《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 6 the truth.
Neptune, along with Histoire and Plutia after their battle against Nepgeo, Magic and Arfoire, the 4 returned to the basilica to talk about the reason why Ryo was looking for Neptune. Now everyone was in the living room of the basilicom with Neptune, noire and plutia sitting in one of the armchairs, while the histoire and the mini histoire were in front of them floating in their tomes.
"Well! Histy spills the beans and tell me what does ryo want? Tell everything you know, "Neptune said looking at histoire.
"Good for this we have to know the origin of all cpu as well as the dimensions." I explain the tome with my eyes closed.
"Woow wait Histy! When I said say everything, it doesn't have to be the whole story about the origin of everything! Neptune said interrupting histoire.
"I would skip this part if someone had studied the history of their dimension!" said histoire annoyed at being interrupted so rudely.
"Well he had important things to do," Neptune said putting his hands behind his head.
"Like what? Skip your obligations and paperwork by going to another nation to hide?!? " Said the tome now more annoyed.
"Did he really leave his nation to not work?" Noire said with wide eyes.
"Yes! Histoire sighed tiredly. "He was going to one of the nations to hide and not work, and when he returned I would scold him for making his sister take on her obligations, I gave him lectures that lasted up to days, but it seems that everything I say comes from one ear and it comes out the other ", at this point the volume already had an angry tick in its head.
"Are you serious Neptune ?!" said noire seeing Neptune with a flat face.
"Meh! if they were boring, her lectures, but every time she began to lecture me I ignored her, "Neptune said bluntly.
Histoire closed his eyes and clenched his fist at the level of his face. "You are the spice of my life, you knew it!" histoire said with a face red with anger.
"Wait Histy don't get mad! Remember your processors blew up the last time you got really mad! "Neptune screamed in panic as he literally saw histoire smoke coming out." Don't go into pisty mode! "
"What?! Did that really happen to him ?! "Noire said incredulously.
"Yes, she literally warmed up her processors and was in bed for a week, until nep jr repaired her," explained Neptune.
"If you had done your job that would not have happened (-_-)"!, Said the mini histoire sympathizing with the hyper-histoire, it also surprised her that she endured so much nonsense from Neptune as not to resign as an oracle.
"Well I'm sorry for that, said histoire, now recovered," we better get on with the story.
They all paid attention and put duct tape on Neptune's mouth so that he wouldn't interrupt and tied him up so he couldn't take it off.
"Well to start I will tell you about the heart of the world and what is it really?" Said histoire seeing everyone who was paying attention.
The heart of the world? Does it sound like it's very important? "Noire said looking at the tome that nodded in confirmation.
"More than you think, the heart of the world is the basis of all existence of a dimension, each dimension has its own heart of the world, each one linked to a guardian, as in the case of our dimension or in others where there are cpu's , they are the basis and the life support of the heart, that is the reason why they bear the title of hearts and there is peace in gamindustri, since their mere existence gives life to the heart, but if the cpu cease to exist and their existence is completely erased then the heart of the world will die and the dimension will remain in stagnation until new guardians appear or someone takes over the heart. " I explain the tome that now had swirling lenses. Where did I get it from, not even the author knows. "but sometimes the heart is not linked to individuals but rather they are hidden or sealed."
"Woow! So is there one here too? "
"So is Plutia-san, although here the heart of the world is not linked to the lives of the CPUs.
"Wait isn't it tied to our lives ?!"
No, noire-san, apparently the heart of this place is hidden in a secret place and the key to access it was lost a long time ago.
"So here the heart is not linked to us? Besides that the key was lost?"
"As I said sometimes the life of the heart is not always linked to the cpu, in other dimensions the life support of the heart is linked to objects or other deities or they are hidden and sealed. And if the key disappeared many years ago, but that it is an advantage since no one can misuse it if they ever find out about its existence ".
But why do they call it the heart of the world if it is literally the heart of an entire dimension? "Asked Noire. "It wouldn't be better to call it the heart of the dimension.
"It's called that because the author didn't think of a better name," said Neptune, who removed the tape from his mouth.
"Good as I was saying!" Histoire said covering Neptune's mouth again. Sometimes, each heart of the world is hidden in a part of the dimension and sealed by a key that is hidden or given to people to protect them, also their knowledge of existence is very secret, only said information being given to the guardian, in the case of our dimension are the CPU 's , such as the dimension of where we come from us, the heart is sealed in a safe place and can only be opened with a key.
Hm.jum.gm, Neptune tried to speak.
"Take off the tape," said histoire looking at Noire who took the tape from him.
"But Histy if the cpu should know this, then why did none of us know the heart of the world?" Asked Neptune who was freed from his bonds.
"Because of what happened with ryo, as you know he is obsessed with obtaining the power of the heart of the world when he learned of its existence, so as a precaution the first generation cpu decided that only I had this information to prevent other people from appearing like ryo who want to seize the heart ", explained the tome in a serious tone. "That is why this information does not come in the history books.
But why do you want it? What can it grant? Noire asked.
"Well as you know, the heart of the world has incredible and unlimited power, if ryo interacts with it, it would become the new pillar with which it will be linked and with that the history of a dimension can be altered, as well as existence itself. That is why he wants to obtain the power to be able to rule the entire dimension and not only that, if not all the dimensions because if he obtains his power, ryo will be practically invincible with enough power to access other dimensions without problems ".
"But if there is a heart in each dimension, why don't I look for one from another dimension?" Asked the mini-histoire.
"Since only those who belong to that dimension can interact with it, if ryo had searched the heart of the world of another dimension, he would not be able to access it since it does not belong to that dimension, that is the reason why ryo did not search the heart of other dimensions, "histoire explained. But? If Ryo seizes the heart of our dimension tonces you can and grab the s other hearts of the other dimensions, since its objective owning all dimensions exist ".
"That guy is crazy! Seeking to conquer all dimensions is a danger for everyone! " Noire said alarmed.
"You're right, he's the worst of enemies," Neptune said. "A very powerful final boss in my opinion."
"Now we go to the origins of the heart of our dimension, as well as the cpu, and the origin of ryo. As you will know Neptune before the cpu appeared, gamindustri was submerged in chaos and disorder, but thanks to the faith of the people, the heart of the world gained enough power to create at the first cpu what you know as the true goddess , "Histoire explained. "Neptune, what do you know about the true goddess?" He asked the boy.
"Well, she was the first goddess that existed and ruled the gamindustri apart from that she was the one who created us," replied the boy.
"Well even that you do know, I thought you wouldn't know that."
"Come on Histy I'm not a complete idiot, of course I know if we fought before to see who would become the true goddess."
"In your case it would be a true god!" Said Noire.
"It's true!" Neptune said smiling. "Good Histy continue."
"Well, the reality is that there was not just one goddess, but a true god as well."
"Nepu! Was there really a god? "Neptune said, surprised.
"There was a true god too!" Noire asked in amazement.
"Yes, they were the first cpu's that existed, the first goddess called herself Golden heart, and god Golden soul."
"Golden soul?" Asked Plutia, confused.
"That's how it is! he was named with the title of soul and the goddess was named with the title of heart, to distinguish them ", explained the greatest histoire. "But hey, golde heart was the first ruler of the entire gamindustri and the first to carry the heart of the world, while golde soul was its protector since it decided not to rule a nation, but it did help Golden heart in everything. that he could and protect her in case someone wanted the power of the heart of the world.
"Those were years of peace and glory in gamindustri because thanks to her, from Golden heart who used the heart power of the world to protect its people, there was order and peace, only until the two of them decided to withdraw, but without first create the new guardians, dividing gamindustri into 8 land masses And Golden heart decided to create more cpu, to take their place and With the power of the heart of the world, created the share-crystal While Golden soul created the male cpu for be the protectors of both the cpu and the entire nation. But he did not know who to give the power to the heart of the world and he could not divide them, since a conflict could be created by the parties so he made the decision to hide it and seal it in a part of the gamindustri creating 8 keys that he gave to the female cpu. To keep the heart of the world safe and if one of the CPUs were to die, the heart would not be affected ". I explain the tome. "And that was the best decision she made."
"Why?" Asked Plutia bowing her head.
"Well, when we got here, I took the time to investigate more about this topic, and seeing other dimensions, where there were cpu's, in one of them the goddess decided to divide the heart into 4 fragments and I believe 4 goddesses that then they faced each other to see who would rule everything, but there was also another ancient goddess who wanted that power for herself, almost that dimension collapses, but thanks to one of the goddesses who united the others they were able to avoid that ".
"Go ahead, that's great, my head is starting to hurt with so much information," said Neptune.
"Well let's get on with the story," the story continued once everyone paid attention again. "Once they did that, they retired, giving way to first-generation CPUs." I explain the tome. This is how the other nations of gamindustri were born, it was divided into 8 parts for the new nations that were or are ":
"So the first 8 nations existed, along with the first generation of male and female cpu's, everything was peace and quiet, the female cpu ruled while the male cpu protected the goddesses, after a few years the candidates of the first generation were born. , everything was going well for gamindustri ... but there was someone who did not accept that order, did not accept that female cpu ruled ... that was ryo. Also known as blue soul. Who did not accept that only female CPUs ruled, he had an ambition for power, he wanted to take over the entire gamindustri to be the only ruler ".
"Until he found out about the heart of the world, he knew that it was hidden and sealed in a place, in addition that the key to access it was divided into 8 fragments and was given to the female cpu, who were in charge of protecting the key of the heart and being the guardians of said fragments. So he began a plan to seize the key fragments and gain access to the heart of the world. His plan was to eliminate the female cpu from all existence and for him to rule everything, being the new pillar and guardian of the heart thus becoming the true god. "
"Wait the true god!" Neptune looked at histoire in amazement.
"This is Neptune! Do you remember that you used to fight to see who would be the true god / goddess, depending on whether you defeated all the cpu then you would become the true god or goddesses ".
"Yeah, what's up with that." Neptune looked at histoire, having a slight idea of what he would say.
"You see, it is true that to become a true god you have to defeat the cpu, only so that you obtain the keys to the heart of the world and access it and its power, thus becoming the true god / goddess.
"So that's the way to become the true god?" Asked Noire.
"that's how it is! ryo started a revolt overthrowing tari's cpu and thus taking control of it by seizing the first key. He urged the other male cpu to help him, which he achieved only with 4 of them who decided to help him, who were the male cpu of Magnavoz, Philips, Electronic, and Pc. Who decided to rebel against hearts and join ryo. Leaving the title of soul and calling themselves hierarchs now. Thus began what became known as the first great console wars. The battle of hearts against souls. It was a very devastating war since Tari, defeated the cpu of Magnavox, Philips, Electronic, and Pc, thanks to the male cpu now called the 4 hierarchs who helped him.
Leaving only the cpu of Planeptune, Lowee, Lastation and leanbox to conquer and destroy the female cpu, as well as the male ones that did not decide to help ryo.
But luckily the cpu of Planeptune, Lowee, leanbox and Lastation as well as the 4 souls joined forces, thanks that they were able to recover the keys that ryo had obtained and defeating him in the process and the male cpu defeating the hierarchs, but at great cost , 4 nations ceased to exist, only leaving only those that we already know, apart from the 4 male cpu's along with their candidates had to sacrifice also to be able to banish ryo and the share-crystal that gave life to the male cpu was destroyed.
"That's very bad," Plutia said sadly.
"many cpu died just in one war," the mini-histoire said with pity.
"That's strong and serious which is why it is almost uncommon in this franchise, but this is a fanfiction story so it can be changed." Neptuno said breaking the wall.
"Leaving aside what Neptune said," said noire. "4 nations destroyed along with all the male cpu that died during the war caused by a madman with a hunger for power that is horrible."
That's right, it was a devastating war, but after that conflict the CPUs took the key from the fallen CPUs and thus created 4 keys that they would take care of now.
So it was until the seventh generation of cpu's and candidates was ruling, ryo attacked again, bringing back the hierarchs along with the new candidates for hierarchies, which would be equivalent to the cpu candidates, but thanks to the true goddess of war. It was not as devastating as the first, the cpu together with their candidates fought against ryo and the new hierarchs defeating them again, although they did not kill him, they only managed to defeat the southern hierarch and the other hierarchs with ryo were banished from the dimension again.
"Well Histy I understand all that, about ryo and the heart and the keys all that but I want to know why is ryo really looking for me?" Neptune asked looking at the tome.
"Well Neptune, it is time for me to tell you the truth", histoire closed his eyes and sighed "," when the cpu defeated ryo they used all their power almost depleting his vital energy, it would not be long for them to leave the world, in those moments That was when the Planeptune share-crystal resounded, the first cpu of the eighth generation was born, but when it was born everyone was surprised as something happened that had not happened for centuries or even millennia, since the cpu that was born was a boy, a male cpu ".
"Nepu! It was me! I don't know what blanc was supposed to be the first to appear! ". Neptune said surprised to learn the new information.
"No, Neptune you were the first to be born, when you were born the cpu were very surprised since since the share-crystal that gave life to the male cpu was destroyed during the first console war, they believed that they had been extinguished forever, So they made the decision to give you all the fragments of the key to the heart of the world. The cpu of leanbox and Lastation wanted to send you to another dimension, in case ryo came back, so he would never find the key and maybe he would never attack the dimension when you were not there, although the cpu's of Planeptune and Lowee opposed, in the end They decided to leave you as the Planeptune CPU, although the other two CPUs disagreed as I thought the dimension was in danger of being invaded again. Then they erased your memories of the key, and they forbade me to tell about it in case another cpu wanted to seize the heart, But at the moment of sealing the key inside you, you fell into a coma, until you woke up, after the birth of blanc and with your erased memory I made you think that you had just been born ".
"I see that way, that's why ryo, he's behind me," Neptune said with his head down, "heh! that cliché the protagonist has the key to something powerful, it is something widely used author ". He said in a dry way.
"Neptune are you okay?" Histoire worried about the boy who had his head bowed, his eyes were covered by his bangs.
"Yes, I'm fine, knowing that thanks to me, ryo attacked the dimension, my friends and my little sister captured by that madman, all for trying to protect me ... ... If I'm perfectly fine." Neptune's voice sounded somewhat angry now.
"No, Neptune is my fault, I shouldn't have hidden you about this, if I had told you the truth from the beginning maybe they would have been better prepared for this," said histoire sadly. I trusted myself, years went by and there were no anomalies, I believed that ryo had died ".
"It's water from the past, Histy, now answer me something else, why did that guy called Nepgean look like me and my sister? And who are the hierarchs? ", Neptune asked his serious eyes looking at histoire.
The tome shuddered he never saw Neptune have a serious look on his face since he met him.
"Well..." the tome cleared his throat to continue, "according to the little information I have about ryo, he formed new hierarchs since the first ones died in the first console war. He gathered 4 individuals from other dimensions, thus forming again the 4 hierarchs who were called with the following names.
The hierarch of the south.
The hierarch of the east.
The hierarch of the north.
And the hierarch of the west.
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