《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 7. Meeting with White heart.
It had already been three years since Neptune and histoire had reached the ultradimension, as well as knowing the truth of his burden that he carries, Neptune from the day he knew the truth and then accepting it decided to do everything possible to save his dimension , with the help of plutia and the mini-histoire, Asi as de noire, who the next day left the basilicom of Planeptune to go to found his own nation, which he called Lastation and in just three years he was able to make it prosper.
Histoire was also attentive in case the candidates for hierarchies or the 7 sages made a move, but they did nothing during the three since they disappeared from the radar without leaving any trace.
Now we go to the Planeptune guild where our protagonist is at the moment.
"Well! With these missions that I did today, Histy will surely leave me alone for a week... I hope? "Neptune said walking towards the receptionist to claim his reward from the mission.
When I arrive in front of her, I wave her over to see him.
"Hello," Neptune said smiling.
"Oh Lord Purple heart!" Said the receptionist with respect and bowing a little when she saw Neptune.
Neptune sighed for this.
Another event that occurred was the news that Planeptune had another cpu, the news was given by the seven sages and as expected the news that Neptune was a cpu spread throughout the entire gamindustri, but more was the shock than the new cpu it was a boy, a male cpu.
Something that many did not believe that it was possible for a boy to be a cpu and believed that it was just a myth. But this myth was disproved when Neptune was transformed, when abnes broke into the basilica that day Neptune showed her his transformation to histoire since she wanted to study her new appearance that was different from before, besides that the mini histoire also wanted to study the way a male cpu, that day abnes broke in with cameras and recorded the scene where Neptune was transformed and that moment was seen by all gamindustri, so it was stated that Planeptune had another cpu and a boy to finish, although people accepted this fact that there was a male cpu, thanks to that and to the joy of mini-histoire the actions of planectune rose a bit.
"Leave that lord and just call me Neptune" said the boy with a drop of sweat, Neptune never liked that of the formalities and things.
"Whatever you say Neptune-sama," said the receptionist wiping a drop of sweat from the boy—
Neptune sighed and remembered what happened three years ago.
The next day after Neptune found out about his histoire condition, he called him into the room to talk about what they would do now and what plans they would do. The mini histoire along with noire and plutia were also in the room to find out the plan.
"Well Neptune, now that you can transform again, it's time to start our second phase of our plan," said histoire seeing Neptune nodding with a smile on his face.
"Well Histy, what will we do first?" Neptune said looking at the small tome.
"As we know that the candidates for hierarchies are here, so we have to be aware of their movements as well as their true objective," said the volume.
Weren't they behind Neptune? Noire asked.
"I thought so, but if it were so they would have taken it when we met them but instead they said they wanted to test the strength of Neptune," said histoire thinking about why they would do that.
"It's strange, why would they do that?" Asked the mini-story.
"I don't know why they would do that, but.... ryo was always very smart. To change his plans he must have something big planned for Neptune, and thinking just that worries me a lot, said histoire, somewhat distraught to know why only Ryo sent the candidates to hierarchies.
"Does Histoire not know anything about the whereabouts of the candidates?" Asked Noire.
"Unfortunately not," said the larger tome, lowering its head. "I've been trying to find them everywhere, but unfortunately the only thing I've been able to know is that they are with the 7 sages ."
"Hm? Why would they be with them? "Questioned the mini-story.
"I don't know what the reason is that they work together, but now the 7 sages are more dangerous now that they have the candidates for hierarchies on their side," said histoire in a serious tone.
"Why histoire-chan, are you so strong?" Asked Plutia.
"That's right. They are very strong, only one of them is capable of destroying an entire country in less than a day." I answer the largest tome.
"They are so strong!" Noire stared in disbelief at what the great histoire said.
"It's obvious nowa, they are the first chiefs of this arc it was to be expected that they were damn strong", said Neptune eating a pudding. "I could barely keep up with that phony nep jr."
"That's why Neptune I have prepared a plan to be able to deal with them, but first do you remember when they were rescued from the gamindustri graveyard? When did you guys get very exhausted after staying for three years in your Hdd form? "Asked histoire.
"If I remember, why the question Histy?" Neptune said confused.
"How do you know if a cpu stays in Hdd mode for a long time, it can be exhausting, so we will have to remove that weakness, plus you will learn to produce your own actions. Said the tome seeing Neptune.
"Seriously!? The author could not come up with something better, because we do not go directly to the boss fight in this chapter, "complained Neptune.
What are you talking about, Neptune? "Noire asked with a drop of sweat.
"Ignore him noire-san, he has a bad habit of doing that," histoire explained.
"How do you say nepu when you are surprised?" Questioned the cpu tsundere.
"Hears! I've tried to avoid saying that! You know! "The boy growled.
"Yes! but you fail miserably, although it is very funny to hear you say it, since it sounds very feminine for a boy, "said Noire, laughing a little.
"It's cute to me," Plutia said with her usual smile.
"Well what kind of history it would be if you didn't read a nepu twice per chapter," Neptune said with a shrug.
"Putting that aside histoire, is it true that a cpu can produce its own actions? I always believed that actions came only from the faith of its people," said Noire, seeing Tomo nod in confirmation.
"This is noire! It is true that the actions are produced by the faith of the people who believe in their CPU, thus strengthening it more ", said histoire. Although in our dimension, the cpu of yesteryear could create their own actions, so as not to depend on only the faith of their people, but over time they began to depend more on the faith of their people, which brings a disadvantage if people leave If you believe in your cpu, your forces decrease, that's why we lost against ryo, since faith in Neptune like that of the other cpu diminished making them weaker, so I will teach Neptune to learn to create his own actions, this will help him a lot in his next battles. " although Now Neptune can produce his own actions, besides that he became stronger and that was reflected in his fight against magic since he was able to defeat her easily ", said histoire.
"He was an enemy from the second game, so it's obvious that he wouldn't be that strong anymore." Neptune said.
"But if he can already create his own actions, why will you teach him if he already knows?
"For it to be able to increase its reserves, the shares that it already produces would be enough. But? if we want to defeat ryo he needs to increase his actions further, "explained the tome seeing noire nod.
"I see," said Noire with more astonishment. "Do you think I can do that too?"
"Well this is fanfiction, so anything is possible," Neptune said with a shrug.
"I think you can, noire-san." He said histoire ignoring what Neptune said.
"I see so noire-san as Plutia can learn that too!" Said the mini-histoire seeing her counterpart nod in confirmation, but if they do that, they will no longer be able to take advantage of the faith of their people? "
"In fact, they will still be able to take advantage of the faith of their people to be stronger," clarified the largest volume.
"I see," said the mini histoire thinking. "Changing to another topic apparently the rumors that Neptune-san is a cpu, is spreading throughout the gam industry, thanks to the 7 sages ",
"It's true, I don't know what they would gain from doing that." He said the largest tome thinking about why the 7 sages announced Neptune's cpu status.
"But many believe that it is a lie and that neppy is not a cpu," said Plutia.
"It is to be expected that Plutia, Neptune has not demonstrated its transformation to anyone but us," said Noire, looking at her friend. "And also everyone believes that male CPUs are just a myth."
"That's true since male CPUs are very rare for one to appear, but changing the subject, Neptune?", The tome calls out to the boy who was playing on his transer.
"Yes Histy?" Said the boy looking at histoire.
"Can you transform?"
"Why?" Neptune was confused by that request.
"I want to see your new appearance, since as you may have noticed, its HDd shape is different now," explained the volume.
"It's true," Neptune said confused, why did that happen Histy? ".
"I can not say clearly, but I think it is due to the memory of cpu, so I want you to transform, to study your new look."
"If I also want to see your transformation, do I want to study the structure of a male cpu? to later register it in my tome, said the mini histoire,
"Ehhh okay, I will!" Neptune said as a pillar of light enveloped him.
At that time that Neptune was transforming, Abnes entered with his cameramen.
"I have returned cpu's!" but in that the cameras recorded the exact moment in which Neptune transformed.
Making Abnes's jaw drop.
"So it was true what those kids said that he can become a cpu." He thought when he saw Neptune.
Abnes smiled and then took out a microphone (where the author doesn't even know it) and ordered his cameramen to start broadcasting live.
"Hello Abnes speaking, the official idol of the 7 sages and the defender of the children of the world! I'm here broadcasting on the planectune basilicom, where we witness that the second Planeptune cpu is real and they are not just rumors ", Abnes spoke in front of his camera and then pointed at Neptune.
"What the hell are you abnes ?! You can't break into someone else's houses like this, "shouted Noire.
"Sure I can!" Growled abnes.
While the two of them fought, the camera stayed focused on Neptune who was transformed and only laughed with one hand behind his head as a sign of shame.
Abnes pushed Noire aside and approached Neptune.
"Tell me what is your name?" I ask Neptune.
"Well my name is Neptune, but in this way I am known as Purple heart," he said nervously.
"A bit feminine in my opinion, tell me is it true that you are the second cpu of Planeptune?"
"Well you could say yes," he said scratching the back of his head.
Abnes was going to ask another question until Noire literally threw her out of the basilica,
"That settles it," said Noire, smiling.
"If you say so, now everyone knows about Neptune's cpu status," said histoire.
"Yes, it can be done," he said with a shrug carelessly as he lay down on the couch.
"Well! I think it's time to go and found my own nation, said Noire, smiling.
"See you plutia," he said, transforming and flying out of the basilicom without even looking back.
"Aw!" He left, said Plutia sadly.
"Don't be sad pururu we can go and screw her up when she already has her nation," Neptune said looking at her friend.
"It's true yaayyyy!"
After that all gamindustri was filled with shock to know that the male cpu was real, a man being a cpu was impossible, but in the end the people of Planeptune accepted it as their second cpu.
Neptune sighed as he walked towards the basilicom.
After that news, Planeptune's shares rose much to the joy of the mini-histoire, but unfortunately that did not last long. After a year, Noire founded her nation and in two years she was able to carry it out on her own, being on a par with Lowee and Planeptune, the bad thing was that Planeptune's shares decreased.
That is why he goes out to do a mission once a week since as Plutia is too tired to do missions and does not do the paperwork either, his story forces him to do missions to help Plutia (and threatening to take away her pudding if she did nothing else. than lying on the couch), while she and the mini-histoire try to get Plutia to work.
"Good with the work I did today Histy won't bother me for a while," Neptune said smiling.
Our protagonist would arrive at the basilicóm where he saw Plutia sleeping on the couch as always.
"I'm home," Neptune said, entering the living room.
Ah Neptune-san, welcome! ", Said the mini-histoire who had been entering the room with her histoire.
"Welcome Neptune-san, have you completed the mission we entrusted to you?" Asked the great histoire.
"This is Histy, so to rest," he said, lying down on the other sofa.
The big histoire sighed but then he saw Plutia sleeping and his smaller self would be upset to see her do nothing (again). Neptune saw this and put on his headphones.
"3, 2, 1"
"Plutia-san wake up and do your homework!" The little tome yelled, shaking the whole basilicom.
"Uwahhh!" Plutia woke up suddenly scared by the scream of the mini histoire.
"Histy-chan! Why are you screaming so ugly ?! You didn't wake me up, "complained the sleepy CPU.
"Why am I screaming? Plutia. You don't see that Planeptune's shares have been going down a lot lately, now there are three nations in the gamindustri, this makes the world's shares now divided into three parts, and the nation of Noire-san is gaining more ground over us. beating Lowee. " Said the mini histoire with a graph that he took out of nowhere.
"But we still have a lot of actions, right? Besides, because you don't ask the great story for help and you let me sleep," said Plutia, lying down on the couch again.
"No! ... Plutia you are the cpu, so you must do everything possible so that your nation does not go down the drain," scolded the smaller tome.
"Aw ... but working is very boring I prefer to sleep, also neppy is here also ask him to help you since it is also a cpu", complained Plutia.
"It's useless, to make it work it costs a lot, as soon as I managed to do one mission a week," he said in great histoire with a sigh.
"Even though you two are cpu, the only thing you two do is lie down and do nothing all day!" The mini-histoire complained.
"Correction! I already did my work for the day, "Neptune said as he opened a container of pudding.
"Neptune is not enough," complained his histoire! "
"Besides, Histy, why do I have to work?" The boy complained. "I have enough with the training you force me to do."
"Neptune we do this as payment, for letting us stay here and helping us as well, apart from the fact that although it is not our Planeptune, you have the obligation as a Planeptune cpu that this country does not go down the drain, it does not matter if it is not our dimension ". I scold the greatest histoire. "And besides what training, you haven't done anything in two years, you only trained for one year, after that you haven't done anything other than lie on the couch or play video games with plutia.
"But Histy you didn't say I was strong enough already!"
"Yes, to fight against the candidates for hierarchies, but against the true hierarchs, you are not even half of their power and of ryo or speak," histoire said angrily. "God because all Planeptune CPUs are too lazy or lazy!
"I knew I should have gone to that inn." Neptune thought with a heavy sigh.
"Why can't they be more like Noire !?" said the mini-histoire.
Ehhh !? But Noire is not that good! "Neptune said looking at the smaller tome.
"He's doing so much better than the two of us put together! Your nation is already prospering more than Planeptune could achieve in the last three years! "Said the mini-histoire
"Well that was to be expected from noire-san," said the great histoire.
"I already know what to do ?! Plutia, "I call the smaller tome.
"Yes mini Histy?" Plutia looked at her oracle.
"I will send you to Lastation so that noire can pierce that thick skull of yours and teach you to make a better cpu", said the tome looking at plutia.
"But?" Plutia tried to protest.
"But nothing and you won't come back until you learn to work properly! YOU UNDERSTAND! The mini histoire yelled, scaring Plutia.
"Ehhhhh yes!" Plutia said running scared of the mini histoire.
"Woow mini Histy got pisty or rather mini pisty," Neptune said with a drop.
"Neptune we are also going," said the great histoire.
"What?! Why?!"
"I want to see the Lastation of this dimension", said the tome seeing Neptune "Besides, you have to move more, you have hardly done much in these three years, you have to move or you will lose condition",
"I'm tired, plus the plot always favors me," Neptune said, leaning back in the chair.
"Let's go," he said pulling Neptune by his hood.
"Wait don't pull too hard! It's my favorite hooded sweater , "complained the purple boy trying to free himself from the tight grip of the little tome.
"You literally 30 sweater with similar hood". Histoire said emotionlessly.
So Neptune, along with Plutia and Histoire, went to venture to Lastation without knowing what awaited them there. The three of them opened they arrived very quickly, since they only crossed a small valley and the monsters were not a problem, for Neptune who almost took care of everyone. Since if Plutia helped him he ran the risk that he would transform and there was no way in hell that would allow that, he preferred to fight the monsters alone than to have iris heart by his side.
But halfway there Plutia got tired, so she had to carry her on her back the rest of the way to Lastation.
Once they got to Lastation, they noticed how different it was from the Hyperdimension version. Instead of the large satellite dishes and endless pipe connections, it now had large decorations in the form of solar panels arranged from solar panels similar to a crown or a tiara on the roof of the basilica. Another detail was the more technological aspect. The lesser amount of industrial focus and the way it was distributed throughout the nation kept pollution from becoming a serious problem and helped the city have clean air.
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✨Anime Oneshots✨
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