《Boyfriend's sister》Chapter 6


When Edward came back to pick me up for school I told him I wanted to walk to school with him.

"Hey, did I say anything else in my sleep." He looked mad then sad "What did I say?" I asked, kind of already knowing. "You love Alice. So, I guess you don't love me anymore, do you?" I wanted to cry. That's not how I wanted him to find out. Not in the Least bit. " I like you, Edward. No, not even just like. I still love you but, everything is so complicated right now and when you left, it hurt me, a lot. You promised me. In Phoenix, you promised me you would stay but, you left. And I realized, that out of everyone, after the initial hurt of your betrayal wore off, I don't hurt only from missing you. I missed you, I did. But, I missed Alice so much. Not just as a friend. I love her, too. I'm sorry."

We walked the rest of the way with no words when we got to school Alice came to hug me, not unusual, and he swung me behind him. I'll have to convince him I won't leave him for her. I won't hurt him anywhere near as much as he hurt me. "Lets get to class, Bella." He said taking my wrist and practically dragging me to class.

We got to our seats before the bell rings. "What was that about,Edward?"

"I just don't want you to get hurt. Alice Doesn't like you. Yes, Jasper left but, She will NEVER like you Bella. Get that? She Doesn't LIKE YOU." he said as the bell rings.

That broke me but, he would know wouldn't he? He can read her mind. And did I really think Alice, beautiful, sweet, amazing Alice would reciprocate my feelings anyways?

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