《Boyfriend's sister》chapter 7


(I'd suggest watching the video, because it's amazing. It fits the story right now, because Bella, at this time, has no intention of actually leaving Edward.She still holds him at such a high place even though she knows she loves Alice more)

When we got home for school and first thing Edward shoves me inside. "Since When,Bella! When did you stop loving me!" I gasp, on the bridge of tears "Edward- Edward I still love you. I just don't love only you." "Bella, I use to be your everything!" he came near me and pushed me into the table. No blood, no foul, right? "What are you-" " I didn't hurt you, but, you know I could!" I took a deep breath in "Edward, I'm not going to leave you! I love you. You're still my hero."

I'm getting scared now. What Happened to my Edward? What happened to my guardian Angel? Is he still here? Is he even still my hero?

"You better. You know what could happen."

By now, I was crying but he didn't seem to care. This isn't my Edward. I want Alice. Even if she doesn't like me she's my best friend. He raised his hand and slapped me. I yelled. I was so scared. "GET UP!" he yelled pulling me to his feet, grabbing my collar and pulling us face to face.

"You don't deserve Alice. Jasper might be gone but, you aren't good enough." He set me down as Charlie walked in.

"Hey,kids" "Hello,Charlie" Edward said like that never happened. I started on dinner and after Charlie kicked Edward out I stayed down there for a long time. I didn't want to go upstairs. That's not my hero.

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