how selective they are.

"There are some exceptions," Isaiah says, eyeing Calfur, "but mainly just werewolves and their families."

"Anyways," Calfur says, "our military and power has been growing with each new member. We now have almost enough to end the werewolf system once and for all."

"And then what?" I interject, realizing Calfur wants to start another war, "What will all this fighting do?"

"We are ending a problem," Calfur retaliates, "we are ending the evil powers that are against everyone and everything."

I stand up, sending my chair toppling to the floor, "I want to leave! I won't participate in any more war!"

"Eden," Isaiah takes a step towards me, "please..."

"No!" I shout, pushing him away, "I'm leaving!"

I turn to leave but am stopped when Finley comes back in, "Whoa, what's going..."

"How many people have you turned away?" I turn back towards Calfur, "How many poor, dying, human survivors have you left outside!? The human race is dying, and all you care about is preserving the werewolves against pack systems!"

"Eden, please.." Isaiah begs.

"Listen, Eden," Calfur steps towards me, hands raised in surrender, "I know what happened to your brother, to your family. I know exactly what they've done to you"

"Who? The werewolves? Well in case you haven't realized, I'm in a room full of them so I wouldn't be talking."

"You're one too, Eden." Isaiah steps forward, "Please listen to him..."

"Say one more word and I'll split your throat."

"I thought you were against violence," says Calfur.

I look down and realize I'm heaving, my hands have turned into claws. My anger is getting the best of me, and I am on the edge of losing control.

What am I doing?

I realize how close I was to attacking my only true friends. I'm a monster.

I take a breath before continuing, "what do you want from me?"

My voice comes out shaky and I see Finley's concerned face in my peripheral.

"We need you, Eden, we need you to help us get rid of the evil werewolves."

"We're all evil," I say, watching my claws slowly melt back into my skin.

"Some are more evil than others," Isaiah says, putting his arm cautiously on mine, "we need to make them pay, Eden. We need to get rid of Baylor."

I look up at him, tears beginning to blur my vision. So many mixed emotions are swirling inside of me. Fear, guilt, anger, sadness, and pain.

I look at Calfur, "Why do you need me?"

Calfur smiles hesitantly, "You're our weapon Eden, you're going to help us end this."


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