《y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||》||19||
In some way, the Hitachiin twins convinced Haruhi and Y/n to go in a dark cave with two other girls for a scary story that they wanted to share.
"This is the place." Hikaru undertook in a uncanny tone as he and his brother held a flashlight to guide their way into the lightless cavern. "It's the most haunted spot in all of Okinawa. The locals don't even come out here."
"They say that the only time you can even find this cave is at low tide." Kaoru proceeded, walking in front of the small group as Hikaru walked behind the four girls. "Evidently, many people have died down here from drowning. And their souls still linger, taking revenge on anyone who happens to come inside." He finished, glancing back at the group once they came to a stop, taking note of how their two female customers were shaking like leaves and how Y/n and Haruhi were just standing still with an indifferent definition on their face.
"Look!" Hikaru pointed his index finger above Kaoru, divulging a cloaked, shadow figure that let out an unearthly laugh, making two out-of-the four girls shriek in terror.
Y/n and Haruhi looked at each other with deadpanned expressions. 'Are they serious?' Y/n thought, bluntly.
Y/n saw a skeleton hand being placed on Haruhi's shoulder, making small shivers go down her spine that nobody seemed to detect.
'That's creepy...' She viewed, slightly sweat dropping. Y/n isn't really afraid of paranormal activity, it just delivers goosebumps to her body.
Haruhi glanced down at the skeleton hand on her shoulder, not appearing to be fazed by it. "What's going on? Are you trying to freak me out?" She accused.
Y/n looked behind her and saw that it was Hikaru who was holding the skeleton hand.
"What's wrong with you guys?" Kaoru directed towards Y/n and Haruhi, holding the cloaked prop in his free hand. "I thought everyone was afraid of ghosts."
"Not everyone, Kaoru. We've never even seen a real ghost before." Y/n stated with a small sigh.
The group left the dark, 'haunted' cave. The paranormal terror of line attack strategy was a fail.
"Haru-Chan! Y/n-Chan! Would you come over here?" Honey called out to them, a closed eyed smile was on his face as he waved the two girls over.
The two sisters advanced towards Honey. "What the...?" The two of them began once they were in front of their upperclassman.
Honey was standing in the back of the police force's truck, a group of officers were at the back of the vehicle, staying on the warm sand.
"Are you sure it's okay to drive a truck like this on the sand?" Haruhi questioned.
Next thing they know, the two sisters were in the truck, perched on either side of the golden-blond haired boy.
"Well, we're ready whenever you are, private police people, please lower the door!" Honey bowed, a pink, bunny printed floaty around his waist like the one from the tropical resort.
"Yes sir!" The officers saluted and the door closed to the back of the truck.
Not even a minute goes by and Honey starts to flail his arms and panic. "It's dark and scary in here! I feel like I can't breathe! I can't take it anymore!"
"H-Honey-Senpai! Are you okay?" Y/n tried to comfort the alarmed young man. She kneeled down beside him, trying to get her brown eyes to get used to the dark, and pulled him into a loose hug.
The claustrophobia attack strategy was a fail. Haruhi and Y/n weren't even unsettled by it. The only thing that came out from doing this was finding out that Honey has a fear of extreme or irrational confined places or spaces.
The door to the truck opened, allowing Honey to run out of the vehicle and for Y/n and Haruhi to get out as well.
The two sisters walked alongside the salty water, their feet pressing against the balmy seashore. "Is it just me, or is everyone acting strange-"
Y/n's dispute was abruptly cut off by a tall male with black hair pointing a spear at them.
"Uhh... Mori-Senpai?" Y/n called out in a confused, composed tone as she looked down at the spear.
"Mori, uh, you're our Senpai, not a sentai." Haruhi observed calmly and Y/n slowly nodded.
Mori let out a small, discreet groan, seeing as the sisters weren't even flinching at the weapon that was pointed towards them.
The fear of sharp objects strategy was a fail. Y/n was definitely beginning to think that something was going on that she and Haruhi were unaware of.
- - - -
The long day at the beach was coming to an end as the blue sky was disappearing along with the sun as nightfall began to rise, a sunkissed-orange setting taking place in the sky.
"This game's harder than I thought it'd be." Hikaru groaned quietly as he and his brother sat on a small brick wall.
"No joke. I'm totally bored with it already." Kaoru disclosed with a sigh.
"What kind of heroine are they? They gotta be afraid of something, right?"
"Ha, ha!"
The twins turned around at the sudden triumphant laugh that sounded from behind them. Their amber eyes connecting with their blond upperclassman's back.
"What's up, boss?" Hikaru initiated, staring at Tamaki who was crouched down on the ground digging through the tropical leaves.
"What are you doing?" Kaoru asked.
"I found some rat snakes!" Tamaki informed delightfully as he held a bucket full of the different colored snakes, showing them to the twins. "Surely they'll freak out when they see these."
"Anyone would think those are creepy, so it isn't really a weakness." Hikaru affirmed, blankly.
"Hold on. I thought there weren't any rat snakes in Okinawa." Kaoru thought out loud.
Meanwhile, Y/n and Haruhi were collecting more shellfish that was around the beach, making sure that they gather every single one that was nearby.
"Ah-ha! Another side dish!" Haruhi smiled contentedly and placed the shellfish in the bucket Y/n was holding.
The two sisters were currently looking around the tall mountain of rocks that had some water reaching the sand that the sisters were standing on.
"Look up here, Y/n, Haruhi!"
The two said girls looked up and saw three females that were the Host Club's guests standing up on the mountain of rocks.
"What's up?!" Another girl called down at them.
"The breeze up here feels great!"
"It's dangerous," Haruhi glanced up at them, "be careful!"
Y/n noticed the girls looking out at the sunset, making her turn around and take a glimpse of the scenery as well. "Look, Haruhi." Y/n began with a smile. She felt the setting sun lightly kiss her skin as she stared off into the distance. "It's so pretty, right?"
Haruhi smiled gently at Y/n and looked at the sunset that reflected off of the ocean. "Yeah, it really is."
That's when the two sisters heard something--more like someone join the three females at the top of the cliff. Y/n's heart dropped when she heard a males voice, feeling uneasy due to hearing the young mans words.
"Hey! There are chicks up there, man!"
"Aren't we lucky! You ladies wanna hang out with a couple of locals?"
Y/n and Haruhi shared a quick glance with each other, already knowing what the other was thinking, and immediately ran towards the top of the cliff.
"This is a private beach. You guys are not allowed to be here!" The two sisters heard one of the girls inform.
"Private? Does that mean we're alone?" One out-of-the two males questioned with a smirk as he wrapped his arms around two of the girls, making them let out a desperate scream.
Once the two sisters arrived at the top of the cliff, Y/n threw the shellfish that were in the bucket towards a young man with a short ponytail that was holding the arms of one of the girls. All the shellfish landed on his back, making him let go of the girl he was holding due to the sudden action.
"Aaarggh!" He spun around to face Y/n and Haruhi.
"Why don't you quit bothering them?" Haruhi started loudly and sternly.
"Didn't you pigs listen to what those girls said? You better leave them alone!" Y/n vocalized harshly, attempting to keep her voice from cracking.
Y/n felt that something unpleasant was going to happen. She tried her best to keep her hands from shaking, wanting to display a fierce and tough definition to show that she wasn't scared or nervous, but deep down she was terrified of what the outcome will be. She didn't know how to defend herself or others physically and she knew that these young men were stronger than her and Haruhi. But all she could think about was getting the three young women away from them.
"Haruhi! Y/n!" The girl that was out of the mans grasp exclaimed in relief.
"You little runts." The boy said through his teeth.
"Go and get the Host Club. Doesn't matter who, just go!" Haruhi commanded the girl that was free from the mans hands while Y/n picked up a shellfish and aimed it towards the other mans face, throwing it at him.
The man wearing the hoodie let out a small outburst at the sudden creature hitting his face, making him remove his arms from the two girls.
The three girls ran away from the situation and went to tell the Host Club and ask for help.
The boy with the hoodie was approaching Y/n swiftly but she threw the bucket at him. The object hit the guy on the head, making him curse under his breath.
The boy with the small ponytail pushed his friend towards Y/n. "Get her! I'll take care of the other one!"
Now Y/n was shaking. Her heart was beating faster than it was before. Even though she didn't know how to properly fight, she will definitely try. There was no way of backing out of this now, not like she was going to anyway.
As the boy was about to grab her, she threw a punch in his direction that landed on his nose. That was probably the hardest punch Y/n has ever mustered. There was a silent crack that was heard along with the young man letting out a cry of affliction. Y/n felt a throbbing sensation run through her knuckles, but she didn't feel the pain due to the adrenaline she was experiencing.
"Damn it! You'll pay for that!"
Before Y/n could move out of the way, the boy grabbed Y/n roughly by both of her wrists, making Y/n kick her legs at him. The boy managed to wrap his arms around her from behind, causing her to struggle in his clutch.
The boy with the small ponytail succeeds in grabbing Haruhi by the collar of her shirt, bringing her towards the edge of the cliff.
"What're you gonna do now, loser?"
"Let go! Let go of them right now!" Y/n thrashed in the mans arms, demanding the other individual to let go of her sister.
"Now don't you try and act all tough, you little sissy boy!" The man holding Y/n called out to Haruhi, a small amount of blood surrounding his nose as he tightened his grip on the girl with wavy, shoulder length hair.
"Haruhi!" Y/n shouted, unremitting from trying to get out of the mans hold.
The male with the small ponytail glanced at Y/n. "Sucks that your pretty face has to witness this." He commented before turning his angered eyes towards Haruhi. "I got an idea, kid. How'd you like to take a dip?"
"Haruhi!" A familiar voice called.
"Hope you can swim!" He let go of Haruhi's shirt, making her fall down the cliff and into the ocean.
"NO! HARUHI!" Y/n yelled as she felt tears brim her eyes. "LET ME GO! HARUHI!" She continued to jerk in the mans arms, more panicky this time until she saw a certain blond haired male run off the cliff and dive into the water to get her sister.
It was Tamaki.
Y/n's brown eyes widened as a single tear slid down her face. She was sustaining so many emotions within her. Relief, fear, anger, helpless, useless, and most of all...worthless.
'I couldn't save her...' Y/n thought as more tears slid down her face and her body became limp. 'I'm so useless! Why did I even think we had a chance? That I had a chance! How come I don't regret helping those three girls out when Haruhi got the worst of it at the end? If Tamaki-Senpai didn't arrive on time, who knows what would've happened. Would Haruhi stay down in the water and drown while something happens to me up here? Damn it! Why am I so weak?! Please. I'm begging you, mom or anyone who is listening, please let Haruhi be okay. I won't be able to handle it if she isn't...'
"Now...," the boy with the small ponytail slowly approached Y/n, who was still being held by the other young man. He grabbed her chin and tilted it up a bit, "what should we do with you, doll face?"
"Don't touch her!" Two voices yelled out.
The boy let's go of Y/n's chin to quickly see who was there, but was tackled by one of the Hitachiin twins.
The boy that was holding Y/n let go of her to try and help his friend, but Kaoru tackled him to the ground and began to beat him up while Hikaru knocked some sense into the other one.
Y/n stood there with widened eyes as she saw Hikaru and Kaoru repeatedly hit the two males. Her legs were shaking nonstop but she quickly brought her hands up to her face to wipe away her tears as she heard someone approaching her.
She doesn't like when someone catches her crying. It's not because she finds it weak, it's because she's embarrassed and doesn't want anyone to give her a look of sympathy.
"Are you all right?"
She turned around and saw her upperclassman who had brownish-grey eyes and glasses over them.
"Y-yeah..." Y/n's voice shook as she spoke, her hands resting on either of her sides. She cleared her throat, trying to make her shaky voice disappear.
Kyoya let out a small, unconvincing hum and looked down at Y/n. "You do realize that what you and Haruhi did was extremely irresponsible and dangerous, don't you?"
Y/n slowly nodded and gazed down at the ground, avoiding his eyes. "I know...but those girls needed help."
After settling the situation with the two strangers, it was time to go back down to the shore of the beach.
Kyoya let out a small sigh. "Hikaru, Kaoru. That's enough. Let's go."
The twins threw a couple of more last minute punches and got up from the ground after Kyoya's remark.
The stroll back down to the sand was silent. The twins shared a glance with one another, the both of them thinking the same thing. They both looked at Y/n, who was walking in front of them and Kyoya. The twins wondered if she was okay. And they especially wondered if Haruhi was all right as well.
The four of them walked towards where Honey and Mori were standing. Honey looked to the side and saw the twins, Kyoya, and Y/n approaching them.
"Y/n-Chan!" Honey called and ran up to her. He threw himself at her and hugged her tightly. "You made us so worried! You and Haru-Chan!"
Y/n stayed still and slowly returned Honey's hug, not really knowing what to say or if she should apologize for her and Haruhi's actions.
The small golden-blond haired boy stopped hugging Y/n and caught a glimpse of her red and slightly bruised knuckles.
"Y/n-Chan, your hand..." He pointed out, softly grabbing the end of her arm to examine it.
"It's fine." Y/n claimed quietly as Kyoya moved his gaze to look down at her hand.
He adjusted his glasses. "You'll have to put ice on it for a while to calm the bruising. We'll have it wrapped in bandages once the doctor shows up."
Y/n didn't think that her knuckles were that bad that she would have to have bandages around them, but she didn't say a word. She just showed a small nod as Honey let go of her hand and turned around to look back at the ocean.
In the distance they saw Tamaki carrying Haruhi, his arms cradling her legs and shoulders as he stepped out of the ocean.
"Boss!" Hikaru called.
"Oh, thank god." Y/n muttered in relief and stumbled towards her upperclassman who was carrying her sister.
"Where'd they go?" Tamaki questioned Kyoya, who was holding a white shirt in his hands so he can put it around Haruhi.
"We took their ID cards and respectfully asked them to leave. The girls all went back to the hotel and I've called a doctor, he should be arriving here any minute now."
"Thank you." Tamaki said.
"I'm fine, you guys." Haruhi assured as Tamaki put her down. "I don't need a doctor."
"What were you both thinking?" Tamaki asked Y/n and Haruhi quietly. "You know you both are not like Honey-Senpai. You're not martial arts masters."
Y/n didn't says anything as she looked down at the sand. But she glanced up when she felt Tamaki put one of his hands on her shoulder, the other hand going on Haruhi's shoulder.
"Why did you guys confront them? What made you two think you would stand a chance? Two girls against two boys."
"We needed to do something. Those girls needed help and we were the only ones around." Y/n feebly explained.
"And it doesn't matter that they're boys and we're girls. Like Y/n just said, we were there--we had to do something. There wasn't any time to think-"
"That's no excuse, you idiots! Don't forget you're both girls!" Tamaki scolded, interrupting Haruhi.
Haruhi slightly narrowed her eyes at the blond haired male standing in front of them. "Look, I'm sorry you had to come and save me, Senpai, but I don't understand why you're so mad at us right now. I don't think we did anything wrong!"
"Haruhi..." Y/n spoke very quietly as she looked at her sister.
"You don't think so? Fine. Whatever you say." Tamaki removed his hands from the sisters' shoulders and walked passed them. "But I'm not speaking to either of you until you can admit that you were wrong!" He raised his voice.
Y/n stared down at the sand beneath her feet. 'I know we did something irresponsible...but those girls needed help. There wasn't anytime to get the boys or call for help. I don't want to apologize for helping someone out, but I feel so bad that Haruhi and I worried them... I'll say I'm sorry during dinner.'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- In Serial30 Chapters
Esper: Search for Power
Dan Martin has a good life. He's respected at his job, and enjoys his work. He is close to his family, and they love and support him. With engaging hobbies, relative financial security, and freedom to learn and pursue his interests, Dan is happy. So it's not particularly welcome when he's selected by an inscrutable and seemingly omnipotent System as a test subject. The downsides: All of this is insane and by any rational analysis he's gonna die. The upsides: Super powers, a cure for a physical disability that had limited him, and above all, so very much to learn (for as long as he can avoid dying). I am very much a beginner as an author, and any feedback or suggestions on how to improve would be deeply appreciated. Chapter releases should be daily for the first two weeks and sporadic after that as I use up my buffer. Please consider this work as a rough draft subject to revision and/or retcon. It is not only my first attempt at original story telling, but at world building and RPG style system design. The latter has been very difficult, even drawing on the brilliant work of many RPGs and LitRPGs for inspiration. Thank you to any willing to give a new story and a new writer a try!
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Kindling Stars [Hiatus]
Rivka grew up on a backwater world that is part of a vast interstellar empire, ignored by even it's feudal overlords outside of yearly taxation. She has a loving family with important and prosperous parents, two younger brothers, friends and the promise of a glowing career ahead. Both of her parents are capable mages and she confidentially expected to inherit their talent, to become one of the elect. Instead she Awoke as a dragon, tearing apart her school in blood and fire, the product of some far distant ancestor finally breeding true. She was faced with no real choice at all but to become a ward of the noble house owning her homeworld, sponsored by them yet sworn to their service whilst being hurriedly packed aboard a starliner and sent to the sector capital for 'proper education'. Dragons are mighty and terrible, regarded with awe, strategically and politically important, but dragons do not run the Empire. She is also a sixteen year old girl who now needs to eat several times her own body weight in meat on a daily basis and is being driven by the urge to burn or consume all who 'thwart' her. She is being sent to an exclusive academy for the most capable scions of the nobility.
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Hero's Journey
This is the story of three budding adventurers in a world of swords and sorcery. Follow Alder Col; a young swordsman of the Knight's Strong, Alys Merwen; a wizard apprentice extraordinaire; and Rolf; a wily street kid who has a need for coin. Updates infrequently.
8 116 - In Serial15 Chapters
BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON
After being tricked by their supernatural allies, Jane was now a pawn in the All-Women Trinity religion -- as the tween was pregnant through the inception of the Immaculate Conception. Her boyfriend, Paul was also attempting to abort the pregnancy -- where the Seed-of-Apollo was growing in Jane's belly. The 'other' Cursed-trio member, Peter was to serve a 'new' Master of the 7 Princes-of-Hell -- as he was the Chosen-one of Lord Baal Beelzebub.
8 203 - In Serial27 Chapters
Immortal Shards
In the boundless multiverse, all possibilities, no matter how remote, exist somewhere. Universes are born, or are created, and die, or do not. In the vast Myriad Heavens Cosmos, a reality far away from our own, a mysterious energy called Mana provides the basis for both physical techniques and magical techniques, and interweaves and is part of all matter, all spirits, and all energy. Mana is the lifeblood of the world, and those who channel and cultivate its power are called cultivators, for they strive to grow along the myriad paths of power and enlightenment. There are many such paths, known as Dao, but they all feature Shards! When a being, man, beast, or otherwise, gains a large enough Mana sea in their body, a crystal core, known as a shard,containing the essence of their power, the ideals and emotions that motivate them, and the essence of their soul will form. A beast which cultivates to the level of forming a shard is called a Magical Beast. A human or other being that does is known as a Mystic. A shard may be a Mage Shard, allowing one to use mana to attack with the elements and produce fantastical, reality bending spells. A shard may also be a Warrior shard, channeling elemental and mana power into one’s physical form, shaped into projectiles, or various other uses; or it can be a Immortal Shard, with the abilities of a Warrior and Mage shard both, and others besides. Anyone who forms an Immortal Shard has the potential to shock the vast planes of reality! In the eternal struggle between the living, who will gain advantage, and for how long? Who will live and who will die? Who will protect and guide the commoners, and fight rogue Mystics and Beasts? Into this world, a child with a potential beyond his wildest imaginations is born. But on the journey of cultivation, there are no guarantees! Will he reach his fated glory, or will he die an ignoble death? This is the story of Alexander Grandstar, and even the gods may not know where it goes! Current release schedule is 1 chapter a week, on whatever day I decide to place it (usually Saturday or Sunday)
8 123 - In Serial6 Chapters
Space-Time Apostasy
Time travel makes for strange bedfellows. Right in the middle of their fight in the Kamui dimension, Kakashi and Obito find themselves chucked on a one-way trip down memory lane. Grudgingly, they truce under a common goal-getting back.But...Minato's alive. Rin's alive.Kakashi's will falters, Minato grows suspicious, hidden forces come out to play, Obito vows to do whatever it takes-it's all a giant space-time bomb, waiting to explode.[Cross-posting this from my account on Archive Of Our Own!]
8 94