《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 2. The arrival to the ultradimension.
Beyond the 4 nations, there is an island, where you can see a large castle that occupies almost the entire island. This castle was the lair of Ryo, Tari's CPU, who was now sitting on a throne with 7 subjects kneeling in front of him. His faces were not visible as they were covered with capes that had the following colors.
The seven were the strongest group that ryo had in his army, they were known as the 7 hierarchs. The power used by each was far higher than that of an average CPU.
They were like ryo's trump card. But previously there were 8 but one was defeated by the CPU of yesteryear.
"Have they located it yet?" –Ryo said looking at his subordinates.
"No, sadly. He left the dimension and could be anywhere." Said the one in the black cape.
"I see, look for it and let me know immediately when you find it", said ryo closing his eyes.
"What do we do with the CPUs?" –Said the one with the white cape.
Leave them in the dungeons, they can be useful to attract Planeptune's CPU -said ryo looking at his subordinates-
It's okay if you excuse us, we're leaving –said the one with the green cloak who got up and left with the others, leaving ryo alone.
"Where are you Neptune?" –Said ryo looking out a window-
Change of scene.
Location: ultradimension.
"Where I am?" -Said a Neptune who was in a dark room-
He could see nothing, he only saw darkness, soon a light shone and he found himself in a desolate wasteland destroyed, as if a war had been fought there.
Suddenly he noticed 8 silhouettes in the sky. He couldn't tell them apart, but he saw purple hair. For some reason, Neptune knew he knew him but he didn't know from where.
"Who are they? Will they be new characters?" Neptune said looking at the group flying above him.
Then a light came and illuminated the whole place. Making Neptune close her eyes. For a moment, he suddenly heard a voice, although it was weak, he heard it. He couldn't quite make it out. Then Neptune opening his eyes little by little, the first thing he saw was the color pink, too pink.
He could distinguish that he was in a room where the predominant color was pink, with many stuffed animals, thanks to the fact that he had already visited the companion's room, he knew that he was in a girl's room.
"Ah! You're awake! ..." came a tired voice.
Neptune turned to the side and saw a girl with purple hair who was tied in a braid and with magenta eyes. He saw that she was wearing some kind of dress / pajama with striped socks that reached her thighs and wearing bear slippers.
"Cute". He thought of Neptune when he saw the girl, but he didn't know who she was, so he decided to greet her.
"Hello". Neptune said smiling unconcerned to know where she was or why he was in the room of a girl who was not her sister.
The girl smiled and answered.
"Hi, I see that you're fine" –she said slowly and with her voice that sounded tired-
"Eh? I'm fine, thanks but... where are we?" Neptune said that he later found out that he had some bandages on. And why am I bandaged?
"Oh! Yes! You are in my house and we are in my room since you were hurt a lot when you fell from the sky, so I brought you here to fix yourself." He said slowly but surely.
"I fell from the sky!" Neptune said looking at the girl.
"Yes, by the way, I am Plutia, the Planeptune CPU." He said the now known as plutia.
"You're the Planeptune CPU! That's crazy! I'm Neptune! I'm also the Planeptune CPU." He said smiling.
"Seriously! You're also the Planeptune CPU! I didn't know there was another Planeptune CPU and less than a child."
"Let's say I was a special case. As the main character, I wish I was unique." He said smiling.
"It's good to see you awake Neptune." He said a voice that the purple boy recognized.
"Ah! It's Histy!" He said when he saw the fairy from the tome entering the room with a girl with black hair and red eyes who was crossed her arms.
"Ah! She is also noire!" He said recognizing the girl.
"Excuse me? But how do you know my name?" Noire said seeing Neptune upset for some reason.
"Eh? Do you seem upset? ... I know your name because we are friends." Neptune said confused.
"Ha! She wouldn't be friends with a pervert like you! And she's more of a plutia stay away from him." Noire said annoyed and a little flushed for some reason.
"Eh? Why? It seems that Neppy is not a bad person." She said confused.
"Huh? I don't know what's up. But as far as you're concerned, he's not a pervert." Neptune said touching her cheek but when he touched her he felt pain.
"Ow! He said touching his cheek." Why does my cheek hurt?
"Neptune, you don't remember anything about what happened when we got here." said her histoire seeing neptune.
"Not". He said thoughtfully with a hand on his chin.
"Ah! I remember! ...".
Flash back
Neptune was on a dark path, he felt as if his body stretched apart from the wounds he still had. He felt great pain. Then he saw a light approaching him in the distance.
As he got closer to the light, he became brighter, having to close his eyes for a moment, he soon felt the wind hit his face. Opening his eyes, he could see them plummeting toward the ground.
"OH! HOLY NEPS!" -I scream when I see that I fell high from the ground-
Neptune tried to do his best to avoid the pain that was coming, he tried to transform, but he couldn't, the previous battle had somehow exhausted him.
"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Neptune screamed in panic, but then saw two figures on the ground.
"Hey! Noiiire-chan! Wait for me!" He said the voice of a purple haired girl.
"God plutia! I told you to stay!"
"but ... I wanted to play with noire-chan" –said plutia-
"I don't have time to play games, I have to get a CPU memory, become one and found my nation. Besides, you are already a CPU ... by accident but you are. You should be working instead of here."
"Pururut but it's so boring" –said Plutia-
Plutia would then hear something in the sky and appear.
"Noire-chan" –she said when she saw her friend that she was still talking-
"Hey! Move! Move!" Neptune tried to warn the girls about him. But I only managed to get Plutia's attention.
"And also? ... Hey, are you listening to me ...! Aaaaaaaaaaaahh" * thump *
Noire couldn't finish. Since something fell on top of her.
"Wow, that was quite a blow." Plutia said approaching Neptune.
"Hey ?! Are you okay?" Plutia said kneeling towards Neptune.
"Yes, although I fell on something soft" -she said getting up and touching something soft-
* squeeze, squeeze *
Neptune turned to see that she was grabbing him. What he saw made him pale, seeing the face of a girl who was angry. She was very angry and saw that her right hand was touching the girl's breast.
"Oh! Please author! This is too cliché! And it's only the second chapter."
"Your!...." Noire said threateningly.
Neptune recoiled knowing that a brutal death awaited her.
"Pervertidooooooo" –noire yelled attacking Neptune-
The last thing our protagonist could see was a hand approaching him.
End of flash back.
"I remember!" She said when she saw her hand.
"It was smooth." She said like nothing.
"You! ... perverted little beast!" Noire said annoyed and about to attack Neptune again.
But luckily her histoire saved him.
"Putting that aside Neptune. We arrived safely in this dimension."
The words echoed in Neptune's mind, and suddenly Neptune's carefree demeanor turned to frustration and anger.
"Right, damn it Histy! Why did they do that? ..." - he rushed towards his tower making Plutia and Noire go back-
"Why me and not them? They ... histoire give me back! I have to go for my friends! ... For my little sister!"
"No Neptune! They agreed, we can't let ryo catch you."
"Why? Since he showed up, you've tried to keep me from fighting him a lot. Why? What does Ryo really want from me?"
"Neptune ... I can't tell you, but if ryo catches you everything would come to an end ... I'm sorry Neptune but I can't tell you ... it's for your own good." Histoire said lowering his head.
"Yeah, neppy, don't be mad. The great story surely did it to save you." Plutia said approaching Neptune.
"Tch!" Neptune turned to the bedroom window.
"Neptune, don't worry, you sure won't hurt them." I clarify histoire.
"How are we sure? Most likely... they are..." Neptune didn't dare to finish the sentence.
"No Neptune. They're fine. Ryo is very smart, sure he will use them to goad you back. But right now you can't."
"For now?"
"Yes. Neptune your current level is not enough to face ryo ... you have to strengthen yourself more ..." said histoire seriously.
"Good Histy, I'll follow your plan!" Neptune said with resignation.
"Good Neptune! Now you just have to rest! And make a full recovery," said histoire smiling.
"By the way, histoire?"
"Hm?" -She said when she saw Neptune-
"Where we are?" The purple boy asked curiously where he was.
We are in the ultradimension.
"Ultradimension? That's crazy! I never thought I'd visit another dimension." Neptune said returning to his attitude from before.
Well, before your battle with ryo I took the liberty of searching in different dimensions to use as a temporary shelter.
Until I found this dimension. Due to its many similarities to our dimension, as you may have already realized, we are on the Planeptune of the ultradimension, and they. He said pointing to Plutia. It is the CPU of the ultradimension and her. He said now looking at Noire. She is the noire of this dimension.
Neptune would see Noire and if she was different, as well as her clothes, she would also be different.
The clothes of this noire consist of a dark gray tank top that reveals her stomach with a blue ribbon in the center and a matching skirt with blue highlights in the pleats. On her arms he wears separate sleeves that are open at the upper part of her arm but joined by a black strap and a buckle. Her leg wear consists of blue socks above the knee and dark gray boots that match her tank top.
"Go ahead, this is amazing!" Neptune said in amazement.
"The truth is." Noire said crossing her arms. "At first I was surprised when this story told us about you, that you two are not of this dimension, but I was more surprised that you are a cpu, since there has been no record of a male cpu, besides being a pervert. "He said the latter somewhat annoyed.
"Hey! I'm not a pervert! ... It was just ... an accident ..." Neptune said offended.
"Accident! What do I think you enjoyed?" Roared Noire in annoyance.
"I'm not going to deny it ... I'm still a child. It's normal for me to be attracted to women."
"Your little!" Noire was about to lunge towards Neptune to strangle him but luckily she spoke Plutia.
"Noiiire-chan don't fight with Neppy! ... Since he's still a bit hurt or I'll get very angry." Plutia said with a cold tone at the end.
Noire paled when he heard Plutia's voice.
"No! No! I wasn't alone...", Noire didn't know what to say.
Neptune and histoire felt a chill run down her spine. But Neptune decided to put it aside and then watch her story.
"Histy, if I level up to super ops, we'll be back to kick that guy's ass." Neptune said looking at histoire.
"Well ... you would say yes." He said histoire.
Good! Neptune said smiling. Well, what shall we do first? Histy."
"As I said rest, we will stay in the basilicon of this dimension, Plutia accepts that we stay." said histoire.
"Woow! Thanks plu!" Neptune said smiling at Plutia.
"You're welcome, neppy." Plutia said, smiling dreamily.
"But yeah, if I see you spying in my room, we'll kick you out of here, of course!" Noire said with his arms crossed and squinting at Neptune.
"Strong and clear!". Neptune said something dreadful.
Something Neptune knew is that an angry tsundere was dangerous, and since he knew that this noire was a tsundere, simple no matter what dimension it is, noire will always be a friendless tsundere.
"Well," said histoire. "Once it recovers, we will find a CPU memory for you."
"CPU memory?" –Said Neptune confused–
"Another, difference of this dimension with ours. It is that here the cpu are not born from the crystal of actions of their nation. If not that to convert they need an artifact, known as the memory of cpu, that appears from time to time in gamindustri As you can see, the noire of this dimension is a normal human, "the little tome explained.
"That will stop being like that! Since soon I will get a memory and become a cpu, and then I found my own nation that surpasses them all" –said noire with pride and moving his hair in the tsundere way-
"But that is not easy, to become a cpu, the person who uses memory must have certain qualities and if he does not meet those qualities he will become a monster." Histoire said in a serious tone.
"Go ahead! I didn't understand much since I only stayed in the memory part of the CPU." Neptune said looking at histoire.
Histoire got angry that Neptune didn't understand her explanation. But Sigh knew what he was like.
"Well, simply put, we need a memory. To activate your powers. Since you left the dimension, your connection to the shared Planeptune crystal was lost while you were in another dimension. You are now more than just a normal human. So we have to find one. memory ASAP so you can access the hard drive. " I clear the tome by looking at Neptune.
"Okay, Histy! It will surely be very easy to find the memory." Neptune said putting her hands behind his head and smiling confidently.
"Neptune is not that easy! It is very complicated. Since the cpu memories are generated anywhere in the gamindustri from time to time."
"It's true. I have been looking for a cpu memory for a long time, but so far I have not been successful" –said Noire with his head bowed-
"That won't be a problem, since the plot is always at my convenience to be the protagonist, so finding that thing will be a piece of cake," Neptuno said.
"I hope so Neptune, we cannot waste time here. But at the same time it is our advantage",
"How is that Histy?" Neptune tilted his head in confusion.
"Since each dimension has a different flow, one day in our dimension equals one year here," explains the tome.
"Oh! Oh! Oh! It's like that room in a boy's show that can turn his hair blonde!"
"What about your references?" –Said noire with a drop–
Location: Ryo Castle (laboratories)
"Did you find it yet?" -Said the one with the black cape-
"Not yet" –answered the one with the purple cloak.
"We have been around for a long time, it could be in any dimension" –said the one with the green cape–
"It's true, but we can't leave this since Mr. Ryo wants it" –said the one with the white cape–
"How about we visit those CPUs to see if they know their location," said the one in the blue cloak.
"It is a good idea!" Said the one in the red cape.
"Come on tomorrow, surely they are still sleeping." Said the one in the blue cape.
"You are too nice to them, aren't you?" Said the one in the gray cloak.
"No but... "
"Don't worry, we'll go tomorrow." Said the one in the white cape.
"For now I'll keep looking to see if I'm lucky." Said the one in the purple cloak.
"It's okay". Said the one in the green cloak.
The guy in the black cape stared at the computer screen where the guy in the purple cape was working.
"Where the hell are you, Neptune?"
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