《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 3 the first movement, the 4 candidates for hierarchies to the attack.
It was a new day on the Planeptune of the ultradimension. The morning was calm and very peaceful. Many people were already doing their daily activities.
Meanwhile in the basilicon of Planeptune, Neptune along with noire, plutia, histoire and the mini histoire of the ultradimension were already having breakfast in the dining room of the basilicon. Neptune was seated next to the two stories and opposite them were Plutia and Noire, who ate quietly.
Neptune had met the histoire of this dimension this morning, and was surprised to learn that there was another histoire although she was smaller and more adorable, as well as having a different outfit. At first it was thought that it was his story, and he panicked, he worried that something had happened to him to look like this, but then his story appeared and he explained that she was his self from this dimension. Also the hyper histoire clarified to him about who they were to the ultra histoire, when he was asleep and she also promised to help them on their journey. Once with the explanations and the presentations finished, the pelimorado decided to call her the smallest histoire, mini Histy to avoid confusion. The two histoirs agreed as it would be easier to identify them.
Back at Breakfast it was quite calm, actually very calm actually, Plutia ate at a very calm pace, Noire was the same but she had an annoyed face and was somewhat flushed, the two histoires just looked at each other with a nervous smile. And finally Neptune who was calmer than usual.
But if you looked closely you could see the mark of a hand on his left cheek.
Let's go back in time to see what happened.
"That is not necessary, Mr. Author, I think readers are already getting an idea." Neptune said, breaking the wall.
It was 8 in the morning, Neptune was walking in the corridors, he had woken up because of a dream he had. It was the same dream he always had and he started having when ryo appeared, he always dreamed of a group of 8 hooded men and he didn't know why.
But deciding to put it aside for the moment she also wanted to go to the bathroom so she left her room and headed for the bathroom.
Once he arrived, he opened the door without even knocking since he thought there was no one there or well he thought.
When he opened the door he could hear a feminine cry that was very familiar to him. Up his eyes saw noire who was in his underwear.
The hairy guy stayed there for a few seconds until he finally reacted. And he panicked he did what most male leads always did and now certain death awaited him as he saw noire make a very, very angry expression.
"You! ..." said noire with his eyes covered with his bangs and an aura of death.
"I ... I ... I think I was wrong ... I should ... touch." Said Neptune who was scared.
"WITHOUT! ESCUSES! PERVERTED!" Shout noire with all his might and running towards Neptune giving him a strong blow that was heard throughout the basilicon.
"Neptune?" .said histoire, drawing the boy's attention.
"Hm? What's up Histy? " said the furry looking at the tome.
"Well... today we will go out to find the memory of the cpu. Since now you're fine ... or well, almost fine ". He said seeing that the slap mark was still throbbing.
"I see it's fine." He said with his cheerful demeanor. "It is time to start with the plot of this story."
"Yes, once we get the memory you have to get stronger, you will have to reach the level of the old cpu if we want to beat ryo." Said the tome looking at Neptune.
"Candy! So I have to reach level 999! it will be easy ". Said the pelimorado smiling.
"It's not that easy Neptune, the old CPUs took a long time to reach a level similar to that of ryo, which is probably stronger than before." The tome said with a serious attitude.
"Don't cool your silly little head Histy, I'm the main character! It is obvious that I will end up reaching that level ". Neptune said very confident of himself.
"Well at least if you have that optimism we will surely succeed." Histoire said with a nervous smile.
"Hey and how will we know that I will be ready, will my hair turn blonde? or something like that". Said the furry looking at the tome.
"Hey! .... No. But you will see a slight change" that is different in each cpu, some even awaken unique abilities.
"Cool! I already want to see that! ". Neptune said smiling.
Histoire just looked at Neptune with some concern.
"I hope and this is solved, we cannot allow ryo to have Neptune again." Histoire thought as he watched Neptune eat.
Then he remembered the words on the old Planeptune CPU.
"Take care of Neptune ... please ... I know I couldn't do a good job of taking care of him myself ... so I ask you histoire, take good care of him, ryo will return and Neptune will be his target so prepare him for what the future holds."
"I will Uranus I know that Neptune can put an end to this threat." Histoire said to himself.
"Histoire". I speak noire drawing the attention of the tome.
"Yes, what is it, noire-san?" Said the tome looking at the jet.
"I was wondering if I could go with you?" Noire asked looking at histoire.
"Why?" The little tome said confused.
"Well I also want to look for a cpu memory so that I can become one, and I thought maybe it would be easier to go with you. It's not like I want to go with you... just so that I'm not alone in my search... they give us the wrong idea... I just thought it would be easier... if we work together. "
"Okay noire, you can come with us." Histoire said smiling and ignoring his tsundere line.
"Yes, if the more people the better." Neptune said cheerfully. "It's okay! We 're waiting let 's go! " Neptune said who finished his meal quickly and got up with great enthusiasm from the table.
"T... wait Neptune! I still can't finish eating! ". Said histoire who was pulled by Neptune.
"Hey! Wait ". Noire said running after them.
The mini histoire only saw this with a drop and noticed that the other histoire's tome had fallen off when Neptune took her by surprise.
Plutia saw this too and took the book and ran after them.
"Wait! They forgot the volume of the great Histy! ". Cried Plutia running after them.
The mini-histoire sighed at this and cleared the table before heading off to her office to do the day's paperwork.
Now we are located in Ryo's castle in the hyperdimension, more specifically in the dungeons that were in the underground part of the castle.
The CPUs along with the candidates were imprisoned in a cell that was specially made to be able to hold them. They were all looking for a way to escape. But the cell was resistant to any attack, this only frustrated them more.
"Damn! Break up now! " Blanc said hitting the bars with all his might.
"It is useless, we simply cannot break this, even if we united all our strength it would be impossible to break these bars." Vert said sighing with his eyes closed.
"The only thing we can do is wait for Neptune and histoire to return." Noire said with his eyes closed.
Blanc and Vert looked at her and nodded, they knew they had to wait now.
"At least even the cell is something comfortable." Ram said trying to ease the situation.
"You're right ... the beds they gave us, although they are somewhat hard, you can still sleep in them." Uni said.
"Well it's not even the good thing about this place. They don't have us tied by cables this time. " Vert said remembering when they were imprisoned in the gamindustri cemetery.
While the CPUs kept talking, Nepgear was still deep in thought. Uni noticed this, she saw her best friend had a worried expression since they woke up and she knew why.
"Are you worried about Neptune? Isn't that so? "Asked the Lastation candidate to her friend.
This question caught the attention of the other cpu and they turned to see nepgear.
"Yes. I don't know if he's okay ". She said worried about her older brother.
"Don't worry nepgear I'm sure that pudding head is fine. He's too stupid to die. " I add blanc.
"This is how nepgear histoire is sending him to a dimension where he is surely fine and now he must be looking for a way to rescue us." Vert said with a reassuring smile to calm the candidate.
"If sr. Neptune now must be in a safe place away from that evil ryo." Rom said smiling.
"Yes and for sure now he's getting stronger, so he can kick ryo's ass." Ram said enthusiastically.
"Yes , but ... if I Ryo knows where it is! and he catches it ", I don't want to think about what I would do to him!" Nepgear said more concerned.
"It's okay! nepgear ryo doesn't know where he is, even we don't know where histoire took him. As long as he doesn't know his location he will be fine. " Said vert.
"And if he knew for sure Neptune would not get caught so easily." I add noire.
"But I still have the doubt... why does ryo want Neptune? Among all the cpu he is the only one that ryo looks for ". Blanc said thinking about why ryo only wants Neptune.
"He beats me. Histoire didn't tell us anything about why he wanted to take Neptune away ". Noire said with his eyes closed.
All the CPUs remembered the meeting they had with histoire a few hours ago.
The CPUs and the candidates gathered in the meeting room on Planeptune although the only one missing was Neptune.
Histoire who was waiting for them smiled upon seeing them arrive.
"Girls! How good they arrived! "Said the tome.
"What happened histoire? We have to prepare to go fight ryo. " Noire said with his arms crossed.
"Also Where is the older brother? Histoire-san ", asked Nepgear who didn't see his brother anywhere.
"It's true where that pudding-loving idiot is." Blanc said, noticing that his friend was missing.
"He is not here since I did not call him, I just summoned you 7 to tell you something." Histoire said in a serious tone.
"What is it?" I ask vert curiously.
"As you can see! you know there is no way to beat ryo and you know it too, besides we can't let ryo catch Neptune ". Histoire said seriously.
"But why? What do you want from Neptune? "Noire said looking at histoire.
"I'm afraid I don't know either. But what I do know is that if he catches him then we will be in serious trouble. " Histoire said closing his eyes.
Noire saw her narrowing her eyes and somehow knew that histoire was lying. But I put it aside.
"It's okay! So what do we do to be able to defeat him? " Said vert looking at histoire.
"Well I was... studying in my tome and I discovered something that can help us. So I made the decision to leave this dimension with Neptune. " I declare the tome surprising the CPUs.
"What?!" All the CPUs yelled in unison.
"What you heard, I cannot let Neptune be captured, so I have decided to take him to another dimension to keep him safe and also strengthen him. So that he can beat ryo ", the tome clarified.
"But why?" Nepgear said looking at the tome.
"As you know, Neptune is the strongest of all of you and is the one with the best chance of fighting and defeating ryo, so that's why I called you, while you and Neptune fight against ryo, I'll be looking for a dimension to escape with Neptune ... once it's done. I want you to distract ryo so that we have time to escape, and don't worry we will come back, also if they are captured I'm sure ryo won't kill them ".
"I don't know ... that plan sounds very risky." Vert said with some doubt with the plan they had.
"It's okay! we will do it". Noire said with determination.
The other CPUs turned to look at her, surprised to see that Noire accepted the histoire's plan.
"Big sister, are you sure about this?" Uni asked looking at her sister.
"Not entirely ... but it's true that Neptune has a better chance of winning, so we have to do it, and we also don't know why Ryo wants Neptune, we can't take the risk of him catching him." Noire said looking at her little sister.
"You're right, we have to do it whether we like it or not. We don't know what will happen if ryo catches Neptune. " Vert said with his eyes closed.
"Tch, you're right I don't want to know what will happen if that happens. Something inside Me tells me that it will be something great ". I finish saying blanc.
"It's okay! if it's to keep my older brother safe, I'll do it. " Nepgear said with determination.
"But what about Neptune I don't think he wants to go away and leave us alone fighting against ryo." Uni said.
"You're right Mr. Neptune won't want to leave us alone with ryo." Rom said knowing that Neptune would never abandon her friends.
"You're right, that's why I didn't call him, he doesn't know about this." Said the volume looking at 7 cpu's
"Don't worry histoire, we will distract ryo so that you can take Neptune with you." Noire said with crossed arms.
"Thank you girls, do not worry Neptune and I will return, just resist." Histoire said relieved to know that they will follow his plan.
" We can't do anything now, we just have to wait." Noire said sighing. "I just hope it's okay."
"Don't be so worried about your prince noire, he will surely come to rescue you" said Ver smiling mischievously.
"WHAT THE HELL! VERT! ". Noire said, blushing like beets.
"Come on noire, we know that you and Neptune have been spending a lot of time together since we defeated the deity of sin." Said the blonde smiling.
"It's true, Neptune was spending more time in Lastation since we stopped asic." Blanc said with his blank expression.
"Nnnn... NO! He was just going to piss me off! or he just went to hide from histoire when he didn't want to work ". Noire said with her red face.
"Oh come on noire tell us the truth, because if it were so, you would throw it out of your basilicón." Blanc said with his eyes closed.
"I tried! but that idiot just wouldn't go away ". Noire said annoyed.
"Oh come on noire, I know you enjoyed all those dates you two had." Said see smiling.
"Not! Stop bothering me ". Said the flushed tsundere CPU. "Besides, how did they know about those outings we had?" Said tomato red noire.
"Oh my, you don't know nepgear and uni told us about their dates so one day we decided to follow them to see what they were doing" said vert laughing with a hand on his mouth.
Noire looked at Uni and Nepgear who looked away.
You were spying on us! That's privacy harassment! Besides, it wasn't a date! I just asked Neptune to accompany me to that cosplay convention. Said a hysterical noire.
"I'm surprised Neptune has agreed to go to a convention with you." Blanc said with his usual expression.
"My older brother said they sold a limited edition pudding there, that's why he went with noire-san" said nepgear remembering what his brother told him once.
"! Stop talking about my relationship with that idiot ! and we better think of a way to get out of here "said noire annoyed.
"Come on noire don't be so mad, they actually look so cute together," Vert said smiling.
"Stop that." Noire said reaching a brighter shade of red.
As vert and blanc continued to tease noire about his relationship with Neptune, they did not notice that 7 hooded men were listening to all the commotion.
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