《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》16


It was Friday, and preparations for the Halloween Party had begun. Students were busy decorating while others were practicing for the big game to take place on Wednesday. There was a clear excitement buzzing among everyone. Just like last year and the year before. They were ready to have fun.

Namjoon was seen walking through the hall. He wore a pair of black-rimmed spectacles with a black and orange sweater and black pants. Students knew not to mess with him ever since that Tuesday, and the only people who had have contact with him were Jimin and Yoongi. Nobody else. If anyone had dared speak to him, they'd be pushed away and ignored. That's what he wanted it to be like. Like normal.

He was making his way to the medical wing, holding a small bouquet of flowers. He was visiting Yoongi for the third time this week. With the boy constantly in pain, he was worried. He was worried for Yoongi. He just wanted the boy to stay safe. Any thoughts of testing him had exited his mind. Yoongi's security and happiness was his top priority. He saw the entrance to the medical wing come into view, and his pace quickened. Students moved out of his way, afraid.

He opened the door and entered, looking around for the nurse to alert her of his presence. He looked around for a few seconds before spotting her, where she was tending to another student.

"Hey, Ms. Yura, I'm here to visit Yoongi-"

"You don't need to tell me, Namjoon, just be careful around him," the nurse called out. Namjoon looked away, nodding. He then made his way towards where Yoongi was staying- still in the private area of the medical wing. He found the room and smiled when he saw Yoongi laying down in bed, watching something on his phone. He entered in quietly, waiting for Yoongi to notice him. He never did, though, and was too captivated watching what was on his screen. At least it was something to distract him from the pain in his back.

He looked away and turned towards the vase in the room. No flowers filled it yet, so he decided he'd take his bouquet and put the flowers in there. Slowly, he made his way over to the vase and set the flowers in there. He finished and looked at Yoongi again.



A low, audible groan was emitted from Yoongi as he turned around to look at Namjoon. His eyes were a brighter red than from what he remembered. Yoongi looked dreadful, and Namjoon felt a little bit bad.

"Hey, how are you feeling..?" Namjoon asked as he took a seat on the bed. Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"I'm in pain, how do you think I feel?"

"Wow okay, I don't need that attitude from you," Namjoon joked playfully.

"Shut up... so what's going on in the outside world?" Yoongi asked. By outside world, he meant the school. Namjoon laughed.

"Everyone is setting up for the Halloween party," Namjoon said, disregarding the fact that students were also talking about Yoongi and him being a Raven. Of course, when Namjoon had passed students in the hall, any talk of Yoongi hushed or switched to a different topic. Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"Is that all?"

"Yeah, sorry it's all not exciting." Namjoon stared at Yoongi, who had just closed his eyes, taking everything in. It was quiet, but it was disrupted by yelling outside the room. A male and female voice. Yoongi shot his eyes open, tensing up and looking straight at the door. Namjoon tensed as well and had whipped his wand out, pointing it towards the door. It was only moments before the door slammed open and in came a student. It was all in a blur, but Yoongi could clearly hear Namjoon shout a spell and capture the student in place.


"What the hell are you doing here? Yoongi isn't accepting any visitors!" Namjoon barked at the student. It took awhile for Yoongi to get a good look at them, but he recognized it as Hoseok. He looked away before closing his eyes. Namjoon would take care of this. Hoseok glared at Namjoon.


"Mr. Jung! What the heck are you doing violating the rules that have been set? You will serve one night of detention!" The nurse said as she walked in. Hoseok looked back at her.

"But Namjoon-"

"Namjoon has an exception on behalf of Yoongi here, now, come on."

Yoongi took a final glance as Hoseok was taken out of the spell and led out of the room. He relaxed as looked at Namjoon. "Thanks."


Namjoon looked back at Yoongi and gave a faint smile. He nodded and took a few steps over so he could sit on the ledge of the bed. They were silent for a few minutes, the atmosphere still awkward. They didn't really know what to say- no topic came to mind. Sure, there was something they wanted to talk about, but they were both too scared or not ready to talk about it yet.

The door to the room opened and in came another student. Namjoon looked at them before greeting them.

"Hey, Jimin."

Jimin smiled faintly before looking at Yoongi. "How're you doing, Yoongi?"

"I wanna die."

The two students laughed and Yoongi shot them glares. Namjoon spoke. "That's Yoongi for ya."

"Namjoon I will strangle you."

"Try me baby, you can't even move," Namjoon said smugly. Yoongi glared at him, his face turning red in the moment. Jimin chuckled lightly.

Yoongi had given only Namjoon and Jimin access to come to his room. But why? Namjoon was the only one who had known this whole time, and Jimin was beginning to grow onto him as a kind friend. Despite the two being from Crowseen, they were still very kind and enjoyable. Plus, Yoongi was beginning to feel a little something towards Namjoon.

"I wanna leave... Sneak me out, Namjoon," Yoongi said, beginning to sit up. Namjoon looked at him wide-eyed. He let out a nervous chuckle why Jimin just stared, bewildered.

"You know we can't do that- I'd get in trouble!"

"Since when have you cared about getting in trouble, Namjoon?" Yoongi remarked. Jimin laughed, looking at Namjoon. Yoongi was right. Namjoon never cared until he had met Yoongi. That boy had changed him for the better, and he was starting to lose his hard exterior- apart from when anyone talked about Yoongi. Namjoon sighed, rolling his eyes.

"You're right. I don't. What about the school, though?" Namjoon asked. Yoongi scoffed.

"I don't care. You taught me not to care about what others think, just make sure to not drop me," Yoongi said with a warm smile. Namjoon chuckled before looking at Jimin.

"You wanna help protect him if anyone comes up?"

"Sure, I'll do that."


In a matter of minutes, the three busted out of the private room and down the medical wing. They knew the nurse would be by the front, but they were too busy having fun. This would be the last time, though. Yoongi was to grow his wings in five days, and it wouldn't be the same. Namjoon ran down with Jimin following him and Yoongi on his back, holding on tightly. The nurse spared them a glance, looked down, then looked back up at them.


The doors in front of them bursted open with the help of Jimin's magic and they left. The nurse was distressed- she didn't expect anything to happen like that. Of course, they were boys. She understood why, and so she trusted the two to protect Yoongi. She wouldn't let this slide too far though, but only for a little while. Yoongi deserved at least one last time in the school without his wings.

Namjoon sprinted down the halls, carrying Yoongi on his back. Yoongi was smiling, eyes halfway closed as he smiled. He was happy and enjoying this. That pain in his back seemed to have disappeared. He wasn't focused on it at the moment. Jimin smiled at the two and followed behind. Students they passed watched in bewilderment and confusion. What was going on?

"Yah, Yoongi, where do you wanna go?"

"Hmm... my dorm. I wanna see Suga."

"Your cat? Alright. Jimin has been taking care of him, by the way."

Yoongi chuckled. "It's a girl, dummy," Yoongi said, slapping Namjoon upside the head. Jimin laughed and Namjoon scowled. They ran through the halls, not caring about the other students. They were actually genuinely enjoying this. No problems, nothing. Just the three of them, being boys and doing whatever they want.

They wished it could stay like this forever.

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