《y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||》||18||
"The beach?" Haruhi queries, staring at the Hitachiin twins with a raised eyebrow.
It was the middle of the day as Haruhi and Y/n sat in the renowned clubroom that was taken place in music room three with the other Ouran Host Club members.
"Of course! The beach!" Hikaru and Kaoru firmed with a closed eyed smile.
"Huh? Why?" Y/n questioned afterwards, sitting on a chair next to her sister as they sat at a small, circular table with books and school assignments placed on the surface.
"Don't you both remember what you said?" Hikaru entreated as he opened his big, amber colored eyes, leaning himself forward.
"Haruhi said that the both of you would like to go to a real beach." Kaoru reminded as it was his turn to open his eyes and lean onwards while Hikaru closed his eyes and inclined backwards.
'Ohh, I remember now.' Y/n recollected as she thought back to the words that she and Haruhi said when they went to Kyoya's family's tropical resort, placing her opened book on the table.
"Did I say that?" Y/n's older sister, Haruhi, obliviously searched.
The twins glanced at the girl with a deadpanned expression. "Yes, Haruhi." They both slid off to the side, a small grin developed on their lips. "Here's the fun part!"
Once the identical twins moved out of the way, Y/n and Haruhi's brown eyes spotted the variety of female swimwear that were modeled on mannequins.
"We've brought some swimsuits for you to choose from." Kaoru communicated as the music room was nearly filled with mannequins in bathing suits.
"Pretty cute, don't you think?" Hikaru asked, presenting a blush-pink two-piece with ruffles that was intended for Haruhi.
"Not that one!" Honey chimed in. "I think that this swimsuit would look much cuter on Haru-Chan." He held up a mannequin that was wearing a violet-blue, sailor-looking, one-piece.
The twins clicked their tongues persistently in a taunting tone as they wiggled either of their index fingers. "I don't think you get it. Honey-Senpai."
The short, golden-blond haired boy stood in the center of the numerous swimsuits, keeping his arms around the one that he liked. "Huh?"
Hikaru and Kaoru held Haruhi by her arms. "Just look, this uniform barely hides the fact that Haruhi's as flat as a cutting board." Hikaru asserted in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Rude..." Y/n muttered, sparingly glaring at the two troublesome twins.
"At least Y/n has some curves in her. A one-piece suit like that one would only upset Haruhi because it draws attention to her lacking feminine physique and she might get jealous of Y/n's body since her sister can pull off wearing a one-piece like that or she might get self-conscious about her own." Kaoru continued and pointed at the bathing suit Honey was holding.
"I'm not jealous of my sister." Haruhi grumbled, wanting to escape the twins' grasp.
The auburn haired twins ignored Haruhi's statement and showed a wide, closed eyed grin. "That's why we carefully selected this two-piece suit, see?" They motioned their hands towards the said swimsuit. "The ruffles help hide the face that she's so flat-chested! And since Y/n has a bigger chest than Haruhi, we picked this one out for her!" The twins said in unison and held up a mannequin that was wearing a coal-black one-piece swimsuit that has a v-cut going down the middle of the chest, strings going in a crisscross resemblance, and the swimsuit had holes on either hip that also had strings in a crisscross appearance.
Tamaki appeared out of nowhere with a baseball bat and swung it at the twins, making them drive away from Haruhi and Y/n due to the force that was behind the baseball bat.
"You punks had better quit sexually harassing my little girls! I've had enough of you!" Tamaki yelled at them.
"That means we're not going to the beach?" The twins questioned, hiding behind the table Y/n and Haruhi went back to sit at.
"Who said that we're not going?" Tamaki shot back, holding the baseball bat to his shoulder.
"Really? So you wanna go after all?" The twins waited for authentication as hopeful and excited grins formed on their lips.
"Can Usa-Chan come, too?" Honey asked with a smile, keeping a hold on the one-piece, violet-blue swimsuit and his pink stuffed bunny.
"I have no problem with that." Kyoya gathered as he stood surrounded by mannequins while writing in his black notebook, indifferently.
"Mh." Mori hummed with a small clipped nod, standing in front of a mannequin that was wearing a two-piece with the top being shell-cups.
"Huh? We're really gonna go?" Haruhi sounded out, ambivalently.
"Looks like it." Y/n replied with a small smile, not minding the fact of going to the beach for another break.
"Why not?" Tamaki glanced at the two girls with a faint smirk on his lips. "Let's go to the beach!"
- - - -
"So, why'd we come to Okinawa?" The twins examined, looking around at the scenery.
"Because Kyoya's family has a private beach here." Tamaki acknowledged with an undisturbed tone.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Honey discussed with a gratified smile.
Mori nodded in compliance. "Yeah."
"But why couldn't we have gone-" The twins started in unison.
"-to the Caribbean?" Hikaru maintained.
"Or even Fiji?" Kaoru stated further.
"Do you think commoners like Haruhi and Y/n have passports?" Kyoya canvasses, glancing at the twins with his brownish-grey eyes.
"Ah." The twins began in realization.
Haruhi and Y/n stared deadpanned at the group of attractive young men while Haruhi spoke. "You do realize that we can hear what you're saying, right?"
- - - -
Y/n forecasted that this trip to Okinawa was a little break for the Host Club but her thoughts were mistaken. Customers that often pay a visit to the prominent organization were enjoying their small vacation in Okinawa as well.
Y/n and Haruhi were sitting on top of a beach towel with an umbrella over their heads to block out the flaring sun. The shoulder length, brown haired girl applied sunscreen on her arms, legs, neck, and even some on her face, not wanting to suffer from a sunburn.
Haruhi was lucky enough that she didn't need to wear a bathing suit. Y/n, however, was forced to wear the coal-black swimsuit from before that the twins presented her with. But she wore the swimsuit with classic denim shorts.
"Ugh, why?" Haruhi groaned as Y/n closed the lid of the sunscreen bottle while the Hitachiin twins chased one another. A small hermit crab crawling in front of their beach towel of the warm sand.
The two sisters looked at the long line of girls waiting to get a turn with Tamaki, who was sitting on a large rock in the water.
"Her alone time with Tamaki is up. Next lady, please proceed." Kyoya instructed to the next girl in line.
"This sucks. I thought going to the beach meant a day off." Haruhi anticipated, her arms wrapped around her knees that were pushed up against her chest.
Y/n nodded. "Yeah, same here." She glanced at her sister with a faint smile. "But it's still relaxing, I guess."
The two sisters looked over to the side and saw two of Mori and Honey's guests doing some kind of poses with the two third years, making the Fujioka siblings confused.
"Um, Haruhi? Y/n?"
The two said girls turned their heads so they could see the group of three girls that were standing behind them.
"Aren't you going to go swimming with us?"
"No, uh, I like looking at the sea from a safe distance." Haruhi responded.
"Yeah, ladies. Go and enjoy yourselves." Y/n smiled kindly at them.
"Well, if you're not going to swim would you guys mind if we sat here and talked with you?" The girl standing to the left, requested.
"But why?" Haruhi began with a soft smile, sparkles practically floating around her.
"You girls should go swim. All three of you have such cute swimsuits on. Show 'em off." Y/n winked with a smile and the three girls blushed.
"Okay!" With that being said, the three girls ran to the ocean all giggly.
"Are you sure you don't want to go swim?" Haruhi asked her sister, glancing at her.
"Yeah." She sighed. "I don't want to be the one showing of my swimsuit. I feel uncomfortable with it on. Don't you think it's showing a little too much for a fifteen year old?"
Haruhi hummed. "Well, some of the girls here are fifteen and they're wearing bikinis, but yeah it's a bit too much. I'm surprised Tamaki-Senpai wasn't as protective like he was that time at the tropical park Kyoya-Senpai's family invested in."
Y/n nodded in acknowledgment. "I know, right." She finalized and stood up on her feet. "Anyways, wanna walk around?"
Y/n helped Haruhi up from the beach towel and the both of them began to walk alongside the ocean, the warm, grainy sand pushing itself between their toes.
"Haru-Chan! Y/n-Chan!"
The said girls turned their attention to the familiar voice.
"Wanna go hellfish hunting?!" Honey called out to them while waving at the two girls, a mini red shovel in his hand.
"Um Honey-Senpai, I think you meant shellfish hunting... Not 'hellfish'." Y/n corrected, sweat dropping.
"Yeah, but this doesn't seem to be that kind of beach, Honey-Senpai. You're not going to find many shell...fish." Haruhi trailed off when she saw the bucket full of shellfish beside Honey.
Y/n and Haruhi's eyes widened. "Holy..." Y/n muttered as she saw a huge crab crawling on the sand.
Haruhi looked down. "Aah! Ah!"
Y/n immediately glanced down at the shore and gasped. They were surrounded with all kinds of shellfish.
"What the hell?! No way!" Haruhi exclaimed in disbelief.
Mori looked over the huge bolder and saw Kyoya and his police force. The said police force was unloading shellfish of all kinds out of the truck.
"One, two, one, two..." The policemen continued while taking out the buckets of shellfish.
"Mori-Senpai. My family's private police force has stopped by." Kyoya began once he noticed his upperclassman peeking over the rock. "They wanted to make it up to Honey-Senpai for attacking him at the water park. So they've brought shellfish."
Y/n, Haruhi, and Honey were now kneeing in front of the collected shellfish. "Amazing! Look how many we've got!" Honey exclaimed excitedly.
"We're gonna have some fancy side dishes tonight! It's gonna be delicious!" Haruhi stated, brimming with happiness.
Y/n nodded with a grin on her lips, clasping her hands together. "I can't wait!"
"My, my, certainly looks like they're enjoying themselves, all is right with the world." Tamaki commented from afar, looking at the group of three people with a small smile as Mori climbed back down the rock.
"Senpai! Dinner is gonna be awesome!" Haruhi waved at Tamaki. "It's a major haul!"
"Oh, I'm just so proud! Look at my little girls!" Tamaki gushed, a small blush on his face as his hands were placed on his cheeks.
After Haruhis sentence about the 'major haul', everyone turned their attention to her. "It's a major haul! Dinner is gonna be awesome! It'll be a real treat!" She repeated, happiness still evident on her face and in her tone of voice.
Tamaki was now carrying a crab as he appeared beside the two girls. "Tell me Haruhi? Isn't this crab-Crab-tivating?" He moved his thumb and index finger up to his chin.
Y/n snorted and covered her mouth with her hand. "Yeah, sure is. Nice pun."
Haruhi showed Tamaki a small smile. "Mm-hm. Oh, yeah!"
"You're so cute." Tamaki blushed, still holding the large crab. A small centipede began to make its way to the front of the sea creature he was clutching, not even realizing it.
Everyone pronounced loudly, running away from Tamaki, Haruhi, and Y/n, not wanting to have anything to do with the small insect.
Tamaki stood still as he quietly whimpered, tears flowing down his cheeks. Y/n reached out and grabbed the centipede from the crab.
She held it in her hand as she and Haruhi approached a mountain of rocks. Y/n tossed it towards the gigantic pebbles and wiped her hands on her denim shorts.
"Hey, Y/n." The twins began in unison as they placed one of their elbows on top of her shoulders.
"Now, I know most girls aren't really the bug-loving type and I certainly didn't think you were but-" Hikaru unfolded with a small, closed eyed grin.
"-don't you think you could've been easier on that little guy?" Kaoru finished, glancing at the girl from the corner of his eye.
"Seriously? Come on, it's not dead. I didn't throw it that hard." Y/n uttered, gazing at the twins one by one.
"It takes a lot more than that to kill a bug." Haruhi chimed in.
The customers began to approach Y/n and Haruhi, surrounding them in praise.
"Wow, Y/n is so brave."
"I could never touch a bug."
"Haruhi and Y/n are the best."
The twins sneaked away from Y/n and Haruhi, now standing next to their blond haired upperclassman.
"Well, isn't that just great." Hikaru said sarcastically, his shoulders slouched over along with his brothers.
"Haruhi and Y/n aren't normal. I thought girls were afraid of bugs." Kaoru claimed, unamused.
"I'm sure they're afraid of something." Tamaki proclaimed quietly, still keeping his hands on the crab.
"Hey, Boss! Listen up!" The twins called to the blond haired male, smiling when they got an idea. "We just thought up a new game to play that could be a lot of fun. What do you say?" The twins leaned in closer to Tamaki, their thumb and index finger resting upon their chin. "It's called the 'Who can find out Y/n and Haruhi's weakness game!' So, think you're up to it?" They moved their hand to hover over the side of their mouth.
Tamaki gulps. "But that game sounds terrible."
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Hikaru instituted, walking away from Tamaki with his brother. "Besides they'd only share their weakness with each other and they'd share it with someone they're really close to."
"What are the rules?!" Tamaki quickly called out to them.
"Now that's more like it!" The twins stopped walking and looked back at Tamaki.
"The deadline is sunset tomorrow." Hikaru informed.
"Whoever finds out their weakness first, wins." Kaoru added.
"And I have the perfect prize for the game's lucky winner." Kyoya stated, suddenly appearing near the twins and Tamaki, his glasses flashing a glare as a small smirk was laying upon his lips.
Kyoya held up a total of six pictures. Three of Y/n and three of Haruhi. The twins and Tamaki gasped at the view.
"We wanna play, too! Ha, ha!" Honey joined in with a wide, closed eyed smile, Mori standing right behind him.
"I guess that means we're all competing." Kyoya concluded as he moved his hand around with the pictures, making Tamaki follow it.
"Where'd you get those pictures of Haruhi and Y/n?!"
"Hey, wait a minute. Where did you get those pictures Kyo-Chan?" Honey asked over Tamaki's loud voice.
"Hand them over!" Tamaki exclaimed and finally ceased his movements.
"I have my sources." Kyoya said with a small smirk as he placed the pictures in the pocket of his shirt that's on the right side of his chest. "How about we just leave it at that for the moment."
And so...the game began.
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- In Serial9 Chapters
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