《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 21||


Cecilia's Pov

I sit and stare at the white wall in front of my bed. Today was my families funeral. In fact it is taking place at this very moment.

I could bring myself to go. I was afraid, afraid too say goodbye. If I had got there one day earlier I would have go to see them, meet them, tell them how much I love them and how sorry I was nut there was no chance to that now.

It was selfish of me to admit but I wish I had died with my family in that house, if I had I wouldn't be suffering this pain right now. I wish I could have just spoken to them. The last words I had said to them weren't very nice ones and the weight of the pain I must have caused them will sit with me for the rest of my life.

It has been a entire week since I last saw Reece, he hasn't talked or called me since, I've tried not tried to contact him though. If he wasn't making an effort with me why should I even try to make an effort with him?

A thought suddenly crosses my mind.

Reece wanted to kill my family. He told me himself that he had wanted too. He had planned it for so long. He went as far as building up a gang to show that he had power and authority. He thought he would get away with it if he had the power and money. He said that he had to do it and I guess he did.

Surely he would have given me a small warning before he went through with something as big as that. Is that why he hasn't contacted me because he's already got what he wanted or was it because I told him that I wouldn't want anything to do with him if he even tried to kill my parents. I sit there in complete and utter shock, I was used... all this time.


I hear a throat clear. Jumping up in shock I place my hand on my beating heart, hoping it would call down. I look at the intruder only to see my aunt stood in the doorway of my room with her hands on her hips. Not looking to happy at all. My spare apartment key sits around her neck on a chain.

"Hey" I say turning back to face the wall. I didn't have any energy to stand up and greet her. My body felt very week. I hadn't eaten much the past few days. George came over every evening and tried to make me eat but I would eat a little then refuse to finish the food. George had been staying on my couch since the day I got back from seeing my burnt down childhood home. The night I got back I went straight to his apartment and told him everything.

"Don't hey me. I've just been to your families funeral and you were no where in sight" she yells fists clenched.

"I didn't want to go. It's my life I can do what I want. Your not the boss of me" I yell back like a small child who was just told off by an adult for being naughty.

She laughs sarcastically.

"You are so selfish and heartless you a perfect for him" she says angrily making all sorts of gestures with her hands.

I frown.

"What are you talking about?" I say confused.

"Your boyfriend. The big gang leader. He is heartless and selfish just like you. Perfect Match" and with saying that she leaves the room.

There's not long till I hear the front door slam shut. Sooner or later that door was going to break if people carried on taking their anger out on it.


I think about what my aunt said I let a bitter chuckle I was heartless and selfish.

Why do we often take for granted the very things that earn our thankfulness the greatest? We do this with both individuals and belongings. The difficulty is many people do not understand this until the situation has come and passed. We take things for granted on a daily basis, always with the hypothesis that whenever we need something, it will be there.

Relish the petite things in life because someday you will realize they were the immense things.

What you have now was once everything you strove to attain. Just because something becomes repetitive does not mean it needs to be replaced. Think of how blessed you are to have someone you can be completely comfortable around, that is a true gift and one that should be cherished at all times.

Appreciate all the things you have in life because you never know when that time will end. Don't wait until you realize that without it, your foundation to make it through each day begins to crumble. Too many times people don't realize what they have because they are out there looking for something better. The problem is that when they do realize it, they will come crawling back. Everyone falls into the trap that the grass is always greener on the other side. People make mistakes; it's part of human nature. You need to make it clear that you forgive one time, and one time only, and if this is what you truly want.

One thing I now knew was that I would never take anything for granted.

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