《exchange student (cevans)》eighteen
03/26/2019 by Eric Johnson
Chris Evans was seen yesterday night cuddling, dancing and talking all night with his alleged girlfriend, Instagram star Y/n González, Salma Hayek's daughter in a private party that took place in Atlanta, where the Marvel star is filming the fourth Avengers movie. They were even seen leaving the club together after having a heated argument.
Some sources say they have been spending the last few days together. If there was doubt about them being official now there's definitely any, say some of the people that saw them together. But who knows? Maybe they were a thing and already broke up. What do you think about this? Were they official and broke up? Leave your opinion down below.
–Y/n, could you get the door for me? –asked Zoe from the kitchen.
–Sure, no problem. –I said.
I turned my phone off after reading a TMZ article that Grace had just sent me. I stood up, sighed, dropped my phone on the couch and began walking towards the door.
My mind was all over the place, still mad about what happened a few hours ago before Chris took me home to Zoe's and now, I was worried about my mom finding out those articles that revealed where I am. I was so distracted that forgot to check who it was from the door's peep hole and went straight to open it.
In front of me was Chris holding a flower bouquet and flashing a worried smile, he was probably wondering if I was still mad at him. I sighed once again and shook my head looking down. I knew I couldn't be mad at him, we're not dating, he's not my boyfriend and he doesn't owe me an explanation but still I felt somewhat hurt when that blonde girl appeared, throwing herself at him and saying all those things.
–Forgive me? –he nervously asked.
–There's nothing to forgive you for, you're not my boyfriend, you don't owe me any explanations.
–Except there is, I should have told her to fuck off the moment she approached us.
–Don't worry.
–These are for you. –he said handing me the roses.
–Thank you. –we stayed silent for a moment, until I caved in and hugged him.– The flowers are beautiful, thanks.
–Almost as beautiful as you. –I blushed.
–Sorry for overreacting and being rude to you last night. –I said while he rubbed my back and then I took a few steps back.
–Don't worry, really. Even if I'm not your boyfriend... yet. –he said playing with my hair and putting it behind my ears.– Ouch, by the way. –he playfully said, which made me smile.– I want to give you explanations.
–Did you say you're not my boyfriend yet? –I raised an eyebrow.
–I love how confident you can be.
–I just know we're gonna end up together in life so... –he raised his shoulders and smiled.
–Oh, is that so?
–What are you? Some type of psychic? –I chuckled.
–Something like that, I'm Captain America. Period. I know things. –he said making me burst into laughter.
–How does one thing relates to the other? –I asked shaking my head and still laughing at his nonsense.
–I don't know but trust me, okay?
–Y/n, who was it? –I heard Zoe ask but she saw who it was before I could answer her.– Oh, hi Chris. Food's almost ready, want to come in?
–Uh, sure. If that's fine with Y/n.
–Yeah, yeah. I don't mind. –I smiled grabbing his hand.
Zoe made us wait in the living room while she finished cooking and didn't accept our offer to help her. I put the flowers in water and placed them next to the tulips he gave me when I arrived.
Chris and I sat down together and he started talking about that girl from last night and explaining to me that nothing serious really happened between them and that he hadn't been seeing anyone since before he met me. He kept assuring me that I was the only girl in his life and that one compared to me, which made me, of course, secretly swoon even more.
Minutes before brunch was ready, Zoe's kids and husband arrived. Chris and I played with them while Zoe and her husband finished setting up the table. I had only seen Chris interact with his niece and nephews and seeing him be so good with other kids as well made my heart flutter and my hormones go crazy. I don't know why this happens but just guys getting along with kids make most girls crazy.
After playing for a few minutes with them, we all ate brunch and when we all finished, Chris and I left to spend the day together. We first went to the Atlanta History Center to see some art exhibits and take some pictures.
He decided to take me to a museum since he said I used to repeat that I'm "such a tourist and sucker for museums" all the time. I think he exaggerated but I did say that occasionally. We were currently walking around a garden inside the museum, making our way to another exhibition.
–Did you read the news?
–About us? –I asked looking at him and he nodded.– Yeah... –I said still looking down.– I've been ignoring my phone all day because I'm pretty sure my mom already knows. –I sighed looking back at him trying to smile.– But hey, according to TMZ we already broke up. –he laughed.
–Yeah we did, even before we became an official couple.
–So sad, we were great together. Couple of the year.
–To be honest, I haven't moved on and I don't think I ever will...
–We were each other's right person but wrong time.
–Maybe we'll end up together.
–Yeah, maybe we'll reconnect a few years after we get divorced from our spouses and we'll be each other's kids step parents and then we'll have our own kids together.
We both bursted into laughter at how serious we were being. It made me forget about my mom for a few seconds until Chris brought it back into the conversation. I could tell he was feeling slightly worried about me and our whole situation.
–You have a great imagination. –he said.
–You're not the first person to say that. –I smiled.
–Would it be so bad?
–To break up, get married to someone else and have kids with that person, then divorce them and finally end up together? I'd say so, we'd waste a lot of time. –I laughed, trying to avoid talking about my whole mother situation.
–I agree. –he laughed.– But I'm not talking about that. –I frowned.– Would it be so bad if your mom knew that you're here with me?
–I don't know... –I said sitting down on a bench and he did the same moments later.– There's a slight chance she's actually okay with this but given what happened between her and me... She'll probably think what you thought up until yesterday, that this was just me trying to piss her off or something. Plus, even if she did this exact same thing with me, she'll be mad at me for keeping things from her. And then, she would call my dad and you would have to deal with an angry, jealous father.
–I thought... I thought you said your dad... liked me? –he said nervously.
–I didn't say that, I said he loves Marvel... –I chuckled.– Marvel in general. He does like Captain America but as soon as he finds out that he's trying to date his little daughter, he's going to be pissed off.
–Did you just used my character's line on me?
–Yup. –I smiled raising my shoulders. He laughed while shaking his head.
–I know you're mad at your mom and you have every right to be but... Maybe you should tell her... You know, to avoid making things bigger. She made a mistake but in the end she's your mom and deserves to know. –I sighed looking down.
–You're right. –I mumbled.
–Hey, hey... –he said lifting my chin up with his hand.– I didn't mean to make you feel bad or sad, I'm sorry if I overstepped...
–No, no... it's okay. Thank you. –I smiled and he did the same after seeing me okay.– I'll tell her later.
We hugged each other and got up after a couple minutes of just enjoying each other's embrace. Besides my romantic feelings, I cared a lot about him and was so thankful to have met him. Even if we were unofficially dating, I knew we were friends, he was always there for me and worried about my well being.
We entered the next exhibit and kept talking about each other's families, our dreams, future projects, just getting a little more serious. He even started asking me about my personal beliefs and ideologies. I always got nervous when boys asked me about what being Christian meant to me because they ended up leaving me when they knew I planned on saving myself for marriage. When I finished explaining this to him, he smiled and looked down, making me sigh.
–I just thought you should know before you keep considering getting into a relationship with me... It's okay if you'd rather stay friends. Most guys run away after I address these topics and realize I'm not going to give them... you know... things couples do.
–I already knew you would tell me all that and I'm not scared, if that's were you're going. –he smiled, taking my hand in his, intertwining our fingers and placing them on his chest.
–How did you...? –I began asking but he cut me off.
–I might have asked Chris Pratt a little about Christianity.
–You did?
–Yeah, I asked him for tips to you know... approach you better? –I smiled at him confessing this to me.– You know, taking into account your beliefs and all that so I already had an idea of what I'm getting into... if you let me of course. –I stayed silent, I couldn't stop smiling at how cute he was being. I had know idea he was THAT interested in me.– Are you okay, honey?
–Yeah... –I whispered and hugged him.– More than okay. Did you just call me honey? –I asked breaking the hug.
–I did. –he said confidently.– But we're you serious about not kissing anyone before being official?
–I try... at least I thoroughly respect the "no kissing on the first date" rule. –I laughed.
–Oh, then it's my lucky day.
–It is? –I raised my eyebrows playfully.
–Yes because this is our second date.
I laughed, throwing my head back. I looked back at him, smiling while shaking my head. I stared deep into his eyes still shaking my head, he was slowly getting closer to my face. I bit my lip before turning around and telling him we still had a lot to see. He grumbled and pulled my hand to his face, kissing it while we walked.
–You'll be the death of me, Y/n.
Hours later we were running in the rain towards his car, laughing and holding a bunch of groceries on one hand because we were holding hands. He quickly opened the passenger door for me and took the bags out of my hand before getting into the driver's seat.
He let me choose the music again and of course, I chose Fleetwood Mac. It was one of my all time favorite bands and I felt like he wouldn't enjoy listening to Big Time Rush, R5 or any other artists I've been listening to lately, trying to remember my crazy fangirl teenage years.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
–You can take me to paradise,
And then again you can be cold as ice
I'm over my head,
But it sure feels nice. –I began singing while looking at the buildings and people from the door's window.
–You can take me anytime you like,
I'll be around if you think you might love me baby,
And hold me tight. –I turned to see him as soon as he started singing and smiled. He flashed me a quick smile and winked at me before looking back to the road.
–Your mood is like a circus wheel,
You're changing all the time,
Sometimes I can't help but feel,
That I'm wasting all of my time.
Think I'm looking on the dark side,
But everyday you hurt my pride,
I'm over my head,
But it sure feels nice,
I'm over my head,
But it sure feels nice. –we ended up singing the rest of the song together.
–I knew you sang but I didn't know you were that good. I'm in love with your voice. –he said parking in front of what I supposed was the apartment building where he was staying.
–I didn't know you sing but you have a great voice too. –he looked down chuckling.– Thank you, by the way.
–I don't.
–You really do.
–Wait here. –he said getting out of the car and running to open the door for me.
He took his jacket off and placed it on top of my head so I wouldn't get wet. We ran towards the entrance of the building and got in. He told me to wait and before I could give him his jacket back, he went running outside to get the grocery bags.
We got in the elevator and laughed as soon as we saw each other through the mirror, my make up was slightly beginning to run because of the heat and the rain and it looked as if someone had thrown buckets full of water directly at us.
Once we reached Chris' floor we got out of the elevator and I followed him to the front of his apartment door. He opened it and let me in first, it was somewhat small but really cozy. Also, it was clean and neat compared to what you would imagine a man's apartment to be. I took his jacket off and left it hanging in the rack next to the entrance.
We decided to take a shower, he let me go first and gave me a pair of pants and a t-shirt I could borrow while he threw our wet clothes to the washer and dryer.
–Okay, so hot is right and cold left, right? –I asked to make sure I got it right.
–Yup, and here's a clean towel you can use. –he said handing it to me.
–Thanks, Chris.
–No problem, Y/n. –he smiled and stared at me for a couple seconds.– Okay, so I'll take care of our clean clothes, lay all the ingredients in the kitchen and wait for you in the living room.
He smiled at me once again before leaving and closing his bedroom door. We went to get some groceries so I could cook him some enchiladas with my grandma's famous recipe. I hope he liked them because my cooking skills weren't near as good as my grandma's.
I began getting undressed while the water heated up a little. I folded my wet clothes and left them on top of Chris' bed so he could grab them while I showered. I got in the bathroom, closed the door and entered the shower.
Since I obviously didn't have my shower products here, I had to use Chris' which I didn't mind, they smelled like him. I was only worried about being able to completely take off my make up and not end up looking like a panda.
After a few minutes, I got out of the shower and started getting dressed. Chris' pants and t-shirt were a little too big for me but thank God I was able to keep the pants on by tying a tight knot with the laces. I untangled my hair with my fingers since I didn't find any hair brush and then went to the kitchen and living room area.
Chris was sitting down on the couch and going through a bunch of channels, trying to find something to watch. I decided to scare him so I took my phone out and realized I had a hundred missed calls from my parents and lots of texts from Zoe and all my friends... shit. I shook my head, trying to ignore all that for a couple seconds and started recording. I tiptoed all the way to where he was and stood behind him.
–Chris! –I shouted.
–Ahhh! –he screamed, putting his hand on his chest and leaning back on the couch with his eyes shut. I started laughing hysterically.– Y/n! –he chuckled.– You're gonna pay for that.
I stopped recording and began running the second I saw him get up from the couch and walking towards me. I was in the aisle that led to his bedroom when he pinned me against the wall and started tickling me.
–I'm sorry...I'm... sorry... please.... st... stop. –I said in between laughs and gasps for air. He kissed my cheek and stopped tickling me.
–I'm gonna go shower now.
–Okay, I'll start cooking.
–You are so pretty. And you look so good with my clothes on. –I blushed and he noticed.– I'll be with you in a couple minutes, okay?
He got in his room and I went to the kitchen and started preparing my abuela's famous enchiladas. I called my mom and put her on speaker while I cooked, I already knew she was going to be extremely mad at me.
–Dónde carajos estás, Y/n? (Where the hell are you?) –she asked.
–Ya sabes dónde estoy. (You know where I am) –I replied as calmed as I could while I turned the stove on.
–I get it, Y/n, you're mad at me but you don't have to go ahead and pull this type of things off just to get back at me. I was worried, your dad was worried, your grandparents were worried...
–You told my grandparents? –I asked. I didn't want my abuela to get worried.
–I was desperate and it slipped, now you're going to call her and tell her you're okay.
–I'm not done. You go and pull this nonsense off just to get back at me? I thought you were more mature than that. And dragging people into your lies? I talked to Zoe, she thought I knew about you staying with her. Did you really stay with her or are you staying with that man?
–Why do you suddenly care about who I'm with? Didn't you tell me to loosen up a little and flirt with boys?
–I didn't mean "go and run away with a guy who's twice your age". If you wanted to piss me off, congratulations, you made it.
–I didn't do this to piss you off, mamá. I like him, okay?
–I'm sure you do but does he? Don't be naive, Y/n, what does a guy twice your age wants with a twenty year old? Piensa (think)!
–Chris is not like that...
–I'm tired, just talk to your grandparents and let them know you're okay. And go back to school to Boston. Bye.
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