《y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||》||17||
Kyoya led the group to a board that demonstrated an outlined map of the jungle-tropical themed park. The second year student with raven black hair stood in front of the portrayal of the resort while the other Host Club members, subtracting Honey, stood behind him.
"This is a map of the Tropical Aqua Garden. This is our current location. We need to get here--I have a feeling that's where Honey-Senpai probably ended up. It might be tough because to get there we'll have to make it through this jungle area here in the southern block." He elucidated, using the clicker part of his pen to point at the map and drag it down until he stopped it. "Distance wise, we're talking about eight-hundred meters."
"It looks like there's a lot of undeveloped areas." Haruhi referred, glancing up at Kyoya from the corner of her eye. "Any idea what might be lurking in those parts of the jungle?"
"Since they're still being developed, I'm afraid I don't know."
"Probably even more dangerous animals that lurk in actual jungles." Y/n remarked at the males answer and crossed her arms over her chest. 'But honestly, who the hell keeps alligators out in the open like this?'
Hikaru glimpsed at his brother, his index finger pointing to the map. "Y/n's right. Whatever's out there could be even more dangerous-"
"-than alligators." Kaoru finished off the small part of his brothers sentence, his index finger weakly pointing towards the map as his amber colored eyes looked back at Hikaru.
"All right." Tamaki began, his hands clenching up in determination as they were brought up to his face. "Now, this is a mission of survival! I know we can make it through the treacherous jungle in one piece... It is our sworn duty to save Honey-Senpai!"
- - - -
Some time has passed since the group of high schoolers walked through the tropical jungle. Y/n's shirt--the back part of the white cloth and the front top part of it that was wet as a result of Tamaki accidentally shooting her with his water gun--was now somewhat dry as she walked under the blazing sun, her shirt now being slightly damp.
"Wow, this place is just like a real jungle, huh?" Tamaki started as his fellow club members walked alongside him, hearing bird noises as they trudged through the tropical forest.
"Yeah and I keep hearing all of these really strange animal calls." Haruhi said in an unamused tone.
"You don't think that all those animal sounds-" Hikaru began, faintly sweat dropping as one of his hands were held up with its palm facing upwards.
"-could belong to the real thing, do you?" Kaoru completed, furthermore holding up one of his hands with its palm facing the blue sky.
"I honestly won't be surprised if it did." Y/n replied, casually. And as if on cue, a bird squawked rather forcefully. "I didn't know that we were going to be on Animal Planet."
"To be honest I'm not sure, but I do know that my family always strives for authenticity whatever the cost." Kyoya claimed cooly, ignoring Y/n's comment.
They carry on with walking passed the equatorial trees and plants. The sound of birds still reverberating through the air.
Suddenly, Mori slipped on a banana peel for the second time that day, making everyone stop walking and look at him.
"Mori-Senpai is-" Hikaru began, staring at the said third year who was laying on his back with the banana peel over his eyes.
"-acting as clumsy as you do, Boss." Kaoru finalized while him and his brother hold in their laughs.
"Shut up!" Tamaki told them in an aggravated system as Mori got up from the ground.
'Mori-Senpai is worried, clearly. Even though he always keeps a straight face on, I can tell that he's concerned for Honey-Senpai.' Y/n notions, her soft brown eyes inspecting her upperclassman. She then looked up towards the sky, which was establishing a clear grey sky.
"Uh-oh, it's about time for the squall." Kyoya informed, bringing his wrist up to look down at his watch, making the Hitachiin twins emit a small 'huh' from within their throats.
Before it started to rain, the group found a small, hut-looking gazebo that they quickly moved to stand under to avoid getting wet by the upcoming raindrops.
Y/n sighed as she saw the drops of rain fall to the ground and on the trees and leaves, the scent of the downpour padding the air, generating a comforting tenderness building up inside her.
"Hey, Mori-Senpai. You seem to be really close with Honey-Senpai." Haruhi defined, sitting next to her sister on the bench that was connected to the shelter. "Are the two of you like childhood friends?"
"You mean, you don't know-" Hikaru commenced with his hand on his hip.
"-that they're cousins?" Kaoru questioned, standing in the same position as his twin brother.
"You're serious? You mean that they're related?" Y/n asked in a marginally flabbergasted tone.
"The Morinozukas have been serving the Haninozuka family for generations." Kyoya stated in a sensible tone, looking down at the girl with wavy, shoulder length hair that was up in a ponytail, who had her jaw slightly agape.
"However, two generations ago, the families became relatives by marriage and the master-servant relationship soon became a thing of the past." Hikaru explicated, enlightening the two Fujioka siblings.
"But even so, Mori-Senpai has always made a point to accompany Honey-Senpai." Kaoru included.
"It must really get his blood going." Tamaki composedly reflected. "The blood of a loyal servant flows like a mighty river through Mori-Senpai's veins."
"Such a beautiful story! I'm touched!" The twins cried into a handkerchief as they slid up behind their blond haired upperclassman.
"I don't know if I'd call it a beautiful story." Haruhi uttered, not seeming fazed by the story.
Y/n glanced over at Mori, who was focused on the rain, and got up from where she was sitting so she could walk towards him. Once she reached him, she gently placed her hand on his arm, causing him to turn his head and look at her.
"Hey Mori-Senpai, everything is going to be okay. I'm sure that Honey-Senpai is safe. He's a lot tougher than you might think he is, and if he gets hungry the trees of practically full of bananas so he could snack on those." Y/n unveiled a compact reassuring smile and Haruhi nodded in agreement as she approached her sister and upperclassman.
"Bananas?" Hikaru and Kaoru questioned in a unimpressed tone.
"What's he going to say?" Tamaki scrutinized with a heedful comportment.
Mori placed his hand softly on Y/n's head and smiled gently down at her. "You're right."
"Don't tell me Mori-Senpai's out for my spot as Y/n's daddy?!" Tamaki bawled, his hands on his cheeks in a dreaded manner.
"Nobody wants that spot but you, boss." Hikaru asserted, apathetically.
"That's kinda creepy when you think about it." Kaoru vocalized as a phone rang near them.
Kyoya grabbed his phone from his pocket as the twins and Tamaki continued to argued.
"What?! Who are you calling creepy?!" Tamaki exclaimed loudly.
Kyoya flipped open his black flip phone and initiated the conversation. "Hello? It's me. Well, we've had an incident that's caused some trouble."
"Ha! You're a big ole perv!" The twins mocked, pointing either of their index fingers at the said blond haired male.
"Stop it!" Tamaki instructed noisily, virtually shouting at the twins.
"Ha! You're a big ole perv!"
"Shut up! I'm not a perv!"
- - - -
The rainfall ultimately came to an end, making the grey sky turn back into what it once was before; sunny and blue.
Y/n and Haruhi caught sight of Mori leaving the hut-like gazebo without letting the other hosts know. The two sisters shared a quick glance with one another before showing a small nod and hurrying towards the tall, black haired third year.
"Mori-Senpai, you're going the wrong way!" Haruhi called after him. "Honey-Senpai was headed in the opposite direction!"
"You're wrong. He went this way." Mori claimed and continued to walk through the leaves that belonged to plants.
"Hey, wait up!" Y/n hollered out slightly, following him through the leaves. "I'm coming with you!"
"So am I!" Haruhi concurs with her sister. "It's too dangerous to go alone!"
"Woah!" Y/n immediately stopped her movements when she saw brown, black, and white snakes on the ground. Each snake having black circles on them with small areas of white, the rest of its body being brown.
Haruhi turned her head and gasped in horror when she saw a bunch of black beetles on a tree trunk.
"Oh my god! What is wrong with this place?!" Y/n exclaimed as she held onto a thin tree, keeping a tight and strong grasp on it because if she were to let go she would fall into uninviting murky water.
Mori stopped walking and turned around to face the two girls. "Haruhi. Y/n." He said and approached them. Once he was in front of them, he picked up Haruhi and held her in his right arm. He then proceeded to crouch down a bit in front of Y/n. "Get on my back."
"Uh, are you sure? I don't want more weight to be put on you." Y/n responded with an unsure tone.
Mori just hummed, assuring Y/n that it was authorized.
Y/n hesitantly climbed onto Mori's back. Her legs wrapping around his sides as her body pressed up against his bare back. She set her hands in motion to rest them on her upperclassman's broad shoulders.
'Now that I think about it... That's the first time he's ever used Haruhi and I's name.' Y/n thought as Mori began to walk again, a small and faint blush adoring her cheeks as well as Haruhi's.
Meanwhile, back with the other hosts. Kyoya, the twins, and Tamaki were still standing in the small hut-like gazebo, still not noticing that Haruhi, Y/n, and Mori were gone.
Kyoya was on the phone finishing up his call. "Yes, at once, please." He said and ended the phone call.
"Senpai's a perv for Haruhi and Y/n!" The twins continued to tease Tamaki, either of their arms wrapped around one another's shoulder as they jumped from side to side.
"Would you jerks quit calling me a perv!" The blond haired second year raised his voice as an embarrassing blush appeared on his cheeks.
Kyoya turned his head to face the three males. "My family's private police force is going to send in a search and rescue team to help us. They're better equipped to find Honey-Senpai than we are. So let's just go back to the gate and wait there." He stated as the twins continued to mock and tease Tamaki.
"Shut up before I beat your faces in!"
Kyoya looked around the small hut, seeking to find three familiar faces, but was met with nothing. "Hey where are Mori, Y/n, and Haruhi?"
"What?" Tamaki and the twins enjoined, their argument and teasing coming to a stop.
Back with Y/n, Mori, and Haruhi. They have been walking through the jungle for awhile now. Well, technically Mori is the one who's walking while carrying Y/n and Haruhi.
On the spur of the moment, the three of them heard multiple footsteps proceed towards them. Mori halts all of his actions and allows his feet to steady themselves on the ground.
That's when three aimless ropes came out of the sky and three men climbed down them. A group of about nine men dressed in black with protective vests on surrounded Mori and the two girls. They had the attire of a police force and they also had badges on either of their arms.
"Target confirmed." One of them said, the three students not knowing which one since they were all wearing black tinted helmets that were covering their identities.
Y/n had a bewildered embodiment on her face as she stared at the individuals wearing FBI gear. 'What's going on? Where did they even come from?'
"Wait, there's another one." One of the men pointed towards the girl on Mori's back.
"The target has been captured by a suspicious man, but he also has another victim. We'll take the target and the young woman into custody." One of the men directed and all of them equipped their weapons.
"You there!" A man yelled at Mori. "Put the boy and girl down immediately! If you refuse we'll remove them forcefully!" He alerted and the police force cocked their guns and pointed their firearms at Mori.
Y/n's eyes widened at the predicament her, Haruhi, and Mori were in. "H-hey! Wait a second-"
One of the police officers from behind grabbed Y/n and pulled her off of Mori's back while another officer grabbed Haruhi's arm, attempting to pull her away from the tall male with black hair.
"H-hey! Hold on! Let go of my sister!" Y/n ejaculated, endeavoring to get out of the officer's grasp. The feeling of the mans tightening grip beginning to inflict a small amount of pain on her arms as they slowly convert her skin to a light red shade on the area of where it was being pressured.
All of a sudden, Mori strikes the officer that was grabbing Haruhi in the face--causing the black tint of the head protector to break--and does the same to the man that grappled Y/n. The two officers essentially soared away from them due to Mori's strength in the clobber, colliding into a bush and staying there with their legs lifted up in the air, their feet twitching.
"Get behind me." Mori's tedious voice commanded Y/n, Haruhi still on his right arm as he held his left arm out to take the action of a shield.
She didn't need to be apprised twice for the girl swiftly transferred herself behind Mori, guiding her hands to lay upon the center of her chest, her head peeking out from behind the tall male to observe the state of affairs.
"The suspect is resisting! Prepare to fire warning shots!"
"Takashi! Haru-Chan! Y/n-Chan! Outta the way!"
An echoey bellow could be heard through the trees as a familiar boy swung on a vine, sounding like a man that was raised in the jungle, soon kicking one of the officers in the face, the short boy with golden-blond hair did a flip before landing on the ground on his hands with one of his legs lounged to one side.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing, pipsqueak?!" A man yelled and they all directed their attention to Honey and pointed their guns at him.
Honey let out a small chuckle as his bangs casted a shadow over his caramel-brown eyes. He speedily made his way towards the men in uniform and threw them over his shoulder or knocked them down one by one in someway.
It didn't take long since the officers didn't really have a chance to react or put up a fight. Mori placed Haruhi down and Y/n walked up next to her.
"Whoa." Haruhi mumbled in a vaguely tremulous voice as she witnessed Honey defeat all the grown men with an intimidated expression.
"I know, right... I never thought he would be this tough." Y/n commented in disbelief, staring wide eyed at her short upperclassman.
All of the police officers were on the ground, either injured or unconscious.
"Woah." Haruhi repeated once more, the same expression on her face.
"You guys should be more careful who you mess with! Picking on my friends is bad! Got it?" Honey vocalized, standing in the center of the wounded men, and wagged his finger side to side as a mother would do to their child.
"Haruhi!" A familiar voice called out.
Tamaki, the twins, and Kyoya were jogging towards Y/n, Haruhi, Mori, and Honey.
"Haruhi! Are you all right?!" Tamaki questioned as he ran closer to them.
"Hey! It's Tama-Chan!" Honey recognized with a smile.
"Oh wow." Hikaru began once he caught sight of the reduced officers on the ground.
"You okay, Senpai?" Kaoru asked him.
"Haruhi!" Tamaki cried, throwing himself at Haruhi, and hugged the girl from behind. "I was so worried." He expressed, his panicked tone vanished in a blink of an eye as he was now tranquil.
'Oh, I'm fine, Tamaki-Senpai. Thanks for asking.' Y/n pondered sarcastically as she slowly averted her eyes, a deadpanned smile on her lips.
She suddenly let out a gasp when she felt herself being pulled into an embrace. Tamaki wrapped his arms around her and Haruhi. "I'm so glad you two are all right." He revealed at ease.
'...screw me and my thoughts.' Y/n thought, cursing her previous notion. She was just being sarcastic, she wasn't actually requesting a hug or to be babied at.
The twins crouched down in front of two officers and pocked them. "I'm not sure what happened here but at least they're still alive." Hikaru announced in an indifferent tone.
"It's pretty amazing that this is Honey-Senpai's work. He must have really been holding back." Kaoru added, slightly shocking the two girls that were there.
"What do you mean he was holding back?" Haruhi questioned as she and Y/n pinched Tamaki's hands away from them, making him let out a inaudible screech.
"You call that holding back?" Y/n examined, stunned at the two words.
Kaoru turned around to glance back at the two sisters. "So then-"
"-you don't know about Senpai?" Hikaru quizzed, glancing at Y/n and Haruhi as he started to explain. "The Haninozukas are famous for their martial arts. Not only have they helped train the police and SDF forces but they've also worked with several overseas militaries."
"Honey-Senpai in particular has been called the dreadnaught of the Haninozuka family." Kyoya resumed, standing next to Y/n. "By the time he was in middle school he'd become the national champion in both karate and judo."
Y/n looked over at Honey with slightly widened eyes as he lets out a small giggle. 'This cute, small, childish kid is called the dreadnaught? Are you serious right now?' Y/n thought in disbelief.
"Mori-Senpai's no slouch either. He won the national championship in kendo when he was just in middle school." Tamaki stated further to Kyoya's explanation.
"Holy crap..." Y/n muttered quietly, still in utter shock.
"So how were you able to find us, Honey-Senpai?" Kaoru inquired the small third year.
"It wasn't hard. It didn't take me long to reach the end of the current pool, so I decided to look for you guys." Honey replied with a smile, his index finger pointed upwards as it seemed like flower blossoms floated around him.
"We humbly apologize!"
Everyone turned their attention to all of the officers bowing down in front of Honey on their hands and knees, sweat dropping profusely.
"I am a second-generation student of the Ishizuka Dojo!" One of them claimed.
"I'm a student of the Todoroki Dojo!"
"And I'm from the Otakeh Dojo! We are in your debt!"
"Why? Is something wrong?" Honey asked, genuinely.
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