《y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||》||9||
It was a sunny day at Ouran Academy. The Host Club were partaking their club activities in music room three. The usually bland and casual music room was adored in traditional Japanese decorations. The members of the Host Club were all dressed in kimonos designed by the Hitachiin twins' mother, Yazuha Hitachiin.
"Oh, Tamaki. My dearest Tamaki, why are you so beautiful?" One out-of-the three girls that were sitting with the blond haired male asked with her hands clasped together.
"I'm hoping to catch your eye, even if for just one second." Tamaki answered smoothly, holding a thin smoke pipe in his hand.
"And why is your voice so very sweet and mellow?"Another girl requested softly, a faint blush on her cheeks.
"To set your nerves at ease, so that my true feelings might reach your heart." He returned with a small, closed lipped smile.
"Why are your eyes filled with tears every time you look at me?" The third girl questioned, her tone sounding a bit constrained.
Tamaki tilted his head up slightly, moving his blond hair away from his violet eyes by using one of his hands, revealing the tears that were hanging on the corners of his eyes. "Because the sight of your beautiful smile causes the fountain inside me to start overflowing."
The three girls lightly blushed as they softly awed at Tamaki. "Oh, Tamaki."
A couple of feet away from Tamaki was Hikaru and Kaoru sitting with their two female guests. The two twins were wearing matching kimonos that one of the girls positively commented on.
"I think it's adorable that you're wearing matching kimonos." She observed warmly, showing the twins a small smile. Y/n and Haruhi watched the twins from a distance, already knowing that they're about to pull one of their brotherly love acts for the two guests.
"Our mother designed everything the hosts are wearing today." Hikaru refined, his elbow resting on the arm of the chair he was sitting in, propping it up to relax his head on his hand. "If you see something you like, we can take an order for you." He showed the girls a closed eyed smile, lifting up his other hand in affirmation.
"Our grandmother even helped us put them on." Kaoru added with a small smile.
Hikaru moved closer to his brother, gently grabbing him by the chin. "But you know the only one who will be undressing you is me, Kaoru."
"Hikaru, you're embarrassing me in front of everybody." Kaoru said, a small blush on his cheeks while tears formed in his amber colored eyes, tilting his head away from looking at Hikaru.
"What a tender embrace!" One of the twins' customers adored, both of the guests shimmying in their seats as they quietly squealed at the twins' function.
'They're up to that nonsense again.' Y/n and Haruhi thought, sweat forming on their head.
"Haruhi, Y/n." Two girls appeared in front of the Fujioka siblings. "You both look so cute in your kimonos." One of the girls complimented, smiling at the two sisters.
Haruhi was dressed in a pastel purple kimono that had big, light pink flower blossoms adorn on it. Her hands were enveloped by the large, loose sleeves of the garment. She had a small, light beige hair accessory in her brown hair that charmed her outfit. Y/n's kimono was black with cherry blossoms embedded on it, the blossoms were in different shades of pink, red, and white. The ends of her sleeves were a pale gold color along with the collar of her kimono. Her shoulder length, wavy, brown hair was put up into a ponytail, two strands of brown hair loose from the front of her head to rest upon the sides of her face, a small, red, Sakura Kanzashi Japanese hair clip lounging on the left side of her head.
"Almost like a girl." The other female student pointed out in a soft, pleasant voice, a gentle smile laying on her lips.
"Thanks." Haruhi and Y/n acknowledged easily.
"Haruhi, you've booked another appointment." Kyoya called from where he was sitting, which was not too far away from the two sisters. He was sitting on a dark blue cushion, his knees reposing on it. Instead of writing in his black notebook, he was handwriting on white colored papers that looked like talismans. "It seems you've had a pretty steady flow of new customers lately. Keep up the good work. I'm not going to charge you interest on your debt like I normally would, so keep this up and you should be able to pay it off." He turned his head to glance at the sisters, showing them a condescending, closed eyed smile. "Although, the rental fee on that kimono you and Y/n are wearing is nothing to sneeze at."
'He's like some kind of heartless tax collector...' The two sisters concluded, sweat dropping at Kyoya's words.
The second year student with glasses rotated his main attention to the girl in the black kimono. "Oh, and, Y/n. You haven't been getting as much customers lately. Why is that?"
"Oh, I don't know?" The brown haired girl began sarcastically. "Maybe it's because Tamaki-Senpai decided to stop letting me be a hostess to male students." Y/n answered and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"Well, viewing as the male population of the students who have stopped by here at the Host Club to visit you just ended up bantering with you, and Tamaki didn't really enjoy witnessing that, so he had no other choice." Kyoya acquainted with a miniature, closed eyed smirk, looking back at the sheets of paper he was holding.
Y/n was currently sitting at a small, circular table with a boy sitting across from her. Her appointment was just with this one young man who maintained a flirtatious smirk on his lips.
"You know, Fujioka? You're really cute." He suddenly said, showing her a small wink.
"Oh, um, thank you." Y/n replied, displaying a small, ambivalent smile. The boys abrupt comment made her lose her train of thought for mere seconds before going back to normal. "But I thought I was supposed to do the complimenting here." She sheepishly chuckled, looking at her customer.
"Not with me, beautiful-"
"TIME'S UP!" A familiar, loud voice exclaimed.
Tamaki rushed to Y/n's table and grabbed the said girl by her arm, dragging her away from the appointment she was supposed to do.
"Tamaki-Senpai, what are you-"
"Y/n, why didn't you say anything?!" Tamaki shouted, stopping in his tracks once they were away from the young man Y/n was supposed to be with, grasping her shoulders as tears formed in his violet eyes. "You could have told him to stop! That's it! I forbid you to host any boys starting now!"
Y/n's eyes widened in disbelief, her eyebrows furrowing. "What? But why?!"
"Because Daddy said so!" Tamaki cried out. He collapsed on the floor, wrapping his arms around one of Y/n's ankles. "Please stay as my little girl! I can't let any boys flirt with my daughter!"
"Okay, but who am I going to host now? I don't get as much female customers because I'm a girl." Y/n noted the obvious, shrugging her hands out. "They only come to me for advise and stuff..."
"That's because you're the sisterly type, or did you forget?" Kyoya lightly smirked.
Y/n grumbled quietly under her breath, feeling herself get irritated at her defeat, making Haruhi place her hand on her sisters back to calm her nerves.
"Hello, Kyoya." One out-of-the two girls greeted the said male.
"I can't get over how great you look in that kimono. Are you planning to release any more picture books of the Host Club?" The other girl questioned with a smile.
"Unfortunately, we don't have anything planned at present, ladies." Kyoya replied to the two females standing in front of him with a small, counterfeit smile.
The Hitachiin twins peaked their head over the yellow screen that had flowers ingrained on it. "But doesn't the club make a lot of money-" Hikaru initiated quietly, looking down at Kyoya.
"-from the sale of promotional items?" Karou whispered, finishing Hikaru's sentence as Kyoya circled himself around to face the twins.
"That's true, but the items are poor quality." Kyoya held up four pictures that were taken of some individual members of the Host Club, but the said pictures were blurry and unprofessionally taken. "Those picture books were full of nothing but amateur hidden-camera shots. However, if we want to create some higher-quality, money-making products, I'm afraid we'd have to draw money from the school's budget." Kyoya took out his calculator and began to press down on numbers as the twins slowly lowered their heads from the private screen.
'Now that I think about it, if it wasn't for Kyoya-Senpai, the Host Club would spiral into the depths of bankruptcy.' Y/n suspected with a impassive expression.
"Y/n-Chan, Haru-Chan."
The two sisters turned their attention to a teary-eyed Honey who approached them with only one sandal on one of his feet.
"I don't know how, but I lost one of my sandals." He weeped, standing in front of the two girls who complimented the sisters' kimonos.
"How? You were just wearing them, weren't you?" Y/n asked as she and Haruhi walked towards the short boy. Y/n gently placed her hand down on Honey's head to try and comfort his crying.
"Mitsukuni." Mori's monotone voice called out to his companion. He kneeled down on the floor, lightly lifting Honey's right leg, and placed Honey's missing sandal on his foot.
"Takashi..." He weakly spoke, looking down at Mori as he fixed his sandal on his foot.
"I noticed that you dropped it." Mori identified, his knees still planted on the floor.
"Takashi!" Honey cried and threw his arms around Mori, the tall male accepting the short third year's embrace.
"How sweet." A girl started softly.
"Isn't it, though?" The other girl smoothly agreed, staring at the sweet scene playing in front of them.
"Looks like tears are popular with the ladies today." Haruhi pointed out to Y/n, turning away from the display.
"You're right. But how are they all able to cry so easily?" Y/n examined, glancing over her shoulder at Honey's tears as she and her sister walked away.
As the two of them walked forward, Haruhi accidentally bumped into Kaoru, making something fall down his sleeve and onto the floor.
Y/n crouched down to pick up the small item that fell out of Kaoru's kimono sleeve. Once her hand connected with the component, her facial features turned deadpanned.
She stood up straight and looked at Kaoru. "What's this?" The girl asked blankly, already knowing what it was. She held out the eye drops to show the younger Hitachiin twin.
"For your information, it's common for a host to use eye drops." Kaoru answered, standing behind Y/n with his brother leaning his back against his.
"No woman alive can resist a man on the brink of tears." Hikaru stated, pridefully.
"That's cheating." Haruhi alleged, staring at the twins with the same deadpanned expression as Y/n.
"Oh, don't be such a party pooper." Hikaru wrapped his arms over Haruhi and Y/n's shoulder.
"Here, this is for you guys." Kaoru began and took out two sweet treats of some sort, handing it to the two girls. The little treat was a light pink, flower blossom-looking dessert.
"For us?" The sisters questioned, looking up at the two brothers.
"Aren't you two the cutest?" The twins grinned with their arms crossed.
"I didn't know you guys like sweets." The one out-of-the two girls from before commented with a gleam in her eye.
"Well, Haruhi's not really a big fan of sweets, but I enjoy them." Y/n smiled softly. "But..." She trailed off and looked at Haruhi, her smile softening as well as her eyes. "I think it would be a nice memorial offering for our mother."
The girls surrounding them gasped softly in awe, their hands hovering over their mouths as some of the girls had tears in their eyes.
"How admirable of you!" Tamaki appeared and leaned closer to the two sisters, small tears in his eyes. "Such devotion to your mother's memory. Please, take as many of these as you like." Tamaki began to pile the treats on both Haruhi and Y/n's hands. The twins, Mori, and Honey stood off to the side and clapped their hands randomly, either for Tamaki's offering or for the devotion Y/n and Haruhi have for their deceased mother.
"Let me guess, the tears are fake?" Haruhi accused blankly, making Tamaki move away from the two sisters, slightly offended.
"How could you? My tears are always genuine, Haruhi. Being able to cry without the use of eye drops is the mark of a true host." Tamaki suddenly had sparkles surrounding him as he turned around to look at the sisters. "Tell me, do I impress you? Have you fallen for me yet, Haruhi?"
"You wish." Haruhi bluntly said.
"My romantic overtures do not seem to be reaching you for some reason. Perhaps I should add a little more panache to my character, huh?" Tamaki suggested, but noticed that Haruhi and Y/n were gazing at something other than him.
Tamaki turned his head to look at the direction Haruhi and Y/n we're glancing at. Hiding behind a wall was a female student that had a big, hot pink bow in her light chestnut colored hair.
"Looks like the Host Club has a brand-new guest." The twins stated, the Host Club members now standing together while looking at the new girl.
The twins got an idea and moved closer to the door. "Come on in. What are you waiting for?" Kaoru smoothly questioned as he held out a light red rose to the girl.
"Watching from afar is no fun." Hikaru followed his brothers lead and held out his own rose that was the same color as Kaoru's.
"Please, miss." The twins breathed out, inching the roses closer to her.
"Stop that." Tamaki was now in front of the twins, also holding a rose in his hand. "How many times do I have to tell you boys to be more courteous to our first-time guests?" He held out his hand to the girl. "Please, you don't have to be afraid, my Princess." He moved his hand closer to the girls chin, making her flinch. "I welcome you to the Ouran Host Club."
The girls lips quivered as a faint blush appeared on her face. Tamaki noticed that the girl was about to say something for the first time. "Yes?" He softly mumbled.
The girl painfully placed her hand on Tamaki's cheek and pushed him away, making him let out a surprised and hurtful yelp. "No! Don't touch me! You're phony!" The girl yells loudly.
Y/n and the hosts widened their eyes in slight disbelief, expect for Mori and Kyoya. Tamaki let's out a climatic groan mixed with a sigh, his hand was over his face as he stumbled back to his feet. "What do you mean I'm phony?"
"Just what I said!" The girl pointed her index finger at the blond haired male. "You're phony! I find it hard to believe that someone like you is the prince character of this Host Club!" Tamaki lumbered back at the girls harsh words. "You shouldn't go spreading your love around so easily like that, you stupid!"
That shot Tamaki like a bullet to his side. It was like arrows with the labels the girl was giving him were piercing his body.
"You must be a dim-witted narcissist! You're incompetent! You're a commoner! You're disgusting!" The girls high pitched voice continued until she hit the final blow, which made Tamaki seem like he got struck by lightning and slowly begins falling backwards on the floor.
Hikaru gasps in wonderment. "He's created a new technique!"
"One-man-slow-motion!" Kaoru analyzed, pinpointing at Tamaki's pitiful state.
"I don't suppose you are...?" Kyoya trailed off, looking at the girl with his thumb and index finger on his chin in a thoughtful manner.
The girls eyes formed tears once her gaze landed on the young man with glasses. "It's you, Kyoya!" She ran to him, stepping on Tamaki's body in the process since he landed on the floor. She threw herself into Kyoya's chest, wrapping her arms around him in a embrace. "Oh, how I've longed to meet you. My one and only Prince Charming."
Y/n couldn't help but let out a small stifle of a laugh. "Oh my god... Is she serious?" She found the girls' words quite humorous, considering that she doesn't find Kyoya as the 'Prince Charming' type at all.
But the matter at hand is finding out who this new girl is and why she's so attracted to the Host Clubs vice president.
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