《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 23||


Cecilia's Pov

Reece killed my parents the clues were all there.

He left the day my parents died and didn't talk to me after that.

He had a burn mark.

And he was already planning it.

Reece and I weren't good for each other.

I had my head in the clouds, thinking about all the books and movies that I had read and watched where the gangleader and the girl live happily ever after.

But those were books and movies this was real life.

I wish storybook moments could happen in real life but the truth was they never could. That's why they are entitled "storybook moments." Another thing you do not get in actual life are happy endings. Only in a novel or on TV can you stop the story and hold time in the picture-perfect moment. Orson Welles put it effortlessly in to words when he stated, "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." In actual life the story doesn't discontinue at the "happy ending." It never ends. It keeps going past that joyful moment and turns something beautiful into something so withered.

That doesn't mean that life is empty of moments or – if you're very blessed – days, that are earnest of a movie. I know that no "happy ending" will last forever.

I think the only way to get a happy ending in life is to accumulate more noble moments than unscrupulous ones. Memories with loved ones.

I wish there was a "how" to finding your happy ending, but sadly I don't think there is. And even if there was, I think the path is different for everyone. I haven't thought out mine yet, but I'm going to keep looking until I do.

Although life isn't a book you could make it feel so much like one. One year, 365 day could be a chapter. I had almost completed seventeen chapters of my book and hopefully there was many more chapters to come.



Reece's Pov

I throw a punch at the punching bag. Hitting something always calmed me down when I was angry but it just was not helping today. Maybe it wasnt because I was angry maybe I was just frustrated and upset. Maybe that was it.

It was all because of her. I was feeling like this because of her. Cecilia. That girl drove me completly and utterly crazy.

I didn't kill her parents.. The reason why I had not been around her for the past few days was because I was planning to kill her parents but on the last minute I pulled out, I wasn't going to kill them. If I did or even tryed I would lose Cecilia and that was the last thing I wanted.

If I had killed them I would have openly admitted it there would be no point in lying. I would have lost her either way because in Cecilia's head she belived that I had committed the murder and I knew Cecilia well enough to know that once she believed something there was no way you could change her mind. She was head strong. One of the many qualities that I liked about her.

If i'm honest Cecilia thinking that I was the murderer didn't irritate me all that much what really irritated me was the whole speech she made about me being a gang leader. It frustrated me that after all this time she still thought that little of me. I may be a gang leader but I still need to eat and to do that I needed to cook. I look at the scar on my arm, I had got it the other day whilst making an omlete. I have no idea how I managed to get it so high up on my arm but I did.


Surly if I killed her parants I would have come out with a bigger scar. Too set a fire inside a house you need to be inside, there was no way someone could set a fire while being inside a house and only come out with a little scar.

I never killed her parants but someone did and I was going to find out who.

If- when I find them I will make them pay.

Pulling my boxing gloves off, I toss them on to the gym floor. I make my way over to the bench and grab my phone out of my jacket pocket.

I was going to find this killer and I knew the perfect person to help me.

Scrolling though my contacts a spot the number I was looking for and smirk. Pressing on it, I place my phone against my ear.

She immediately answers, exactly as I expected.

"Lola I need your help meet me in the main hall in ten minutes" with that I said I turn off the phone not even waiting for her to reply, knowing she would be there.

Lola was a loyal member of the gang. Although she could get very annoying at times she did play a big part in the gang. I knew that I could trust her to help me with a lot of things and something I admired about her was that she stood up to me when she thought something was wrong and I thought that was a good quality to have. Sometimes she would get very touchy feely and I would have to put her in her place, quite often I would get extremely angry and yell at her. She knew what she was doing was wrong but then every few weeks she would try the flirting again and the only reason why I kept her this gang was because she did her job well.

I didn't have Cece anymore but I had my gang and I knew I would always have them. They were like my brothers and sisters. The only family I had left. We have grown up in similar situations and shared the same experiences so we understood each other completely.

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