《Bound》26. Under the Moonlight
"Amara, sweetie, are you sure about this?", Claire asked.
"Don't worry about me Aunt Claire", Amara replied, smiling softly to help ease her Aunt's anxiety, "I would like to stay at home."
"I don't think that your grandfathers' are going to be very happy with your absence", Claire replied back worriedly.
A pained expression crossed Amara's face before she replied, "I don't really want to attend any party right now Aunt Claire, please", she pleaded.
Claire sighed quietly as she looked at her niece's pleading eyes. How could she refuse her such a small thing? Especially after what was happening since the past few days.
"I'll stay with you here then",Claire decided.
"But you are already ready to leave", Amara pointed out. "Please don't change your plans on my account. I don't mind staying back at home and I won't be alone. There are security guards outside the manor and the helping staff here, and don't forget that uncle Pietro is present outside too", Amara tried to convince her.
Claire was in a fix. She couldn't let Amara stay alone at the manor. It wouldn't bode well for either of them. Don Sullivan wouldn't like the fact that his precious flower was upset and alone at home.
Claire looked over at her niece as she sat hunched over the piano with brows furrowed and a concentrated expression on her face as she played the keys.
The tone that she was setting was much too.....melancholy, the exposition should have been far lighter and airier.
Amara kept on playing, trying to distract herself. Her fingers flying up and down the keyboard almost in a frenzy, the internal struggle she felt voiced in powerful intervals. And the cause of the struggle - A party.
It wasn't any normal party, no. It was a party thrown to celebrate the new peace treaty between the Riccardi's and the Giovanni's and by extension the Romero and Valentini organisations too. A party hosted by her Grandpa Sean at one of the luxurious Sullivan Hotel, here, in New York.
A party for which the Italian crime families had flown to the city just this morning, her family included.
Amara was reluctant to attend any event given the circumstances of what had led her to New York in the first place. She didn't think that she could handle the coldness and anger directed at her, if she were to come face to face with her Italian family, which would definitely happen if she did attend the event.
"Why is it that everything you are playing is so sad, little flower?", was heard from the doorway.
For the first time, Amara's fingers hesitated as she turned around to look at the new arrival.
"Grandma!", Amara exclaimed, her eyes lightening up with joy.
She quickly got up from the bench and walked towards her grandma, embracing her.
"I missed you", Amara mumbled, not letting go of her.
Patricia held on for a few moments before pulling away from her and put her hands on Amara's cheeks, holding her face and staring intently into her eyes.
"What has got my granddaughter so sad Claire?", she asked in a serious voice.
"Amara does not want to attend the party, Mother",Aunt Claire replied.
Patricia chuckled."Claire, darling, would you please inform the head of security that we are going to take some time to leave lest my husband decides to send out a cavalry because we are later than expected", she requested.
"Of course mother. I'll see to it",Claire replied as she left the pair of them alone.
"So what is this I hear about you not wanting to come out to the party?",Patricia asked, walking the two of them towards the sofa.
"Because I don't want to", she replied back simply.
"Why not?",Patricia asked.
Amara sighed quietly. She hardly ever kept secrets from her grandma but today she didn't know how to answer her question. "How can I? When I know that Nonno is angry with me?", she replied back in a small voice.
Patricia peered down at her,"Why do you think that?"
"I visited his office before leaving that night. He was so furious with me, he didn't even listen.....",Amara spoke, her voice thick with emotion.
Patricia shook her head in disapproval. Bernard Romero had unknowingly hurt Amara and she didn't like it even a single bit. She could understand his anger and disbelief at what had went down but he should have been more careful with controlling his anger around Amara.
Patricia sighed, "Amara, your Nonno was extremely worried about you. And when men like your Nonno and Grandpa are worried they channel it into an emotion they understand best that is their anger ",she explained, "It is no excuse for hurting you though. I will make sure to have a small talk with him."
Amara's eyes widened, "Please don't fight",she pleaded.
"We won't", she promised. "But tell me something Amara, do you regret going to the Valentini manor that night?", Patricia asked her granddaughter in a very serious voice.
Amara thought back to that night again. She had so many emotions and feelings associated with that particular night. Her fear for her family......for Allister, Damien and then after hearing about Valerio, a slow but searing burning inside her to see him and make sure that he was alright. Just like he always did for her.
"No", Amara decided. "I don't regret it", she confessed.
A knowing smile lit up her Grandma's face at her answer.
Amara looked down, her face feeling hot all of sudden.
"Now, Claire has told me about what's been going on here for the past few days. And I took the liberty of easing one of the reasons behind your sadness", Grandma said, looking at the doorway.
Amara followed her gaze only for it land on a very familiar person.
"Hey Amara",Damien greeted her with a smile.
That was all the incentive she needed as she quickly ran to him, throwing her arms around her cousin's neck.
"I'm so sorry Damien. Please forgive me", she cried.
"Don't cry Amara, please",Damien begged her as he hugged her tightly. "I am not mad at you, honestly."
"Why were you ignoring my calls then?",she asked in a small voice as she pulled away from him.
Damien smiled at her tiredly, just making her realize how worn out he looked, "I am on a probation for some time. I'm not allowed to call anyone or receive any calls."
Amara's eyes turned sad, "Yes, I heard Caden and Cian speaking about it. It's because of me, isn't it? Because I forced you to take me to the Valentini manor. "
"It is not your fault, and you didn't force me Amara. Don't blame yourself and please don't worry. I spoke to Caden and he told me that you have been very low lately",Damien said worriedly.
"I'm fine",Amara replied back hastily. "But you-"
"No, Amara", Damien said sternly wiping away a few stray tears from her cheeks, "We are not going to talk about it. This is something that I have to face myself. I don't want you worrying about it. You have your own problem to tackle now."
"What are you saying?",Amara asked, slightly bewildered.
"Children", Patricia called, approaching the two cousins.
"Lady Sullivan",Damien bowed his head slightly in greeting,"It is a pleasure to meet you again. And thank you so much for this. I wouldn't have been able to talk to Amara properly at the party", he spoke respectfully.
Patricia chuckled, "You don't need to be so formal with me Damien." Directing her attention to Amara, she spoke,"We will leave for the party in an hour and you are coming with me Amara. Your grandpa would be upset at having missed the opportunity to see you if he has to leave for a business trip after the party."
"Yes Grandma",Amara nodded. "I'll get ready very quickly. Let's go",she said, pulling Damien along with her.
"When did you reach New York?", Amara asked him as they walked to her room.
"This morning", Damien replied,"I wanted to come and meet you straight away but I had to attend the business meetings with Nonno and Allister. That's one of the restrictions imposed on me, earlier it was not necessary for me to sit through the meetings like Allister but now father has made it mandatory."
Amara winced slightly. "Is Allister very angry with me?"
Damien's jaw tightened, "Let's not talk about him",he told her, his tone leaving no room for argument.
"How is Valerio? Is he fine?", Amara asked him worriedly as she pushed open the door to her room.
Damien grimaced as he walked over and sat down on her bed, running his hand through his hair in frustration
"I owe you an apology Amara. I'm sorry.... I had to tell them the truth", he looked at her pleadingly
"What truth?", Amara whispered.
'You know it Amara", he told her nervously, "I had to tell them the reason behind why Valerio let you leave instead of keeping you as a hostage. I had to make them understand that you were in no danger at the Valentini's because.... he loves you", he whispered the last part.
Amara gasped, "How? How did you know?"
Amara had not spoken to anyone about what Valerio had told her. Then how did Damien know about it? There was no one present around when Valerio had confessed his feelings for her and he obviously wouldn't have told Damien. Then how did Damien come to know, unless....
"You knew?",Amara asked him, shocked, "You knew that he lo- about his feelings for me?"
Damien smiled at her nervously, "Don't hesitate to say the truth Amara, even to your own self. Yes, I knew that he loves you. Why else would I have taken you there if I hadn't known that you'd be in no danger with him. I've known it for quite some time actually", he confessed.
Amara watched him as he stood up and walked towards the large glass windows, leaning against them.
"Valerio loves you Amara, he loves you too much. And when I realised that, I...I got scared. I didn't know what to do. We have always kept the boys away from you, weaklings mostly. But Valerio was a difficult case. For whatever reason he had choosen not to come out with the truth, and I couldn't even tell Allister because he would have flipped. Allister would have gone on a warpath with Valerio", he grimaced, probably remembering their previous brawls. "So I decided that I would wait and watch him carefully, watch his every move but it became irrelevant since the very next day that I had learned the truth, Valerio had left for Germany. And-"
"...And so you kept quiet about it", Amara finished for him.
"Trust me when I say that it was the most difficult decision of my life", Damien chuckled darkly.
"Why do you say that he loves m...me too much?",Amara asked him shyly.
"I say it because I have seen it with my own eyes. Both, his possessiveness and protectiveness over you", he replied, shaking his head.
"But why did he never say anything before?", Amara asked Damien.
"You can ask him about it yourself at the party",Damien replied
Amara's eyes widened. She had been so anxious about Nonno and Allister that she had completely overseen the fact that the Valentini's would be invited to the party as well.
Damien was staring at her with an undecipherable look "He's here Amara. Valerio is in New York."
Amara fidgeted with the chain around her neck nervously as the cars drove past the security check at the gate of the Sullivan Hotel.
Through the tinted window shields she saw the long line of cars that were undergoing the security checks before being permitted entry inside. Amara recognised quite a few Hollywood stars as the windows of their cars rolled down for the security guards to check in.
"Don Sullivan likes his parties", Damien remarked from beside her and Amara had to definitely agree with him.
The car finally stopped at the main entry and one of the guards opened their door, while others immediately surrounded the two of them as they made their way inside. Grandma Patricia and Aunt Claire walking ahead of them.
"For such a short notice, it sure is quite crowded", Amara observed .
Damien snorted, "of course it is, no one refuses an invitation by your grandpa, it will be like sending back their own handwritten death certificates."
"Why is everyone staring?",Amara asked Damien quietly, a faint blush colouring her face as she noticed the curious and awed glances being directed at them.
"Hmm.. what?",Damien asked, too busy looking around distractedly.
"People are staring at us. Do you know why?", Amara asked.
"Blame it on Valerio",Damien replied, "This is what happens when you threaten an entire congregation of crime lords with their lives if they were to come after you or a member of your family."
"He did what?",Amara whisper yelled at him.
"Yeah that's how the word spread-",
"Sir", a guard called coming towards Damien,"Don Romero has summoned you. I need to take you to the conference room with me immediately."
Damien sighed turning towards Amara ,"The guards must've informed them of our arrival. The paperwork is being signed in the conference Hall in the presence of the other mafia families as witnesses. Most of the adults and their heirs are there. I better go too. You go and join Lady Sullivan in the lounge."
"Okay", Amara said reluctantly as she watched Damien leave with the guard.
She looked around the enormous Hall, at the attendees mingling around but she didn't recognise any familiar face amongst them. Most were either business moguls, celebrities or other associates of her Grandpa. The people around her own age were probably scattered either in the gaming zone or some other part of the hotel.
She turned around, intending to make her way towards the ladies lounge when Tyler appeared beside her suddenly.
"Hey Amara", he greeted her," You look beautiful", he praised.
"Thank you", Amara replied. "Are you enjoying the party?",she asked conversationally.
"The Sullivan's style of party is always fun",he replied chuckling, "I just met my favorite band here. They are on a break now, their performance got over just before you arrived", he said.
"I actually came here today for that very purpose. Caden has got me an appointment fixed with them, for a personal interview, you know, it's too good of an opportunity to miss"
"Oh I would have enjoyed watching them play", Amara muttered in disappointment.
Tyler chuckled,"You can order them to play and they will do so until you get bored of them, it's your grandfather's party after all."
She spoke to him for a few more minutes before taking her leave, feeling guilty for having behaved less than politely with him a day ago when he had visited the manor, unaware of the eyes that were on her the entire time as she conversed with Tyler, a walkie-talkie in the person's hand as he reported every detail of the meeting to his superior.
Tyler loosened the tie around his neck before taking a long sip from his glass of soft drink. He had come out near the pool side for a small break. These parties tended to be too exhausting for his tastes but they were always useful for meeting influential people.
He had already been promised an exclusive interview with the members of one of the leading music bands in the country which would help him with getting extra credits.
And with his work completed, he could enjoy the party but he had some serious lack of company.
Caden was with his father and grandfather, presumably tending to some business and Tyler didn't really know the other American boys present at the party well enough.
"Hello Tyler",a smooth voice called out from behind him and Tyler jumped, startled at the sudden intrusion.
"Hello", he greeted politely, "Do I know you?", Tyler asked the boy, confused.
He recognised him from somewhere but couldn't possibly remember from where. He couldn't shake the feeling that he should know who the guy was.
The boy smiled at him coldly, "You must have heard of me", he replied back.
Something in his tone made Tyler very cautious of him. He gave off the same dangerous vibes that Tyler had learnt to associate with Caden or any other male of the Sullivan family which probably meant that the boy standing in front of him was from a very powerful mafia family.
"I'm Valerio Valentini", he introduced himself but refrained from offering his hand.
Tyler's eyes widened and he cursed himself internally for his ignorance. How had he made the mistake of not recognising him. The Valentini's were one of the most powerful and ruthless mafia organisations. For goodness sake, he attended the school that was built by the guy's family.
He even remembered where he had seen Valerio before. He had seen him at a few of the Sullivan parties. He himself never had a chance of meeting Valerio personally though, since their social circles differed alot.
"Yes, I have heard of you off course, I mean who hasn't ", Tyler replied after a few moments.
The Valentini heir had apparently been attacked by the Romero's leading to a very tense atmosphere amongst the Italian crime world. That's what Tyler had heard from the other boys at school. It was the only thing that was being discussed all over the school in the past week. Always a different story shared in hushed whispers.
"That's nice",Valerio mused, looking to the large Olympic size pool in front of them.
"Tell me, Tyler, can you swim?"
Tyler's brows furrowed at the strange question,"Uhh not too well," he answered, unaware of the danger he'd just put himself in.
"No better time to learn then", Valerio remarked, before he shoved Tyler into the pool where he fell in haphazardly with a loud splash.
Valerio watched him struggle for a few moments before he broke through the surface, spluttering water and staring up at Valerio with a mixture of incredulity and fear.
"It's a great new experience, right?", Valerio asked him rhetorically as he slowly walked along the edge of the pool, his movements being following by Tyler's frightened eyes as he kept on paddling to avoid drowning.
"Get me out of here", Tyler shouted frantically. He had never received swimming classes, large water bodies having always frightened him. He could hardly float at one place let alone swim.
"What's the hurry?",Valerio asked nonchalantly.
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