《Bound》25. An Epiphany and A Challenge
Sullivan Estate, New York.
Amara sighed quietly as she sat on the windowsill overlooking the expansive terrains of the Sullivan Estate. The sky was overcast, grey clouds seemingly threatening rain. But to Amara it seemed as if the weather itself was reflecting her mood — morose and gloomy.
"Are you feeling well today Amara?"
Startled, Amara turned around to see her Aunt Claire walking towards her.
"Yes, Aunt Claire", she replied back obediently even as Claire felt her forehead to take in her temperature.
"Your fever is mostly gone now", Claire said, smiling.
Amara offered a small smile in return before voicing out her question, "Aunt Claire", she began hesitantly,"Is... Is there any news from Italy?"
Claire pursed her lips, "Nothing important", she replied back.
Not for the first time since coming to New York, Amara wondered what was going on back in Italy. It had been almost a week since her stay here and still there was no news about what was happening back there. But Amara wasn't fooled, she knew that everyone was aware about the ongoings and yet it was like an unspoken rule that she wouldn't be told about it.
"Did Allister or Damien call?", she asked. Amara had called the house a few times but she had always gotten the same reply from the servants who answered, that the boys were either busy with some business work or not at home.
Claire hesitated slightly before answering, "No".
It pained Amara to know that they were angry enough to not want to even speak to her. She had not meant to hurt or anger them.
Some of her hurt must have shown on her face because Aunt Claire hurriedly added,"Such negotiations take up alot of time sweetie, every small detail leading to the Riccardi - Giovanni feud is going to analysed before any decision can be taken. It's not an easy task and as the heirs' it is obligatory for both the boys to be present whenever required", she explained.
It did not miss Amara's notice that her aunt had tactfully left out the attack on Valerio and Amara's own impromptu visit to the Valentini estate.
"Off course, you are right", Amara murmured softly but she knew that Aunt Claire wasn't fooled.
Suddenly feeling very claustrophobic under her Aunt's knowing gaze, Amara got up from her place near the window, "I think I saw Caden coming back home. I'll go and see what he is doing, I'm feeling a little lonely here", Amara said before hurriedly leaving the room.
Caden was the only one amongst her three cousins who was at the manor currently. Liam and Cian were in Australia for a brief student exchange program and were not due to come back for another month.
Amara was about to enter the indoor basketball court where she knew Caden would be at this time when she was stopped short at hearing the one person's voice whom she did not expect to be there.
"I can't believe so much happened in such a short time span. I left from Australia as soon as I could."
Amara recognised that voice instantly, "Cian", she whispered. When had he returned home?
"The situation isn't as bad as it was initially. Both the hostages have been released and Grandpa is in Italy acting as the impartial ally. He is looking for ways to solve the problem without spilling too much blood."
She could hear him dribbling the ball even as he answered back calmly.
"You are not telling me that the Valentini's are just going to let Georgio Giovanni slip out of their hands?", Cian scoffed. "However accidental it was, his men shot Valerio. He is Don Vitiello's favourite grandson, I don't believe that the Don is going to settle for peace", she heard Cian speak, his voice coated with disbelief.
"Georgio Giovanni's is not much of a threat to them. His men who were involved in the attack on the Riccardi mansion have surrendered themselves to the Valentini's. The Giovanni's fate can be influenced by only two people now. One is off course Valerio and the second one is grandpa. You know how smooth his negotiating skills are. He'll definitely work something out to save him if that is what's beneficial in the long run", Caden spoke nonchalantly.
Amara was frozen at her place listening to them talk. After so many days of knowing nothing and worrying her mind over everything, Amara was finally getting some answers.
"I can't believe that those Italian's were so careless with their security", she cringed as Cian spoke furiously. "She left the estate right under their noses and they didn't realise it until after it was too late."
"Calm down", Caden spoke. "It was Damien who took Amara to the Valentini mansion and he is being sufficiently punished for it. I spoke to Allister and he has informed me about all the restrictions that Damien is facing now."
Amara's heart jumped when she heard that. What did Caden mean by that? Was this the reason behind why Damien was not talking to her?
"How dare he do that?! Do they not understand the meaning of a lock down?", Cian asked aloud in frustration. "And how come she was allowed to leave the Valentini manor without any repercussions, she would have been too precious a hostage for them to lose ",he said with underlying bitterness coloring his tone.
"I...I don't know", Caden answered slowly after a few moments of silence. "Allister had surrounded them with the Romero forces but Valerio is too smart to be threatened by it, especially if he had Amara and Damien with him. He must have known that Allister wouldn't have risked an attack."
Amara could practically hear the gears turning in his head as he put the pieces together.
"I have a few theories but they don't seem to fit Valerio's personality well. I'm not able to connect all the dots here", he replied in aggravation."Father knows why but he has strictly prohibited everyone from bringing it up."
"Why? I for one am very interested to know why she so foolishly endangered herself", Cian said coldly.
Amara winced at Cian's cold tone and words. He had changed alot in the past few years, becoming more reserved and silent especially with her around. He never treated her badly, far from it but she couldn't help but feel a strain in their relationship whenever he spoke to her.
"Watch it Cian", Caden snapped back sharply. "Don't you dare upset her, I'm warning you. Amara has not been well since she came back and I won't enjoy beating the life out of you if you upset her in any way. Allister Romero is already on my list.... "
Amara's eyes widened as she heard Caden's last sentence. Not wanting to intrude any more than she already had, Amara slowly started inching backwards when Caden's words stopped her again.
"I heard mum and father speak earlier. I heard him tell mum that there's a high chance that Amara might stay in New York for the rest of the year. Don Romero is quite furious and he......"
Amara didn't stop to hear more as she turned around and made her way back to her room, her throat feeling clogged up with emotion. Amara was just turning around another corner when she bumped into someone. She felt a hand reach out to steady her and looked up to see who it was.
"Tyler",she exclaimed, surprised by his presence.
"Hey Amara",Tyler greeted her enthusiastically.
Tyler was a distant relative of Caden and Liam from her Aunt Claire's side of the family. She had known him through their brief meetings in various social events over the years.
Clearing her throat she spoke to him politely,"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here for the student exchange program", he replied. "What about you? Last I heard you were with your Italian family."
"I'm visiting for a few days", she replied back softly, upset at the reminder of what she knew was happening.
"Tyler, I'll see you around later, alright?", she told him and turned around to leave when he caught her wrist, stopping her from moving.
"Damn, I'm sorry if my question has upset you for any reason", he apologised, his eyes shining with sincere regret.
Amara shook her head, "No I'm alright. Have you come to see Caden? He's on the basketball court", she informed him tugging her hand back from his hold.
"Oh I'll be on my way then", he said.
Amara offered him a weak smile as she turned around again, she really wanted to leave before she broke down in front of anyone. The overload of information she had heard was making her anxiety spike.
"Amara",Tyler called out again,"I was actually wondering that since you are here for a few days maybe we could go ou—"
Amara whirled around, so lost in her own anxiety that his words did not register in her mind, "I really need to leave Tyler, I'll see you later", she said slightly forcefully and left without giving him a chance to stop her again.
Stepping inside her room Amara locked the door behind her before she slid down and sat on the floor.
A hundred emotions and feelings were coursing through her, making her head ache and her heart feel heavy.
Since the past week, Amara had numerous thoughts and worries go through her head, about why she had been sent to New York, why had Nonno not spoken to her and treated her with a cold and passive attitude. Worried thoughts about Allister, Damien......And most frequently about Valerio.
Even now when she had heard Caden say that that there was a chance that she might not return to Italy this year, for some inexplicable reason Valerio's image of their last meeting had flashed before her eyes making her heart skip a few beats.
She got up and walked towards the door leading into her walk-in closet, she stepped in and the lights flickered on above her. She moved towards the shelf where she had kept her bag that she had brought from Italy.
Amara had only carried her essentials things with her, there was no reason for her to pack clothes or any other item of daily use. She had everything that she needed at both the house's, clothes, books, and all her items of daily use.
Unzipping the chain she removed the dark jacket that she had stuffed into it before her departure. Amara didn't understand why she had brought Valerio's jacket with her but she had been almost compelled to take it.
After Valerio had given Amara his jacket in the woods, she had not gotten a chance to return it back to him. She was thankful of it though as her hands clutched tightly around the jacket bringing it close to her chest, the warmth of it long gone but the lingering smell of his rich cologne still present.
And Amara knew deeply within her heart that she would be lying to herself if she didn't accept the sense of comfort and safety she found herself surrounded with even if it was with something as insignificant as a jacket that once belonged to Valerio clutched close to herself.
Valentini Estate, Rome.
Punch. Punch. Smack.
"Next",Valerio growled, as his opponent was knocked out by his attack.
"I said next",Valerio snarled when his orders were not immediately carried out. All around him the guards exchanged fearful and nervous looks. None of them wanted to spar with him, especially in the state that he was.
"He is the third one cousin, you should give them a break",Silvano drawled from his own place outside the boxing ring.
"Am I to understand that you are volunteering yourself Silvano?", Valerio asked him in dark amusement.
"I think I'll pass", Silvano hastily mumbled.
He was already dead tired from the extra training that he was going through as a punishment for breaching the security code during a lock down situation. For the first time ever, Silvano considered himself lucky that his father had assigned Valerio to overlook his punishment.
On any other day, Valerio would have made him regret being born for fooling around when it came to the security but he had been given a small leeway this time and Silvano was thankful for it. Besides, he was well aware that his punishment was considerably lighter than Damien's.
Shaking himself out of his stupor, Silvano turned to look at Valerio and gulped slightly when he saw him glaring at him, an emotion that was quite dominant nowadays in his cousin, the reason behind it not unknown to Silvano.
"Lasciaci soli", Valerio ordered and the guards quietly left the training room.
Silvano watched as Valerio began to punch the punching bag, not stopping from his training. In a way Silvano understood that Valerio needed to cool off his aggression, the last few days had not been easy on him.
So he sat quietly observing him. It was only when he saw Valerio's knuckles bleeding did he object, "Stop it Valerio, you are bleeding."
Another vicious punch.
"Your injury has just healed, you are going to tear open the wound",he tried to reason.
His words were once again ignored.
Exasperated Silvano spoke, "You bleeding yourself is not going to get her back sooner". It was only after Valerio stopped did he realize that he had spoken aloud.
"I-I'm sorry", Silvano stuttered under Valerio's dark eyes,"But you know it's true. She won't be back unless Don Romero wishes it —"
"Right now I don't give a damn about what Don Romero wants", Valerio spat angrily.
"But you do. You respect him alot", Silvano pointed out. "Besides Amara adores Don Romero and you know it."
Her name brought forth an immediate response from Valerio, though it wasn't the one that Silvano was looking for.
"Sta 'zitto",Valerio roared, startling Silvano.
He turned around to face him and for the first time in the last few days Silvano saw Valerio's hard exterior waiver.
"You have absolutely no fucking idea about how it feels Silvano. You don't have a girl who you love yet. I advise you to keep your mouth shut until then", Valerio rebuked coldly.
Silvano was frozen in his place as Valerio turned and resumed his attack on the punching bag.
"Just when I thought that I have got her back, she is once again taken away from me. First it is because of my own grandfather and now it's because of her's", he said darkly, each time punching the bag with more force .
Valerio had not taken Amara's abrupt departure well. He had been furious when their employees working on the airport had called in to report that she had left for America.
"What about our sources in New York? Do they have any news?", Silvano asked him carefully, breaking out from his frozen state.
Valerio shook his head, "Not much news. She has not ventured out of the manor much since her arrival. She doesn't even go to school. I have already checked with some of our American allies. I wonder why.....", he muttered the last sentence softly, an edge of concern to it.
Silvano sighed. Not for the first time he wondered why Valerio wasn't already in New York. The negotiations were almost completed, a peace treaty was about to be signed, there weren't anymore threats. He was now free from his obligations. Then why didn't he go to meet her when it was obviously so important to him.
"I don't mean to sound intrusive", Silvano began cautiously.
"Just cut it out Silvano",Valerio snapped, annoyed.
"Why don't you go to New York and see her for yourself?", he rushed out.
Valerio stopped his exercise and once again turned to look at him."Don Vitiello has forbidden me from even stepping a foot in New York until the negotiations are in place", he answered, unhappy with the strict orders.
"Are you challenging my orders Valerio?", a commanding voice asked from the doorway.
"I wouldn't claim to be mightily impressed by a few of them sir", Valerio answered his grandfather stoically.
"Grandfather", Silvano greeted jumping up from his seat in respect. He was already walking on thin shells around him and didn't want to do anything more to displease his grandfather, besides he wasn't as daring as Valerio to head on challenge him.
Don Vitiello's sharp eyes roamed around the training room taking in its state.
"It seems you had a very intense training session today", he spoke nonchalantly, ignoring Valerio's jibe.
Seeing Valerio's locked jaw from the corner of his eye, Silvano choose to answer, "Just letting out some steam."
Don Vitiello nodded his approval. "Training is very important for you to work on any weaknesses that you might have and to build up your strong aspects.... You never know when you might need your strength to defeat any unknown threats", he stated, his eyes resting solely on Valerio.
In response Valerio's eyes twitched suspiciously. His instinct told him that he was missing something here but he couldn't figure out what.
"Valerio", Don Vitiello called out authoritatively, "I want you to immediately head over to the Riccardi mansion and work out the finer details of the negotiation. The Giovanni lawyers along with our own team of lawyers have been informed about it and are making their way there as we speak", he commanded.
"I thought that the final details had already been worked out",Valerio asked him.
"There are a few changes to the initial agreement", Don Vitiello answered gruffly, "A copy of the file is already prepared for you. You can read it on your way to the Riccardi's",he said coolly.
"Off course, I will leave immediately", Valerio replied as he bowed once before turning around to leave. He was almost out of the door when his grandfather's voice stopped him.
"And Valerio?"
Valerio stopped but did not turn around.
"I know you will not disappoint me", Don Vitiello said cryptically .
Valerio was halfway through the file when the car came to a sudden halt.
"What's the matter?",he asked the driver impatiently, not looking up from the documents in his hand .
Before he could receive any answer, Valerio heard someone knocking on the car window.
Valerio glanced up only to realize that there were more than the Valentini cars present out and he recognised the new arrivals well enough .
Opening the door, Valerio stepped out of the car.
"Sir, we are under strict orders from the Don to bring you to the Romero estate.You have been summoned by him and the Don Sullivan ",Tony, Don Romero's chief of security told him.
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