《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 21


Isaiah leads me out of the infirmary and back into the hallway. As soon as we are clear of the door, Isiah swivels around to look me in the eyes.

"Eden, is there anything you're not telling me?"

"What?" I ask, taking a step back. His sudden accusation catches me off guard.

"Is everything you said to Calfur true?" He asks, seeing my confusion.

"Yes Isaiah, why would I keep anything a secret?"

Isaiah pauses a moment, running his hand through his hair. "I don't know Eden. Things keep happening..."

"What things?" I interrupt, jumping on anything I can find out about this new place.

Isaiah stops, looking away. "Let's go," he says while grabbing my shoulders and pushing me gently down the hallway.


"Not now, Eden."

We keep going through the hallways, both of us staying silent. As we go, I start noticing things from the few people in the hallway.

"Aren't a lot of people asleep?"

Isaiah nods,"It's technically night according to our clock system. Some people stay up though, or they work during this time."

A man walks by followed by a woman, both of them wearing jumpsuits of different colors. A few more people walk by, also wearing colorful jumpsuits.

Is that their uniforms?

I spot a man in a navy blue one, a young girl in a grey one and a woman in a green one. As we go I start realizing the colors must mean something.

"Isaiah, what do the colors mean?"

He looks up at me, realizing I mean the jumpsuits. "The jumpsuits are the uniforms here that almost everyone wears. The dark blue ones mean werewolf, green means human, and grey is unknown."

"Unknown?" I ask glancing at a young girl wearing a grey one.


"Meaning they don't know yet if they're able to shift. Usually by the age of 12, they know for sure."

I see a girl around my age, dressed in green, "I didn't know I was a werewolf until recently."

Isaiah smiles, "That's what makes you so special"

We continue past what looks like a cafeteria, taking a left then a right after that. The hallways blend together and I realize it might take some time to understand the complex system of this compound.

"Here we are," Isaiah props open a door with the number 34 on it. As I step inside I realize it's very plain and simple. There are two twin beds, a small table, a dresser, and a door leading to what I assume is the closet or a bathroom.

"These dorms are usually meant for two people but you get one to yourself for now," Isaiah goes over to the dresser and pulls out a plain navy jumpsuit. "I think this should fit, they keep a few different sizes in here in case it doesn't"

I sit down on the bed to the left slipping on the jumpsuit over my clothes. The fabric is soft and warm like it just came out of the wash.

"I'm going to let you rest for now if you need anything push that button and ask. Someone will help you with whatever you need." He turns to leave but hesitates, turning back toward me. "Please find me if you have another mind flood, I don't..."

"I'll find you, Isaiah," I say. He nods then makes his way out, leaving me to my own solitude.

My body is exhausted from that full night of running. It feels likes so long ago when I found out that the guys were werewolves too. Everything has been happening so fast.


I close my eyes and begin to think about my old life, my family, friends, my brother. What would they think of me now? I fall asleep to thoughts of the past, dreaming about my old life and what used to be mine.



"I have to find her!" I growl loudly, stopping against one of the many ruined buildings.

We have been searching all day and night for my mate. My female werewolf.

Never in a million years did I think I would be powerful enough to be mated to the most wonderful females. But now, she's gone.

"Where could she have gone?!"

The mind flood worked enough for me to contact her, but not find her. She has always found ways to avoid me, staying stubborn against me.

"She's getting stronger," I say to no one particular, "she managed to shut me out of the mind flood."

"Alpha I'm sure..." Andrew comes up beside me, hearing my thoughts spoken aloud.

"Quiet!" I yell, my frustration getting the best of me. My anger continues to grow, the loss of my mate taking its toll on me.

"Bring me Jared and Kai," I say, closing my eyes and leaning against the building.

It doesn't take long before the shuffling silence of my two best seekers alerts me enough to get up.

"Well, where is she?" I ask, crossing my arms against my chest.

Jared glances down quickly at Kai before turning back to me, "We haven't found her yet."

I shake my head, "You have to do more!"

Kai takes a step forward tilting his head downward in submission, "Alpha, I think Eden may have gotten found by Rogue."


"All I'm saying is that we haven't found her and it would make sense because..." Kai doesn't get time to finish as I am quickly grabbing him and shoving him against the wall I was once leaning against.

"I don't care if she's on Mars! I will take whatever measures to get her, all you have to do is find her!"

Kai jerks out of my grasp and steps back by Jared, "We'll find her, Alpha."

With a wave of my hand, I dismiss them, walking away from my team of pack members, all maintaining a good distance from me.

Where are you, Eden?


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