《exchange student (cevans)》seventeen
–Sorry Evans, we have to take her away from you but you'll see her later. –said Scarlett grabbing my shoulders and leading me towards her car.
–That's not fair! –he shouted.
–Life sometimes isn't fair. –replied Scarlett.
–I'm sorry, Chris. –I said lifting both my shoulders and hands.– She's taking me against my will... Well, not really because I take too long to get ready so this is convenient. –I laughed.
Chris and I were eating ice cream when Scarlett came out of nowhere to take me with her. She said Lizzie was waiting in the car and they were going to take me shopping and after that to the place where Scar was staying so we could get ready together.
I was a little bummed because I was having a great time with Chris but he reacted even worse than me. He looked like a little kid throwing a tantrum, I guess he really believed he would kiss me during the day since he didn't stop trying after the first time. With a little bit of drama, we managed to leave and get to Scarlett's car, where Lizzie said hi to me again with a lot of excitement.
-We're here.
–Yay! –said Lizzie.
We got out of the car and inside the shopping mall, they both wore sunglasses and caps, trying to avoid getting recognized. We began looking for some dresses to wear but I didn't want to buy anything because I knew my mom would notice I'm not in Boston when she gets my credit card bill saying I spent money on a store in Atlanta.
Lizzie and Scarlett didn't take long picking out their outfits, which made them eventually get obsessed over what I was going to wear, saying I should surprise Chris. They kept on forcing me to try a thousand dresses but I always said something that made it look like I didn't like whatever piece of clothing I tried on.
–Oh my God, this one's perfect.
–You look gorgeous, Y/n. –said Scarlett.
–I don't know guys, I mean it's cute but there's something about the... –I was running out of ideas of what to complain about.– color. I don't think it suits me.
–You've got to be kidding, this color totally matches your skin tone and your personality.
–I don't think it's the color, I can see you like it, Y/n. What's this really about? –asked Scarlett, not believing me at all. I sighed, knowing I had to tell them the truth.
–Okay, I'll tell you guys but promise you won't judge me or say a word about this to anyone else. I mean, Chris already knows but no one else can, least of all Zoe...
–Oh my God, what is it? –asked Lizzie.
We sat down and I told them I basically came here without my parents knowing, trying to avoid spilling the whole tea about the fight I had with my mom. I explained them I couldn't buy the dress because the moment my card slid through the terminal my mom would get an email notification showing her the store I was spending money at and she would realize that I'm in Atlanta.
They both hugged me, I could tell by the way they looked at me that they knew I was keeping stuff from them but still didn't pressure me to tell them everything. After our little moment, they offered to help me find an outfit within my clothes and asked if I could go get us something to drink while they payed their clothes.
I went to Starbucks and ordered their drinks as well as an iced latte for me. I took my glasses off since I wasn't with them anymore and it's not like I was going to get recognized... or so I thought because a few seconds later I saw a group of girls looking at me and whispering to one another. I gave them a smile, hoping they weren't judging me and that seemed to encourage one of them to approach me.
–Hi, you're Y/n González, right?
–Yes, how do you know? –I smiled.
–My friends and I follow you on Instagram, you're Salma Hayek's daughter.
–Oh... yup, that's me –I said giggling.– What's your name?
–Well, nice to meet you, Natalie.
–You too! Oh, God... –she said breathing heavily.– Would you mind taking a picture with us?
–Not at all. –I smiled, a little confused. This was totally new to me.
–Thanks! –she said excited.– Girls... –she turned to their friends and signaled them to come.
–Hey, girls. –I said.
–Oh my God, hi.
–Hey, Y/n!
Natalie asked a barista if he could take a picture of us and gave him her phone. They all stood right next to me and gave me a side hug. Then, the barista counted to three, snapped the picture and then gave the girl her phone back.
I talked to them until my order was ready, they mostly asked questions about the Avengers cast and eventually asked if Chris Evans and I were dating. I got a little bit nervous while answering the question and having to explain them we weren't was a little disappointing, not gonna lie.
Once the barista handed me the carton tray with my drinks I said goodbye to them and started walking back to the store where Scarlett and Lizzie were. I didn't have to go all the way there because I ran into them, they had the biggest grins plastered on their faces, I lifted a brow a little confused.
–Thanks for the drinks, Y/n. –said Scarlett.
–No probl... –Lizzie cut me off and handed me a bag.
–A little present from Scarlett and I!
–Oh my God, guys, you didn't...
Scarlett took the drinks so I could grab the bag, which I did hesitantly. When I tried the dresses on, I looked at the price tag and realized they weren't cheap at all so I felt a bit bad that they spent that amount of money on me.
–Liz, you should have kept the surprise a little bit longer.
–I'm sorry, it's just I really wanted to see her reaction, I saw how Y/n tried to hide her love for the dress...
–You shouldn't have bothered, guys... This is too much. Thank you...
–It's nothing, sweetie. We already love you a lot. –said Scarlett hugging me with a bit of trouble since she was now holding the drinks.
–Yes, you're the best! –she joined our hug.
–Ugh, I love you guys so much as well, thanks for making me feel special and part of the group.
We broke our hug and smiled at each other. I was truly grateful to have met them, not only did they just buy me a dress but ever since I met Evans they instantly acted like my friends and made sure I felt part of their group. We walked around the mall for a while before we went back to the parking lot to go to Scarlett's.
Once there, we ate, gossiped and began getting ready. Zoe told me she wouldn't be going to tonight's party because she promised her kids to take them to the movies with her husband so on her way to the cinema she dropped my make up and a few other things I needed to get ready at Scarlett's. We were having a lot of fun gossiping about different things while blasting some music and helping each other out with our outfits, hair and make up.
As time went by, I felt more and more nervous, not really knowing why. Elizabeth's chauffeur arrived to pick us up and we made our way to the nightclub where Robert's party was taking place. My phone started vibrating. I took it out and saw it was a text from Chris.
Hey beautiful, how's everything going?
Can't wait to see you. I can't believe the girls took you away from me ☹️.
Read 8:47 pm
heyyy, we're on our way to the club, are you there yet?
hahaha i know, but i'll see you in a few minutes :)
Read 8:48 pm
Yup, just got here.
I'll wait for you at the entrance.❤️
Read 8:48 pm
thank you❤️
Read 8:49 pm
–Who's got you smiling like that, girl? –asked Lizzie.
–Is that Chris? What is he saying?
–Nothing, look. –I gave them my phone and they started giggling like little girls.
–Oh my, he's so clingy. –said Scarlett laughing and handing me back my phone.
–Miss Elizabeth, we are here.
–Thank you so much, Josh.
They instantly handed me glasses and told me their plan to try and hide me from the paparazzi until we got inside the club. Lizzie was going to go out first, then me and then Scarlett, they would distract the paparazzi while I ran to the entrance to meet Chris trying to go unnoticed.
Once Lizzie got out, I counted to ten and then got out myself, wearing the sunglasses and covering my face with my hands. I walked up to the door, feeling a couple camera flashes follow me but they soon stopped, I guess they saw Scarlett...
–Name? –asked the security guard.
–Y/n Gonzalez. –he started looking for my name and before he even had time to find it, Chris appeared.
–She's with me.
–Right, Mr. Evans. –he let me in and Chris came up to me and put his hand on my lower back, gently helping me get in.
–You look gorgeous... like always.
–Thank you. –I smiled.– You don't look too bad yourself, you scrub up well, Evans. –I laughed, teasing him. He looked at me pretending to be offended, placing a hand on his chest and opening his mouth.– I'm kidding, I'm kidding. –I said hugging him.
–Ouch, that hurt, González. –he said before wrapping his arms around me.
–Come on, lovebirds, you have all night to flirt and be clingy. –said Mackie ruining our little moment. We broke our hug to say hi to him and Sebastian.
–Hey guys, Y/n you look great. –said Seb smiling at me and then hugging me.
–Thanks! You look good too. –I smiled breaking our hug.
–Hey hey, she's mine, Stan.
–I know man, I'm just saying hi to my friend. I was about to greet you. –he laughed hugging Chris.
–Come on guys, let's party! –said Mackie dragging us to where the rest of the cast was. Chris put his hand on my waist.
–You're cute when you're jealous. –I whispered in Chris' ear. He looked at me smiling and letting out a small laughter.
–Cute? Just cute? –he raised his brow.
–It was also kinda hot, –I put my hand on his chest.– but I don't want you to get any ideas.
–So hot, huh? –he smirked.
–I told you to not get any ideas. –I rolled my eyes playfully at how he didn't care about what I had just said.– You're not going to kiss me tonight. –I teased him.
–We'll see about that.
–We'll see.
We walked to a booth where Scarlett, Lizzie, Robert, Hemsworth and Renner were sitting with their respective wives. When we approached them, they began acting extremely weird, like the way people act when they're hiding something from you.
I asked them what was going on and they didn't want to tell us until I bribed Elizabeth, managing to get her to tell me what was going on. They all made a hundred dollars bet on whether Chris would kiss me tonight or not which only motivated me more to not let him kiss me, even if I was dying inside for him to do it...
–Now that I know what you guys are betting on, his chances of kissing me are lower. –I said smiling while pointing to Chris.
–Thanks, everyone. –we all laughed at his reaction to what I just said.
–Just for the record, who's on my team?
Elizabeth, Sebastian, Hemsworth and his wife, Robert's wife, and Scarlett raised their hands. I told them I would make them proud and told the rest to get ready to lose.
We all started to drink and talk about different things. After what seemed like an hour I went to where the DJ was with the girls and asked him to play some reggaetón because the girls wanted me to teach them how to dance like a "native latina". I wasn't the best dancer out there but I guess dancing is kinda in my veins, I could decently defend myself.
The girls and I went to the dance floor and we started dancing. After a couple hours, songs, talks and rounds of shots and drinks, I went to grab Chris' hand to drag him to the dance floor to dance with me, which surprisingly he didn't hesitate to do. I could tell everyone's eyes were on us, which was a little awkward but we managed to ignore them.
–You're a great dancer! –I shouted so she could hear me.
–Thank you! I do what I can! –she shouted back.
–I don't really know how to dance this type of music.
–This is a weird mix in between reggaetón and salsa, just sway your hips along with mine.
She took both my hands, turned around and placed them in between her hips and waist. My chest and her back were touching and occasionally, her butt brushed against my... private area.
I was trying so hard to control myself, I quickly glanced to the side and everyone was minding their own business, except for Anthony and Sebastian whose faces showed multiple emotions. They were amused and laughing, I could hear Mackie cheer all the way from here, which only made me flinch in embarrassment.
He was just being a boy but that type of behavior can be seen as disrespectful. I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable even though she didn't seemed to be, probably she hasn't noticed Mackie's gestures. She turned around and looked at me, smiling like she always did. I returned the smile and placed a strand of hair behind her ear, she looked stunning.
–Are you okay? –she said softly placing her hands on my cheeks.
–Yes, you?
–I'm more than okay, thanks for agreeing to come here with me tonight, I'm having fun. –she took my hand and started walking to an empty booth a bit far from the noise and from everyone.
–I'm glad to hear that, beautiful. How do you feel? You've been drinking a lot but don't look drunk. –I chuckled.
–Well, even though I don't drink that often, I learnt how to drink since really young. My grandpa and mom taught me. –she shook her head.– Not their best parenting moment. –I laughed.– I won't lie, I'm starting to feel a bit tipsy and uninhibited but I'm aware and conscious. –she blushed, a bit embarrassed.
–Yup, to be honest, I think I drank more alcohol when I was underage than now. –she chuckled and I did the same.– You haven't drank that much, have you?
–Nope, I plan on taking you to Zoe's tonight.
–Oh, responsible driver, I like that.
–Always. –we laughed and stayed silent for a while. A question kept popping in my mind and I decided to ask her.– Why won't you let me kiss you? –she sighed, moved closer to me and without looking at me, rested her head on my shoulder.
–I'd love for you to kiss me. –she said after a few seconds of silence. She sat straight and looked deep into my eyes, making my stomach flutter.
–Then why so much resistance? –I caressed her cheek and she closed her eyes when my hand touched her skin, subtly smiling.
–We are still getting to know each other in the dating type of way... –she opened her eyes and started playing with my hair.– And I don't usually go around kissing guys who aren't my boyfriend, I'm a bit old school when it comes to dating and all that jazz.
We stared at each other for what seemed like forever. I'm not complaining, I love getting to look at her and admire every single inch of beauty. She managed to make me nervous and act like a dumb teenager in my almost forty years of life. She hugged me tight and of course it didn't even take me a second to hug her back.
–You can still hug me, though. –she said playfully, making me scoff and shake my head smiling. She broke our embrace and whispered in my ear.– Plus I'm not going to lose that bet.
–Y/n come dance "Hips don't lie" with us! –Karen Gillan shouted while grabbing Y/n's wrist to take her with her to the dance floor.
–Woah, I never really knew that she could dance like this. –said Robert.
–She make a man wanna speak Spanish. –I said, amused by the way she moved her hips.
–Cómo se llama? –Mackie continued.
–Bonita. –Sebastian said.
–Mi casa. –Jeremy shouted and then Hemsworth followed him.
–Su casa.
Everyone was looking at me, cheering, shouting and dancing. I'm usually shy and self conscious about what I do but I guess alcohol was doing it's work taking the shame away from me. I couldn't stop laughing at the thought of how I looked attempting to dance like Shakira but apparently everyone liked it. When the song stopped the girls hugged me while laughing.
Time went by really fast. I needed this so much, it was helping me release the stress that I had been accumulating for the last few days. The rest of the night I kept either dancing with the girls and occasionally Chris or talking to him and the rest of the guys.
I was sitting in a couch with Chris while we talked to Robert and his wife. He had his arm around me and my head rested on his shoulder. The club wasn't as crowded as before since it was about one thirty in the morning and parties here don't last that long.
–Well, we're gonna get going. The Mrs. here is tired and we only paid the babysitter to stay until two am.
–Bye Robert.
–Bye Chris, –he said hugging him and then stood in front of me to hug me as well.– Y/n, thank you for coming. Susan and I adore you.
–Awww, thanks for inviting me. I adore you guys as well. –I said hugging them goodbye.
We sat down for a couple more minutes and talked about different things, some deep stuff and some superficial topics. We were hugging each other, enjoying the embrace until a somewhat squeaky voice interrupted us.
–Hey, Chris.
I broke our hug and looked at the blonde girl in front of us, who was wearing an extremely small dress. I swore that the slightest movement would let us see her boobs and panties. She sat down next to Chris and laid her hands on Chris' bicep. I felt uncomfortable and I could tell he was as well.
—You haven't called me in a while. And I couldn't spend time with you tonight... –she said leaning forward to clearly show her cleavage.
–Yeah, I know.
–Do you not need me anymore? I recall you asking me to... –Chris cut her off and I stood up.
–No, Stacy. I don't need you anymore and if you haven't noticed I'm here with my... with my date.
–I'm gonna go with the girls. –I said annoyed, rolling my eyes and started walking to where Elizabeth and Scarlett were.
Who the hell was Stacy? It was clear what type of relationship she and Chris had which made me feel disgusted and mad, also a bit heartbroken. I couldn't help but wonder if they... were together while he talked to me and when he started giving me signs of being interested in me.
–Are you okay, Y/n? –asked Scarlett grabbing my arms, concerned.
–Are you feeling good? Because you don't look good... –said Lizzie worried as well.
–Do you know who that girl is? –I asked them directly while pointing to Chris and the girl. Chris seemed angry.
–Oh my God.
–What is she doing here? –asked Lizzie.
–So you know her? –I asked harshly and they both sighed.
–She always comes to this types of parties, she's head over heals for Chris and they... –Scarlett started to say.
–Hooked up?
–Yeah... but that was a really long time ago, it's been a while since we last saw her. –Lizzie explained.
–They we're never serious. Oh, he's coming. –Scarlett said scratching the back of her neck and looking down.– You shouldn't worry, Y/n, trust me. We can talk later but I swear you have nothing to worry about, Chris is crazy for you.
–Y/n... –said Chris shyly, I didn't look at him.– should we get going?
–Yes. –I stood up, hugged the girls and without looking at Chris, I began walking to the exit.
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