《y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||》||16||
'What...? Where are we? We're in Japan, right? Japan's not really known for its tropical locales though.' Y/n thought, standing next to her sister. Her brown eyes distinguished different tropical plants and trees as they stood under the bright, blue sky.
"Behold, Y/n and Haruhi." Tamaki materialized in between the two sisters, placing his hands on either of their shoulders. His torso was exposed as he was wearing a red swimming trunk. "Bask in the beauty of tropical birds! Aren't they breathtaking? I wonder what they're called." He pointed out two birds that were on a palm tree; one was red and the other was blue.
"Um, where was the exit, again?" Haruhi requested, undoubtedly wanting to leave the tropical resort.
Currently, the Host Club were at this equatorial harbor that had pools and things that included fun water activities. They weren't in their usual setting back at Ouran for they were not even on the premises of the school.
Appearing out of nowhere was an umbrella with a sunbathing chair and a small, white, circular table. Tamaki was leaning back on the bench, holding a tropical drink in his hand. "Try to make the most of this downtime and just relax. We're so worried about keeping our good looks day and night. We deserve a little vacation."
"Personally, I think this is pointless and a waste of time, so can we go home now? We should really be studying and we've got a ton of laundry to do today." Haruhi protested, giving off reasons why she didn't want to be there.
"I would agree with you Haruhi, but maybe we should take this chance to relax. A little break won't hurt us." Y/n smiled softly at her sister, stationing her hand on Haruhi's upper back.
Their blond haired upperclassman smiled widely, picking his head up to look at the two girls. "Aw! See, Haruhi! How come Y/n's understanding it and you're not?"
Haruhi sighed, changing the subject. "Hey Senpai, where are we, anyway?"
It was three:thirty-eight in the afternoon. The blue sky was beautiful and calm. It seemed to be a peaceful day at Ouran, and the two Fujioka sisters weren't complaining. But would the peaceful day keep going or will it be interrupted? Anything is unpredictable when you're in the Ouran high school Host Club.
Y/n and Haruhi were just walking outside the school when they were suddenly grabbed by four familiar members of the Host Club. Hikaru and Kaoru grabbed ahold of Haruhi while Honey and Mori seized Y/n.
"Targets-" The twins began with a small smirk.
"-captured!" Honey finished off excitedly, his regular, childish grin on his lips while he held one of Y/n's arms and Mori clutched the other one.
"Wait! What the?!" Y/n and Haruhi's exclaim was cut short due to a black limousine slowing down in front of them until it came to a stop.
The window to the backseat of the limo rolled down, revealing Tamaki wearing sunglasses over his violet eyes and a light red lei around his neck.
"Good work. Now take them with you." Tamaki arranged with a harmonious smile.
"Roger!" The twins and Honey settled as Tamaki rolled up the cars black tinted window.
"Wait, what?" Y/n inquired, beginning to sweat drop.
"Where are we going?!" The two sisters cried out as they were both dragged away by their captors.
"This place is a brand new theme park that my family, the Ootori Group, runs. It's called the 'Tropical Aqua Garden'." Kyoya explained, sitting on a sunbathing chair under an umbrella while holding his own tropical drink.
"I don't understand. I thought the Ootori group ran hospitals, and that they're focused on the medical business, Kyoya-Senpai." Haruhi claimed, sharing her thoughts.
"Yes, but my family likes to diversify and try different things." Kyoya notified. "Besides, this place could be classified as a healing facility."
Y/n and Haruhi hummed in thought, turning around to look at the scenery of the resort. It truly was breathtaking and Y/n wouldn't mind spending the day here.
"It's therapeutic. Think of all the people who are over worked that would love a vacation in the south tropics. However, they may not be able to get the time off or they may not be able to afford it. Those people can now seek refuge here at this theme park and reduce their stress levels." The upperclassman with glasses articulated with a small, closed lipped smile. "The Ootori group's primary concern has always been for the good health and well-being of the general public." He consummated, accommodating the spectacles that were positioned on his face.
'It sounds suspicious to me.' The two sisters thought, sweat dropping after hearing Kyoya's words.
"The park doesn't officially open until next month, but the Host Club was given a special advance invitation." Kyoya shared with the two sisters as Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey, and Mori played in the water.
Tamaki looked up at the sky and let out a small, carefree hum. One of his arms were under his head as he laid on the sunbathing chair. "This is so relaxing. We don't have to worry about keeping all of our guests entertained for once." He spoke to himself. "It's truly like a holiday for handsome young soldiers. I guess that's what you'd call it."
"Haru-Chan! Y/n-Chan!" Honey called out to the two sisters, already out of the water. "Wanna share some coconut juice with me? Or do you wanna try a piece of the mango cake?" He provided, holding either of the girls' arms as he was wearing a hot pink, bunny floaty around his waist.
"Sure. We'll have some coconut juice with you." Y/n smiled gently and Honey giggly runs away to obtain the coconut flavored beverage.
The two sisters heard the sound of a bird squawking so they turned around and saw a feathered creature flying around inside the clear dome of the resort. They also caught sight of Mori walking towards the flying bird. The tall third year stopped wandering and turned around, making eye contact with Y/n and Haruhi.
Out of habit, Y/n hurriedly withdrawn her brown eyes from Mori, not wanting to be caught by the person she was staring at.
Unexpectedly, the Hitachiin twins emerged from behind the Fujioka siblings. "Haruhi. You wanna go check out the water slide?" Kaoru advocated with his hands on his hips, a small grin on his face. "How about you, Y/n?"
"Hang on. What's the deal with that pullover you're both wearing." Hikaru questioned with a banana in his hand.
"Oh, this thing?" Haruhi began, dodging Hikaru and Kaoru's amber eyes as she moved her hand up to her yellow, short sleeved sweatshirt.
Haruhi and Y/n arrived at their destination at around four o'clock in the afternoon. Hikaru and Kaoru dragged Haruhi while Honey and Mori transported Y/n over to a changing room.
"Here. Do what you've got to do." Hikaru and Kaoru said to two identical maids, letting go of Haruhi as Mori and Honey let go of Y/n.
"Okay, we'll do what we can." The maid to the left smiled, tilting her head to the side.
"Miss Fujiokas', just follow me." The maid to the right told them, their smile disappearing as a malicious definition showed on her face, a shadow casting over her eyes.
"Aah! But why?" Haruhi questioned nervously, her and her sister backing up into their captors, which two out-of-the four young men had grins on their faces with their eyes glowing. Those two individuals were Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin.
"What are you going to do to us?" Y/n asked with the same tone as Haruhi as the identical maids grabbed the two girls and pulled them inside the changing room, closing the door once their under the roof.
The maids began to discharge Haruhi and Y/n's school uniform.
"Hey! Wait a minute! What're you doing? Stop that!" Y/n exclaimed, taking a step back from the maids.
"Don't touch my sister there!" Haruhi rebuked as her own uniform was tossed in the air.
"We've been asked to help you girls choose a swimsuit!" One of the maids announced to them.
"We've brought all of our mother's latest designs for you to choose from." Kaoru called from the other side of the door.
"Just pick whichever one you want." Hikaru added, not realizing a certain blond haired male walk up behind them.
"Are you ready, Miss Fujiokas'? It's time to pick one!" The two maids displayed a closed eyed smiled as they clasped their hands with one another.
"Thanks, but we don't need a swimsuit." Haruhi claimed, a faint distressed expression reclining on her facial features.
"Why don't you let me select one for you?" A maid offered, picking up a two-piece bathing suit.
"No, not that one. I don't want a bikini." Haruhi stated, slightly bothered.
"But you would look so good in this one." She persuaded, making Y/n and Haruhi groan noiselessly.
"No, wait! I bet this one would be cute on you!" One of the maids recommended to Y/n, showing her the bottoms of a swimsuit that only seemed to be made up of red strings.
"What?! But that's not going to cover anything! It's just a couple of strings!" Y/n proclaimed in disbelief.
Haruhi hastily nodded in agreement. "Yeah! My sister isn't going to wear that!"
After a couple of minutes of trying to find a bathing suit for the two female siblings, Haruhi ended up in a pink one-piece that came with a matching pink swimming cap while Y/n ended up wearing an iron black two-piece. The top of Y/n's bathing suit resembled a sports bra while the bottom of her swimwear looked like a pair of shorts that went down to her upper thigh.
The two sisters exited the changing room and saw Tamaki approaching them with his eyes closed. He opened his lilac colored eyes and first caught appearance of Haruhi, making blood rush up to his face. Shivers went down his spin, causing him to turn away from her and hold up a yellow pullover with pleated cargo shorts that had different shades of green.
"Senpai?" Haruhi called out to him, questioningly.
"Just hurry up and put it on." He advised her, looking down at the ground. "A proper young woman should not show that much skin until after she's married."
Haruhi stood there for a moment before taking the clothes from Tamaki. "Fine by me."
"I'll wait for you out here." Y/n notified her as she walked back into the changing room.
"No, you're changing as well, Y/n. You're showing even more skin than Haruhi!" Tamaki asserted and handed Y/n a white t-shirt with black biker shorts.
"So, you're not going to swim?" Hikaru asked, his voice muffled while he finished eating his banana, throwing the peel somewhere on the ground.
"Hold one, you do swim, don't you?" Kaoru catechized with a blank expression on his face.
"Of course we can swim. We can swim just as good as the next guy." Y/n returned, mentally rolling her eyes.
"But this isn't my idea of fun. I'm not that big on water parks; we're just gonna spend all day goofing off. Honestly, I'd rather be at home." Haruhi acknowledged, letting out a small sigh.
Opposite of Haruhi, Y/n did like the fact that they were at a water park for a little break. She admired the idea of relaxing and having fun. Not everything had to involve books, studying, and doing chores. She believed that the only memories she will have once she's older will be the ones that were fun and adventurous, not the ones where she was cramping her knowledge with books. The ones that would bring a smile to her face when she thinks about it and reminisces it. She didn't want to be like those people who read books the entire day and just believed in the sake of studying to have a better life; and she wasn't. She indeed found education important and that it does have some part of success in life, but she won't allow herself to be controlled and overtaken by it.
"I don't understand what's so great about this place, anyway? I mean, all you really need to play in the water is a plastic pool." Haruhi enlightened, her back facing the twins.
"A plastic pool--what's that?" The twins questioned, glancing at each other with an analytical expression.
"You guys don't know? A plastic pool is like a kiddie pool. It's round and about this big," Y/n held out her arms to imitate how big a plastic pool is, "and to use it you have to pump it full of air." She explained as Haruhi looked at the twins, having already turned around while Y/n was describing a kiddie pool.
"You dunce." Hikaru called her in a bored tone, holding up his index finger.
"That's an inflatable boat, dummy." Kaoru commented after Hikaru, holding up the same finger as his brother.
"There's no way something that small could be used as a pool." Hikaru maintained with his hands on his hips.
"Yeah." Kaoru agreed.
"Guys, it's a small pool!" Haruhi professed, feeling slightly annoyed at the twins' idea of a plastic pool. "Haven't you ever seen little kids playing in one?"
"Come here!" Tamaki appeared out of nowhere and pulled the twins away from the sisters. The three of them crouched down as the blond haired male quietly scolded the twins. "You idiots! If Y/n and Haruhi thinks it's a pool then it's a pool, got it? Don't go embarrassing them. They can't help that they're ignorant commoners."
"So are we supposed to lie to them--is that what you want?" The twins questioned Tamaki.
"I can't help but feel like I should be offended by that comment." Haruhi said in a opposed manner, making Y/n hum with a small nod of her head.
"Never mind that, we've got a question for ya." Hikaru started, standing back up with Tamaki and Kaoru.
"Why did you make Haruhi and Y/n put on those clothes? The yellow pullover Haruhi's wearing is a monstrosity." Kaoru summoned to their upperclassman.
"I would've thought for sure that'd you be all-" Hikaru began with his index finger pointed up in a matter-of-fact demeanor, thinking about a scenario where Tamaki was throwing a tantrum about wanting to see Haruhi in a swimsuit. "-Not making her cover-up like that." A devilish grin was on his lips as he brought his knuckles up to them.
"It was surprising." Kaoru copied the same devilish smirk as Hikaru's.
"I know what he's up to." The twins began to whisper to each other, one of their hands covering the sides of their mouths. "He made Haruhi cover-up because he didn't want anyone else to see her in a bathing suit."
"Do you really think that's it?" Kaoru quizzed in a dark tone.
"He must be one of those jealous, pervert types." Hikaru stated, every words him and his brother were saying reached the ears of a sweat dropping Tamaki.
"That's pretty twisted."
"That's not it at all!" Tamaki spoke up to the twins, a small blush on his cheeks. "I was just trying to protect her and Y/n's innocence as any father or guardian would. After all, even if they are wearing a swimsuit, it is not decent for a lady to walk around half-naked in front of boys."
Hikaru and Kaoru pointed behind Tamaki, making the blond haired male turn around and make eye contact with Y/n and Haruhi. The two said girls displayed a face of grave, making him gulp.
"Haru-Chan! Y/n-Chan! Let's play! You wanna go swimming in the current pool with me?" Honey requested with a smile, grabbing ahold of either of the sisters' arms.
"Nah. I'm not gonna swim today. Hold on." Haruhi looked down at Honey's floaty that was around his waist. "You know how to swim; do you still need that float?"
"Mm-mm." He shook his head. "Just looks cuter this way, you know? Anyways! Y/n-Chan, what about you? Do you want to play with me in the current pool?"
"Uh, sure, but I don't think I can get in the water." Y/n managed, glancing down at her attire before looking back at Honey. "I'll just put my feet in."
"Okay!" Honey smiled and pulled Y/n's arm. "Prancing, prancing, prancing!" He giggled as he dragged Y/n to the current pool with him.
"Takashi!" Honey called as he jumped into the water.
Y/n lightly smiled and sat down on the edge of the current pool, placing her bare feet in the cool, fresh water.
A faint smile appeared on Mori's face as he watched Honey go down the current pool, the short, young man waving at his tall companion. Mori goes in the water, allowing Honey to get on his back.
"Hey! Look at this, everybody!" Honey called out to the others. He was positioned on top of Mori's back while the tall male swam in the water. "Check it out! Look! Even though we're swimming really fast we never go any further than we are now! Ha, ha!"
Y/n let out a small giggle, propping her hands on the ground behind her as she leaned back. 'It's really hard to believe that he's a third year since he acts like a kid. Oh, well.' Y/n thought with a shrug.
Y/n was just watching Honey and Mori with a small smile on her face. She then abruptly feels something wet and cold hit her back, making her jolt up at the sudden feeling.
She quickly turned her head to see Tamaki with a water gun. "Hey! Watch the shirt!" She shouted over to him, moving her hand to pull the back of her wet shirt away from the back of her skin. Tamaki and the twins continued to have their water gun fight, ignoring Y/n's warning.
She sighed and removed her feet from the water. She got up and walked over to where Haruhi was sitting drinking some water.
Haruhi looked up at Y/n with a small hum. "Tamaki-Senpai got you pretty bad, huh?" She asked while turning Y/n around to glance at her back.
"Yeah." Y/n sighed once again, rotating back around to look at her sister. They both suddenly noticed Mori approaching them, tilting his head to the side and tapping his hand on the opposite side of his head to get water out of his ear.
"Taking a break, huh? Do you want something to drink?" Haruhi examined, offering a glass of water to him.
"Yeah, thanks." Mori replied and took the water from Haruhi.
Once again, Y/n felt something splash against her, but this time she felt the cool liquid hit her face. She jostled her body as used her hand to wipe the dripping water from her face.
"What the hell did I just say?! Watch where you're shooting that thing!" She yelled out to the twins and Tamaki, the one who shot her with water for the second time was the blond haired male.
Haruhi sweat dropped as she witnessed her sisters outburst. "What a day you're having."
Y/n scoffed, a small tug forming on her lips. "I don't mind getting splashed with water, but I'm not even wearing a bathing suit. And this is the second time Tamaki-Senpai has got water on me."
- In Serial18 Chapters
A Major in Necromancy
Heidie Melland has had a very bad day. She wasn’t looking forward to college to begin with, let alone some lame mandatory orientation day. All she wanted was to continue to mooch off of her parents and maintain a modest lifestyle as a shut in. Heidie expected orientation to suck and it absolutely did. She is the only survivor. Now stuck in the desolate reaches of a strange hostile world, she must use all the cunning she can muster to keep her life and freedom intact. Her only hope for survival lies in the severed head of an ancient demon and its promises of knowledge and power. Necromancy probably wouldn’t have been her first choice, but it will have to do. Release Schedule: pending motivation.
8 135 - In Serial28 Chapters
The Worldforge: Warlock Rising
Abandoned as an orphan, Mar was tested for magic by the Mages of Orelm and was found to possess immense magical potential, but when he grew old enough to start his training he found he was unable to cast so much as a single spell! Embarrassed by their mistake, the mages threw him in the library where he read books and tutored the mage students for a bit of money. All the while, he can’t help but envy the the students who are living the life he had so eagerly awaited. But when an object of great and malevolent power promises to make good on all the promises the mages broke to him Mar is thrust into the world of magic. Mar will find that fate had something more than a life confined to the library planned for him after all. Authors Notes: I consider this to be a comming-of-age Sword and Sorcery story based mostly on the style of classic western fantasies. So if that's your thing then I encourage you to take a peek. Something I want to mention though is that the main character starts of pretty wimpy, and that might not be your thing. That being said, if you stick with him he's got a long way to grow. Also, while this version of the story is meant to be fully readable, more dicerning readers may want to wait until I move out of rough draft phase. There may be some inconsistancies with character and plot while I am still in the rough draft phase. I'm sorry for this, but this is my first web novel and from what I've read the best way to get a good novel out is to write write write, and then edit ruthlessly after you're finished with the book, so that's the plan I'm going to follow. Again, this is a rough draft. Everything you are reading is subject to change, including the name, title, and cover photo. This may no longer be the case once I've decided I know where this fiction is going and I have a reasonable understanding of the characters and their behavior. You're reading what comes off my keyboard as it's made, with very limited editing. There will be mistakes in the text. I do a quick spell check to take out the worst of the errors, but there will be some I miss. You can point them out in the comments if they are particularly confusing or glaring and I will try to fix them, however I am not overly concerned about minor errors as this is not the final draft by any means.
8 141 - In Serial30 Chapters
I am the Doomsday Weapon
The hero woke up in his new body. He was no longer a human, a mage, a hero. He was a mass of nanites, the very same Doomsday weapon he should have destroyed. An overpowered being made of nanites, forever hungry and starved for more, but with only the desire to return to his family. [Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 219 - In Serial29 Chapters
A Goblin's Blade (dropped)
He looked down the path, which was littered with many things. Things he found in abundance were such of violence, desire and gore while things he found in scarcity were such of love, friendship and glory. At the start of the path was a naive, green goblin while at the end of it... Well at the end of it stood him: the godslayer, the monster from the forest, the walking death... He had many names but none so that perfectly captured his image as well as the Mad King. Authors note: Edit: Trying to release a chapter per day, around 2-2.5k words each. An evolution story about a goblin. This is under lit-rpg but I'm focusing more on the plot/characters instead of the usual features of such stories such as the blue tables that take ages to make or the stat screens. In essence it's closer to high fantasy than lit-rpg. Much appreciated if you read the Prologue to see whether you like it or not. Cover image is "Evolution" taken from art done by WhoAmI01
8 155 - In Serial35 Chapters
In the year 207xxxx, Humanity cannot die. Nyx Krývoun only has one wish, that is, to die. And finally, after 10700 years, he finally did! But, he didn't get to sleep. He now has to deal with it again. Another life as a reincarnated human in a world that parallels the one he lives in, a world that has been in so many comics that he read. A world full of magic. Another world that he must endure to find a way to finally find everlasting sleep. ___________________ Chapters are uploaded per 1-2 days. Probably. Credits to: -Trolarch- for the sketches The cover is from WeHeartIt . com
8 344 - In Serial17 Chapters
Damaged Souls:
A young man, his mind filled with self doubt, finds himself dying in his apartment for some unknown reason. His soul goes to the void were it is found that corruption has begun gathering forces inside the void unimpeded by higher powers. This little soul feels that it failed it's host and strives to make up for its mistake. Will be posting on weekends, or Friday Credit and thanks to gej302 for the cover art. There are some chapters before the newest reales, I'll be keeping them up as a reminder of what not to do, thank you all for being patient with me, and I'll keep doing my best to improve my writing abilities and hopefully create a story you guys can enjoy. I will be marking all chapters from the previous version with Draft.
8 120