《Toshiro Hitsugaya x reader》Sunset


It's been a couple days since I've been confined in my room. I had nothing to read, draw on, throw or even look at. I just had daily, usually one sided, conversations with Uluqiorra when he brings my food.

"Hey, Ulu." I called out to him and he stared at me. "Are there any sun sets or something here?" I asked him and he shook his head. "Then where's this light from? Not a sun?" I asked pointing to my barred window with light streaming through.

He seemed to debate whether or not he wanted to take the time to explain, but said nothing in the end. I pouted, "if you're not gonna tell me can you bring Gin over? Does he know?" I asked and he just nodded.

"Does that mean you'll bring him over? Or that Gin knows?" I asked.

He took my empty plate and walked towards the door. "Wait." He said and left.

"..... he spoke." I mumbled, slightly surprised.

A few minutes later, my door opened and Gin walked in. Uluqiorra was behind him. "Thanks." I said and he nodded before leaving me with Gin.

Gin and I stared at each other in silence. "So, did he tell you anything?" I asked Gin and he shrugged, shaking his head. "I asked him if there were sunsets here. Then he said this light isn't from a sun so there are no sunsets." I told Gin.

"Oh, yeah. There is no sun down here." Gin told me.

"Then.. this is a giant light bulb or something?" I pointed to my window.

"We are inside Las Noches, the capital of Hueco Mundo." Gin explained. "Beyond this dome is just an endless night sky of Hueco Mundo. The light isn't a giant light bulb but it is an artificial sky. So I guess giant light bulb is the best comparison." he explained to me.

"So, no sunsets?" I asked and he shook his head. "Too bad." I sighed.


"What's with the sudden interest?" Gin asked me with that curious smile of his.

".. Just wanted to look at it." I said and looked up at my window.

"You're weird." Gin said to me, crossing his arms.

I laughed, staring up at him. "I don't want hear that from you."

"Are you enjoying your time here?" he asked.

"Nothing to do." I said and shrugged.

"Well, I have to go now." Gin said leaving. "I'll find you a book or something." he said.

"It better be a good book!" I yelled as the door closed. I sighed and thought back to a few weeks ago.


"Why did I have to agree." I sighed as I held a large bag of snacks in both hands. I was excited at first receiving all of these, but I forgot to think about the uphill climb to get back to Urahara's. "Maybe I can drop some off at Ichigo's and Orihimes..." I sighed as I stopped against the wall.

"You shouldn't be able to feel tired in that body you know." I looked up seeing Captain Hitsugaya.

"You're right." I smiled, "habit I guess?" I said holding the bags. "Would you like some Captain?" I asked, hopping over the rail and occupying the space next to him.

"I'm good." he said and returned his gaze back on his phone.

".. Are you working?" I asked him.

"Just keeping a look out." he mumbled, clicking a few keys. I smiled and opened one of my various snacks, pocky.

"You haven't had much human snacks right? Try this one." I said holding a pocky towards him.

"Not interested." he replied.

"Aw, cmon. Just a bite." I said, poking the corner of his lip with the pocky. I saw him glare at me out of the corner of his mouth, but I just continued smiling. He eventually slightly opened his mouth, and I slid the pocky past his lips and into his mouth. He bit the stick, and began eating the snack.


"Like it?" I asked, staring at his face.

"Not bad." he mumbled.

"Good." I said and fed him the rest of the stick before getting one to eat on my own. I looked out at the sunset. "Do you like sunsets Captain?" I asked him.

"Who knows." he mumbled, looking out at the sunset.

I smiled, staring at my Captain as he looked at the sunset. In the short time I've known him, he's always been working in the office, or chasing after Rangiku to do her paperwork. "Maybe he finds sunset calming?" I thought to myself.

We are close in age, but out personalities couldn't be more different. I was lucky enough to grow up with a normal-ish childhood, though I was very sheltered. I couldn't help notice how Captain's eyes seemed to be sparkling with the dying sunlight. The slightly yellow orange glow on his soft snow white hair was also very pretty.

"Stop staring." he said and I blinked, and smiled slightly embarrassed since I was caught.

"I've been here for a long time, but never took the time to watch the sun rise or set. It's really pretty." I said and he just looked at me.

"I guess." he said and put his phone in his pocket.

We sat in silence as the sun went down and I noticed his hand move and he reached into the pocky box and pulled out a stick, and eating it. "Captain?" I called out to him.

"What?" he asked.

"... You ever hear of the pocky game?" I asked him.

He just looked at me with confusion. "It's a game I learned a long time ago. I have heard about it, and how to play it. I asked Ichigo to play with me once before but he just told me that the game was stupid and didn't play with me. So I was wondering if you were interested in playing?" I asked.

Before he could answer, both of our phones rang, signaling us of a nearby hollow. "let's go." Toshiro said and ate a soul candy.

"Yeah." I replied, eating a soul candy.

~flashback over~

I felt my face grow warm. It was true I haven't played the pocky game.. but I knew how the game usually ends. "Stupid..." I mumbled flicking myself on the forehead.

My door suddenly opened and it was Uluqiorra. "It's too early for dinner, did Aizen call for me?" I asked.

Uluqiorra said nothing but he raised a hand and took out his eye. "Wait! What are you doing?! Stop that!" I stood up and hurried to him. He crushed his eye in his palm and instead of blood, there were particles of light that swirled around and showed me an image of a sunset, though I don't know where it was from.

I stared at the image as the sun slowly went down and I turned my gaze to Uluqiorra. "Was that for me?" I asked and he stared at me and nodded. "You're being weirdly nice." I said and he ddin't respond. I sighed, but smiled at him. "Thank you, but you didn't have to do.. whatever that was. I don't think it's comfortable to take out your own eye like that." I told him.

"It's fine." he mumbled.

"Will your eye be okay? I can heal it." I told him. He turned around and his eye was already back in its socket. I grabbed his face, pulling him down to my height and looked into his eyes. "Wow, you heal fast. Still creepy though." I told him. "Thank you for the sunset, Uluqiorra." I smiled at him as I let go of his face.

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