《Bound》24*. A Hunt Begins
Axel stiffened as the Don's words registered in his mind. His heart was beating erratically in his chest, threatening to burst out from the unparalleled fear that was now coursing through his veins.
With his head bowed low and eyes clutched shut tightly, Axel felt his knees tremble from the heavy and tense atmosphere in the office.
That handsome hunk can kill you in a hundred different ways before you even get a chance of opening your mouth to apologise for your ill timed jokes.
Carlos' earlier words resounded loudly in his head. Axel was sure that he was going to be annihilated in the most gruesome way just from the tone of the Don's voice.
"I don't want to die", he moaned internally. He had not meant to interfere in the Don's personal business. Oh! How he wished to go back in time and fix his mistake, tame his curiosity and stop himself from hacking the security system.
"Christ! I promise to never let my curiosity over power me. Please, save me this one time", he pleaded with every fibre of his being.
Just as he was about to fall down on his knees and beg for his life, the Don spoke again.
"Carlos, you have been very busy I see."
Axel's words caught in his throat. Shocked and confused, he peaked up a little and to his great surprise the Don wasn't addressing him but Carlos.
Carlos for his part stayed silent, his head bowed in submission.
"Look up", the Don commanded harshly as he threw a thick folder towards Carlos, which fell at his feet.
Axel chanced a glance sideways to the folder that was fallen on the floor. It was black in colour with a small red mark at the centre making Axel conclude that it was a high level secret file.
"Next time you have any intel, you get me solid evidence Carlos, not half thought out theories and explanations", the Don snarled. "I have read your report thoroughly. Even your witnesses aren't sure of what happened."
"My apologises, Don Valentini -", Carlos began speaking and Axel jumped violently when he was cut off as a bullet was fired past him.
"I don't want any explanations", Don Valentini spat harshly. "You are one of the oldest employee of the Valentini organisation, I'm sure that you are well aware of the significance of what you have tried to prove in that report. It is only your longstanding loyalty that is stopping me from putting a bullet through your head right here, right now."
"I- I'm very close at getting the evidence Don. I beg you to give me another chance", Carlos spoke, and Axel was surprised that even in the face of the Don's wrath Carlos could keep up his emotionless mask.
Silent met his request. This was it. Axel was sure that the Don was going to shoot Carlos for whatever mistake that he had committed.
"A week", came the reply. "Starting from tomorrow, I give you a week to get me any evidence that you think will help you now. At the end of these seven days if you are not able to find any proof that could support your report then you better hide yourself as best as you can if you still desire to live for some more time", the Don warned him.
Axel's eyes widened at the ultimatum. He wondered what Carlos had done. His eyes fell on the folder that was still lying on the ground. Was it something to do with this -
"So.... You are the new prodigy hacker that I've heard so much about", the statement came abruptly, startling Axel. Without even looking up, Axel knew that this time it was him whom was being addressed.
"Don Valentini," Axel said, and bowed respectfully but did not meet his eyes.
"You may look up", he ordered, and Axel raised his head to stare into the eyes of the man who influenced almost half of Europe. It was like being in a dream, or a nightmare. He had never imagined he would meet anyone as important as the Don of the Valentini Empire.
For the first time Axel got a real look at the Don. He had never seen royalty, but Axel was sure that even real kings couldn't hold a candle to the power and aura that he could feel rolling off of the Don in waves. It was in the way they he held himself, confident, as if he had been born knowing the world was at his feet for his taking.
Axel gaped at the mafia lord in front of him, not being able to control himself. He was thankful that the Don was not looking at him in that moment, which gave him precious few seconds to get a control over himself. Instead, the Don seemed to be busy with his mobile phone, glaring at it as if it had somehow offended him.
"What's your name?", the Don asked him.
"Axel", he replied back trying to keep his voice as neutral as possible to prevent his fear from surfacing.
"I've heard of you", said Don Valentini, sitting back, his attention now focused solely on him. "You're quite a prodigy when it comes to the technical department. You were mentioned to me a few times, in reports."
On any other day, it would be an honour for the Don to know his name. Today, it was merely a gut-wrenching and fear inducing experience.
Axel didn't say anything, but his eyes flicked up to meet the Don's, before going back to the floor. Don Valentini seemed to be daring him to speak, but Axel wasn't stupid. He was struck by the sudden image of being confronted with a lion that was ready to pounce.
"I expect you to keep up the same level of work. Do not disappoint me", Don Valentini told him in a hard tone.
"Yes sir ", Axel parroted with as much courage as he could muster.
"That's all for tonight. Now you both can get out of my sight", he ordered.
Axel didn't need to be told twice. With another quick bow, he left the office, followed by Carlos who shut the door behind him with a soft click.
"That was so hor-", he began, wide- eyed.
"Not here", Carlos growled at him softly.
With quick steps, they made their way back to Carlos' room. It was only after Carlos shut the door being him that he heaved a sigh of relief.
"H...he is so intimidating", Axel shuddered.
"Don't know why you're complaining. You haven't even seen anything yet boy", Carlos chuckled darkly.
Axel thought otherwise but choose to hold his tongue.
"He doesn't know about the system", Axel said in relief .
"You were lucky", Carlos admitted. "But you need to be more careful. You are on his radar now, he knows your name. You are going to be scrutinised by the other higher members in every step that you take", he warned him.
"How did he even know about me?", Axel asked, baffled.
"You have achieved quite a few feats in the short time that you have worked here. Every single detail about what goes on at a Valentini base is reported back to the elite members. Do you think that a new recruit working as well as you are was going to be missed?", Carlos replied. "I never expected your report to reach the Don though", he muttered as an afterthought.
"I'll be careful", Axel swore.But despite everything, he couldn't help but take small pride in the fact that his talent had been reported to the Don himself.
"You better be", Carlos replied back distractedly.
Axel could see that Carlos was stressed because of their meeting.
"What was the Don talking about?", he asked Carlos curiously.
"Nothing that you need to be concerned about", Carlos snapped back sharply.
"He said that you only have a week.... And you'd better hide yourself if you don't find whatever you are trying to....", Axel spoke, concern in his voice.
Carlos heaved a breath to calm himself, the boy was only concerned about him. But Carlos had known the danger when he had undertaken his task.
"It's a report gone wrong", he started, "When we present our reports to the Don, there is no scope for a goofup. Even the smallest detail is analysed by him. He's the master of reading in between the lines. I made a big mistake by leaving the file at his desk earlier", Carlos explained.
"So what are you going to do? Can I help you?!", Axel enquired. He owed Carlos his life for helping him earlier and he would help him in anyway he could.
Carlos looked at him blankly, "I'll be leaving Milan for a few days. In the meantime, just don't get killed."
Axel had barely gotten a few hours of sleep when he was roused back to the land of living.
He was currently making his way back to the Don's office under Carlos' orders. Carlos had caught up with him some time earlier and ordered him to get the black file from the office.
Axel had off course objected. He was too terrified to again venture in the Don's personal territory. After yesterday night he had sworn to never step a foot in the Don's office again if he could help it. But Carlos had just snapped at him to get going, saying that he had already acquired the permission from Don Valentini to retrieve the file.
"Where are you going?", a security guard standing outside the office asked him suspiciously, blocking his way.
"I have permission to enter the office and retrieve a file for Carlos", Axel replied back showing off the note that Carlos had given him.
The guard stared at the note hard for a few moments, scrutinising it, before stepping aside, allowing him entry.
Axel entered the spacious office, closing the door behind him, and walked towards the desk where he could see some files were kept, the black file on the very top.
Quickly moving towards the desk he snatched up the heavy file so that he could leave this place but just as he started towards the door, the phone kept on the desk began ringing.
Axel stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. This was Don Valerio's office, no one was allowed to touch anything here without his explicit permission.
Axel sighed, relieved, when the phone stopped ringing. Now stress free he once again turned around to leave, he had almost reached the door when the phone started ringing loudly again.
"What if it's an important call?", he muttered to himself. He took almost slow, cautions steps towards the desk, looking around as if half expecting to be shot for invading the Don's private space.
So slow was he in his approach that the phone went silent once again. He stood there with a contemplative expression on his face. If the call was really important than it would ring again, Axel decided, and just as he thought about it the phone rang for the third time.
Not sparing another thought, Axel jumped, picking the phone up. But before he could greet the person on the other line, he was stopped short.
"Don Valentini", a melodious voice sounded from the other end and Axel felt the hair on his neck stand up as he heard the woman speak.
"You are quite busy these days.... I think I'd rather not disturb you, Don", she spoke teasingly, oblivious to the silence at the other end .
Axel's eyes widened and he shouted in the receiver, "NO".
The Don would surely skin him alive for answering his call and then not even noting down the message for him.
"Umm who is this?", the lady asked, all traces of humour gone, apprehension now clear in her voice.
"I.....I'm a worker of Don Valentini, Miss", Axel replied back respectfully. "May I please know your name and your message for him so that I can report it to the Don when he returns", Axel enquired.
The hair on Axel's neck did stand for real this time, as fear trickled down through his heart.
"I'm Amara."
The two shirtless opponents circled each other, sunlight glinting off of their backs.
Sleek and sturdy muscles rippled as Valerio moved with lethal grace, observing, patiently waiting for any weakness, ready to strike down his opponent.
Silvano watched from the stands as his cousin and his opponent analysed each other. He snorted a laugh at the hesitancy that was visible on the man's face at the prospect of taking the first hit against Valerio.
Finally he darted forward, fist raised, barely scraping Valerio's chin before Valerio side stepped him almost lazily and raised his arm, his fist connecting with the man's jaw, knocking him off in a single punch.
The crowd of the gathered men cheered at their Don's victory. Silvano merely stood there watching as the injured guard was taken off the ground, knocked off by only one brutal hit by his cousin.
The same pattern continued for subsequent fights, with Valerio sending his opponents out of the ring either limping or on a stretcher. With each opponent that he knocked off, Silvano could see that Valerio was getting more and more frustrated by the easy victories. It wasn't the guards fault though, Valerio's strength and skills in sparring were matched only by a few.
Silvano had observed his cousin closely since last night when he had reached Milan for a conference. He had been in a foul temper even then, but it seemed to only worsen with the new morning.
Silvano cringed as another guard was carried away, this one probably lasting longer than the others. At this rate, Valerio would go through half their guards without even breaking a sweat.
Silvano knew that he had to prevent this. Decision taken, he walked towards the fighting arena, taking of his shirt and handling it to one of the guards who bowed at him and handed him the safety gear, which Silvano waved off. Safety gears couldn't prevent any damage if Valerio really wanted to injure someone.
"How about we have a real match cousin? Instead of the games that you are engaging yourself in?", Silvano called out as he reached the fighting ring in the centre of the vast training grounds.
Valerio's eyes flashed."It seems to me that you are wanting to return back home in a match box Silvano", he retorted dryly.
Silvano smirked."Not me, but the number of our security would definitely reduce significantly if you keep on plummeting them without even trying."
"Who is incharge of their training?", Valerio asked annoyed. "Deal with that person and appoint another one in his place. I want these men to begin their training from the first crack of dawn every fucking day from tomorrow onwards", he commanded.
"I'll order Antonio to look into it", Silvano replied. "Let's begin, shall we?"
"I'm not going to hold back."
This was the only warning Silvano got as Valerio swiped at him making him duck to save himself.
Within ten minutes of their bout Silvano realized that Valerio was indeed not holding back on his attacks. The crowd around them was dead silent watching the two Valentini men fight against each other in awe.
Silvano winced as Valerio's fist connected with his stomach making him lose his breath for a few short seconds.
"Yield", Valerio commanded.
"You did not teach me to yield brother. It was always do or die", Silvano said.
"I'm in no mood to be forgiving Silvano. Yield now if you don't want to waste your time with the medics getting patched up", Valerio warned.
Silvano smirked in reply and seeing an opening, he struck quick as a snake, he pulled his right hand back, clenching his fist and aiming for Valerio's abdomen. His fist was merely an inch away from the impact when Valerio ducked underneath his arm avoiding the collision, but at the exact moment Silvano's hands grazed the chain that was tied around Valerio's neck.
Wide eyed, Silvano didn't get a chance to backtrack before Valerio's knee collided harshly with his chest, sending him sprawling at a good distance away from his initial position.
Silvano jumped to his feet immediately and cringed at the dark expression clearly visible on Valerio's face, his one hand straightening out the entangled crest over his chest.
"You shouldn't have touched it. I'm going to slaughter you", Valerio swore darkly as he charged towards Silvano.
Silvano knew he was dead now. No one got to touch the chain around Valerio's neck and lived to tell the tale.
Just as Valerio was about to reach him, Silvano jumped in the air aiming a roundhouse kick at him but was caught off guard as he yet again deflected his attack.
Silvano had barely landed back on his two feet before Valerio's leg swiped underneath him,aiming a well placed kick at his shin, making him lose his balance and crash violently on the hard ground.
He did not even get the time to roll away before Valerio's knee collided harshly with his chest, making him lose his breath. He closed his eyes as Valerio raised his clenched fist, preparing himself for the impact, but it never came.
He opened his eyes to see Valerio's arm a mere inch away from his face as he glared down darkly at him, his jaw set.
"You don't realise how fortunate you are that we share the same blood Silvano. If you were anyone else, I would have truly slaughtered you for what you dared to do", Valerio growled lowly at him before getting off and offering him his hand for support.
Silvano didn't need Valerio to tell him how fortunate he was in this instance. He was well aware of it. The chain around Valerio's neck was very precious to him. Only once before had someone been successful in getting close to aim a punch at Valerio's chest but had ended up nearly damaging the chain around Valerio's neck. What had followed that event was probably the most gruesome defeat that his cousin had ever bestowed upon any opponent.
"You fought well", Valerio complimented him, patting him on the back.
Silvano nodded at him but his mind was somewhere else. He was trying to figure out what had his cousin in such a foul temper. Silvano had assumed that it was just a good fight that Valerio needed to unwind himself it was why Silvano had insisted that Valerio train with him. But even now Valerio's dark expression did not lose it's edge which proved that something else was bothering him.
"What could have made him so furious early in the morning?", Silvano thought internally.
No sooner had he thought of the question than the answer behind his cousin's anger clicked him, making him bite back a smile.
"Have you ever realized that you get more crueler and easily enraged when you don't talk with her enough?", Silvano mused out loud.
"Silvano",Valerio warned, eyes flaring dangerously. "Watch it."
Silvano bowed down before him, aware of when he needed to pick his battles.
"Go and freshen up. I need you in my study within 30 minutes. Not a second later than that", Valerio ordered.
"Off course", Silvano replied back.
"And Silvano",Valerio called out.
"Yes, Don?", Silvano enquired.
"Make the necessary arrangements, I'm leaving for Newyork after our meeting is done", he commanded.
"Newyork? Why? We have a very important meeting with the senator", Silvano objected.
"Hunting", Valerio murmured darkly.
"Hunting?",Silvano asked bewildered. "Whom are you going to hunt now?", he immediately cursed himself for his foolishness. The answer should have been obvious to him. There was only one person that could make Valerio go to any lengths.
Valerio turned to him. An indulgent smile on his face, contrasting magnificently with the dark predatory gleam in his eyes.
"A little dove."
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