《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 8. Hierarchical Candidate from the East, let's go to Lowee.
Neptune along with noire, plutia and histoire, were heading back to Lastation after the encounter with the White heart of the ultradimension, a guard arrived informing that the factories were being attacked, heading back quickly to Lastation and leaving White heart angry .
Noire was ahead of the others angry, very angry to know that the 7 wise men are attacking her beautiful nation. She was ready to crush anyone who dared to attack her factories . While Neptune followed her carrying a somewhat worried histoire over her shoulder, she was distraught that the attacker was one of the hierarchical candidates who was carrying out the attack. And finally Plutia who was running after them, trying to keep up with them but she could not, due to her little resistance in her human form.
I swear when I get my hands on the asshole who is attacking my factories I swear he will regret it! " Noire roared angrily.
"Woow noire is very angry now!" –Said Neptune with some fear, he already knew the risks of an angry noire and when she was like this it was better not to approach her— "but hey, it's time for the second boss of this story, this will be eaten pudding now that I've gone up many levels "–He said confidently-
"Neptune-san, don't trust yourself, I know that you are stronger now but your confidence can make you lose! -I scold the tome-
"Don't worry Histy! I'll be fine I assure you "–answered the boy with a smile–
"Ne... .neppy...! I'm tired of running ...! I can't take it anymore! "Said the sleepy CPU who could barely run.
"Come on, Pururut, you can!", Neptune encouraged Plutia to keep running—
"Abababababababa! Neptune-san noire-san! plutia fell ", alert histoire who saw how plutia fell to the ground.
"God Plutia are you okay!" Noire said stopping and turned to see her friend.
"I'm sooooo tired I can't run anymore!" Plutia complained.
"Plutia is not the time for this we have to go," said Noire, exasperated by her friend's attitude.
"But I'm already tired, if you want me to follow you then I have to transform myself."
"No!" Cried Neptune and histoire at the thought of plutia.
"There is no remedy, but it is better to transform," murmured Neptune. "Pururut, get on! I will carry you on my back ", he said, bending down for Plutia to climb up".
"Cerio yaayy!" Plutia said, climbing on Neptune's back. "
"Now if there are no more distractions we have to move ... now!" Noire yelled.
Neptune nodded and followed Noire on his way to the factories.
Meanwhile in the Lastation factories.
A boy with a gray hood took out a revolver and fired a plasma bullet that hit some machines exploding after making contact with them.
Behind him were his two companions who were practically two robots.
One of them had an appearance that resembles a mecha robot, probably Gaogaigar from the Yuusha-oh Gaogaigar series from Brave.saga. It has a multi-color color scheme, including white, blue, red, and gold. He has yellow eyes. Its head is made up of pointed parts. It has large white shoulder pads adorned with button-like designs. It has a part in the shape of an extended wing with a drill on each side. It has two cannons on the back. His chest is adorned with the face of a golden lion, biting into what looks like a handheld game console. The claws hang from both wrists, which he does not use as a weapon in the game. It has blue leg guards that are ornamented with something similar to a game console controller. He held a flaming red sword in his hands.
The other companion is a large robot that is mainly orange and green in color. Its shoulders have two protruding drill formations at the top, while at the front it has two ROM cartridge-looking blocks that are colored blue and red. It's also accompanied by six sets of wheels, three on each side, which have sharp gold tips that squirt out of the middle.
They were Copypaste one of the members of the 7 wise men and brave one of the four cfw who were now under the orders of nic.
"Damn where those CPUs are ?!" Copypaste roared.
"Easy", said nic looking at Copypaste. "Remember they went to the border with Lowee so it will take a while."
"Young nic, what will we do once they arrive?" I ask brave looking at nic.
"We will fight with them, but remember our objective is not to defeat them yet, we just have to make them believe that Lowee's cpu sent us," Nic said looking at brave.
And when do you guys plan to make your move? "Asked Copypaste.
"We already told you soon we will do it and we will need your help if we want it to work," said nic. "By the way and the mouse?", Asked the boy who did not see Warechu.
"He left when he found out that the two planectune CPUs were here, he said he didn't want to meet that woman, or so I think he said, I explain brave.
"It doesn't matter we don't need it with the three of us, that's enough," said nic without much importance.
At that moment some Lastation guards would arrive where the 3 of them were with the intention of stopping them.
"Well I think the pawns have arrived?" Copypaste said. "This will be a good warm-up," he said, smiling as he saw the guards readying their weapons.
"Remember don't kill them," Nic said looking at Copypaste over his shoulder. "Just send them flying."
Copypaste smiled and with a strong blow sent several of the guards flying.
Those who managed to survive Copypaste's fierce attack, readied their weapons and opened fire on Nic and his companions. But he simply put a magic circle in front of him that protected him and his companions from the bullets, when the fire brain looked at them.
"That's all," he said as a large rifle appeared in his hand and without even looking he would fire a large beam that sent the guards flying.
The guards that were still left when they saw this ran away in fear and carrying their injured comrades.
"It is serious! These are the guards of this disappointing nation, "Nic said, shaking his head.
Then nic would turn to one direction noticing something.
"They arrived!" The young hierarch muttered in a low voice.
It wasn't long before Noire, Neptune, Plutia, and Histoire arrived where they were.
"Who are the bastards destroying my factories?" Noire roared with fire in his eyes.
Neptune, Plutia and Noire caught up with her and saw the 3 perpetrators who were carrying out the attack.
"Oh, isn't one of the 4 CFW brave!" Histoire exclaimed when he recognized one.
"It was to be expected Histy, if magic was alive and kicking it was natural that the others also returned, but who are the other two?" Neptune said looking at the boy and the biggest robot.
"You don't remember Neptune, we saw them three years ago," said Noire, who did recognize the hooded boy but not the other robot.
At that Copypaste would scream.
"So cpu finally arrived!", Copypaste shouted seeing the newcomers nic and brave would cover their ears to the confusion of Neptune and the others.
"Get ready to feel the power of the strongest member of the 7 Copypaste sages!"
Then a flying text with the name Copypaste decorated with gears appeared in front of him.
"Did that show up ?!" Nic said with blank eyes. "Besides, the idiot revealed his identity, maybe he's just as idiotic as judge," sighed the boy.
"Apparently yes," he answered brave, sweating although it was something impossible for him.
"Nic would see his opponents who were deaf by Copypaste's scream.
Note to me , tell Nepgeo to lend me his sound-blocking headphones, Nic thought.
Aaarhg what's up with that robot! I can not hear anything!
"Uwaaaah ... that was so loud my poor ears ..."
"Nepu! What's wrong with that guy ... my ears sound like a broken TV!"
"My poor ears were dropping!"
"Hey you!! What's up with all those screaming !? "said noire pointing at Copypaste.
Hey!? It's normal for someone strong like me to scream! It just shows how strong I am!
"That confirms this is Judge's lost brother," Brave said with a bead of sweat.
"Hey, can ... remember the script, the script!" Nic said handing Copypaste a paper.
"Script?! Oh right! ", Said the robot remembering the mission he had so taking the paper that nic gave him he began to read it" "HA, HA, HA, because Lowee cpu caught his attention far from here, I could do it easily.... Hey?! About what?
Copypaste struggled to understand the last lines, which Rei wrote for him to say. What does it say here ?! ", the robot asked nic, pointing to the last lines that he did not understand.
"Demolish, it says demolish," said nic.
"Ah yes, I could easily demolish your precious factory," Copypaste said laughing at the end.
"Huh! So the attack was planned ?! That's why Lowee's cpu came to my borders to get us out of the nation so that you could attack! "
"I can't believe they did!" Nic muttered with a drop.
"Hey noire, I don't think that's true, I know blanc, I don't think she works with them." Neptune said seeing noire frown.
"That's your blanc but we still don't know much about this blanc." Noire said transforming into black heart. "Either way I'll deal with it later, now I'll just take care of ending the three of you." He said pointing his sword towards nic, brave and Copypaste.
"You ... you really think you can defeat us," Copypaste said laughing.
"I'm not sure if I will do it myself but? ... I have my allies here next to me so I can", said black heart smiling confidently and then seeing Neptune and Plutia. "You two hurry up and transform now!" I order the cpu tsundere.
"Hey? Can I also transform myself?
"If you don't hesitate to do your best plutia," said black heart.
Histoire and Neptune looked at Noire as if she had gone mad in asking Plutia to transform.
"Yaayy," the CPU said sleepily transforming into the sadistic form that induced fear in both its enemies and its allies.
"Noire-san really can't fear when she transforms," histoire muttered with a drop and backed away from the sadistic CPU.
"Even though she is my ally, I cannot help feeling that I am also in danger if I continue like this," Neptune murmured with a bead of sweat. "Okay, it's my turn!", He said, transforming into Lord Purple heart. "It is done! at least being in this form I can say that I am sure... right? ",
"Neppy you look very adorable in that way too", said iris heart looking at Neptune who recoiled in fear.
"No, definitely not even in this way will I be sure!"
"Both of you stop chattering and let's defeat these guys now!" Ordered black heart.
"Hm... I really don't like killing things that can't feel pain, but if Noire-chan asks me I can't refuse... though? I see that there is a cute boy with them, do I think I can satisfy myself with him? said the sadistic CPU looking at nic.
"Hell she's just as scary as that time! Nic said with some fear, but shook her head." "Time to start!"
"Hahahaha let's fight at once!" Copypaste yelled.
"Easy, nic looked at Copypaste," they are cpu remember, I can also feel that they are stronger now ", said nic in a serious tone.
"It's fine! but there's no way these pathetic CPUs will beat us! "
Nic sighed at the behavior of one of his classmates, good! Brave you too be careful, they are not like the cpu of our dimension! "
"I'll be attentive young nic." He said brave pulling out his sword that was engulfed in fire.
"Well! It's time to show off a bit "said nic who took off his cape revealing his appearance.
Neptune with his allies saw the appearance of the boy who left his face uncovered.
Nic was a boy of about 14 or 15 years old with tousled pure white hair but with some gray streaks, with bright green eyes with red power symbols, he wore dark gray military pants with dark looking combat boots. Technological black color, he wore a dark gray T-shirt, on top of his shirt he wore a black sleeveless jacket, he had pieces of armor on his knees, legs, on the arms and shoulders, tied to his legs were two leather holsters. pistols, on his waist he had a belt where he had another weapon that was a revolver, with a few grenades also tied to the belt, on his back he had a large rifle along with a sword with a black handle forming an x. And finally one of his hands had a robotic-looking gauntlet, while his other hand just had a black fingerless glove with a black shield on his forearm.
"I am a candidate for hierarch of the east," the boy introduced himself, taking the giant rifle from his back.
"Ha! I don't care if he's one of those candidates, I'll make them pay for what they did to my factories. "
"Neptune, noire-san plutia-san, be careful, that boy is the candidate for hierarch from the east," said histoire.
"We already know Histy, better tell us about what you know about this boy who looks like he's ready for war," said Purple heart looking at nic.
"Nic the strongest candidate for hierarch according to my records specializes in firearms, long-distance combat is something to avoid, the weapon that he carries works with his own energy, that is, the more energy he sends to your strongest weapon will be the shot. My advice is to fight hand-to-hand against him ", explained the volume giving a detail of what nic can do.
"It's okay Histy! this won't be a problem, said Neptune / Purple heart who then saw noire, "noire you take care of brave and have plutia take care of the screaming robot over there," he pointed to Copypaste. "I'll take care of the boy",
Black heart As iris heart they nodded.
"Okay neppy, but make sure you leave me a bit, I want to have fun with that boy too," said the sadistic CPU taking a drop from the boy.
"Well you heard the purple head," Nic said mockingly. "It's time to see how good you are Planeptune cpu."
Nic pointed his gun at Neptune and her friends firing a red beam that quickly sped towards them.
Neptune took histoire and jumped away from the lightning blast, as did black heart and iris heart who jumped in different directions.
Purple heart left the small tome in a safe place where it could not be in danger and leapt into battle.
With Black heart she was attacked by brave with her sword covered in fire, throwing a powerful slash, but she blocked it with her own sword with ease, the two swords colliding for a moment until brave made her fall back.
"You are strong, I think you will be a good challenge!" Said black heart smiling.
"You are also strong I admit it, but I ask you to please surrender if I will not see myself in the need to kill you", said brave looking at black heart.
"Ha, you are honorable, but that will not help you, I will make them pay for what they did to my nation."
"I see so you will continue fighting, it's fine I'll fulfill your wish, you better prepare yourself!" Brave said, launching himself towards black heart.
"Let's see if you're as good as they say you are!" Said black heart, throwing himself in as well.
The two clashed swords at incredible speed, the two were evenly matched, much to Brave's surprise by the power of this black heart.
She ruthlessly attacked Copypaste, who received the attacks with hardly any damage, this made her smile, as she thought she had the advantage.
"Hm? Do I think I'll have to try a little more? Said iris heart smiling and attacking Copypaste harder.
The candidate from the east was firing multiple plasma bullets at our protagonist who was doing his best to dodge all the bullets.
Neptune was surprised by Nic's aim, who sometimes managed to hit him, but luckily he didn't take much damage.
"Take this deadly bolt!", Nic concentrated by squeezing the trigger of his weapon and as the tip of his weapon glowed red, then released it and fired a powerful bolt that Neptune narrowly avoided.
"You're fast!" Said nic, but? "
"Not enough though!" He said from behind the Purple heart, his gun pointed at his back.
"It's fast!" Thought Neptune.
Neptune was surprised by this and quickly with his sword he blocked the death ray of nic but the force of the shot sent him back.
Neptune lunged towards nic again, but he would fire multiple bullets again, but this time he dodged all the bullets and running in Zip-zap to confuse him approached him with his sword ready to perform a special attack.
"Take this, Critical Edge!" Neptune launched his attack hitting nic and sending him towards some rubble colliding with them with great force creating a smoke screen from the impact.
But then he had to dodge a laser that nic fired, causing Neptune to step aside, letting the laser pass next to him. But then he saw nic who was smiling and pointing at him.
"Take this orion ray! He said firing a green ray that was stronger this time, Neptune could do nothing more than cross his arms to cover himself from the ray.
But at the moment, on making contact with it, it would explode sending Neptune rolling on the ground a few meters backwards.
"Hell, because I thought it would work!" The boy complained, recovering from the attack.
He looked at Nic who was pointing at him again.
"Well! How about this boy? "Neptune said as several blades appeared behind him.
"Eat my 8-bit blades!" He said firing the blades causing Nic to step aside allowing the blades to dig into the ground next to him.
"Is that all?" The boy scoffed.
"Not everything," Neptune smiled snapping his fingers.
Nic saw this and quickly jumped avoiding the explosion that the blades caused, but he did not see Neptune that appeared in front of him,
"Eat this lightning sword!" Neptune exclaimed, dropping his lightning-wrapped sword towards Nic, but he simply used his shield to protect himself.
The sword and the shield collided generating sparks on contact, Neptune was surprised by this, since the shield withstood his attack.
"Heh! What do you think of my shield? It is made with unique materials making it very resistant against any attack, it can even resist against the attacks of the cpu, mocked nic and pushing Neptune. "But that's not the only thing!" He said as his shield split in half with a crossbow coming out of it and firing an arrow at Neptune that narrowly eluded him.
"This boy is armed to the teeth!" Neptune thought.
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