《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》18


A week had passed since Yoongi's wing structure had came in, and rumors about it had spread ever since the night of the party when they heard his screams. Even some students had said whenever they went to the medical wing, they could hear groans and quiet sobs coming from a private room just a few meters away.

Namjoon was still feared by most of the whole student body, meanwhile Hoseok and Jeongguk were trying to figure out a way to see Yoongi. Hoseok, he was still sort of disgusted to find out that Yoongi, his friend, was a Raven and growing wings, but he did want to apologize. He wanted to change for the better and become friends again, but now that Yoongi had heard him say all those mean things, he didn't know if that would be possible.

Jeongguk, on the other hand, just wanted to see his friend again. He and Yoongi weren't on bad terms, right? He still should be able to see Yoongi again, right? He couldn't recall ever saying anything bad or discriminatory towards Ravens, had he? Besides, he thought it was really cool that Yoongi had wings and was a Raven. He always thought of Yoongi as an older brother, and he always looked up to him. He just wished he could've known what Yoongi was before all of this and what he was going through.

In the Commons, students sat around, eating lunch and talking to others. Hoseok, Jeongguk, and Taehyung sat at one table, far away from where Namjoon and Jimin were sitting at. The three of them were talking, occasionally glancing towards Namjoon. Namjoon just sat quietly at the table he was at, picking at his food. He missed Yoongi, since he had been forced back into his classes so he didn't fall behind. But, he didn't care about his classes, all he cared about was Yoongi and his well-being.


"Why does Namjoon look so mopey? Isn't he supposed to be scary?" Taehyung asked curiously. Hoseok and Jeongguk shrugged.

"I don't know, maybe he's just tired or something..." Jeongguk trailed off, looking back towards the table where the Crowseen sat at. Hoseok huffed, crossing his arms and pouting.

"I don't understand why he's so sad! Imagine what we're going through right now! He gets to see Yoongi and we don't!" Hoseok complained. The other two froze at the name of the Raven but nodded slowly. They missed Yoongi, and hadn't seen him in almost a full month now. But, Namjoon and Jimin had been able to see him whenever they pleased to.

"Maybe you should try texting Yoongi? Or maybe tell Jimin to talk to Yoongi? Jimin's nice, you know, he might help you," Taehyung suggested. Jeongguk nodded. Though he didn't know Jimin that well, he knew the boy was really nice. He even wondered why Jimin was even in Crowseen from time to time. How could an angel like him be in such a dark and scary house? Hoseok rolled his eyes, declining that he'd receive help from anyone but the two of them.


"They're talking about you, Namjoon," Jimin mumbled, shrugging towards the table of Yoongi's friends. Namjoon looked back at them with slanted eyes, before sighing and turning back to his plate of food.

"They can talk about me all I want, I don't care, unless if they say something bad about Yoongi, you, or I, I really don't care," Namjoon said. Jimin had noticed that his friend had became more lenient and carefree of things going on around him. Jimin gave him an encouraging smile before taking food off his plate and putting it on Namjoon's. "Here, you need to eat more. You've barely ate these past few days."


Namjoon let out a groan, sticking out his lower lip at Jimin. "It's not my fault I'm separated from Yoongi."

Jimin let out a bubbly laugh, his eyes forming into crescents. "Yeah yeah, sure it isn't. Go on, eat." He ushered his friend to eat the food he gave him. Namjoon was hesitant, but ate slowly. Jimin and him talked for a few more minutes before the bell rang, indicating the next classes for everyone. They threw away their plates and left for their next classes. Sadly, the two were in different years, so they couldn't be in the same classes.

Namjoon entered his class and looked around. There were students sitting around each other, talking to each other and smiling. He wished he could've been with Yoongi right now instead of in some stupid classroom with people who were annoying. Yoongi wasn't annoying. Yoongi was kind and understanding and didn't want anything from Namjoon. Yoongi was a perfect person in Namjoon's eyes.

He sighed to himself, trudging his way to his desk which was towards the back of the room. It was dark in the back of the room, but it wasn't like he minded. He actually loved the dark. The dark was peaceful and scary to others, which made him laugh when someone jumped when he scared them in the dark. Mainly lower years who are out past curfews. He always has fun with that.

Class starts once the teacher walks in, and the students in the room quiet down. This was a more advanced class, and Namjoon was in it. Of course he was. He was, apart from being really mean, was extremely smart. That's why he was able to conduct tests on Yoongi correctly. Students, though, around him were whispering about him and Yoongi. Namjoon felt his blood boil, but since he was in class, he couldn't do a thing about it.

His class seemed to go by slowly than his previous classes, which he hated. He had one more class after this, and then he could go and see Yoongi after being out all day. He didn't want to attend the next class, though, like many other students, but if he was caught skipping, he knew he wouldn't be able to see Yoongi until the next day. These thoughts weighed on him heavily, and because of how much thinking he was doing, his current class was the least of his worries.

All of the sudden, the bell rang earlier than usual. Students were confused, but the speaker came on and the headmaster spoke.

"Students, please head to your dorms for the rest of the day. Classes are cancelled for the rest of today and tomorrow. Rest well."

The speaker cut off. Students looked at each other, wary of what was going on. There must've been something going on, right? Why would they suddenly be sent back to their dorms? Nobody knew why, and questions spiraled around in their head, but they obliged and went back to their dorms. Namjoon, though, went the opposite way of the dorms

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