《Star Wars (But Mostly kylo ren) Imagines + Lemons (Requests Closed)》Poe Dameron X Reader


Takes place a few years before TFA

You clenched down on your red trigger, chewing on your lip under your black helmet nervously, praying that you stood on target. The shot brought down a single X-Wing Fighter, and you rewarded yourself with a slight smile.

You spotted another ship in the distance, not shooting but obviously aiming somewhere on the base located on Hoth. The pilot was an obvious skilled one, striking a few blows on the base itself.

Narrowing your eyes with extreme intent, you lurched your ship forward to defend your base.

"AL-0618, stay on target" you heard your Commanders voice echo through your speaker.

"Commander Ren, he is shooting at the base. The last Fighter after him just exploded!" You pushed, unaware of your snarkiness towards your superior. You were known for these kinds of stunts, whether it be giving sass to your squadron's Captain, or in general causing ruckus. You were lucky to not be dead yet.

"Follow orders, trooper. Do not engage with that man!" He threatened, but you spotted the pilot carelessly flying around the base where future-stormtroopers were being trained. Did he really expect you to let innocent children die? You shut off your radio and sped forward, ready to strike down at the imbecile.

The man must have spotted your ship, because his blasters went ballistic with numerous missiles fired every second. Some at you, defend himself, and some at the base, causing devastating damage.

You fired, however it was difficult to keep target when you had to constantly dodge his reckless shots.

You pressed harder, not even waiting for his ship to be on your radar before firing again, in hopes of hitting anything. If his ship crashed, he would be an unarmed man on enemy's territory. He would be toast.

One of his shots on the base missed, and instead hit a large snow-dune, knocking cold precipitation into his view as you were finally able to take a shot.

The pilot, obviously quick on his feet, lurched away from the scene as fast as humanly possible, but he did not escape without incredible damage to his ship's wing.

Smiling at your accomplishment, you flew ahead of him, spinning around in the clear sky before him as you followed him outside of the atmosphere, not intending on shooting him any longer. You were curious to see what his next move would be, seeing as his ship would no longer fly correctly.


"Oh fuck--" Poe cursed under his breath as his body lurched forward from your impact. Looking around frantically on his radar at the damage done, he noticed that his Canon and his left wing was completely busted, entirely unusable anymore.


"Sir! Devastating damage! Retreat, Captain, Retreat!" He head his intercom alarm him

" Yeah I can see the damage! She's not gonna make it back to the base I have to land her! "

"Don't do it, it's suicide! You have to retreat!"

" No, no I don't think so! " he yelled at the microphone, spotting what seemed to be a small moon in the distance "I see something. I'm gonna land, send somebody to meet me!"


You trailed behind the man in pure curiosity, following him as he landed on a tiny moon, one with a thin atmosphere. His ship crashed, so you landed yours on the blue ground softly next to him.

You were already in trouble. It didn't even matter at this point. You were toast, First Order toast.

You undid your helmet and hopped out of your TIE Fighter, laughing hysterically and slipping towards his wrackage, blaster in hand as you were ready to kill him.

He fumbled out of the fighter, his face blackened with the muck and debris as he coughed up smoke, obviously suffocating.

He made eye contact with you, and after seeing what was in your hand, immediately shook his hands on motion to stop you. A worried expression stuck across his face as he took cautious steps away from you, but ultimately having to stop because his ship was on fire.

You shot, hitting him directly in the thigh as he collapsed to the white sand with a groan, gripping his now bloody pants as he squirmed about. Not wanting to kill him yet, you sprinted to him, dragging him away from the scene of the crash before resting his head on a nearby orange boulder.

"Why would you do that" The mysterious man questioned, opening his eyes lazily as he breathed heavily.

"You're rebel scum. it's protocal"

"No- not that, why didn't you just kill me?"

"would you like me to?" You asked, reaching for your blaster as he began to panic

"No! God, please don't. You already shot me"

"Yeah I know." You rolled your eyes.

"Who are you" he breathed heavily while he stared into your eyes lazily. You felt pity for the man, and your emotions overpowered your duties. You couldn't explain why, either.

"AL-0618" you replied simply

"No, your name" he corrected you, grunting

"I don't have one."

"You don't have a name? Everybody has a -- Damn it!" He growled, sitting up to clench his leg and squeeze his eyes shut in agony.

" Well, what's yours? " You asked curiously, unphased by his pain.

"I'm. . . " he paused, cringing. "I'm Poe Dameron."

"Poe. . ." Your voice trailed off as the word felt foreign to your tongue. " Why were they attacking the base? "


"Why are you trying to destroy the Republic?"

" There were children in that base! " you yelled, angered that he questioned your Commander's and your Supreme Leader's methods

"There are children on those planets! Innocent beings!" He fired back, yelling louder than you to assert dominance.

"What?" You shook your head, forming a wrinkle inbetween your brows from confusion. "No, the Republic planets are made up of politicians going against us. Not children"

" Yes, there are children! They're just like any other planet, AL. " he hissed, calling you by your given name, basically spitting in your face that he did not see you as anything other than a pawn in the first orders game. "There are beautiful families there. People who don't deserve to die!"

" No. The Supreme Leader is wise. He would not do this" you shook your head again. You and the rest of Your squadron had been told that the Republic was corrupt and evil. That the planet's you had built a weapon to destroy only hosted those same evil people.

"He would" he sighed " what are they doing to you in there? "

Words failed you as you tried to convince yourself this was just Resistance Scum talking. In reality, this e made you think about something other than the Order for a split second. He made you think about yourself. It mesmerized you.

"I- I don't know"

"Poe! Poe!" You heard an unfamiliar masculine voice call out, and eventually a middle aged man sprinting towards Poe. He finally reached you two, and held a blaster at you in realizing that you were a stormtrooper.

"Away from my friend, or I shoot"

You put your hands up, standing up and walking backwards. You had never been so terrified in your life.

"Wait, Demirous, stop" Poe grunted, readjusting do he balanced on his elbows. "Don't hurt her"

"She shot you!"

" Yeah and you were just about to shoot her! " he fired back before flashing his eyes towards you. He picked his lips "take her to the ship. I want to bring her back with us"

"What?!" You and the mysterious man called out in unison. Poe looked to you first.

" Come on, we both know you hate it here."

He commented, raising a fair point. "You are human. You deserve a choice. so you can choose to come with me, or you can choose to leave me and go back to your abuser. "

"Poe, are you mental?"

He raised a finger, shushing his friend as he stated at you intently.

"Well? What will it be?"


3 years later. . .

"Poe Dameron" you said with a smirk as you saw the familiar man walk into your quarters.

"Y/N" he replied with the same smirk, closing the door behind him before collapsing next to you on your bed, sighing "I'm exhausted"

"More work with the new model?" You questioned. Since your betrayal of the Order, the Resistance has added a new model of their X Wings to their collection. Poe just happened to be one of the fighters to take them for a test ride.

"Yeah. Canons are malfunctioning so that's just . . . Great!" He said sarcastically, throwing a piece of dirt off of his coat and into your floor

"Not on the floor!" You screeched, dropping to your knees and picking up the piece of dried mud, throwing it in the trash.

"Why are you such a clean freak?" He questioned, standing up to stand in front of you.

"I don't know. why are you such a charming mess-maker?" You smiled , leaning into him as his arms snuck around your waist, clipping one wrist into his palm

"It's a gift. I can make a mess out of anything" he raised his eyebrows, returning the flirting

"Is that so?" You cocked an eyebrow, trying his dedication

"Mhm" he hummed "want to see?"

" I'd love to see" you replied as he dove into your lips, sweetly moving his own around them. You held on to his prickly cheeks, smiling against his lips.

"Wait--" Poe stopped, worrying you as he pulled away, his eyes closed. "I have to tell you something"

"What's wrong?" You asked, still hanging on to his neck.

for some weird reason, he wouldn't let go of you. He was sending mixed signals, you hated it.

"I don't know how to say it" he shook his head, averting his gaze

"Tell me" you pushed, getting aggravated.

He looked up at you, a mix of emotions flooding his soft eyes and his slightly parted lips. "Leia is sending me to retrieve a map to Luke Skywalker" he said simply, your blood running cold

"What?!" You shook your head "absolutely not! You could die! The Order would come for you"

"I know" he put his hands on your shoulders. "That's why I have to tell you this now"

"That wasn't what you had to tell me?"

He chuckled "no. I wanted to tell you that I love you"

"You. . . Love me?" You asked, joy building up in you again. He nodded, worried about your unsure tone.

" That was a mistake, wasn't it" he said dryly as he pulled away from you.

You caught his arm and pulled him back to you, laying another kiss on him.

"I love you too."

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