《Toshiro Hitsugaya x reader》Heuco Mundo


I stood in the giant room, staring at the person in front of me, Aizen. It's been 5 minutes, and neither of us have moved or said anything yet. Behind me was Uluqiorra, and there were a lot of others in the room who I didn't recognize.

"I hear you came without saying goodbye." Aizen said to me, a smirk across his face, leaned back on his chair, his elbow on the arm rest, and his chin resting on his closed fist.

"Well, you have horrible timing. What did you want me for?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Straight to the point I see." he smiled, and closed his eyes. I frowned since he didn't say anything, as if he was thinking or something like that. "Do you know why I have called you here?" he asked me.

"I have suspicions." I said and he smiled.

"And what of your suspicions?" he asked me. I glanced around at the strangers around me. "Ignore them." Aizen said, noticing my wandering gaze.

"If I had to guess, simply you want power." I said looking at Aizen.

"That seems like an over simplification." he said to me, seemingly amused.

"I did say I only have suspicions." I said and he just smiled.

"Do you know why you are here?" he asked me.

"A hostage?" I asked and he chuckled lowly.

"You're smarter than that." he said. I sighed, knowing the only thing different between me and other soul reapers, is that I had fused with my Zanpakuto. "Seems you do know." Aizen said, interrupting me from my thoughts.

"It doesn't take a genius.." I muttered.

"It is as you thought. You and your zanpakuto have fused together, where most people have their zanpkuto's in their blades, yours inhabits your body." he said and stood from his chair, walking towards me.


"And what of it? What do you want with me?" I asked as he stopped in front of me, looking down at me.

"You." he simply said.

"Creep." I frowned.

"Not in that way." he said and turned his back to me. "Come to my side. Grant me your power." he said, sitting back in his chair.

"I know you aren't stupid enough to believe I'd join you just because of that." I said glaring up at him.

"Don't you think the Soul Society needs to change?" he asked me.

"Change?" I asked him.

"Yes, the separation of classes, the old rules, the morals and values of the old generation?" he asked me. "Tell me, what did the old man decide when your friend was taken by us? What was she labeled as? Also, Rukia, she used her powers to save a human, yet because of that she was sentenced to execution. Then your parents, your father, a noble, and yet he couldn't even marry the one he loved without trouble." he continued.

I frowned, knowing the old rules made sense for the time they were made, but at this point in time, they were old, outdated, and unfair. "You're telling me, you want to attain power, to change Soul Society?" I asked him.

"That's one way to look at it." he said to me. "What do you say? Join me for my cause?" he asked.

"... I want to see Orihime first." I said looking at him.

He frowned and sighed. "Stubborn little girl. That's fine. Uluqiorra, show her the way." Aizen said.

Uluqiorra said nothing, but appeared next to me. I followed Uluqiorra out, but someone stepped in front of us, stopping us. "I don't believe this puny girl could be of any use to us. Aizen-sama." she said. She like many others had a broken mask to her face, and wild short red hair. Her eyes were a golden bronze color, and wore the same clothes as the other Arrancars. I gave her a quick look up and down, which she obviously didn't like. She drew her sword and charged straight towards me. I sighed, knowing that no one would do anything, since the others probably had the same thought as her. I stepped to the side and she flew past me, skidding to a halt, turning back to me.


I glanced up at Aizen who was just watching. "Does he want me to fight her? Does he want me to prove my skill? Did he plan this to evaluate my strength for himself?" Multiple thoughts ran through my head.

"Pay attention, or you'll get hurt." she said and a strong reiatsu radiated off of her.

I sighed as she got ready for another attack. She jumped up and appeared above me, thrusting her sword down to me. I easily dodged, and kicked her sword out of her grip and into my own hands. She glared at me and I rolled my eyes, tossing her sword back to her.

"You talk too much, you have too many openings, also-" I smiled appearing behind her. "You're slow." I said, using my foot and kicking the back of her knee, making her go down on her knees. I then punched the back of her head, making her face crash into the ground. "Don't worry, at most... you're nose is broken." I said and walked back over to Uluqiorra, who just stared at me.

"Let's go." he simply said and we walked out of that room, and into the long, and tall plain hall ways.

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