《Boyfriend's sister》Chapter 8


"Okay,I'm going to bed,dad!" "Night,Bells." I waited until 11 so I can go right to sleep. "Bella,Why were you down there so long?" "Can we sit and talk, Edward?" "Sure." he said putting me on his lap.

"Today, You've frightened me. Hurt me. Do you see the bruises now?" I say taking off my shirt because earlier in the bathroom I saw one on my ribs and a big one on my stomach. Small ones obviously dotted my arms and legs. I stayed in the kitchen doing my homework while Charlie was in the living room. He never needs to see them, right? Especially the bruise I can feel forming on my cheek.

"Oh my god. Oh,Bella! I'm so sorry. I'm a monster. Such a monster. Stay away from me." I know this is how it starts. He'll apologize and still do it but, he might mean it to. Maybe it's different. What do I know, I've never been in any other relationship.

"Edward, It's okay. Just don't do it ever again. But,Why?"

"Bella, I'm Jealous. I was Jealous of Mike Newton and you don't even like him. My sister has everything I do and more. Y'all are perfect for each other. I'm Jealous."

"Oh,Edward. I still Love you. I'm just having complicated feelings right now. I'll always love you. You're my saving grace. Besides, She doesn't like me like that."

"Right."he sighed. I thought I saw something more in his expression but, I ignored it. I'm just tired. "I'm going to bed."

He said okay and held me in his arms while he hummed my lullaby.

Maybe it was just a one time thing but,I'm still on guard. Before I drifted off a I had a thought. I just let him see all my self harm, and he didn't bat an eye...

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