《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 22||


Cecilia's Pov

I look at the big house in front of me. I haven't been here since Reece brought me here to meet his gang his gang a few short weeks ago. Just like the last time I stood here at the door step of the house with only one feeling running through my veins. I was nervous. Very nervous.

I was going to confront Reece about what he had done, in a house full of trained killers. Trained killers who would do anything for Reece. Trained killers who I knew would try to kill me if I so much as yelled at Reece.

I start to regret coming, maybe I should have just stayed at home in my warm comfortable bed. I had to practically drag myself out of bed this morning, considering I had practically been in bed for 3 days straight it was a very difficult task to undertake.

I walk over to the door and knock, soon enough the door is answered by one of the gang members who I remember as Jamie. I think he may have been one of the ones I had met that night at the club.

That night at the club was the first time I had met Amy. I remember meeting her that night and thinking that we were going to be good friends. I would love to say that we were both great friends and I had her on speed dial but the truth was that I hadn't seen her since the day I met the gang and I hadn't spoken to her since before that.

It was as if she had got bored of me and she just stopped returning my texts and calls. I didn't want to see her today though. For some reason just the thought of seeing her made me feel kind of embarrassed. I mean she had clearly been avoiding me and I knew it would be awkward if we cam face to face.


"Hey, is Reece here" I say too him, smiling politely. There was no way in hell I was going to go into the house yelling for answers off of Reece. The last thing that I wanted to do was draw any attention to myself. I just wanted answers. Clear answers.

"Yeah sure come in" he says smiling back at me. He leads me into the house and we start to make our way down the main hallway. The house was empty and seemed to be very quite to my surprise. It was definitely a lot louder the last time I came here. The house seemed even bigger with no people inside of it.

Jamie comes to a stop outside of Reece's office. He gives me a smile and without saying a word he turns and makes his way down the hallway the same way we came.

When he's completely out of sight I knock on the door. All the anxiety I had a few seconds ago had no disappeared and was replaced with anger. Anger at him for their deaths...

"Come in" I hear Reece say through the door.

I open the door and walk in. Reece looks up at me and greets me with a smile. He opens his arms, inviting me for a hug.

But I stay where I am. I look him up and down. He was wearing a pair of grey joggers and a white vest that showed of his biceps. As angry as I was I wasn't embarrassed to admit that he looked good.

Something suddenly catches my eye on Reece's arm. I hadn't noticed it at first but now it practically stood out. A burn mark on his left arm. All I had was statements that he made to me as proof that he killed my parents but now I had another piece of evidence and it was stuck to him so he couldn't hide it.


"You killed them" I state it comes out a lot quieter than intended it too but I didn't need to say it any more loudly because he had heard me clearly.

He frowns. Then lets out an amused laugh.

"What are you talking about"

"You killed my parents" I say louder.

He puts his hands up in surrender and laughs. His laugh made my blood boil. There was that burn mark again, it could be seen more clearly now.

"I didn't kill anyone. What the hell would make you think that?" He says stepping forward.

"They died in a fire. You've got a burn mark on your arm it all adds up! You killed them! You've been avoiding me at all costs because you got what you wanted" I yell at him at the top of my lungs.

He scoffs.

"I didn't. I've been so busy these last few days, I've had so much paper work to do and my phone broke. I was just waiting for you to show up here to see me for once. You can't constantly expect me to come to your place. I got this burn mark from cooking. Your skipping too conclusions now Cecilia" he says back to me frustrated.

It was my turn to scoff at him. I ignore the entire first part of his little speech and move on straight to the part about him 'cooking'.

"You cooked? A gang leader cooking? That's the most funniest thing I've heard in my life" I yell at him and let out a sarcastic laugh.

"You know what? I may be a gangleader but I'm still human, just because I'm a gang leader doesn't mean I'm any different from you Cecilia. I cook, I clean like a normal person I'm a gang leader not a bloody slob" he says angry and takes another step toward me.

"Your cold hearted" I say. It was the first thing that came to my head.

"And your not?" He laughs at me "you're the one who chose a guy you had only known for a few months over your family "

"You know what? I'm leaving." I say angrily, ignoring his whole statemenrt.

I make way out of his office but as I'm just about continue walking I hear Reece.

"Did you ever apologise for being such a little brat to them?" Reece yell through the now closed door.

I shake my head in annoyance.

That was low.

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