《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 4. In search of CPU memory, the arrival of some old enemies.
It had been 3 months since Neptune and histoire had reached the ultradimension. At that time they, along with noire and plutia, always went out looking for a cpu memory for Neptune and noire. But sadly they had not found any, but that did not discourage them and they kept looking.
Also histoire put Neptune to train to also strengthen himself in the human form of him. At first he enthusiastically accepted it, but later regretted it because histoire subjected him to harsh training. Causing him to end up very hurt at the end of the day.
Then Neptune knew that ... in addition to being the oracle of Planeptune or the tome that records the history of gamindustri, histoire was also a very strict teacher.
Another thing that happened is that histoire took advantage of that to make Neptune a better CPU. Forcing him to do the paperwork for the mini-histoire as well. And finally histoire seemed concerned because she felt 4 very powerful presences that also entered this dimension and as they appeared, they also disappeared.
It was noon on Planeptune. Inside the basilicon were Plutia and Noire, the former sleeping as usual, while Noire was reading a magazine lying on the other sofa in the room.
Suddenly, the elevator doors swung open, revealing a smiling histoire as he dragged an unconscious and bruised Neptune.
"Wow, they were early." Noire said looking at the two newcomers.
"Yes, noire-san! We decided to finish early this time. She said histoire smiling.
"I see and ..." What happened to her? "Asked Noire looking at Neptune.
"Don't worry, he is tired from the light training we had." She said histoire smiling.
"If I finish like this with a light training I don't want to think what the real one will be like. Noire thought with a drop of sweat.
"On top of that, he too fell off a cliff." I finish saying the tome.
"I see". The drop of noire got bigger.
At that, Plutia began to wake up.
"Good Morning!" she said giving a big yawn.
"It's noon plutia... God! You should be working at the nap place! ". Noire said, sighing at her friend's behavior.
"Buuuut! That's boring. I'd rather take my naps instead of doing boring paperwork." She complained about the numb CPU.
"Wow, she's really lazy like Neptune! said her histoire with a bead of sweat.
"Wait for him! He's like that too!" I point to the unconscious Neptune.
"That's right, it's difficult for me to get him to take care of his obligations." Histoire said approaching the purple boy. "Neptune-san! He wakes up."
Histoire touched Neptune that he began to awaken.
"5 more minutes". She moaned Neptune curling into a ball.
"Neptune-san! Get up now and go take a bath! ... after that you can rest all day since tomorrow we will go to look for the CPU memory" she said the little tome seeing Neptune move.
Groaning, Neptune got to her feet and went to the bathroom.
Tomorrow we will continue with the search?, Asked curious noire.
"That's right, Noire-san, I have discovered that in some ruins there may be one or more CPU memories, although I'm not 100% sure. The tome said looking at Noire." Also, I feel like something big is coming.
"I see, are you worried about those presences you felt a month ago?" Noire asked the tome.
"If I wait and they are not who I think." She said the tome in a whisper.
"Well! I hope we find a CPU memory! I already want to be a CPU to found my own nation!" Noire said with stars in his eyes.
"Are you very excited to be a CPU? Right noire-san? She said histoire smiling at the girl.
"That's right! It was always my dream to be a CPU and found my own nation!" Noire said smiling with determination to fulfill her dream.
"I see". Histoire laughed a little. "Your determination is equal to the noire we know."
"Really? ..." Tell me what my other self is like? Noire asked, curious to know what his was like, another me of hers.
"Well, she is very similar to you ... very hardworking and determined to always do the best for her nation, plus she is the hardest worker of all CPUs and-" histoire was interrupted by a scream that It came from the bathroom.
"IT'S A LONELY HEART WITHOUT FRIENDS!" Neptune yelled from the bathroom.
"Shut up! I have friends!" Noire replied annoyed.
Noire only heard a laugh from the bathroom, snorted and crossed his arms doing the typical annoying tsundere pose.
"God! What's his problem? He's always looking for a way to annoy me," Noire said annoyed.
"I know! He does the same with our noire. He said histoire with a sigh."
"By the way, I have another question." Noire said looking at the tome.
"Which?". The tome asked curiously.
"How is Neptune a CPU? It still amazes me that he's a CPU being a kid," said the tsundere.
"Well, to be honest, there are male CPUs. Only one is highly unlikely." She said histoire.
"I see and you also say that he is very lazy like a certain person." Noire said upon seeing Plutia that she went back to sleep.
"Unfortunately yes." Histoire sighed. "I have a hard time getting it to work like a decent CPU. And it doesn't help that his sister pampers him so much doing the jobs she should do.
"You seem to have had a really bad time," Noire said, giving her condolences to the little tome.
"So our stocks are always the lowest of all nations, just because he doesn't want to work." She said the tome, sighing even more. Sometimes I wonder how Planeptune has not sunk ... ah! It's true! luckily I'm there to deal with his antics.
"And your people don't care about that?"
"Sometimes yes, because of his laziness and lack of work ethic, but even if it doesn't seem like it, there are few occasions when Neptune works hard just to see its citizens happy. She said histoire remembering this time with a smile. You can be lazy and skip the paperwork ... but? when he interacts with people he does it like he's one of them ... he doesn't act tall and powerful like a cpu but like a normal guy. This makes his people know that he is always available to talk to him and that he is too nice to them. His goodness prevents people from believing in him. Furthermore, if the people of his nation are in danger, he will not hesitate twice to jump into danger to help them. In addition, he has performed great feats that have made his people have always placed their faith in him.
"I see, and what feats has he accomplished?" Noire said, curious to know more about Neptune.
"Well one of them and the most recent was when an ancient cult called asic tried to conquer Planeptune, a great army tried to take control of the entire nation." He told histoire remembering that event that happened three years ago.
"They tried to conquer the nation of Neptune!" Noire said surprised.
"Yes, when Neptune found out about this, I could see him for the first time very angry and did not hesitate to jump in to fight with his soldiers who were trying to stop the ASIC army." She said the tome with her eyes closed. "Thanks to my being on time there were no human losses since I ordered most of his soldiers to evacuate the civilians while he fought with the monsters. Luckily the CPUs arrived quickly and helped him."
"I see ... although I still have a hard time believing that knowing what it is like." Noire said.
I get it, his childish, selfless and reckless attitude always makes people think badly of him. He said a little nervous. "Even though now he's doing the best he can, even though he doesn't show it. He is worried about his friends and his sister ... now he must have felt what nepgear felt when he was caught by asic.
Suddenly Neptune came out of the bathroom clean and dressed.
He wore black pants with purple stripes on the sides of the waist there was a belt with a pac-man buckle, he wears black tennis shoes with purple lines as well as the shoelaces, he also wears a white shirt with the planeptune symbol on his chest On top of it is a black hooded short sleeve jacket with purple lines. And lastly, he wears d-pad shaped headphones that rested on his neck.
To find out more, it is similar to the image on the cover of this story.
"Well it's time for my pudding!" Neptune said walking towards the refrigerator.
"Hey ?! There's that strange sound he always makes," Noire said looking in the direction where Neptune went.
Histoire sighed.
"He always says that when he is very shocked or very hurt, he has tried to avoid doing it, but he cannot." He said the tome.
"I see... though he's funny when he does it. I wonder what surprised him. Noire said.
"Most likely, he found out that he ran out of pudding."
"Nooo! My pudiiiiin! ... it's over! Even the ones I hid in my secret box are sold out too!" Neptune yelled from the kitchen.
This brought a drop of sweat to the noire and histoire.
"Gaah!" Plutia woke up frightened by the scream. "What happened?" She said looking around.
"It's nothing, Plutia, only Neptune discovered that he ran out of pudding. said histoire.
At that moment the purple-haired boy came with them.
"This is a Histy emergency! My pudding is over! "Said a panicked Neptune.
"I don't see anything wrong, just go and buy more," histoire said with empty eyes.
"That's what I'll do! I can't survive without my vitamin p!" Neptune said about to leave.
But suddenly a sliding door that I appreciate out of nowhere and it would open revealing a girl with blue / green eyes and long blonde hair in a pink dress with white ruffles, red bows and two skulls on the largest ribbon of her dress and one on the ribbon that adorned her hair. That she was also pink with red lining and white ruffles.
A very strange detail was that she carried a portable sliding door, which she only used to make her entrance.
"Ah! She's the bad girl," Plutia said not very happy to see the girl.
"I'm not a girl!" The girl said annoyed.
Histoire and Neptune just looked at her with curiosity and a drop of sweat.
"Well, what do you want abnes?" Noire said, not very happy to see the girl.
"Nothing. I just found out there was someone new working for CPUs and I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a kid who was forced to work for you." She said abnes seeing noire and plutia.
You're already late! He's been here for three months, but don't worry, it's him ". Noire said pointing to Neptune.
Abnes looks at him from head to toe.
"Now go away". Noire said already wanting the blonde to leave.
Abnes did not listen to her and kept looking directly at Neptune, this made the boy nervous.
"Hmmm? Looks familiar to me." Abnes thought.
"Hey girl? Stop looking at me like that," Neptune said somewhat uncomfortably.
"I am not a girl! I am abnes, the official idol of the seven sages and the protector of children!" He said smiling proudly.
"The seven toads? What a strange name," Neptune scoffed.
"The seven wise men! The... 7 wise men! No toads! Sage!" Abnes said annoyed, not very happy with Neptune's comment.
"And what are they? A musical group? The boy said curiously.
"It is an anti-cpu group, they want the cpu to stop ruling." He said the mini histoire entering the room.
"So they are bad?"
"Not at all, since they help people so much, they are not bad. Noire said.
Well, what is your name eggplant head ?, Asked abnes.
Who are you calling eggplant head? ... I am Neptune! Write it down right, and besides, shouldn't it be in kindergarten? Neptune said annoyed.
"Because you are small!" ... said Abnes annoyed but then he was surprised.
"Neptune? ... did you say Neptune?" Abnes said something surprised.
"Yes? I'm Neptune," he said confused.
Abnes only looked at him for a few moments before turning and leaving.
"I'm going". He said without further ado as he left the room.
And what was that? Neptune said, confused by the attitude Abnes took.
"I don't know. He got like that when he heard your name," Noire said.
"Well! I better go now, I'm just worried about my pudding, I'll be back in two hours" Neptune said also leaving.
histoire thought of Abnes's reaction.
"I hope and this is not a bad omen." She said the little tome to herself.
Somewhere in an unknown place, more specifically in a meeting room, 6 people gathered around a table.
Their faces could not be seen thanks to the low lighting of the place.
They were 6 of the 7 wise men.
"Where is that aunt-chu?" Said a little mouse.
"DAMN! IT'S TAKING LONGER THAN IT SHOULD!" Copypaste yelled as he pounded the table with his fist.
Shut your mouth, tin! that you give me a headache just to listen to you. "Said an old woman in a costume that looked like a witch.
"Maybe your pain is due to your old age-chu?" Said the rat.
"Shut up little rodent!" Said the annoyed witch.
"Come on arfi-chan! Relax a bit." Said another who had a male / female voice wearing what looked like a robot suit.
"Do not call me that way!". She said she annoyed.
"God! All meetings should be like this!" Badd said.
Mr. Badd, a middle-aged man wearing an expensive suit and glasses, lowered his head and sighed. Despite his busy schedule, his undercover work kept him going. He made time to travel all the way to attend this meeting after hearing that it was something extremely important, but instead of a productive conversation or that news, they were just discussing nonsense.
"Where is our supposed leader?" he said abnes that she was bored too.
"S-sorry for being late." Said the voice of a shy woman.
They all turned their eyes and saw a woman with long blue hair in a black business suit-like suit and white accessories. She consisted of a black suit top that almost resembled a skirt or dress at the end of the jacket, a white shirt underneath and a black tie, with large black and white shoulder accessories with blue accents and a loose white belt. She had a skull without nasal jaws directly below it, along with a thin white cloth over the lower half. She also had a pair of glasses with a small black wire frame, black leggings with black pantyhose, and white high boots with black X-shaped laces along with two small black skulls attached to them as ornaments. A strange detail about her was her hairpiece, which seemed to resemble a horn.
She was rei ryghts the leader of the 7 sages.
"WHAT THE FUCK TAKEN YOU SO LONG?" Copypaste yelled angrily.
"Eto ... I gathered them ..." she said, a little nervous and with fear in her voice.
"She brought them together so we could talk." A voice was heard at the entrance of the room.
They all turned their heads to see who was speaking.
The other wise men saw 4 hooded boys.
"Hm? What are you brats doing here? Did you run away from kindergarten?" Arfoire said.
"Look Shirou! An old woman escaped from the madhouse" said the one with the red cloak.
"Yes. What is grandmother going to do here? Said the one in the blue cape."
"Damn brats! You'll see!" Arfoire said annoyed.
"Calm down arfi-chan, they are just children, but it's true, rei-chan, why did you bring children here?" Anonydeath said curiously.
"Or did you kidnap them?" He said abnes narrowing his eyes.
"Hey no! They just found me! And they asked me to reunite them since they wanted to make some kind of deal," Rei said scared.
"That's right! We're here to make a deal. The one in the purple cloak said.
"And what deal?" Anonydeath said.
"Well, first we will introduce ourselves. I am Nepgeo the one with the gray cloak is Nic and the two children are twins Shiro and Shirou. We are here to propose something to you ". Nepgeo said.
"We are looking for a person named Neptune, but since this dimension is large, it will take time to find him." Nic said.
"We found out about you and we know that you have contacts all over the place." Shiro said.
"So we thought it would be easy if we would go with you, see if you could help us." Shirou said.
"Yes. In return we will work with you. Nepgeo ended by saying.
"Forget it! I've had enough of working with these useless ones! I won't stoop to working with brats," Arfoire said annoyed.
"In that case, why don't we get rid of you?" Nic said appearing behind Arfoire with a revolver pointed at his head.
"What the heck ?! When did he move?" Arfoire thought in surprise.
"Well if you have such a headache from working with us, because we don't get rid of you and ease the pain, don't worry, no one will cry for you," Nic said, smiling under his hood.
"Nic is enough! ..." Nepgeo ordered.
"He's fine, just kidding." Nic said walking next to his companions.
"I'm sorry about that, so what you say will help us." Nepgeo said.
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