《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》19


Namjoon reached the medical wing and looked around. It was quiet. The nurse was there, writing away at paper. She took a moment before noticing Namjoon quietly standing there. She gave him a small smile and asked why he was there. He responded, saying he was there to see Yoongi. She smiled at him, nodding.

Namjoon thought this was weird. She was usually much more strict, and with the announcement that had just played, she would've sent him straight to his dorm, right? And that wasn't the only thing. She looked... different. Way different than she had the previous day. He sighed, shrugging it off as nothing and made his way to Yoongi's private room.

He knocked on the door before entering. But, when he did enter, his heart dropped. Yoongi sat there, Hoseok sitting next to him. Their limbs were entangled together, and their lips were connected. Namjoon was quiet. His mind was foggy as he tried to process what he was seeing. And, his heart was shattering into millions of pieces. He couldn't stand to watch this. Seeing Yoongi and his enemy kissing each other.

A sob escaped his mouth, and the two stopped, looking at him. Hoseok was smirking and Yoongi was shooting him looks of disgust. Yoongi didn't have red eyes anymore, either, only dark brown. And his wing structure wasn't there either. Was he just... sick? Yoongi snapped, and before Namjoon knew it, Hoseok was on top of him, pointing his wand at his neck.

"Any sudden moves, and I'll kill you," Hoseok muttered into Namjoon's ear. Namjoon didn't speak, but his heart was pounding and he was afraid. Why? Why had it all changed so quickly? He was so confused.

Yoongi sat up in the bed, looking at Namjoon with eyes of disgusting and his nose twitching in hatred. "Why are you here? I thought you said you hated me? Huh? Namjoon?" Yoongi asked. Namjoon gulped, shaking his head.


"No, I-"

"You disgust me. First, you try to sexually assault me, and then you manipulate me into becoming your friend, and now you're here, for what reason? Filthy Crowseen, I wish I never came into contact with you," Yoongi complained and said harshly. Namjoon was taken aback. Tears brimmed his eyes, and he began to sob. He never did any of that. This must be some hellish nightmare. Yoongi and him were on good terms the other day. What did he do to deserve this?

Before he even knew it, he felt a sharp pain in his neck, and his breathing was cut off. Hoseok was killing him. He gasped for air, but it didn't help. He tried to push himself up, but with his oxygen cut off, he was weak. He couldn't move. His limbs were going limp and he felt his body shutting down. He smiled weekly and looked at Yoongi, using the last of his breath.

"I love you."

And then, his life was taken away from him. All of it was gone. He saw nothing on the other side. It was all so dark. Only nothingness. And to think he was just happy about being in the dark. He hated this. He tried to scream, but nothing came out. He was lost in nothing. There was nobody to help him here.

Not even his Yoongi that he knew. It was all gone. He began to cry quietly. Or, rather, silently. The only thing was his tears and gasps for air as he continued to cry and cry. He just wanted to be heard and saved. He didn't want to die. Not now, not ever. Never. And if he were to die, he'd just want to see his Yoongi one last time, to tell him how much he meant to him. To tell him that he loved him dearly and that he was so perfect.

But now, he couldn't.

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