《y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||》||11||
Somehow--unknown how--Y/n was presently witnessing Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin filming a scene for a movie Renge came up with to star the new character backgrounds she gave the Host Club. There was an actual professional camera crew that Renge hired for the unpredictable movie.
The Hitachiin twins were representing basketball players. They were wearing jersey's that had their school name on them with their team number. Cheering could be heard all around the gym as the female students encouraged the team playing for Ouran Academy, sneakers screeching against the gymnasium floor as the basketball players ran around the court.
Hikaru was able to get the basketball into the hoop, making a whistle erupt in the stadium and people, mainly girls, exhilarated with support. The shouts of positivity and upraise made Hikaru's confidence boost up, jogging on the court with a closed eyed grin on his face and his hand up in victory.
The whistle blows again, catching Hikaru's attention. He notices his brother on the floor, holding his knee in pain as his team members surrounded him along with the manager of the basketball team.
"Get a stretcher!" A man calls urgently. "Take him to the infirmary immediately!"
"Kaoru?" Hikaru called the name of his brother, walking towards the small group that was around the said boy. "Kaoru! Kaoru!" He rushed to his brothers side, crouching down beside him as he was already placed on a stretcher.
A man places his hand on Hikaru's left shoulder. "You've got to get back in the game, Hikaru. We need you!"
"Shut up!" Hikaru snapped and shoved the mans hand away.
"Hikaru." Kaoru's soft and weak voice verbalized, earning his brothers attention. "Listen to me, please don't worry. There's nothing you can do. You can't share my pain." Kaoru reached his hand out and gently placed it on Hikaru's cheek. "You're not the one who got hurt. Now go on."
Hikaru looked down at Kaoru, his amber colored eyes turning watery due to the upcoming tears. "I can't!" He cried as he moved his hands to land on the hand that Kaoru had on his cheek. "It hurts. It hurts, Kaoru!"
"Your pain is my pain. It doesn't matter to me if no one else understands. As long as we have each other, we can go on living." Renge narrates tenderly as the setting changed.
The next scene that was being filmed was Tamaki's, which took place outside under the cloudy and rainy sky.
"I'm sorry but I'm envious." Tamaki mumbled gradually as his blond, soaking bangs covered his eyes. The twins looked up at Tamaki, Kaoru was laying on the ground with his arms propping him up with Hikaru crouching down beside him. "The way the two of you support each other like that."
"But Suoh-Senpai." Hikaru began, glancing up at his upperclassman.
"How can you be envious of us? You're the school's idol." Kaoru collected, allowing the rain to fall on his figure.
"An idol, right." Tamaki spoke quietly and looked down. He moved his blond hair out of his face and sighed. "I hate that people all worship me for something so superficial as my appearance. I think it would be much better for me to be alone."
"One lonely heart meets another. They pass each other, wounding one another. What are the hearts of these young men made of?"
The scene cuts to Haruhi running passed the trees, stopping in front of one, pressing her hands against the tree trunk to catch her breath.
"You can't run away forever." A slightly low, yet still had a hint of a high pitched tone, sounded from behind the girl.
Haruhi turned around with a small gasp, her back now touching the trunk of the tree as Honey slowly strides towards her. She haltingly slid down the said tree, making her sit on the ground helplessly.
"I'm gonna show you what happens to anyone that crosses me." Honey threatened, taking one last step towards Haruhi before stopping a few feet away from her.
"Don't do it, Mitsukuni." Mori's monotone voice spoke, standing behind Honey as he glanced down at him. "You should have realized by now that whenever you hurt others you're really just hurting yourself."
"I didn't ask you for any advice. You want me to put you over my knee again?" The short boy questioned dangerously, his golden-blond bangs casting a shadow over his eyes.
"Will it be the light of salvation that ultimately awaits these boys? Or will it be something else?"
"You know, it really pisses me off when people don't know their place." Honey said, tilting his head up to glance at Haruhi, a dark shadow still casting over his brown-caramel eyes.
"Hey! Leave him alone!"
Honey, Mori, and Haruhi's attention goes to the girl running towards them. The girls wavy, brown hair getting wet by the rain as she dashed towards her siblings aid.
"Oh, look who's here. The popular girl who has a nerd for a brother." Honey simulated, an amusing expression taking over his facial features as Y/n stood in between him and Haruhi.
Y/n glances back at Haruhi with no emotion present on her face, she then looks back at Honey and Mori. "Leave him alone. He didn't do anything wrong." She hardened her brown eyes as her words left her mouth.
"You should just mind your own business." Honey narrowed his eyebrows. "Why all of a sudden do you want to be the hero and defend your brother? From what I always see, you avoid him the best you can so you can keep your pathetic reputation up."
After Honeys line, his intimidating face goes away and is replaced with a regretful one as tears formed in his eyes.
He cries and jumps over to Y/n and Haruhi, falling into Y/n arms, making the said girl slide down the tree and sit next to Haruhi as she held the weeping boy.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n-Chan and Haru-Chan! I can't do this anymore!" He sobbed, tightening his hold on Y/n.
"Cut, cut! Cut!" Renge screamed, making the camera crew stop filming and the fake rain stop. "What's wrong with you? You've got to stick to the script!"
"But I can't!" Honey cried out.
"Stop rolling, cameraman!" Renge turn around and points to the man behind the camera.
"Yes, boss." He replied, showing her a thumbs up before doing as told.
"I want the rain to make things seem tragic!" As Renge continued to complain, Hikaru, Kaoru, and Kyoya look at the group of people that were with Y/n, Haruhi, Honey, and Mori.
"How'd we go from changing our characters to shooting a movie about them?" Hikaru question while sitting on a directors chair beside his brother as Y/n and Haruhi approached them.
"And why is there an entire film crew here to shoot it?" Haruhi added with a towel hung from around her neck and shoulders.
"Apparently, she flew them in from Hollywood. Don't you recognize the director?" Kyoya quizzed as he moved his pen across the pages of his notebook. "He directed the vampire movie, 'Millennial Snow.' It was the number-one grossing box-office hit in America last year."
'Damn these rich people.' Y/n thought as she dried her shoulder length, wavy brown hair with the towel she had.
"And another thing," Hikaru began and held up his script, "how come this stupid script portrays Kaoru as the pitcher?"
"Yeah." The said boy quietly agreed, glancing at Hikaru's script.
"What does that mean?" Haruhi asked, looking at the twins questioningly.
"If you don't know, never mind." The twins closed their eyes and turned away with a careless attitude.
"Pitcher?" Y/n and Haruhi mumbled and looked at each other with curious faces.
"Haruhi, Y/n."
The two girls turned their heads to the direction they heard their names being called from and saw Tamaki jogging over to them.
"So how was I? Did you like my performance?"
"It was pretty awesome." Haruhi answered and Y/n nodded. "I'm surprised you were able to get into your character like that. You were really believable." She handed him a towel so he could dry his dripping hair.
Y/n could tell that Tamaki was mainly focused on Haruhi since his violet eyes were looking down at her. "Yeah, you did great, Senpai. I'll be right back, I'm just going to get some water." Y/n said with a soft smile. "Do you guys want any?"
"No, thanks though." Haruhi displayed a small smile.
"What about you, Tamaki-Senpai?" Y/n asked, glancing at the said male.
"Yes, please!"
With that being said, Y/n left the two of them to grab two bottles of water. It wasn't that far away so once she got two water bottles she made her way back not too long after.
Y/n walked back to where Tamaki and Haruhi were, but just found Tamaki standing there.
"Where's Haruhi?" She asks as she hands Tamaki the water.
He thanked Y/n and takes a sip of the cool liquid before answering her. "She's about to film her next scene so Renge pulled her aside." He explained, putting the lid back on the bottle of water before looking at Y/n with a raised eyebrow. "Wait, aren't you a part of that scene too?"
"Oh, yeah! I totally forgot. Thanks for reminding me, Senpai." Y/n smiled and scratched the back of her head. "Do you know where they went?"
Tamaki showed her a small smile of his own and points at the direction her sister and Renge went towards.
After thanking the blond haired male, Y/n made her way towards that direction, soon turning the corner. Her brown eyes widened as she saw two tall guys standing in front of Haruhi and Renge, one of them pushing Renge forcefully.
Y/n sprinted over to them when she noticed Haruhi moving behind Renge to cushion the impact. Y/n has never run faster than she did now. Before Haruhi could get knocked into the filming supply that was leaning against the wall, Y/n extended her arm out behind Haruhi, making Haruhi push Y/n's hand against the hard materials.
When Renge moved away from Haruhi, the two siblings slowly fell to the ground along with the materials.
"Are you okay, Haruhi, Y/n?" Renge asked worriedly as she kneeled down in front of them.
"That guy was right, Renge." Haruhi began as her hand covered her face that was tilted downwards. "You can't do that, if you judge people by their appearance you're stereotyping them and you'll never see the person inside."
Y/n didn't know what happened for most of it since she wasn't there with Haruhi or Renge, but she sort of got a hint once Haruhi's words reached her ears. Y/n slightly moved her right wrist, the sudden movement making her hold in a small hiss. Her wrist was throbbing and it was beginning to look red and slightly swollen. Y/n could still somewhat move it, but it hurt to do so.
"Um. I don't understand what you're trying to say." Renge let out, her eyes holding a look of concern.
"What happened, Haruhi and Y/n?" Tamaki questions in a somewhat urgent tone, turning the corner to look at the situation at hand.
Haruhi lifted her head to look at Tamaki. The blond haired males eyes widened and narrowed as he saw a tear appear in Haruhi's eye.
Tamaki dashed towards the two guys that were there and grabbed one of them by the collar of their uniform, pushing them up against the wall. "So which one of you jerks started this?" Tamaki inquired dangerously.
"Wait, Suoh! It's not what you think!" The other guys began. "That girl started it! She was giving us a hard time!"
Haruhi got up from the ground along with Y/n. "He's telling the truth, Senpai. It wasn't their fault. They were provoked." Haruhi confirmed while rubbing her eyes with her hands.
Tamaki let's go of the guy he was holding and walks over to Haruhi.
"Let's get outta here!" The two guys exclaimed and ran away once they got the chance.
Tamaki places his hands on Haruhi's cheeks so he could look at her. "Haruhi, are you in any pain?" He asks worriedly.
Haruhi rubs her right eye a little more. "Yeah. It's my contact." She says while holding one of her contact lenses on her finger.
Y/n and Tamaki's stood with their mouths slightly agape.
"...oh." Y/n mumbled quietly, gingerly thanking that Haruhi wasn't injured seriously.
"Your contact?" Tamaki muttered, looking down at Haruhi's contact.
"Yeah. I guess it must've slipped out." Haruhi pointed out casually.
"Thankfully you aren't seriously injured." Y/n shared her thoughts, displaying a small smile.
Haruhi shows a miniature smile before her face turns slightly worried. "Wait, but what about you? You used your hand to try and stop the fall."
Y/n faked a laugh, dismissively waving her uninjured hand. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. To be honest, it looked like you were actually crying so that made me really concerned."
Tamaki laughs, removing his hands from Haruhi's face and placing one of them on his head. "I see how it is! You're able to cry without using eye drops. So you're a full-fledged host now!"
Y/n and Haruhi smile warmly at his words, Y/n unnoticeably holding her right wrist with her left hand softly.
"You...you..." Renge began and turned to face the camera crew. "Please tell me you got that, cameraman!"
"Yes, boss!"
"Other than Haruhi's contact falling out that was an ideal final scene! All it needs now is a moving narration by my sweet Kyoya." Renge declared with a big and pleased smile.
All of a sudden, the sound of glass shattering was heard. Everyone turns their attention to Kyoya, who had a rock in his hand that smashed the camera lenses of the camera.
"No!" The camera crew yelled in dismay.
"What'd you do to my camera?!"
"What? Is something wrong?" Renge asked, her tone laced with gentle concern.
"I'm terribly sorry but I cannot allow there to be any record of a club member engaging in violence. I think you've caused enough trouble around here, Renge. Please stop being such a pest." Kyoya stated sternly, his brownish-grey eyes hard and narrow.
Y/n's eyes widened. "He actually just said that..."She muttered quietly in disbelief.
"A pest?" Renge faintly repeated as tears fell from her eyes. "But you're supposed to pat me on the head and tell me not to worry! You're supposed to be kind and affectionate, Kyoya! Why are you acting so differently now? Tell me why!" She tilted her head down as she cried.
"Because that's not the real Kyoya." Tamaki informed calmly, making Renge's eyes widen.
She turned around to face Tamaki, Y/n, and Haruhi. She then collapses on her knees and began to whimper.
Y/n and Haruhi approached her. Y/n placed her left hand on top of Renge's head in a comforting manner.
"Does it really matter?" Haruhi asked gently.
Renge looked up at the two girls with tears streaming down her eyes.
Y/n shows her a gentle smile. "Who cares if Kyoya is a little different than you expected him to be?" She crouched down with Haruhi so they could see Renge better. "Take a good look at the person inside and get to know him little-by-little. To be honest, it's better to know someone for who they really are than know the fake side of them."
Haruhi nodded. "It's a lot more fun that way."
Suddenly, Y/n felt her right wrist being grabbed and softly pulled. She let out a hiss and a groan at the sudden pain that shot through her wrist.
She looked up at the person who has their hand around her wrist. Her eyes slightly widened as she saw Kyoya crouching down with her hand laying on his.
"W-What are you doing?" Y/n asked, her words stumbling over themselves.
"I noticed that your right wrist was a bit red and looked to be a little swollen." He explained as he observed her wrist. "Tell me, did you somehow wound yourself, Y/n?"
"Uhhh..." Y/n extended her words, abruptly feeling a cool aura taking place from behind her.
"I thought you said you didn't hurt yourself, Y/n." Haruhi stood up, glaring down at the back of her sisters head as Y/n sweat dropped nervously.
Kyoya closed his eyes. "I see." He lightly began to put pressure on her wrist, making the girl jolt. "So you just wanted to keep your little injury a secret, am I correct?" A precarious smile weaving on his lips.
"Ow, ow! Let go please." Y/n yelped as she put her other hand on Kyoya's--that was resting on her injured wrist. "I'm sorry, I just didn't want to be a bother! I promise that if I get hurt I won't keep it from you guys!" She hastily stated and immediately Kyoya let go.
Her upperclassman with glasses stood up and looked down at Y/n with a closed eyed smile. "Good to hear. We can't have any of our members get injured, that would somehow effect the Host Club." He claimed as Y/n gently held her right wrist in relief. "And you just have a sprained wrist. Go to the nurse to get it bandaged up."
- - - -
Several days have passed and everyone somehow knows about the video the Host Club has made. The members of the club were surrounded by female students.
"Hello ladies, come on in." Tamaki greeted.
"I bought the video of that film you made!" A girl started.
"I bought it too!"
"And so did I!"
"You did?" Tamaki asked curiously, the others having a look of confusion.
"That scene in the rain was just phenomenal!"
"I love the lonely prince!"
"And the loving relationship between Hikaru and Kaoru was so sweet!"
The guests squealed thinking back to the movie that was published about the Host Club.
"I want to see Honey act like a thug again! It was so cute!"
"I couldn't get enough of how Y/n protected Haruhi!"
"And I couldn't get enough of Haruhi's poignant expressions!"
"Kyoya?" Tamaki called expectedly, waiting for an explanation.
"I may have broken the camera's lens but the footage that we had already shot wasn't damaged. But naturally, I did cut out that one violent scene." Kyoya explained and turned his head to look at the others with a small smirk. "Sales have been pretty good so far. That Hollywood film crew did a fantastic job but then I guess that's to be expected." He adjusted his glasses while holding his pen and his notebook in one hand.
"So is this what you meant by 'interesting'?" The twins asked in unison, sweat dropping next to Tamaki.
"It's best to have as much money as we can in the club's budget." Kyoya stated in a matter-of-fact tone.
'When did he start calculating all of this?' Y/n though with a dumbfounded expression.
"Good day, everyone."
The Host Club looked over at who greeted them and saw Renge.
"Renge? But I thought you had gone back to France already." Tamaki speculated out loud.
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