《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 20


Before me stands Baylor, snarling, his whole body dressed in black. I look around, hoping to see the face of Isaiah or even Calfur, but everything and everyone around me has faded away into a white fog.

Is this a dream?

My mind can't quite grasp what's going on, Baylor's angry face consuming my whole being. I try to take a step back but my feet are glued to the floor, keeping me paralyzed.


I stop fighting and look up, my eyes coming in contact with Baylor's. His black eyes stare down at me and he keeps approaching slowly.

"What is this?" I ask, fighting against the invisible force.

He smiles, "It must be the combination of the fact that you're a female werewolf plus the mate of a powerful alpha that allows me to contact you through mind floods."

"Mind floods?"

"It's where I can communicate with you through a dream-like state, but in real time."

I look around at all the fogs and mist, "so this is all just a dream?"

"Sort of. Now Eden, where are you?"

I frown, "I'm not going to tell you."

Baylor takes another step towards me, looking furious. I try to move back, but my legs are frozen in place.

"Don't try to get away from me, Eden. I'm much stronger than you."

"You think you have the most power, Baylor? I'm the female werewolf. I'm the one who escaped you and the one you'll never find!"

"If you're really that strong than free yourself. The alpha always wins."

I smile, "Like I already said, Baylor, you're not my alpha."

I close my eyes and will myself to grow taller and taller. Willing myself to be free of the sticky glue keeping me on the floor.


"What are you doing?!" Baylor yells

When I look down I realize I have floated up into the mist and was now looking down at Baylor's confused state. I also realize that the old shirt I was wearing has now turned into my most comfortable black clothes, my leather jacket, and black combat boots.

"Where are you!?" Baylor says, looking around.

"You're not the only one with power here, Baylor" My voice booms loudly down from my spot, sounding like thunder.


"Don't come looking for me, you can't win this time"

"Eden don't you dare..."

With that, I take a deep breath and will myself back to Rogue.


"Eden, please wake up?"

Someone keeps shaking me, disturbing my sleep.

Five more minutes...

"Eden, please..."

I open my eyes slowly realizing it's Isaiah talking. I wonder what he could want this early in the morning?

As soon as I see his face, I realize something's up.

"What's wrong Isaiah, why'd you wake me up?"

A smile spreads across his face in relief as he clutches his heart. Another man kneels beside me, one that I recognize as Calfur.

"What happened?"

"I was just about to ask you that," Isaiah says, "you passed out cold and have been out for at least an hour."

"What do you...? Oh."

I look around realizing I'm in a white infirmary room, not in a clouded space realm. What happened in the mind flood comes back to me and I quickly grab Isaiah's arm.

"Do you know what a mind flood is?"

A look of confusion passes across his face, "Yes, but they're ancient, only happened at the beginning of werewolf history..."

"Isaiah, Baylor contacted me through a mind flood"


Calfur looks at me carefully, "Are you sure?"

"That's what Baylor said"

"Baylor contacted you?" Calfur asks in shock.

I nod slowly, "He said he was still looking for me."

Calfur turns to Isaiah, "I'm glad you brought her here, this might be just what we need."

"What are you talking about?" I ask

"Eden," Calfur now turns to look at me, "was it just Baylor talking to you, or could you talk back?"

"I could talk back"

"How about move, could you move around?"

I think carefully, "I couldn't at first, something was holding me down. Then...I don't know, I could move again. Fly even."


I nod again, wondering what all this means. Calfur looks ready to hop up and down from excitement.

"Did you end the mind flood or was it Baylor?"

"Last time he did it, but this time I did"

Calfur looks between Isaiah and I, "This happened before?"

Isaiah looks at me while speaking, "not that I knew about..."

"It happened once while I was asleep."

Calfur stands up and walks toward the wall, thinking. "I think we need to keep a close eye on you, Eden, in case this happens again. If it does, I want to be notified immediately."

Isaiah walks towards Calfur and whispers something to him in hushed tones. I try to hear what they're saying, but they both turn away from me, leaving me in the dark.

"Umm excuse me," they both turn back to look at me, "I would appreciate being told exactly what you are saying about me," I say with the sweetest smile I can muster.

Calfur sighs, "I can't tell you, yet. You first need to understand what our organization is for and what we do..." he stops, looking to Isaiah, "For now though, let's get you settled into your room. I'm going to ask that by tomorrow you make a decision on whether or not you're planning on joining our organization. I'll allow that Isaiah fills you in on our main ideology, though we can't tell you everything."

"I want to know as much as your willing to let me hear."

Calfur nods curtly, "For now, get some rest. We run by a slightly different clock system down here and right now most of our members are asleep."

Isaiah helps me up from the hospital bed I was laying in and I realize I'm dressed in a hospital gown.

"There are clothes in your room," Isaiah tells me, seeing my hesitation.

As we're walking out, Calfur says one more thing, "Remember, keep me updated if you have anymore mind floods."

I nod slowly and follow Isaiah out into my new world.


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