《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》17


It was Tuesday, the night before the Halloween Party and the same day Yoongi's wings are expected to come in. Yoongi was in unbelievable pain, and he had nobody there to help him. He was alone that whole day- nobody had came to visit. Namjoon and Jimin weren't allowed to come and visit him after that Friday. Headmaster Sol had found out about it and scolded the three- but they didn't care. They had fun. That was all that had mattered.

Yoongi flipped around in the bed, trying to relax and get comfortable. He couldn't, though. No matter how many times he flipped or squirmed, it never worked. He just wanted to at least sleep for half an hour, that's all. But, of course, he wouldn't be able to do that. It was impossible at this point- the pain increased by the minute. He couldn't focus one bit apart from the pain in his back- and that was taking it's toll. He sighed, and continued to flip and squirm around during the night.


The following morning, students were buzzing with excitement except for a select few. One of those students being Namjoon. He was worrying for Yoongi- he had no idea when the wings were gonna come in. He wanted to go and visit the boy, he really did, but he wasn't allowed. He sat at his table, looking down uneasily at his food. Jimin was sat down next to him, communicating to his fellow classmates. Laughter, disagreements, everyone was having them.

"Namjoon? Hey, are you okay?"

Namjoon looked up and towards the voice. Jimin was looking at him with worry and something that seemed like curiosity. Namjoon shrugged, looking away from Jimin and towards his food. He felt real nervous.

"...Yoongi is supposed to grow in his wings today, and I don't know when."

"...Well that's not that bad... right? Can't we go and see him after they grow?" Jimin asked, not fully understanding the situation. Namjoon sent a harsh glare towards him.

"No, Jimin! It's bad, he's gonna feel a lot of pain for at least a week and Headmaster Sol may not even let us see him during then!"

Jimin looked away, embarrassed. Namjoon sighed, looking back towards his plate of food before beginning to eat. Students around them chattered along during breakfast. Of course, many of them spared glances towards Namjoon, feeling his negative energy spread around like a wildfire. Nobody dared to go near him during the day.

As the day went on, Namjoon became more and more nervous. He never knew what was going to happen, and he spent most of his time in his room, anticipating the worse. He didn't get an ounce of rest throughout the day and was kept worrying the whole time. He tried to take his focus off of Yoongi, he really tried, but the boy lingered in his mind the whole day.


Dinner came around, a few hours before the coming party, and Namjoon was tense. Everyone around him could tell, and it was awkwardly silent around him. He was impatient, worried, threatening. He knew that if anyone were to hurt Yoongi during this, he'd hurt them. Ooh he'd hurt them. He wouldn't take anything from anyone.

Someone at his table spoke. "So.. uh, Namjoon... how's Yoongi doing..?"

Namjoon stopped eating, looking back up at them with a harsh stare. They smiled nervously, diverting eye contact. Namjoon hummed.

"I don't think that's any of your business, is it now?"

Another student spoke. "Oh my gosh, man, we're all curious! Why don't you tell us something? We are friends, aren't we?"

"I wouldn't consider any of you, apart from Jimin, a friend," Namjoon spat. They stared at Namjoon, wide-eyed. Another student began to speak.

"Namjoon... after all of these years-" He was cut off quickly.

Namjoon sent a harsh glare. "Do you think I care about how many years we've spent together? News flash, I don't! Now stop pestering me, goodness."

Everyone was quiet at the table again, too nervous to speak. Students from nearby tables were whispering to their friends, and it wasn't long until Namjoon's words spread around the Commons like a wildfire. Jimin wasn't there at the moment, he said he was busy with work that had overflowed, but he promised to be there soon. Namjoon could pray enough that Jimin would get there quicker.

Namjoon looked towards the entrance of the Commons with slanted eyes, looking for any sign of Jimin's arrival. Minutes ticked by, and he never came. Eventually, dinner had ended and everyone left to go get ready for the party. Namjoon watched as everyone headed out, smiling and talking to their peers. After everyone cleared out, he left and made his way to the medical wing.

Before he could even get to the entrance of the Commons, a horrible, loud and middle-pitched scream sounded throughout the building. Students around him stopped, looking around in confusion and fear. Namjoon, though, knew exactly where that came from. His feet then began to carry him quickly down the halls. As he sprint, he pushed students out of the way, confusing them and making them mad. He could care less, though.

He bursted through the doors of the medical wing and went straight to Yoongi's room. Before he could enter, though, he was stopped by two other Ravens and the headmaster. One of the Ravens held him back as he resisted. These two didn't have wings. They weren't special. They weren't like Yoongi.


"Namjoon... please leave," Headmaster Sol asked sincerely. Namjoon glared at him.

"Yoongi is in pain!"

"Seokjin is in there right now helping his structure come in, please calm down."

"I want to be with him right now!" Namjoon demanded. Another scream came from inside the room. Namjoon continued to resist against the Raven holding him. The headmaster sighed, looking away.

"You know I can't allow that-"

"DO YOU THINK I'M GOING TO HURT HIM?!" Namjoon shouted. He was loud and clear. Very loud. The headmaster looked at him in shock. He never expected one of his best students to lash out at him. The other Raven glared at Namjoon before speaking.

"You should listen to your superior and headmaster," They stated before mumbling. "Filthy Crowseen..."

Namjoon pulled out of the Raven's grasp and tackled the other Raven, holding him by his neck. "What did you just say?"

Headmaster Sol pulled Namjoon off of the Raven and held him close, trying to restrain him. Namjoon was sending glares and cursing at the Raven, to which they just adverted his eyes and looked away, most likely regretful of what they said. Namjoon continued to let out strings of profanities and curses before the door to Yoongi's room opened, revealing Seokjin.

"Yoongi's requested for Namjoon to come in while his structure comes in," Seokjin simply stated before looking at Namjoon who was still being held back. The headmaster sighed, letting Namjoon go inside the room. Inside, he saw Yoongi, panting on the bed with his eyes shut closed. His shirt was off and his hair was a complete mess. Namjoon rushed over to engulf Yoongi into a soft hug. He heard Seokjin and the three other adults talking outside the room, but that was not his worry at the moment.

"Yoongi, oh my gosh you're doing so well. How are you feeling?" Namjoon said softly. He never got a response from Yoongi, but he knew that Yoongi knew he was there. He held the boy close, not letting him go. Though, it did feel weird feeling the boy's bones poke out through his wings and feel the bones under his skin move around. He didn't mind, though, it was a process.

Seokjin walked back in, a small smile on his face. "It's nice to meet you again, Namjoon." Namjoon looked back up at him, glaring.

"If Yoongi gets hurt I will not forgive you," he seethed. Seokjin just laughed, smiling widely at Namjoon.

"I know that, Namjoon. You're very protective over Yoongi, I can see that." Seokjin moved towards Yoongi before sitting down on the ledge and taking Yoongi away from Namjoon. Namjoon hated this. He hated not being able to help.

"What are you going to do to him?" Namjoon asked, raising an eyebrow. Seokjin smiled towards him before throwing the smile away and becoming serious.

"In order for him to have his bone structure for his wings come out, I need to move his back around. Like a massage, you know?" Seokjin asked. Namjoon nodded and began to watch Seokjin. He saw a faint, dark purple glow emit from Seokjin's hands and into Yoongi's back, and he panicked. "What's that?"

"It relieves Yoongi and numbs everything around the bone structure, then he can relax and let the bones come through. Sure, it'll still be painful, but it won't hurt as much as it would be without it," Seokjin explained. Namjoon let his eyes linger on Yoongi's back for a few more seconds before looking towards Yoongi's face. His eyes were still shut closed, but it seemed that he had calmed down.

Seokjin continued to massage Yoongi's back, but it had also seemed like he was forcing the bones up. Slowly, the structure was coming out of Yoongi's angel wing area. Yoongi groaned in pain, and Namjoon began to worry again.

This continued for the remainder of the night. The full structure finally came in and was out of Yoongi's back around two in the morning. Seokjin was exhausted. Yoongi could barely stay awake, but Namjoon just sat there, looking at Yoongi to make sure he'd be okay. Sure, he had looked at the build and structure of the wings, and he was in awe. He was absolutely excited to see the feathers grow on, but for now, that didn't matter.

The only thing that mattered right now was Yoongi's well-being. He didn't care if he had to stay up nights in a row and if he had to skip class, he would be there for Yoongi no matter what.

He had promised himself to always be there for him.

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