《y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||》||10||
The Host Club ended their activities, the guests that visited music room three were now gone, meaning that the clubroom was empty, excluding the hosts and the girl with light, chestnut colored hair.
The traditional Japanese theme for the music room was put away along with the Host Club members' kimonos. The representatives of the club went back to wearing their high school uniform.
"Your fiancée?" Hikaru directed with a raised eyebrow, the Host Club standing together as they peered at Tamaki who was crouched down, facing the wall with a glum atmosphere enclosing him.
"Kyoya-Senpai?" Kaoru questioned in slight incredulity, glancing at his upperclassman who had casual styled black hair and brownish-grey colored eyes that were hidden behind his prescription glasses.
"Of course." The girl with the hot pink bow in her hair answered, sitting on one of the red couches with a teacup resting on the coffee table that was in front of her. The Host Club glanced at the girl as she introduced herself. "My name is Renge Hoshakuji, and I'm transferring into Ouran Academy's first year, Class A tomorrow."
"Why is he sulking?" Hikaru finally asked the obvious question, everyone turning their attention back to the inappreciably irked blond haired male.
"Because mommy was keeping a secret from daddy." Kaoru indicated, his tone inheriting a teasing emphasis.
"Whatever." Kyoya said, moderately bothered. "Why does everyone insist on referring to us like we're husband and wife?"
"Ours is a story of love at first sight." Renge began, placing her hands on her cheeks as she closed her eyes and seemed to be imagining things in her mind, making the hosts turn their diligence back to her. "I couldn't resist the way you were adoring those flowers in the backyard when you thought no one else was looking. And how sweet it was when you reached out to the poor, little injured kitten."
The girl, made known as Renge, described things that the Shadow King of the Host Club would never do. Y/n pulled a face which read 'is this girl for real?' A part of her felt bad for the girl since she's completely crediting the wrong person, but the other part of her was finding this situation completely outlandish. She even felt a fragment of confusion cloud her mind.
"She serious?" The twins synchronized, unreadable expressions laying upon their faces.
"I...don't know." Y/n responded to the twins, blinking as she offhandedly jolted her shoulders.
"Could you have the wrong person?" Haruhi inquired politely, a affable and faint smile on her lips.
"No way!" Renge rejected hastily, moving her face closer to Haruhi, making the said girl flinch back. "I can recognize my love anywhere! He's a gentleman who's kind to everyone, but doesn't ask for anything in return. He likes solitude, but in fact sometimes he gets lonely." The whole time Renge was talking, the Host Club was frantically in motion as they tried to figure out who Renge was referring Kyoya to. "He looks like the star of the popular dating sim, 'Uki-doki Memorial'." She pointed at Kyoya. "You're my real life Ichijo Miyabi!"
"Uki?" Y/n and Haruhi raised an eyebrow as they glanced at each other.
"Doki?" Honey continued, holding Usa-Chan close to him.
"Otaku!" Tamaki exclaimed in horror, his violet colored eyes were wide as he held out his left hand.
"Otaku?!" Hikaru repeated with the same expression as Tamaki.
"I've never seen one!" Kaoru bellowed in trepidation.
"I get it now." Kyoya executed calmly with his thumb and index finger on his chin in a thoughtful demeanor. He was sitting on the red couch with one of his legs crossed over the other. "You're in love with that character. You're projecting that love onto me, and you've somehow deluded yourself into thinking that we're engaged. I assume this Miyabi character probably wears glasses as well." He moved his index finger to rest on the bridge of his spectacles.
The Host Club sweat dropped at they surrounded the couch Kyoya was sitting on. Renge, however, was moving across the clubroom ranting about her and Kyoya getting married.
"So she made it up? You're not really her fiancée, right...?" Tamaki asked for confirmation while his head peaked from behind the couch, his tone held slight hesitance as well as timidity.
"Well, no, I don't remember ever asking for her hand in marriage." Kyoya acknowledged, overpassing his arms across his chest. "Besides, this is the first time I've ever met the woman."
'Could have said that sooner...' Y/n thought with a sigh as her shoulders slouched, her head feeling as if a headache was impending her skull due to all of the thoughts and confusions that came upon her and the others.
"According to my research, I understand you're in charge of managing the club, is that true, Kyoya?" Renge questioned with absorbed and admirable eyes as she sat next to Kyoya on the couch, looking up at him with her hands clamped together.
"That's right. Kyo-Chan is our director." Honey claimed as he stood behind the couch with Mori, Tamaki, Y/n, and Haruhi. The Hitachiin twins were sitting on the other red couch that was located across from where Kyoya and Renge were seated.
"You're the club's director? That's perfect! Oh, wow, I've always wanted to wear a sandwich board to advertise a business." Renge tilted her head up as her eyes sparkled at the thought.
"Wanna come to our local food store? You can advertise over there." Y/n joked, looking at the back of Renge's head. Nevertheless, her witty stunt earned her a hard nudge to the rib cage by Haruhi who shot her younger sister a glare.
"We don't advertise. We're just a Host Club." The twins stated blankly, staring at the fanatical young woman who was going to attend their class.
Renge just ignored them and continued with her dialogue. "I've made up my mind. From now on I'm going to be the manager of this Host Club!" She declared, making the twins quietly groan.
Tamaki placed his hands on the back of the couch and bent over to speak to his classmate and friend. "Um, listen, Kyoya..."
"Miss Hoshakuji is the only daughter of a very important Ootori family client." The young man with glasses spoke, glancing at the blond haired male before looking away with closed eyes, and a small tug at his lip. "So please be polite and try not to offend her, alright?"
"Well boys, I can't wait to work with you!" Renge smiled, standing in front of the Host Club. She then turned her attention to the other girl in the room, her smile slightly faltering. "And you as well."
Y/n sweat dropped at the girls' small action. 'Uhmm, okay then...'
- - - -
It was the next day and the members of the Host Club met up together in music room three. They thought about yesterday's affair and how Renge wanted to be the Host Clubs manager. Well, she practically announced yesterday that she was their manager.
"I thought about a lot last night and maybe having a lady manager isn't such a bad idea." Tamaki self-confessed, sitting on a red couch beside Kyoya. The twins were seated across from them on the other red couch while Mori and Honey sat on a chair on the right side, and Haruhi and Y/n sat on a chair on the left side.
"Why do you say that?" The twins question their blond haired upperclassman.
"Well it's fairly obvious, isn't it? Renge just transferred into the same class as Haruhi and Y/n. So, if Haruhi and Y/n have a girl friend around it could bring out the female within Haruhi and bring out more of Y/n's girly side." Tamaki explained. "Renge's girlish air of tenderness might be able to stimulate Haruhi's own sense of feminity and make Y/n more ladylike."
"Good grief." Haruhi muttered mildly, her facial features showing no interest in the matter.
'There's nothing wrong with me though... I'm not the one pretending to be a boy! And I have a feeling that Renge doesn't like me too much...' Y/n theorized, thinking back to yesterday and how Renge's chipper attitude staggered once she caught sight of the wavy haired girl.
"Now is our chance to help the Fujioka sisters get in touch with their feminine side! This is an important project, men!" Tamaki announced, his eyes narrowing in determination.
"Seriously? There's nothing wrong with us, Tamaki-Senpai. I'm already in touch with my feminine side, but not as much as some other girls are, okay? I really think this isn't necessary." Y/n expressed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Nonsense, Y/n." The president of the Host Club waved Y/n off and continued his conference, making the said girl sigh in loss. "They don't have any friends in class right now except for these two shady twins. "That's no good for them." He pointed at the auburn haired twins.
"Like you have room to talk." The twins retorted in a judgement-like tone, tilting their heads to the side.
Just then, the door to the clubroom opened and in entered Renge. "Hey everyone! You'll be happy to know that your new manager, Renge, has baked all of you some cookies." She smiled and held up a small purple filter that had chocolate chip cookies inside.
Tamaki gasps adequately and appeared next to Renge. "Isn't she ladylike! I'm so moved by your generosity!" He praised, putting his fingers on his forehead as his other hand rested on his hip.
Renge's smile dropped as she glanced at Tamaki from the corner of her eyes. "I didn't bake these cookies for you, you phony prince."
The insult chased Tamaki to a corner where his depressed aura returned. He was facing the wall as he became despondent once again.
"I'm sorry I burnt them a little bit, I did the best I could and I already know what you're going to say." Renge said as she stood in front of Kyoya while holding the serving of cookies she made, pink hearts were essentially floating around her. "Oh, you're always so sweet to me, Kyoya." She clarified dreamingly as her hands relaxed on her cheeks, softly swaying.
Honey took a cookie that Renge made without her knowing, putting the chocolate treat into his mouth. "She wasn't kidding. These cookies really are burnt." He proved, his words coming out muffled due to the cookie in his mouth.
"Don't eat that, Mitsukuni. It's bad for you." Mori informed, moving to stand behind Honey.
Renge zoned out of her daydream, an irked expression taking over her face. She wailed and chased Honey and Mori around, her hair looked like snakes as if she was the infamous Greek Mythology woman known to have snakes as hair and was able to turn people into stone. That mythological person was known as Medusa.
"She's scaring me!" Honey screamed as Mori carried him, running away from the enraged young woman rushing after them.
Y/n and Haruhi sweat dropped at the game of cat-and-mouse chase Renge, Mori, and Honey were doing. Y/n glanced down at the pile of cookies Haruhi was holding and decided to take one, her sister following along.
Y/n took a bite of the cookie and shrugged. "They aren't bad..." She commented, finishing the small cookie.
Haruhi nodded as she chewed the small bite of hers. "Yeah, they're not that bad at all. They've got a good flavor to them." She acquainted, moving her hand to put the cookie in her mouth.
Y/n finished eating her cookie, not even realizing that two certain twins were behind her and Haruhi, glancing back at the dispirited Tamaki before getting an idea.
As Haruhi put the cookie between her lips, Hikaru tilted her head up so she can look at him. "May I try?" He smoothly requested. Not waiting for an answer, he just took a bite of Haruhi's cookie that was still connected to her lips.
Tamaki's head snapped to look at where the two pair of siblings were standing, his full attention being on them.
"Uh-oh Y/n, you've got crumbs on your face." Karou claimed softly from behind her, placing his hand on her head to turn it slightly. She suddenly felt a soft and moist article go on her cheek, soon realizing that it was Kaoru's tongue. His warm tongue swiped up, removing the minuscule of crumbs that was on Y/n's cheek.
"Did you see what they just did?!" Tamaki exclaimed and continued to complain as he stood next to Kyoya, pointing his finger at the mischievous twins who stood in front of Y/n and Haruhi with grins on their faces.
"And suddenly the quartet of classmates are closer than they've ever been before." Kyoya narrated nonchalantly.
"You know, you could've just told me that I had crumbs on my face. I would've wiped it off myself." Y/n advised Kaoru as she rubbed her cheek that has been licked by him with the back of her hand.
"And if you wanted to try one there's plenty here." Haruhi notified, showing the pile of cookies to Hikaru.
"That's not the way you're supposed to react!" Tamaki scolded and pulled the Fujioka sisters closer to him. "You have to stay strong and reject them. Then casually brush them to the side! Do you both understand?" He shouted as he had his hands laid on either of their cheeks.
"This is sexual harassment, Senpai." Haruhi muttered, her eyes avoiding Tamaki.
"Sexual harassment?! If that counts as sexual harassment then they're twice as guilty! Someone call the police!" Tamaki screeched.
"Cut it out, boss. We're sorry." The twins apologized expressionlessly.
"Yeah, Tamaki-Senpai. You don't have to be so dramatic about it, you know." Y/n turned her head to slightly glare at the twins, a dark shadow casting over her face. "They won't do it again... Right?" She quizzed dangerously, making the twins quickly nod in passage.
"Every single one of you!" A loud, high pitched voice called out.
Everyone turned their attention to the sound, their eyes connecting with the figure of Renge.
"Except for Kyoya, all of your characters are lukewarm!" She rapidly pointed her index finger at the Host Club. "Each of you needs to have some sort of 'dark' side, you understand? Girls are vulnerable to handsome young men who are troubled! Ask Y/n! She's a girl herself. If you keep carrying on like this it's only a matter of time before the girls get tired of you and stop coming all together. Are you trying to ruin my precious Kyoya's business? As your manager, it's my duty to change your character backgrounds. Let's start with you!"
Renge points her finger at Honey. "If all you are is cute, inside and out, then you're no different than a baby. Therefore, from now on, you are the baby faced thug! And Mori-Senpai, you're his childhood-friend; the flunkie! The twins will be basketball players, enslaved in their own world! Haruhi, you're an honor student who's constantly being bullied! Y/n, you're the popular girl who avoids your brother at all costs because he always gets bullied, and you don't want your reputation as the popular girl to get ruined by being near him!"
'...what? Why the hell am I stuck with that character background?' Y/n thought as her shoulders slumped down.
Renge turned her head to glance at a nervous-looking Tamaki. "And as for you Tamaki, you're the school idol who's admired for your good looks but you actually have an inferiority complex you're hiding from the world. The lonely prince!"
Tamaki let's out a gasp as his face converts to a look of shock. He begins to stumble around the clubroom, still trying to process what Renge said.
"And Kyoya you're perfect just the way you are now." Renge turned around to look at the male with glasses, her hands interlocked together as she looked up at Kyoya with cherishing, dark brown eyes. "So I want you to stay as kind and affectionate as ever, kay?" She showed him a closed eyed smile as her hands moved to cradle her cheeks.
"Thank you. I'm honored." Kyoya placed his hand on his chest, his head tilting down to display a small amount of gratitude.
"'The lonely prince'." The blond haired male repeated Renge's words, his back facing the others as a spotlight shined down on him. "It's true, that title is perfect for me."
"Yeah right, she couldn't be farther from the truth." Haruhi stated, her eyebrows twitching slightly.
The twins pulled Kyoya away from Renge by the shoulders. "Come on, Kyoya-Senpai." Hikaru said in a small whisper, noticing that Renge was trying to listen into their conversation.
"You've gotta do something!" Kaoru whisper-yelled gravely.
"Why?" He questioned with his thumb and index finger on his chin in a thoughtful manner. "It seems like the boss is up for it." Kyoya points over to Tamaki.
"How does this look, Renge?" Tamaki asked, putting his new 'lonely prince' character into action. His arm was resting against the wall as his hand went up to his face. "Do you think these poses work for a lonely prince?"
"Oh wow, you're pretty good at that, Tamaki!" Renge glorified, looking at Tamaki with a pleased expression. "But you know, it would be even more effective if you were standing in the rain."
The twins, Y/n, and Haruhi quietly groaned as they sweat dropped at Tamaki and Renge's behavior.
Kyoya lightly smirked, his chin resting on his thumb and index finger. "Let's just wait and see how things turn out. I bet it'll be interesting. It always is."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Divine Emperor Of Death
Tian Long, an orphan without much of a life in both his thirty year long life and lifespan! To him, a single opportunity was displayed to transmigrate into another world with his Death Book! "What's this? Is this the body of a three year old? Davis? Is this my name from now on?" Finding himself possessing a small child, he becomes inwardly conflicted before he faces the truth and his reality! Young Davis finds himself as the legal heir, the Crown Prince of the Loret Empire in the Grand Sea Continent, becoming a powerful cultivator in a short time… However, is that all? Follow his journey as Young Davis becomes a full fledged death's advocate while embodying into the Divine Emperor of Death in the world of cultivation! "Mn? The route to become the Emperor is a given? Nah, I still don't want it…" "Oh? I'm courting death you say? Unfortunately for you, death is already my woman…" == Almost 200,000 words (Around 170 Chapters) available for free! == P.S. Cover is not mine, but I edited the image so if you want it taken down, please message me. Credits to the cover goes to the real owner, not me. Cover Title Edit credits goes to Hesreth! == English isn't my main language, so please bear with it if you found some mistakes. == Discord link https://discord.gg/xcqXR6p == Support/Donation link https://www.patreon.com/stardust_breaker == Power Stones Ranking We've reached around 30's so far in 2018, 70's in January 2020 and 40's in December 2020. Hope we can make it again! Power Ranking Milestone (Updated : 10th January 2021) We've reached 40th so far and as long as we are in Top 100, it's 9 chapters per week (1,600 to 2,000 words per chap). Top 75 – 10 chapters per week Top 50 – 11 chapters per week Top 45 – 1 Bonus Chapter Top 40 – 1 Bonus Chapter Top 35 – 1 Bonus Chapter Top 30 – 6 chapters mass release! Other than this, I'm planning for individual mass releases as well but don't rely on it.
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Arch Legends
The Ether Divide Disaster claimed Orion White's parents. A botched research experiment that shattered the Earth and scattered its pieces throughout unknown galaxies and time. Humanity's former home world had vanished. The land of Orion enters a cosmos rich in Ether, the true source of dark energy. To survive in the new hostile environment, humans began to harness superpowers from the exposure to Ether. The Shadows, a foreign species, are constantly threatening humanity's survival. Orion enrolls in the Arch Academy, a school dedicated to the development of Arch Warriors. His journey to become an Arch Legend to reunite with his family across the galaxy begins by travelling back in time to train with the greatest legends of all time.
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The sea of stars. The momentaneous lifeforms that flicker far away. Our futures — a sea brimming with light. Each and every shimmer in the starry canvas serves as one’s infinite opportunities in the vast sea of the future. On a once unremarkable day, a mysterious girl displayed powers beyond the capabilities of humans in front of many onlookers who knew only the ordinary: Powers of Ice creation. Riki, a normal young man in the midst of the crowd, was astonished to see such a spectacle, but this astonishment quickly transforms into dismay. From the appearance of calm, yet scorching blue flames, he realized the sole reason she was using powers in the first place was to only protect herself from two who have possession of powers akin to hers. And in failing to do so, the last thing Riki saw was the angst look in her eyes before she disappeared from his sight. That was the only one remaining memory he can recall. Thrusted into an organization filled with supernatural stargazers, Riki's only goal is to retake everything back: a journey to take back both his past and his future. Through this journey, it will mean to discover the underlying truths of the world. Any illustrations I use for covers and chapters are illustrations I have drawn myself unless otherwise stated.
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Danganronpa: Retirement Plan
Ultimates work hard for their talents. They practice their talent to the point where they're declared the best. That is, until someone better comes along and takes their glory and title.Felix, along with 15 other Ex Ultimates, find themselves playing a game to get their titles back. The catch is it's a killing game and they're all desperate to get their beloved talents back. * * *This story will contain mature topics such as, death, gore, blood, suicide, murder, eating disorders and various other triggering topics. Triggers will be *probably* be tagged, but I'm warning you regardless.I don't own Danganronpa. This is a fan work made for other fans to enjoy. * * *CURRENTLY WORKING ON: [ Chapter 1: Goodbye Life Savings ]
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Hollywood Politics {BoyxBoy}
{Completed}How do you keep a secret in Hollywood? Actor Max Stark, and Singer Ryan Connors know, they have been keeping their relationship a secret for over a year. Max is the bad boy, a serial dater, who has been dubbed 'The Hollywood Heartbreaker'. His world consists of dates with beautiful women and guest spots on television shows, but when no one is watching, he lets his walls down, and becomes the sweet guy who had always dreamed of a white picket fence type of life. Ryan is 'The Good Boy', who sings sweet love songs and hides his colourful personality behind endearing smiles and empty gestures. His relationship with Actress Claudia Grey allowed him to rise to the top, yet 'The Golden Couple' is anything but. He doesn't let people in easily and years of being told that the real him isn't enough to get to the top, have taken their toll. To the rest of the world, these boys don't even know each other, so when one of them wants to come clean and go public, what will happen?Will their relationship survive the obstacles or will the politics of Hollywood get the best of them?
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